University of Cambridge > > WORLDVIEWS: Latin American Art and the Decolonial Turn > Political Bodies, Gender and Race

Political Bodies, Gender and Race

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Dr Sofia Gotti .

Conference: WORLDVIEWS : Latin American Art and the Decolonial Turn

Join us for this live session of the conference which brings together contributions from scholars, curators and artists to discuss how decoloniality acts as a frame of reference in the study of Latin American Art.

Session Abstract: Political Bodies, Gender and Race. The Political Body is a broad notion that has come to characterise the artistic production of many artists in Latin America since the 1960s. Often linked to performance, public actions and photography, but also to conceptual art and other more traditional media, the political use of the body, or its centrality, has emerged in response to conditions of oppression – for reasons linked to state violence, race, gender or class. Over the past ten years, exhibitions branded as agitprop, feminist or queer, have engaged with the political body as a trope of radical art that is set in conjunction with the project of decolonisation. This section proposes to deconstruct the kinds of political engagement engendered by the use of the body.

Chair: Cecilia Fajardo-Hill (art historian and curator) Keynote: Lilia K. Moritz Schwarcz ( University of São Paulo, Princeton) Speakers: Sebastián Eduardo Dávila (Lüneburg University); Gabriela Germana (University of South Florida); Dora Longo Bahia (artist); Miguel A. López (writer, researcher, and curator); Guillerme Marcondes (State University of Ceará); Cecilia Vicuña (artist).

For more information and to register for the live sessions, please visit: To register please visit:

Please note all contributions to the conference are available to view freely online, apart from keynote addresses and roundtable discussions that will be held live.

Worldviews is convened by Dr Sofia Gotti (The University of Cambridge) and Dr Michael Asbury (UAL). It is supported by the Leverhulme Trust, The Centre for Visual Culture at the University of Cambridge and the Centre for Transnational Art, Identity, Nation and University of the Arts London.

This talk is part of the WORLDVIEWS: Latin American Art and the Decolonial Turn series.

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