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Physics of Living Matter 4 (day2)

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Duncan Simpson.

Wednesday 23rd Sept Session 2. Dynamical assemblies of living matter Chair: David Klenerman

9. 00 Karen Lipkow (Systems Biology, Cambridge) Integrating cellular architecture and signalling

9.30 Darren Gilmour (EMBL, Heidelberg) Shaping organs through antagonistic mechanical interactions

10.00 Thomas Gregor (Department of Physics, Princeton) Transition to collective behaviour in eukaryotic cell populations

10.30 Coffee

Chair: Pietro Cicuta

11.00 Ewa Paluch (MPI-CBG, Dresden) Mechanics and regulation of the actin cortex: insights into how cells control their shape

11.30 Daniel St Johnston (Gurdon Institute, Cambridge) Dynamics of mRNA localisation in the Drosophila oocyte

12.00 Masanori Mishima (Gurdon Institute, Cambridge) How does clustering of motor proteins contribute to cell division?

12.30 Ben Fabry (Biophysics, Erlangen) Biomechanics of cancer cell invasion

1300 – LUNCH

Session 3 Organisation & function of biological networks Chair: Steve Oliver

14.30 – Glenn Vinnicombe (Department of Engineering, Cambridge) Noise reduction and information transfer in cells

1500 – Microsoft Research Lecture: Hamid Bolouri (Systems Biology, Caltech) Prediction of developmental transcriptional regulatory networks from epigenetic data

1530 Bragg Lecture: Uri Alon (Weizmann Institute, Israel) Design Principles of Biological Circuits

16:30 Close and Coffee

This talk is part of the Physics of Living Matter PLM6 series.

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