University of Cambridge > > Office of Scholarly Communication > Post-Publication Sharing: Publishing your Research Effectively (For PhD Students in Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences)

Post-Publication Sharing: Publishing your Research Effectively (For PhD Students in Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences)

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Irena Rao.

You’ve published your research…now what should you do with it?

This session explores the whys and hows of sharing research – the options, the benefits and the logistics:

  • Scholarly best practice for sharing research
  • Opportunities for sharing offered by social media
  • Benefits that sharing your research brings you and the wider community
  • What your funder expects you to share.
  • How to use the University repository, Apollo, to share your research and also access that of others
  • Ways to find out who has been sharing, using and citing your published research

Open to PhD students in HASS subjects.

To book a place, please sign up via UTBS .

The Office of Scholarly Communication is offering an Easter Term programme of training workshops for PhD students in Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences (HASS). Sign up now to explore the whys and hows of open research, learn essential tips for managing your data, and discover more ways to publish your research and gain citations.

Please note that you will need to register for each workshop individually.

This talk is part of the Office of Scholarly Communication series.

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