Particle Hunting at CERN
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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Kerstin Enright.
Open to the general public - suggested age range 16+
This lecture will introduce the largest and most complex dedicated experiment on earth. The Large Hadron Collider at CERN (the European centre for particle physics) is just starting up after 30 years of planning and construction. From the collisions of protons, striking each other at almost the speed of light, weird, hitherto undetected, particles can be produced. There are theoretical hopes that the Higgs particle, dark matter particles and even (as an outside possibility) extra dimensions, could be detected by analysing the spray of particles coming from the collisions. This lecture will give a flavour of what these exotic particles do, and how they might be detected.
This talk is part of the MMP public and schools' events series.
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