University of Cambridge > > Cambridge University Physics Society > Prof. Tim Palmer - Climate Change in a Chaotic World. How certain can we be?

Prof. Tim Palmer - Climate Change in a Chaotic World. How certain can we be?

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My talk revolves around a number of key questions I am often asked in relation to predicting climate change: What is the difference between weather prediction and climate prediction? If weather forecasts go wrong a few days into the future, can we have confidence in climate predictions a century into the future? What are the key uncertainties in predicting climate? What impact do these uncertainties have on estimates of future climate? How can we possibly commit to long-term policies for reducing emissions if climate forecasts are fundamentally uncertain?

The talk is free for CUPS members, £2 for non-members, and will be followed by a wine reception.

This talk is part of the Cambridge University Physics Society series.

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