University of Cambridge > > MRC LMB Seminar Series > Mapping metazoan gene regulatory networks to understand transcription factor function in health and disease

Mapping metazoan gene regulatory networks to understand transcription factor function in health and disease

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Differential gene expression is central to most fundamental biological processes, but little is still known about the composition and dynamic properties of the corresponding gene regulatory networks (GRNs) that control the expression of these genes. This is because we have yet much to learn about the role of the majority of metazoan transcription factors, which are the core members of these regulatory networks. The latter site-specific DNA binding proteins function by integrating extra and intracellular cues through protein-protein or protein-ligand interactions and translating these cues into gene expression output by binding to gene regulatory elements. Thus, to generate comprehensive GRN models, we aim to map all regulatory TF-DNA and higher-order TF-protein interactions and elucidate their respective dynamic properties. Here, I will present the latest efforts of our lab to develop and apply novel resources and both experimental and bioinformatic tools to achieve a quantitative understanding of the regulatory mechanisms that control metazoan gene expression.

This talk is part of the MRC LMB Seminar Series series.

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