University of Cambridge > > Pedagogy, Language, Arts & Culture in Education (PLACE) Group Seminars > Participatory Creativity in Education: unpacking and problematising the whole process

Participatory Creativity in Education: unpacking and problematising the whole process

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Lucian Stephenson.

The beginning of the 21st century heralded a new understanding of musical creativities as a kind of social practice that can take different forms. It could be considered to be a revolutionary social priority and, similarly, a transformational vehicle in education through participatory approaches to research and learning. It has strong implications for schools, in terms of the role of education as a social practice in the search for meaningful cross-curricular contemporary artistic experiences. An analysis of five learning-based projects will be presented, focused on the creation of music inspired by visual aids. It is based on a collaborative action research study conducted, lasting from 2008 to 2013 at three secondary schools in the Madrid region (Spain). As a corollary, a participatory creativity model for Secondary Education will be discussed.

Dr. Carlos Lage Gómez is Associate lecturer at Complutense University of Madrid and a secondary school music teacher. He has been a tutor and teacher on the Exceptionally Gifted Students Programme in Madrid. His areas of expertise include Collaborative Action Research and interdisciplinary approaches in arts education at secondary school. He has presented papers and posters at national and international conferences.

This talk is part of the Pedagogy, Language, Arts & Culture in Education (PLACE) Group Seminars series.

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