Progress and Science with the Magdalena Ridge Observatory Interferometer
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If you have a question about this talk, please contact David Titterington.
The Magdalena Ridge Observatory Interferometer (MROI) is the most
ambitious optical interferometer project in the world today. First
funded in 2000, the project has gained significant momentum in the
last few years and is anticipating first light and first fringes in
during the next few. We have recently completed the first telescope,
and installed several telescope pads outside and the first vacuum
delay pipe inside the beam combining facilities. Delivery and
initial operation of telescope one and the first delay line trolley is
scheduled for later this year. When completed, MROI will include 10
movable telescopes operating over 7.5 to 340m baselines and wavelengths
(0.6-2.4 microns) that will allow astronomers to produce sub-milliarcsecond
images of a large variety of astrophysical targets. I will present
our overall completed design and recent progress, our timeline to first
light and first fringes, and the significant technical and scientific
milestones anticipated over the next few years as we enter the
commissioning phase.
This talk is part of the Cavendish Astrophysics Seminars series.
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