Personalised Recommendations in E-Commerce
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“Personalisation is a typical Big Data problem. However, the ability to leverage data to produce suggestions that will be both relevant and interesting is a difficult task. This presentation looks at some of the algorithms we use for making good product recommendations in the e-commerce industry.
The Hut Group aims to be the World ’s leading Online Health & Beauty Destination. We are currently the UK ’s leading multi-website online retailer with rapidly growing international operations and a unique proprietary technology platform supporting our websites including market leaders, and
Finally, the presentation will end with an announcement of The Hut Group Recommendation Challenge, a machine learning challenge with a £5000 prize up for grabs.”
Admission free to CUCaTS members, £2 otherwise. Membership may also be bought at the door. As usual refreshments will be served 15 minutes before the start of the talk.
This talk is part of the Cambridge University Computing and Technology Society (CUCaTS) series.
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