University of Cambridge > > Cambridge University Astronomical Society (CUAS) > Planets, comets, dust.. or aliens… around KIC8462852

Planets, comets, dust.. or aliens… around KIC8462852

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Andrew Sellek.

The star KIC8462852 captured the public’s imagination just over a year ago when it was reported in the media that the star may be harbouring an alien mega-structure. This claim was based on one interpretation of the bizarre light-curve of the star, which showed that the star’s brightness dims significantly and erratically on timescales of days. There has been much effort since this discovery to characterise the behaviour of the star, and to understand what astrophysical phenomenon we are witnessing. This talk will consider the evidence, which points (for now) to a family of exocomets orbiting the star.

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This talk is part of the Cambridge University Astronomical Society (CUAS) series.

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