University of Cambridge > > Churchill CompSci Talks > Maze Generation and Solving Algorithms

Maze Generation and Solving Algorithms

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Matthew Ireland.

The talk will consist of talking about different methods for mainly 2D maze generation and solving algorithms. We will discuss the difference of space, time complexity, possible implementation difficulties arising in each algorithm and results (the algorithm finding any path or the shortest path). We will also briefly touch upon which of the algorithms are human usable. The algorithms mentioned will include dead-end filling, A* algorithm, etc for maze generating algorithms and Kruskal, Hunt-and-Kill, Sidewinder, etc for maze solving algorithms. In addition, we will see what changes can be made in order to have a more attractive maze for the human eye. Lastly, we will look how with the help of matrices it is possible to expand these algorithms into higher dimensions (3D or higher).

This talk is part of the Churchill CompSci Talks series.

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