Physical properties of the double Kerr solution
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If you have a question about this talk, please contact David Seery.
I will describe how a solution of the four dimensional vacuum Einstein equations describing two Kerr black holes held in equilibrium by a strut, called the double Kerr solution, is generated. For this purpose I will review briefly Weyl solutions and the inverse scattering technique. I will then describe some physical properties of two special cases of the solution, dubbed counter-rotating and co-rotating case, namely:
(1) Force and “torque” balance; (2) Mutual rotational dragging: angular velocities and extremality condition; (3) Ergoregions; (4) Horizon geometry; and (5) Thermodynamical properties (co-rotating case).
I will close with some remarks about equilibrium of vacuum black holes in higher dimensions.
This talk is part of the DAMTP Friday GR Seminar series.
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