University of Cambridge > > Cambridge Screen Media Group > Putting Machinima in (or out of) Cinema: A Roundtable on Films made in Virtual Worlds

Putting Machinima in (or out of) Cinema: A Roundtable on Films made in Virtual Worlds

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Hannah Mowat.

The Cambridge Screen Media Group at CRASSH presents:

A special roundtable on machinima: films made in virtual worlds…


Jenna Ng (facilitator), Newton Trust/Leverhulme Early Career, CRASSH ) University of Cambridge

William Brown, Lecturer in Film at the University of Roehampton, London

Sarah Higley, Professor of English at the University of Rochester, NY


Lev Manovich, Professor in the Visual Arts Department, University of California – San Diego (via Skype)

Starting at 5 for 5.15 at CRASSH and followed by a Q&A.

All warmly welcome, no need to register to attend.

This talk is part of the Cambridge Screen Media Group series.

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