Professor Ananda Chakrabarty on 'Bioengineering Bugs'
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Prof Chakrabarty patented an oil-digesting bacterium
that has helped clear up toxic oil spills such as the major one caused by the Exxon Valdez, considered one of the most devastating human-caused environmental disasters ever to occur at sea. But he is aware of the controversial nature of some IP laws.
Professor Chakrabarty’s talk will discuss how patents affect our society, both culturally and economically, and if there is something we can learn from the differences in the EU patent laws and those in the United States, that basically make patent-eligible ‘anything under the sun that is made by man’. He will also tell the meeting about his own ongoing
research into the development of anti-cancer multi-disease-targeting drugs from pathogenic bacteria.
This talk is part of the Cambridge Network events series.
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