Talks starting with C
- C Dots: Highly Fluorescent Silica Nanoparticles for Materials and Life Sciences Applications
- C P Snow's Two Cultures Revisited
- C++ (part 1 of 4)
- C++ (part 1 of 4)
- C++ (part 1 of 4)
- C++ (part 1)
- C++ (part 1)
- C++ (part 1)
- C++ (part 1)
- C++ (part 1)
- C++ (part 1) - Introduction.
- C++ (part 2 of 4)
- C++ (part 2 of 4)
- C++ (part 2 of 4)
- C++ (part 2)
- C++ (part 2)
- C++ (part 2)
- C++ (part 2) - Object-oriented C++
- C++ (part 2) Classes
- C++ (part 3 of 4)
- C++ (part 3 of 4)
- C++ (part 3 of 4)
- C++ (part 3)
- C++ (part 3)
- C++ (part 3)
- C++ (part 3) - All the rest!
- C++ (part 3) Standard Library
- C++ (part 3) Standard Library
- C++ (part 4 of 4)
- C++ (part 4 of 4)
- C++ (part 4 of 4)
- C++ (part 4)
- C++ (part 4)
- C++ (part 4)
- C++ (part 4) I/O, Maths
- C++ and overloading
- C++ and overloading
- C++ and the Standard Library
- C++ and the Standard Library
- C++ and the Standard Library
- C++ and the Standard Library
- C++ and the Standard Library
- C++ and the Standard Library
- C++ and the Standard Library
- C++ and the Standard Library
- C++ and the Standard Library
- C++ and the Standard Library
- C++ and the Standard Library
- C++ and the Standard Library
- C++ and the Standard Library
- C++ classes
- C++ classes
- C++ course (1st of 4)
- C++ course (2 of 4)
- C++ course (2nd of 4)
- C++ course (3 of 4)
- C++ course (3rd of 4)
- C++ course (4 of 4)
- C++ course (4th of 4)
- C++ crash course
- C++ crash course (2)
- C++ crash course (3)
- C++ crash course (4)
- C++ I/O and Maths
- C++ I/O and maths
- C++ introduction
- C++ standard library, casting and exceptions
- C++ Templates, Concepts and Modules
- C++, the Standard Library and data structures
- C++, the Standard Library and data structures
- C++, the Standard Library and data structures
- C++, the Standard Library and data structures
- C++, the Standard Library, and overloading
- C++, the Standard Library, and overloading
- C++, the Standard Library, and overloading
- C++, the Standard Library, and overloading
- C++, the Standard Library, and overloading
- C++, the Standard Library, and overloading
- C++0x as a New Language
- C++11 - an introduction
- C++11/14 - the new C++
- C++11/14 - the new C++
- C++11: The new C++
- C++11: The new C++
- C++11: The new C++
- C++14 - the new C++
- C++14: The new C++
- C-elegans elongation before hatching: a biomechanical point of view
- C-H functionalisation using, and not using, iron catalysis
- C. elegans development: getting the seams right and living a balanced life.
- C. elegans in an evolutionary context: natural populations and vulva development variations
- C.R.Fay: The Differences between Making History and Writing It
- C.V. Clinic
- C2 - Reconstructions from Partial Boundary Data I
- C2 - Reconstructions from Partial Boundary Data II
- C2 - Reconstructions from Partial Boundary Data III
- C2 - Reconstructions from Partial Boundary Data IV
- C3 - The Factorization Method for Inverse Problems I
- C3 - The Factorization Method for Inverse Problems III
- C3 - The Factorization Method for Inverse Problems IV
- C3 C4
- C4 - Introduction to computational inversion I
- C4 - Introduction to computational inversion II
- C4 - Introduction to computational inversion III
- C4 - Introduction to computational inversion IV
- C4 photosynthesis transcriptomics: From big data to the gene
- C4 photosynthesis transcriptomics: From Cleome to rice
- C4 Rice: Pathways and prospects
- C5 - Coherent interferometric imaging in random media I
- C5 - Coherent interferometric imaging in random media II
- C5 - Coherent interferometric imaging in random media III
- C5 - Coherent interferometric imaging in random media IV
- Ca2+ -dependent signal integration by astroglia: Deciphering the key players
- Ca2+ signalling, ER-PM junctions and cellular bioenergetics
- Cabaret: Science of Sex, Drugs and Rock n Roll
- CABE’s take on design research: can it be quantified?
- Cabinet physics in 18th-century France: the case of the Iceland spar, 1710–1788
- Cabinets, eclipses and lightning rods: the role of curiosity in the perception of science in 18th-century Russia
- Cacao: An example for the movement of plants and food cultures across the early modern Pacific
- Cache collision timing attacks against AES
- Cache Networks with Optimality Guarantees
- Caching with Delayed Hits
- Cacti and Succulents on Stamps
- Cacti from the greenhouse
- Cacti in Chile and in cultivation
- Cacti in Chile, 2006
- Cacti in habitat
- Cacti of Ecuador
- Cacti of the Caribbean
- Cacti of the Río Mantaro, Peru
- Cactus Identification
- CADASIL - an affair between Notch3 receptor and the extracellular matrix
- Cadence Design Systems: Machine Learning in EDA
- CADHERIN mediated AMIS localisation - Using mouse embryonic stem cells 3D culture as a model
- Café Synthetique
- Café Synthetique
- Café Synthetique
- Café Synthetique
- Café Synthetique
- Café Synthetique
- Café Synthetique
- Café Synthetique
- Café Synthetique - OpenPlant Fund Mixer and Microfluidics
- Café Synthetique - Tips and Tricks with CRISPR
- Café Synthetique, CRISPR: genome editing comes of age
- Café Synthetique: biomechanics and DNA lego
- Café Synthetique: Biomimicry and engineering
- Café Synthetique: Graduate Talks!
- Café Synthetique: reprogramming the genome
- Café Synthetique: synthetic biology for global challenges
- Cafe Scientifique: Dr Mancini "Genetics, epigenetics, and evolution"
- Cafe Scientifique: can we read minds?
- Cafe Scientifique: Stem Cells - Hope or Hype?
- Cafe Synthetic
- Cafe Synthetic 'Building synthetic cells with DNA (just not how you would expect)'
- Cafe Synthetic with Simon Walker, Babraham Institute
- Cafe Synthetique
- Cafe Synthetique
- Cafe Synthetique - 'Chloroplast engineering' and 'Biomimetic materials'
- Cafe Synthetique 'DNA Self Assembly, Origami and More'
- Cafe Synthetique 'iGem and SynBio Society'
- Cafe Synthetique 'Towards Engineering Circadian Rhythm'
- Cafe Synthetique - Microfluidics for Biology
- Cafe Synthetique 16 May 2016
- Cafe Synthetique at Chrismas
- Cafe Synthetique at Christmas: Synthetic Biology Pub Quiz
- Cafe Synthetique Christmas Social
- Cafe Synthetique meet up 18 April
- Cafe Synthetique Meetup | 3 March
- Cafe Synthetique- AI and Automation: Revolutionising Biology
- Cafe Synthetique: Are synthetic biologists engineers, tinkerers or hackers?
- Cafe Synthetique: Biology as Technology
- Cafe Synthetique: Biomakespace - Cambridge's first community based open access biology and prototyping space
- Cafe Synthetique: Biosensors - from women's health to environmental surveillance
- Cafe Synthetique: Design, information and chemical engineering
- Cafe Synthetique: Designing Molecular Machines
- Cafe Synthetique: engineering algae for energy and medicine
- Cafe Synthetique: engineering algae for energy and medicine
- Cafe Synthetique: Engineering biology for real-world applications
- Cafe Synthetique: Engineering Living Systems
- Cafe Synthetique: Innovating synthetic biology governance
- Cafe Synthetique: Low-Cost Open Hardware for Biology
- Cafe Synthetique: Next Generation Crops
- Cafe Synthetique: Next Generation Synthetic Biologists
- Cafe Synthetique: Open Source Innovations in SynBio
- Cafe Synthetique: Open Source Innovations in Synthetic Biology
- Cafe Synthetique: Reprogramming Algal Metabolism
- Cafe Synthetique: Sampling Biodiversity from the Botanic Garden to the Cam
- Cafe Synthetique: synbio and open technologies for development
- Cafe Synthetique: Synthetic Biology Industry Night
- Cafe Synthetique: Teaching Tools for Synthetic Biology
- Cafe Synthetique: Vertical AI Workflows in Bioengineering
- Cage in the USSR
- CAGI: Critical Assessment of Genome Interpretation, a community experiment to evaluate phenotype prediction
- Caging the Sun: Materials challenges in magnetic confinement fusion reactors
- Cahn-Hilliard inpainting with non-smooth potentials
- Caius Clinical Conundrums: You'll be GUTTED to miss this!
- Caius MedSoc Talks: "MALT lymphoma: From Morphology to Molecule" by Prof. Ming-Qing Du
- Caius MedSoc Talks: "The genetics of pain disorders" by Prof Geoff Woods
- Cajal bodies, the nucleolus and fibrillarin are required for a plant virus systemic infection
- Cajetan, Suarez and republican liberty: A theme in later scholastic political thought
- Cake & Careers Event
- Cake: a language for adapting and linking mismatched binary components
- Cake: a language for linking mismatched object code
- CakeML: A Verified Implementation of ML
- Calabi-Yau and Non-Calabi-Yau backgrounds for heterotic phenomenology
- Calabi-Yau Manifolds, Mirrors, and Motives - 1
- Calabi-Yau Manifolds, Mirrors, and Motives - 2
- Calabi-Yau Manifolds, Mirrors, and Motives - 3
- Calabi-Yau periods, Modularity and Arithmetic Geometry; Workshop Wrap-Up: New Results,Challenges and Possibilities
- Calabi-Yau threefolds in P^n and Gorenstein rings.
- Calabi-Yau volumes and Reflexive Polytopes
- Calcium channels of vascular remodelling
- Calcium compartmentation in leaves, WHERE, HOW, AND WHY?
- Calcium Signalling Dynamics in the Killer T-Cell Attack
- Calcium-dependent T-cell activation
- Calcium-mediated processes as a potential common denominator in motor neuron degeneration
- Calcium-permeable cation channel formation by plant annexins
- Calculated phase equilibria in high pressure metamorphic rocks and the deep mantle
- Calculating Effective Diffusivities in the Limit of Vanishing Molecular Diffusion
- Calculating extreme wave loads on offshore structures; an effective assessment of structural reliability
- Calculating ice flux across ice-sheet grounding lines and ice-shelf calving fronts
- Calculating Prodigies in the Nineteenth Century: Science as Spectacle or Real Skill?
- Calculating Prodigies in the Nineteenth Century: Science as Spectacle or Real Skill?
- Calculating reaction rates: from Arrhenius to the present
- Calculating the Higgs to diphoton decay amplitude on the lattice
- Calculating things with quantum trajectories.
- Calculating Thom polynomials
- Calculating Timescales in Evolution: Optimisation, Ergodicity and Genotype-Phenotype Maps
- Calculating with fusion system and a couple of speculations
- Calculation of adhesion between elastic spheres from molecular forces
- Calculation of few-electron states in carbon nanotube quantum dots
- Calculation of NMR parameters in the solid-state: the importance of special relativity
- Calculations for twisted L-values of modular forms
- Calculations on Tunneling by Carbon Tell Experimentalists Where to Look and What to Look For
- Calculative Reasoning: Colonial Tool to Democratic Compulsion
- Calderon inverse problems on a Riemann surface
- Calderon problem for connections
- Calderon problem for Yang-Mills connections
- Calibrate Weak Intermolecular Ligand Interactions on Nanoparticles via the Dynamic Volume of Chain Segments
- Calibrated Geometry
- Calibrated integral currents in geometry
- Calibrating the colour of Mars
- Calibration Issues in Epidemiological Modelling
- Calibration of an individual based HIV computer model using emulation and history matching
- Calibration of multi-fidelity models for radiative shock
- Calibration of stochastic parametrizations for geophysical fluid dynamic models.
- Calibration of the Heart Model: Dealing with Uncertainty
- Calico: Disciplined Work-Stealing for Varying Core-Counts
- Call My Bluff
- Call My Bluff
- Call My Bluff
- Call of the Wild: the Natural World in Disney Animation
- Call the midwife: death in childbirth in historical perspective
- Call-by-push-value
- Call-by-push-value (part 1)
- Call-by-push-value (part 2)
- Calligraphy Talk by Prof. Ren Ping
- Calling all engineers! Unilever Shanghai R&D is looking for U!
- Calling for "Intelligent-related" technology innovation in Chinese Logistics Industry
- Calling small indels in the 1000 Genomes low-coverage and high-coverage pilots
- Callisto: Co-scheduling Parallel Runtime Systems
- Callous-unemotional subtype of antisocial behaviour: Integrating genetic and brain imaging findings
- Calls to F the Algorithm: Lessons from the 2020 Exam Debacle
- Calls to F the Algorithm: Lessons from the 2020 Exam Debacle
- Callum Fairbairn & Nathan Magnan - Streaming Instabilities and Planet Formation
- CALM and collected: A dimensional approach to developmental disorders of attention, learning and memory
- Calories and Corsets, a history of dieting over 2,000 years
- Calories and Corsets: 2000 years of diets and dieting
- Calorimetry at a Future Linear Collider
- Calorimetry with humans: measuring delivered dose in radiotherapy treatment of cancer
- Calving Laws for Ice Sheet Models - Recent Progress and Future Prospects
- Calvinist Doctrines at the Beginning of the Scottish Enlightenment: Archibald Campbell vs. the Committee for Purity of Doctrine on Human Nature and Self-Love
- CALYPSO: A Useful Tool for Discovering Novel Structures and Properties of Materials at Extreme Conditions
- CAM high-resolution AMIP simulations using a spectral finite element dynamical core
- Cam, Cals and Capri
- Cam, Cals and Capri
- CamAWiSE Connect & Network
- CamAWiSE Festive Social 2022
- CamAWiSE Social
- CamAWiSE Social at The Grain & Hop in Cambridge
- CAMbFIRE Debate: THB the Ayodhya Verdict is another step towards Fascism
- Cambodian Tax - Sovereignty Gained, Sovereignty Lost?
- CambPlants Industrial Talks
- Cambridge Festival of Ideas event: Contemporary revolution in religious life
- Cambridge (Critical) Realism in Context
- Cambridge - Corporate Finance Theory Symposium 2020 - Day 1
- Cambridge - Corporate Finance Theory Symposium 2020 - Day 2
- Cambridge - Corporate Finance Theory Symposium 2021 - Day 1
- Cambridge - Corporate Finance Theory Symposium 2021 - Day 2
- Cambridge - Corporate Finance Theory Symposium 2022
- Cambridge - Corporate Finance Theory Symposium 2022
- Cambridge - Corporate Finance Theory Symposium September 2017 - Day 1
- Cambridge - Corporate Finance Theory Symposium September 2017 - Day 2
- Cambridge - Corporate Finance Theory Symposium September 2018 - Day 1
- Cambridge - Corporate Finance Theory Symposium September 2018 - Day 2
- Cambridge - Corporate Finance Theory Symposium September 2019 Day 1
- Cambridge - Corporate Finance Theory Symposium September 2019 Day 2
- Cambridge - Nova Workshop - Day 1
- Cambridge - Nova Workshop - Day 2
- Cambridge - Treasure Island in the Fens
- CamBridge 2009 "Bridges of the Future"
- CamBridge 2009 "Bridges of the Past"
- Cambridge 3Rs (Replication, Recombination and Repair) Seminar
- Cambridge 3Rs (Replication, Recombination and Repair) Seminar
- Cambridge 3Rs(Replication, Recombination and Repair) Seminar
- Cambridge African Film Festival (CAFF); "Visions to be heard: Empowering Young Africans through Film"
- Cambridge AI Club for Biomedicine - March 2024
- Cambridge AI Club for Biomedicine - April 2024
- Cambridge AI Club for Biomedicine - December 2023
- Cambridge AI Club for Biomedicine - December 2024
- Cambridge AI Club for Biomedicine - February 2024
- Cambridge AI Club for Biomedicine - February 2025
- Cambridge AI Club for Biomedicine - January 2024
- Cambridge AI Club for Biomedicine - June 2023
- Cambridge AI Club for Biomedicine - June 2024
- Cambridge AI Club for Biomedicine - May 2023
- Cambridge AI Club for Biomedicine - May 2024
- Cambridge AI Club for Biomedicine - November 2023
- Cambridge AI Club for Biomedicine - November 2024
- Cambridge AI Club for Biomedicine - October 2023
- Cambridge AI Club for Biomedicine - October 2024
- Cambridge AI Club for Biomedicine - September 2023
- Cambridge and Beyond : From Green to Evergreen Revolution
- Cambridge Annual Lecture on Second Language Learning and Teaching 2019 Specificity, Academic Writing and EAP
- Cambridge Asia’s Archaeology and Heritage Group Graduate Round Table
- Cambridge Assessment Network: Alternatives to written examinations
- Cambridge Assessment Network: Assessment in support of learning
- Cambridge Assessment Network: Defining educational assessment for the public
- Cambridge Assessment Network: Detecting cheating and plagiarism
- Cambridge Assessment Network: Education, values and society
- Cambridge Assessment Network: Grading
- Cambridge Assessment Network: Reliability
- Cambridge Assessment Network: Standard setting and maintaining using expert judgement
- Cambridge Assessment Network: The educational standards over time: has mathematics education in England improved?
- Cambridge Assessment Network: Validity and the value of educational assessments
- Cambridge Assessment Network: Validity Unpacked
- Cambridge Automated Underwater Vehicle
- Cambridge AUV - Autonomous Underwater Vehicles
- Cambridge Built Environment Sustainability Project
- Cambridge Business Lectures: Dan Pink on 'what motivates us?'
- Cambridge Cafe Scientifique - How Intelligence Happens
- Cambridge Cancer Centre Symposium
- Cambridge Cancer Centre Symposium
- Cambridge Centre for Analysis Open Day
- Cambridge Centre for Analysis open day
- Cambridge Centre for Climate Science: Understanding the Paris Climate Summit (COP21)
- Cambridge Centre for Climate Science: water vapour and clouds in the climate system
- Cambridge Centre for Climate Science: Welcome Event
- Cambridge Centre for Risk Studies 5th Risk Summit. The Pulse of Risk: From Big Data to Business Value
- Cambridge Centre for Risk Studies: Special Topic Seminars
- Cambridge Cleantech: ‘$5 sensors will save the world’ - Discuss
- Cambridge Climate Lecture Series Panel Discussion
- Cambridge CNT Symposium 2009
- Cambridge College Retrofit and Energy Efficiency
- Cambridge Compiler Social Talks
- Cambridge Compiler Social Talks
- Cambridge Consultants
- Cambridge Consultants
- Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre (CCDC) Visit
- Cambridge Darwins in Conversation
- Cambridge Design Partnership - Think Small: Embedded Software FTW!
- Cambridge Digital Library: Digital Curation of Special Collections Materials
- Cambridge ELLIS seminar series – Dr Tian Xie – 23 Jan 2024 – 2pm
- Cambridge Ellis Seminar Series- Dr. Nicholas Lane- 30 May 2022- 2 pm
- Cambridge ELLIS Seminar Series- Prof. Gustau Camps-Valls- 28 Nov 2023- 13:30
- Cambridge ELLIS Seminar Series- Prof. Gustau Camps-Valls- 28 Nov 2023- 13:30
- Cambridge Ellis Unit Seminar Series - Dr Cheng Zhang- 9 February 2022- 2pm
- Cambridge Ellis Unit Seminar Series - Dr Manuel Gomez Rodriguez - 31 Jan 2023- 2pm
- Cambridge Ellis Unit Seminar Series - Dr Silvia Chiappa- Asymptotically Best Causal Effect Identification with Multi-Armed Bandits
- Cambridge Ellis Unit Seminar Series - Dr. Zeynep Akata- 30 Nov 2022- 2pm
- Cambridge Energy Conference
- Cambridge Enterprise and Technology Due Diligence
- Cambridge Enterprise Surgeries: Legal Issues
- Cambridge Enterprise, Univ. of Cambridge
- Cambridge ESRC DTC Annual Lecture 2017: After Brexit, UKRI if you want to: a social scientist's field guide to the new research landscape
- Cambridge Exoplanet and Life Day
- Cambridge Exoplanet Day
- Cambridge Festival of Ideas - Citizen Voice, Social Change and Africa’s Digital Revolution: Power to the People
- Cambridge Festival of Ideas event: Why do people works so hard?
- Cambridge Festival: "New Perspectives on Justice"
- Cambridge Festival: "Post-Covid Recovery and the Future of Global Economics"
- Cambridge Festival: "Working for Change: How Social Action Creates Impact"
- Cambridge Festival: ‘Eleven’: The Rising Global Population and the Future of Humanity
- Cambridge Finance Discussion
- Cambridge Future Transport Visions - How will we get around?
- Cambridge Gems
- Cambridge Global Food Security Symposium 2019: Generating Practical Solutions for India and Africa
- Cambridge Global Food Security Symposium 2019: Generating Practical Solutions for India and Africa
- Cambridge Global Health Partnerships Exhibition
- Cambridge Haematopoiesis Seminars: Timm Schroeder & Ellen Rothenberg
- Cambridge Hi-tech Cluster and the Creative Industries
- Cambridge Hi-tech Cluster and the Creative Industries
- Cambridge Humanist Group - meet up
- Cambridge Humanist Group - meet up
- Cambridge HypOxy Network Meeting
- Cambridge HypOxyResp Network Meeting
- Cambridge HypOxyResp Network Research in Progress Meetings
- Cambridge iGEM 2009
- Cambridge iGEM 2010: E.glowli
- Cambridge Immunology Forum "Visions of Immunology"
- Cambridge Immunology Forum - 22nd Cambridge Immunology Forum: Cancer at the interface of immunity, metabolism and microbiota
- Cambridge in the Fifties and Sixties: an extended conversation
- Cambridge Infectious Disease Meeting & Wellcome Trust-Cambridge CGHR Launch
- Cambridge Infectious Diseases: Meeting of Minds
- Cambridge Information Theory Colloquium
- Cambridge Initiative for Musculoskeletal Tissue Engineering, Inaugural Meeting
- Cambridge Intellectual Seminar—China-Britain Relations (Hugh Davies)
- Cambridge Intellectual Seminar—Lao She 老舍(SHU Qingchun) in UK
- Cambridge International Development Conference 2014:
- Cambridge International Development Conference 2015
- Cambridge International Development Conference- Faces of Equality
- Cambridge International Manufacturing Symposium 2012
- Cambridge ISSP visit
- Cambridge Journal of Economics 2021 Conference
- Cambridge Judge Experience Day
- Cambridge Judge Experience Day: Entrepreneurship session
- Cambridge Judge Experience Day: Entrepreneurship session
- Cambridge Labour for Clause IV Roadshow
- Cambridge Lactation Network meeting: Summer symposium
- Cambridge Light Microscopy Spring Course 2018
- Cambridge Mathematics and Big Data Showcase Event
- Cambridge mathematics in the north: Peter Guthrie Tait, Philip Kelland and the local nature of mathematics in Edinburgh, 1858–65
- Cambridge Mathematics of Information in Healthcare Hub - Academic Engagement Event - Gateway
- Cambridge Maths Circle
- Cambridge Maths Circle
- Cambridge Maths Circle
- Cambridge Maths Circle
- Cambridge MedAI Seminar - January 2025
- Cambridge MedAI Seminar Series
- Cambridge MedAI Seminar Series
- Cambridge MedAI Seminar Series
- Cambridge MedAI Seminar Series
- Cambridge MedAI Seminar Series
- Cambridge MedAI Seminar Series
- Cambridge MedAI Seminar Series
- Cambridge MedAI Seminar Series
- Cambridge MedAI Seminar Series
- Cambridge MHD Day
- Cambridge Microfluidics Symposium
- Cambridge Migration Research Forum Launch Event
- Cambridge Mosque Open Day
- Cambridge Mosque Open Day
- Cambridge Natural History Society New Year's Day Plant Hunt
- Cambridge Network Business Lecture: Medical Robotics
- Cambridge Network event: Getting Things Done
- Cambridge Network event: Innovation policy myths and the Small Business Innovation Research Programme
- Cambridge Network event: Joep van Beurden, CSR
- Cambridge Network event: Richard Longdon, CEO AVEVA
- Cambridge Network Recruitment Event
- Cambridge Network Recruitment Event
- Cambridge Network's Recruitment Candidate Evening
- Cambridge Network: Compliance in Immigration Law
- Cambridge Network: Is blockchain the future of business?
- Cambridge Networks Day - CNDay 2012
- Cambridge Networks Day - CNDay 2014
- Cambridge Networks Network (CNN) launch event
- Cambridge Neuroscience Launch Symposium 19th to 21st September
- Cambridge Neuroscience Technical Lecture "Neural cells as a model: from differentiation to transfection"
- Cambridge Neuroscience Technical Lecture in association with Life Technologies
- Cambridge Open Day (PGDE): Is Entrepreneurship Worth the Risk?
- Cambridge Open Day: Driving your enterprise forward with the Postgraduate Diploma in Entrepreneurship
- Cambridge Open Knowledge Meetup: 6:30pm Friday 6th June 2008 at Emmanuel College
- Cambridge Open Knowledge Meetup: 7pm 13th February 2008 at Emmanuel College
- Cambridge Opening Ceremony of the 2011 CSSAUK High-Level Entrepreneurship Challenge
- Cambridge Opening Ceremony of the 2011 CSSAUK High-Level Entrepreneurship Challenge
- Cambridge Overcoming Polarisation Initiative
- Cambridge Parasitic and Neglected Tropical Diseases Network Day
- Cambridge Particle Meeting 2016
- Cambridge Particle Meeting 2017
- Cambridge Phenomenon: Update and Implications for IfM Manufacturing Research
- Cambridge Physics of Medicine Initiative
- Cambridge poets and their papers
- Cambridge Postgraduate Diploma in Entrepreneurship 2015 Launch Event: Is it always about a bright idea?
- Cambridge Postgraduate Workshop in Contemporary Ukrainian Studies
- Cambridge Precision Breast Cancer Symposium 2024
- Cambridge Pro-Bono Project's 10th Anniversary Lecture with Philippe Sands QC
- Cambridge Product Management Network - Market Sizing
- Cambridge Product Management Network - Product Pricing
- Cambridge Product Management Network: "Product Management – who cares?! A VC speaks"
- Cambridge Product Management Network: Market research without totally screwing it up
- Cambridge Product Management Network: What should be in the Product Manager's Toolbox?
- Cambridge Public Policy Lecture: Baroness Neuberger
- Cambridge Public Policy Lecture: But The Spell Remains: the role of emotions in public policy
- Cambridge Public Policy Lecture: Lord O'Donnell
- Cambridge Public Policy Lecture: Lord Young of Graffham
- Cambridge Public Policy Lecture: Rt Hon Iain Duncan Smith
- Cambridge Public Policy Lecture: Rt Hon Vince Cable, MP
- Cambridge Public Policy Research Seminar
- Cambridge Public Policy Seminar: Professor Lawrence Sherman
- Cambridge Public Policy Seminar: Professor Stein Ringen
- Cambridge Public Policy Seminar: Title TBC
- Cambridge Public Policy Seminar: Title TBC
- Cambridge Public Policy Seminar: Title TBC
- Cambridge Public Policy Seminar: Title TBC
- Cambridge Public Policy Seminar: Title TBC
- Cambridge Public Policy Seminar: Title TBC
- Cambridge Rare Disease Network International Summit
- Cambridge Rare Disease Network International Summit
- Cambridge Rare Disease Summit
- Cambridge Rare Disease Summit 2017
- Cambridge Reading Group on Reproduction
- Cambridge Reading Group on Reproduction
- Cambridge Reading Group on Reproduction - March 2025
- Cambridge Reading Group on Reproduction - November
- Cambridge Reproduction Early Researchers Seminar Series: Anna Appios (Pathology) and Esteban Salazar Petres (PDN)
- Cambridge Reproduction Early Researchers Seminar Series: Kevin Glasgow (Education) and Antonio Galvao (Babraham Institute)
- Cambridge Reproduction Early Researchers Seminar Series: Su Young Han (PDN) and Jinal Dadiya (Law)
- Cambridge Reproduction Forum - Creating Connections
- Cambridge Reproduction Forum: Why do people have children?
- Cambridge Review Lecture 2010: Soldier-Diplomats, Scholar-Warriors, and Culture-Centric Warfare
- Cambridge Risk Framework: Innovations in Risk Modelling
- Cambridge RNA Club - April session ON ZOOM
- Cambridge RNA Club - IN PERSON
- Cambridge RNA Club - IN PERSON
- Cambridge RNA Club - IN PERSON
- Cambridge RNA Club - IN PERSON
- Cambridge RNA Club - IN PERSON
- Cambridge RNA Club - IN PERSON
- Cambridge RNA Club - July session ON ZOOM
- Cambridge RNA Club - June session IN PERSON
- Cambridge RNA Club - March session IN PERSON
- Cambridge RNA Club - May session IN PERSON
- Cambridge RNA Club - ONLINE
- Cambridge RNA Club - ONLINE
- Cambridge RNA Club - ONLINE
- Cambridge Science & Policy Forum
- Cambridge Science Festival
- Cambridge Science Festival - Big Data: the missing link
- Cambridge Science Festival - hands-on maths events
- Cambridge Science Festival Maths Public Open Day
- Cambridge Science Festival Maths Public Open Day
- Cambridge Science Festival: ‘The Big and the Small’ 12–25 March 2007
- Cambridge Screen Media Group
- Cambridge Services Alliance
- Cambridge Sociology 50th Anniversary Conference
- Cambridge Sociology 50th Anniversary Conference
- Cambridge Sociology Graduate Conference : Crisis and Social Change: Towards Alternative Horizons
- Cambridge Statistics Clinic 2013 - 2014 Easter Break
- Cambridge Statistics Clinic 2013 - 2014 Easter I
- Cambridge Statistics Clinic 2013 - 2014 Easter II
- Cambridge Statistics Clinic 2013 - 2014 Easter III
- Cambridge Statistics Clinic 2013 - 2014 Easter IV
- Cambridge Statistics Clinic 2013-2014 Lent I
- Cambridge Statistics Clinic 2013-2014 Lent II
- Cambridge Statistics Clinic 2013-2014 Lent III
- Cambridge Statistics Clinic 2013-2014 Lent III
- Cambridge Statistics Clinic 2013-2014 Lent IV
- Cambridge Statistics Clinic 2013-2014 Michaelmas I
- Cambridge Statistics Clinic 2013-2014 Michaelmas II
- Cambridge Statistics Clinic 2013-2014 Michaelmas III
- Cambridge Statistics Clinic 2013-2014 Michaelmas IV
- Cambridge Statistics Clinic Easter Break
- Cambridge Statistics Clinic Easter I
- Cambridge Statistics Clinic Easter I
- Cambridge Statistics Clinic Easter II
- Cambridge Statistics Clinic Easter II
- Cambridge Statistics Clinic Easter III
- Cambridge Statistics Clinic Easter III
- Cambridge Statistics Clinic Easter IV
- Cambridge Statistics Clinic Easter IV
- Cambridge Statistics Clinic Michaelmas I
- Cambridge Statistics Clinic Michaelmas II
- Cambridge Statistics Clinic Michaelmas III
- Cambridge Statistics Clinic Michaelmas IV
- Cambridge Statistics Clinic Summer I
- Cambridge Statistics Clinic Summer I
- Cambridge Statistics Clinic Summer II
- Cambridge Statistics Clinic Summer II
- Cambridge Statistics Clinic Summer III
- Cambridge Statistics Clinic Summer III
- Cambridge Statistics from Venn to Fisher and Beyond
- Cambridge Statistics Initiative - poster sessions
- Cambridge Statistics Initiative meeting
- Cambridge Statistics Initiative One-Day Meeting 2013
- CAMBRIDGE STEM CELL CLUB - Physics, Fate and the Business of Epigenetics
- Cambridge Stem Cell Initiative
- Cambridge students starting startups
- Cambridge Summer Workshop on Quantum Information Theory
- Cambridge Sundials and Time
- Cambridge Sustainable Food Hub
- Cambridge Tax Discussion Group Seminar: New Zealand GAAR
- Cambridge Tax Discussion Group: Making Tax Policy
- Cambridge Tax Discussion Group: Tax and Fairness
- Cambridge Tech Demo Night
- Cambridge Tribology Course - Friction, wear and lubrication
- Cambridge UAVs in the Environmental Sciences Workshop
- Cambridge UCU presents ‘Brexit and the Modern Languages’
- Cambridge Universities Election Hustings
- Cambridge University Botanic Garden visit
- Cambridge University Botanic Garden: past, present and future
- Cambridge University Eco Racing - IMechE talk
- Cambridge University Eco-Racing: Solar Cars
- Cambridge University Energy Network - Nuclear Fusion lecture
- Cambridge University Entrepreneurs - Grand Finale 2012
- Cambridge University Entrepreneurs - Grand Launch 2011
- Cambridge University Environmental Consulting Society: Green League Table Decomposed
- Cambridge University Press: Insight and Innovation in Publishing
- Cambridge University Students’ Clinical Research Society
- Cambridge University Students’ Clinical Research Society CUSCRS
- Cambridge University Surgical Society "Cheese and Port Careers Evening 2013"
- Cambridge University Wildlife Conservation Society Talk: Feeding the World Without Costing the Earth
- Cambridge Zero Community Day: CLIMATE RESILIENT COMMUNITIES : Participate, Engage, Act
- Cambridge's musical records
- Cambridge's Natural History - what do we know after three years of NatHistCam?
- Cambridge, Coprolite City
- Cambridge-Fudan Cognitive Neuroscience Online Meeting
- Cambridge-Fudan Cognitive Neuroscience Online Meeting
- Cambridge-Fudan Cognitive Neuroscience Online Meeting
- Cambridge-KCL Intelligence & Peace Symposium
- Cambridge-Lausanne Workshop 2018 - Day 1
- Cambridge-Lausanne Workshop 2018 - Day 2
- Cambridge-Turing sessions reloaded: collaborative data science and AI research
- Cambridge-Turing sessions: collaborative data science and AI research
- Cambridge: city of history and change
- Cambridge: Sundials and Time
- Cambridge’s newest local nature reserve
- CambridgeCNT Symposium 2008
- CambridgeSens Innovation Showcase
- CamBridgeSens Innovation Showcase
- CamBridgeSens Launch Event
- CamBridgeSens Monthly Networking Event
- CamBridgeSens Networking Event - Poster Session
- Cambridgeshire butterflies
- Cambridgeshire orchards and their wildlife
- Cambridgeshire's herpetofauna and its conservation
- CamCERT: What we do
- CamCreative - creative industries meet up in Cambridge
- CamCREES annual networking party
- CamCREES networking party
- CamCREES Postgrad Networking Party
- CaMedia Q&A: Crash Course on Everyth!ng (Media and Creative Industries)
- CaMeL Talk: Cambridge Metabolomics and Lipidomics
- Camel: Paravirtual memory CoW in Xen
- Camelopardalis Giraffa in 1830s London: polite spectacle at Regent's Park
- CamFort: lightweight verification for scientific Fortran
- CamGrid: High Throughput Computing in Science 2008
- CamLing 2007 - day 1
- CamLing 2007 - day 2
- CamLS Annual Symposium 2024
- Camouflage and Sleep, two behaviors to study brain evolution
- Camouflage in Aegean lizards
- cAMP directs IP3-evoked Ca2+ signalling to different intracellular Ca2+ stores,’ and ‘Regulation and function of PI5P 4-kinases’.
- Campaign strategy in a rally-intensive campaign: rallying supporters and canvassing swing voters in Tanzania
- Campath-1H: how a famous antibody found its disease
- Campylobacter and Host Interactions in West Africa
- Campylobacter in the food chain: Survival
- CamRuSS Easter Art Sale
- CamRuSS Easter Art Sale - 12-26 March
- CAMSoc lecture - "Joining Ceramic Materials - Can it be that difficult?"
- Can 'Good' be Bad and 'Bad' be Good? (On Line)
- Can a computer judge interestingness?
- Can a machine understand how you feel by watching you?
- Can a Small Group of Passive Agents Cause Lasting Chaos? hydrodynamic limit and phase separation of an active-passive mixture
- Can a theory-based behaviour change programme improve outcomes for people with recently diagnosed type 2 diabetes? The ADDITION Plus trial
- Can AI probe toric Calabi-Yau?
- Can Alfvénic (magnetic) waves heat the solar atmosphere?
- Can Alfvénic (magnetic) waves heat the solar atmosphere?
- Can amino acid δ13C succeed where bulk δ13C fails? Testing “freshwater diet” signals against known 14C reservoir offsets
- Can anti-cancer immunotherapeutics be repurposed to kill parasites?
- Can anyone be a target of discrimination? Lessons from philosophy of science and work on human kinds
- Can approach-avoidance paradigms inform debates about embodied cognition?
- Can Archaeologists Recognise Middle Palaeolithic Skill-Level and Individuals via Lithic Technology?
- Can Argonautes provide demethylation specificity in Arabidopsis thaliana?
- Can biodiversity make children happy?
- Can biology be more like physics? Towards a unified theory of plant morphogenesis.
- Can bubble interactions in foams accurately be described by a potential?
- Can Cambridge Feed Itself?
- Can classical rubber elasticity be applied to semi-flexible filament networks?
- Can Climate Engineering be a Sensible Plan B?
- Can diverse research concepts of metalinguistic activities be harmonized? Language management theory, its scope and potential for language policy research
- Can dynamical equations be deduced from measurement data?
- Can Earables Revolutionise Continuous Vital Sign Monitoring?
- Can Eco-compensation Restore Natural Forest in Xishuangbanna, China?
- Can Economic Sanctions Promote Peace? Evidence from China
- Can Educational Research Ever Justify Imposing Teaching Methods?
- Can electricity networks cope with mass uptake of Electric Vehicles (EVs)?
- Can Entanglement Entropy Be a Finite Quantity?
- Can enzymes help address the climate crisis?
- Can Enzymes Help Address the Climate Crisis?
- Can EU Funding Increase Your Research Footprint?
- Can EU Funding Increase Your Research Footprint?
- Can Europe keep the peace?
- Can everything be computed? On the Solvability Complexity Index and towers of algorithm.
- Can extra updates delay mixing?
- Can Fashion be Sustainable?
- Can Federated Learning Save the Planet?
- Can floating gardens in Bangladesh combat climate change?
- Can focused reflection on mathematics teaching develop teachers' mathematical content knowledge?
- Can Future Energy Needs be met Sustainably?
- Can Generative Models Produce Stable, Rational, and Diverse Protein Structures?
- Can genomics impact forestry?
- Can genomics improve health in Africa? Experience from sickle cell disease in Tanzania
- Can geomagnetic and ionospheric precursor signals improve earthquake forecasting?
- Can GM crops help to feed the world?
- Can Guido Reni still speak to us? Two Reni paintings through 17th and 21st century eyes
- Can humans reproduce asexually?
- Can I be your disruption-tolerant friend?
- Can I have a quick word? The speed of single-word reading determined by behavioural and EMEG data (and maybe a bit of fMRI)
- Can Indigenous Political Representation Improve Forest Conservation? India’s Experience
- Can information and communication technologies save the environment?
- Can interesting mathematics problems be solved systematically?
- Can International Law Stop Genocide? Investigating Whether States Have a Responsibility to Protect
- Can isotopic signatures in carbonates be preserved for more than a year?
- Can Jews Make Love? Romance in the Modern Hebrew Novel
- Can Journalism keep up with the Kardashians?
- Can Kant have an account of self-knowledge?
- Can lamprey VLR antibodies be biomedically useful?
- Can land rights prevent deforestation? Evidence from a large-scale titling policy in the Brazilian Amazon.
- Can land rights prevent deforestation? Evidence from a large-scale titling policy in the Brazilian Amazon.
- Can Layout and Engraving Rules Affect the Readability of Musical Scores?
- Can Liberal Democracies regulate the power of Tech Giants?
- Can machine learning help identify new health relevant signals from large accelerometer datasets?
- Can machine learning help us track carbon dynamics in tropical forests?
- Can machine learning trump theory in communication system design?
- Can Machines Be Moral Agents?
- Can Machines Read our Minds?
- Can machines understand the scientific literature?
- Can mainstream inclusive design reach the needs of people who are not eligible for provision of assistive technology?
- Can mass media really save lives? A public event with Roy Head
- Can mass media really save lives? A public event with Roy Head
- Can mathematical modelling in social theory provide any insight? What are the arguments in favour of formal modelling?
- Can Mathematics be Heretical?
- Can meaningful hope spring from revealing the depth of our climate failure?
- Can Metropolitan Housing Risk Be Diversified? A Cautionary Tale from the Recent Boom and Bust
- Can mobile phones help people quit smoking?
- Can music shape ongoing thoughts and visual mental images?
- Can Nature Be Red In Tooth and Claw? Augustine and the Christian Traditions.
- Can neural networks always be trained? On the boundaries of deep learning
- Can neurocognitive findings inform our understanding of disruptive behavior and what to do with it?
- Can neurocognitive findings inform our understanding of disruptive behavior and what to do with it?
- Can New Physics hide inside the proton?
- Can Nurture Influence Nature?
- Can patients with pineal cysts give us clues about neurophysiology of mesencephalic tectum in humans?
- Can people with developmental disorders function successfully as bilinguals?
- Can phenotypic plasticity allow specialist parasites to colonise new hosts?
- Can physiology and neuroscience help us understand the financial markets?
- Can plant viruses manipulate their transmission by insects and influence the evolution of their hosts?
- Can polar bears change Arctic clouds?
- Can Polymer Physics Help Cellular Biomedicine?
- Can present-day philosophers make scientific contributions? From philosophy in science to conceptual and theoretical thinking in science
- Can Quantum Optics serve astronomy?
- Can Research Prevent Crime?
- Can Robots Learn Language the Way Children Do?
- Can Science and Religion be Reconciled?
- Can Science be Communicated through the Media?
- Can science beat terrorism?
- Can serum thymidine kinase activity differentiate canine IBD and GI lymphoma?
- Can serum thymidine kinase activity differentiate canine IBD and GI lymphoma?
- Can Sparsity Lead to Efficient LLMs?
- Can spectral gap form in soft potentials?
- Can stable and accurate neural networks be computed? - On the barriers of deep learning and Smale's 18th problem
- Can structural studies of intact viruses really be useful in the search for better vaccines and antivirals?
- Can supernova feedback regulate properties of dwarf galaxies?
- Can systems biology be useful, an ascidian perspective
- Can Taxation Help Indigenous Peoples Remap Space?: The Socio-Legal History of the Native Village of Kluti Kaah
- Can the Digital Revolution Transform our Productivity?
- Can the Digital Revolution Transform our Productivity?
- Can the face predict the brain? The association between facial morphology and autism spectrum disorder
- Can the Fermi surface reconstruction in YBCO at high fields be explained by the observed Charge Density Wave (CDW) structure?
- Can the Greek dialects be grouped? A response to Parker and Ringe
- Can the marmoset be a potential model of kidney diseases in humans.
- Can the mirror neuron system infer intentions from observed action?
- Can the new technologies transform learning?
- Can the past help us to understand the present? A life-course perspective on the predictors and consequences of adolescent education and life outcomes in rural India
- Can the slope of adult mortality by age be changed? An examination of case fatality for pneumonia under different treatment regimes, 1822-2010
- Can the sort of large-scale automatic language processing that interests engineers tell us anything about human language processing?
- Can the Subaltern Speak
- Can the Teaching Profession be an Equal Partner with Governments and Employers in Developing and Implementing Education Policies?
- Can the UK cook its way to better health?
- Can the US and China Build Trust and Cooperative Institutions?: The Case of Global Finance
- Can Tocqueville Karaoke or Sing Rule Britannia?
- Can truthfulness and integrity be taught and nurtured?
- Can we quantify sustainability ?
- Can we age in utero? Can we kill cancer cells by making them replicate faster? And other ATR stories…
- Can we be collectively intelligent about collective intelligence?
- CAN WE BLAME OUR BRAINS? Neuroscience in the Courtroom
- Can we constrain the age of the solar system with short-life nuclide? Lessons from Paris
- Can We Decolonise the Academy from Within?
- Can We Defy Nature’s End?
- Can we derive quantum formalism from first principles?
- Can we develop new drugs to treat infectious and neglected diseases?
- Can we distinguish the biology of ageing from age-related disease in humans?
- Can we draw lessons on economic development from the Champagne Fairs?
- Can we estimate the actual stiffness and mass of soil contributing to vibrations of monopiles for offshore wind turbines?
- Can we ever distinguish between quintessence and the cosmological constant?
- Can we ever really repair the brain in Parkinson’s disease with cells?
- Can we exploit companion dogs to advance therapies for spinal cord injury?
- Can we feed 9 billion?
- Can we feed 9 billion?
- Can We Feed the World?
- Can we grow more sea ice in the Arctic?
- Can we have jam today and jam tomorrow? Improving outcomes for older people living with mental illness using applied and translational research
- Can we have medical privacy, cloud computing and genomics all at the same time?
- Can we have true independence in state run schools?
- Can we hear people think, can we discern genuine laughter … and can a computer do it better?
- Can we infer patterns of cultural transmission from frequency data?
- Can we leverage a Software Defined Networking (SDN) approach on Video streaming to benefit both the Network and its Users?
- Can we live on renewables?
- Can we make Arabidopsis into Striga?
- Can we make high-order spectral elements (quasi) monotonic?
- Can we make light travel faster please?
- Can we make people value IT security?
- Can we nudge to zero? Promises and pitfalls of behavioural insights-based climate policies
- Can We Open Source Everything? THE FUTURE OF THE OPEN PHILOSOPHY
- Can we optimise fashion ecommerce using NLG?
- Can we predict earthquakes? Evidence for numerical and analogue experiments.
- Can we predict friciton-driven vibration?
- Can we predict the course of Crohn's disease?
- Can we Predict the Severity of COVID-19 Using Full Blood Counts?
- Can We Really Trust Biologists?
- Can we really trust biologists?
- Can we repair the Parkinsonian brain?
- Can we slow ageing? Lessons from an EPIC cohort
- Can we sue our way out of the climate crisis?
- Can we test cosmic homogeneity and isotropy?
- Can we test the string theory landscape? (i)
- Can we test the string theory landscape? (ii)
- Can we trust biologists?
- Can We Trust Scientists?
- Can we use electrical energy to reduce carbon emissions? An investigation into the electrochemical approaches for carbon capture
- Can we use network analysis to predict violence?
- Can we use PTP to detect network congestion/measure network latency?
- Can we write an ethical history of the early common law?
- Can Weak Stakeholders Influence Corporate Social Responsibility Strategies? Rethinking Stakeholder Theory and the Deliberative Approach to CSR
- Can Welfare State Models immunise Employees against the Effects of Job Insecurity? Flexicurity's claims examined
- Can worms unlock the secrets of our mind? Automatic quantitative analysis of C.elegans behaviour
- Can writers and artists ever be terrorists?
- Can yeast and a Robot Scientist help us design therapies for diseases like cancers and malaria?
- Can you build a computer without using roads? Where we are going we don't need roads!
- Can you convince me why your software works?
- Can you guess the next bit?
- Can you handle it? Using 3D prints to improve museum access
- Can you handle the truth? Facts, figures and communicating uncertainty
- Can you live to see a better day? Lifestyle engagement predicts healthy cognitive development in old age (a Cam-CAN study)
- Can you project finance a new nuclear power station?
- Can you see the sound of a drum?
- Can you see what I hear? The effects of early blindness on auditory processing
- Can you see what I'm thinking? Eye-tracking research on Theory of Mind
- Can you Text a Divorce? Negotiating Women’s Rights in Law and Society
- Canceled
- Canceled
- CANCELED "Computational Fluid Dynamics on Graphics Cards" CANCELED
- CANCELED Regulatory T cell immunological synapse and inflammatory disease
- CANCELED: Journalism In The New Age
- CANCELED: Natural Killer cells, Innate Lymphoid cells and Innate Immunity
- Cancellation - Computational Modelling at the Interface of Physical Organic and Supramolecular Chemistry
- Cancellation in Auditory Scene Analysis
- Cancelled
- Cancelled
- Cancelled
- Cancelled
- Cancelled
- Cancelled
- Cancelled
- Cancelled
- Cancelled
- Cancelled
- Cancelled
- Cancelled
- cancelled
- Cancelled
- CANCELLED - Undecidability in number theory
- CANCELLED The impact of environmental factors on cancer
- CANCELLED "Flux controls flux - a fascinating way of control, with important consequences"
- CANCELLED gloknos Annual Lecture – Prof Sarah de Rijcke
- CANCELLED Translational approaches with human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes CANCELLED
- CANCELLED !!! "Uncovering and Exploiting Chinks in Cancer's Armour" - CANCELLED !!!
- CANCELLED ##### Air Pollution and health: myths and realities #######
- CANCELLED $\mathbb A^1$-connected components of ruled surfaces
- CANCELLED "Wiring the brain: how axons are guided to their targets"
- CANCELLED (Searches for exotic physics with photons in ATLAS)
- CANCELLED - "Synergistic effect of radiotherapy and cis-platinum chemotherapy delivered via gold nanoparticles in glioblastoma multiforme"
- CANCELLED - Lung cancer, biomarkers and unanswered questions - a clinical translational perspective
- CANCELLED - Scottish Collaboration On Translational Research into Renal Cell Cancer, developing a systems medicine approach to personalised treatment
- CANCELLED - Finite volume fountains and dense vortices
- CANCELLED - A conversation with the World Bank: innovative, inclusive financing for impact
- CANCELLED - A trillion trees – A trillion reasons to thrive!
- CANCELLED - Ambition without limits: Women in STEM
- CANCELLED - Ambition without limits: Women in STEM
- CANCELLED - APS DFD practice talks
- CANCELLED - APS DFD practice talks
- CANCELLED - Astrophysics Seminar
- CANCELLED - Autumn Cactus & Succulent Show
- CANCELLED - Avalanching and Segregation of a granular material – tumble, fall, segregate and sort
- CANCELLED - “Cancer genomics: from chromatin structure to new therapeutic targets”
- CANCELLED - Can You Live Without Chocolate?
- Cancelled - CEDSG group meeting
- CANCELLED - Diapycnal mixing in the ocean: from large scale meridional overturning circulation to dissipation scale
- CANCELLED - Diseases without Borders – Emerging infectious diseases in Africa
- CANCELLED - Diseases without Borders – Infectious diseases in Africa
- CANCELLED - Dispersion and mixing in quasi two-dimensional jets
- CANCELLED - Diversity of Expression in Utterance and the Idea of Language
- CANCELLED - Entanglement entropy and negativity in quantum field theories
- CANCELLED - Evolution discovers routes to exploit Brownian motion, thermal noise and structural fluctuations in protein signalling and allostery
- CANCELLED - Exploring the outer solar system with space robots
- CANCELLED - Frontiers for Life in Antarctica
- CANCELLED - Further explorations in Peru
- CANCELLED - Growing a sustainable bioeconomy
- CANCELLED - Growth of III-V Nitrides via MBE: from Nanorods to Flat Layers
- CANCELLED - High Efficiency III-V Solar Cells: past, present and future - CANCELLED
- CANCELLED - Identifying and evaluating personalised treatment recommendations
- CANCELLED - Impact of the Microbiome on cancer and its treatment
- CANCELLED - In my greenhouse today
- CANCELLED - Instabilities in viscous particle plumes
- CANCELLED - Interesting Haworthias (with plants)
- Cancelled - Intracellular Salmonella persisters
- CANCELLED - Lava flows
- CANCELLED - LMB Seminar: RNA Meets DNA: Dangerous Liaisons in the Genome
- CANCELLED - Mathematical methods in reacting flows: From spectral to Lyapunov analysis
- CANCELLED - Members' Open Forum
- CANCELLED - Methodology Masterclass: Exploring the pedagogic possibilities of new diaspora formations and transnationalism.
- CANCELLED - Mexico 2016: Puebla, Oaxaca, and much more
- CANCELLED - NatHistFest: 101st Conversazione
- CANCELLED - NatHistFest: 101st Conversazione
- CANCELLED - News from the Palaeolithic: ancient genomes and Neandertal-human interactions
- CANCELLED - Nonlinear damping measurement in rotating fan and compressor disks
- CANCELLED - Patagonia
- CANCELLED - Physical Limnology: Recent Results from Lake Iseo
- CANCELLED - Plant Sciences Seminar
- CANCELLED - Plant Sciences Seminar
- CANCELLED - Prenatal estrogens and autism risk
- CANCELLED - Reconciling the hemispherical structure of Earth's inner core with its super-rotation
- CANCELLED - Regulating Gene Expression Through The MRNA Cap
- CANCELLED - Responding to Urban Disasters: Learning from the Haiti Earthquake
- CANCELLED - Seasearch
- CANCELLED - Semiclassical analysis and kinetic equations
- CANCELLED - Submarine granular flows: how the interstitial fluid dramatically influences the granular dynamics
- CANCELLED - Summer Cactus & Succulent Show
- CANCELLED - Sundry succulents
- CANCELLED - The Beginning of All Things: Modern Perspectives from Lemaître to Hawking
- CANCELLED - The hunt for the elusive Epithelantha
- CANCELLED - The transport of active swimmers in shear flows
- CANCELLED - TO BE RE-SCHEDULED - Border town: Tharros and the Roman Frontier in Sardinia
- CANCELLED - to be rescheduled in Michaelmas Term
- CANCELLED - Transcriptional regulation by the Polycomb system
- CANCELLED - Understanding contemporary change in West Antarctica: ocean interactions
- CANCELLED - Understanding the host range barriers in influenza
- CANCELLED - Using our Galactic center supermassive black hole Sgr A* as a testbed for theories of accretion
- CANCELLED - Writing a about democracy in the age of Modi and Trump
- Cancelled -- A fundamental relation between the metallicity, gas content, and stellar mass of local galaxiesCancelled -- Cancelled
- CANCELLED -- Evolution of massive galaxies and the onset of the red sequence
- CANCELLED -- The complexity of counting problems
- CANCELLED -Emotional awareness, rational action, and self-understanding
- Cancelled : Full reduction in the face of absurdity.
- CANCELLED Algebraic versus topological entropy for varieties over finite fields
- CANCELLED ‘At the still point of the turning world’: Time and Place in the Medieval Dream
- CANCELLED Chow-theoretic vs. K-theoretic Gromov-Witten invariants
- CANCELLED Circadian clock function and organisation in Arabidopsis thaliana
- CANCELLED Derived Algebraic Cobordism
- CANCELLED Directed self-assembly of Janus rods
- CANCELLED DUE TO COVID-19 - Intonational phonology in the light of cross-linguistic evidence of variability
- CANCELLED DUE TO COVID-19 - Title: How Language Began: A Peircean Approach to Language Evolution
- CANCELLED DUE TO ILL HEALTH - Targeting Ras mutant cancers: is there an Achilles heel?
- CANCELLED due to inclement weather
- Cancelled due to industrial action
- CANCELLED DUE TO STRIKE ACTION - Changing demography: eastern European female migrants to England at the end of 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries
- CANCELLED DUE TO STRIKE ACTION Concentrated, “pulsed” axial glacier flow: structural glaciological evidence from Kvíárjökull in SE Iceland
- CANCELLED DUE TO STRIKE ACTION Recent advances in understanding climate, glacier and river dynamics in high mountain Asia
- CANCELLED DUE TO STRIKE ACTION Recent advances in understanding climate, glacier and river dynamics in high mountain Asia
- CANCELLED DUE TO STRIKES: Eugenics, and the Misuse of Mendel
- CANCELLED DUE TO UCU STRIKES: A Great Ape Dictionary: now what?
- CANCELLED DUE TO UCU STRIKES: Constructing Identity in Death: A Case-study from Metal Period Philippines
- Cancelled due to weather conditions
- CANCELLED Epigenetics, inheritance and adaptation within the family environment
- CANCELLED Exponential motives and the Fourier transform
- CANCELLED Film and News Media II (26-27 March 2020)
- Cancelled FILM: Sicko
- CANCELLED First year PhD student fieldwork seminar
- CANCELLED Fiscal consolidation, growth and unemployment in OECD Countries
- CANCELLED Graded quotients of ramification groups of a local field with imperfect residue field
- CANCELLED Green knights, green men and green children: colour symbolism and the supernatural in the Middle Ages
- CANCELLED Heavens and Earth: An Empirical Approach to Knowledge Across Cultures– gloknos Annual Lecture Series
- CANCELLED Hopf-theoretic approach to motives of twisted flag varieties
- CANCELLED In Defence of Politics
- CANCELLED in solidarity with strike action: Permanent Sovereignty over Natural Resources and the Unsettling of Mainstream Narratives of International Legal History
- CANCELLED IN SYMPATHY WITH STRIKE Nationality, Alienage and Early International Rights
- CANCELLED Jennifer Luff: Secrets, Lies, and the 'Special Relationship' in the Early Cold War
- CANCELLED Motivic generalized cohomology theories from framed perspective
- CANCELLED Ñande reko: alterity and (non-)participatory research with guaraní women in Bolivia
- CANCELLED On a conjecture of Vorst
- CANCELLED On K-theories of monoids
- CANCELLED p-adic comparison theorems for rigid analytic spaces
- CANCELLED Probabilistic models of graphs for meaning representations
- CANCELLED Representation theoretic models for the algebraic K-theory of fields
- Cancelled talk
- CANCELLED The Dynamics of Stock Repurchases
- CANCELLED The integral Hodge conjecture for 3-folds of Kodaira dimension zero.
- CANCELLED The pioneering history of IVF from the PND* Laboratory, Cambridge: 1976-2016, and what we know now!
- CANCELLED The Right to Science Symposium (1-2 April)
- CANCELLED Thorsten Hamman (Norwegian University of Science and Technology)- Cell wall surveillance: How do plant cells monitor integrity?
- CANCELLED Towards a Global History of Knowledge? Premises, Promises, Concerns – gloknos Annual Lecture
- CANCELLED Transcriptional control of heart development and regeneration CANCELLED
- CANCELLED Translational Epigenetic Inheritance and RNAe
- CANCELLED Ubiquitin-like modifications and proteasomaldegradation pathways in the Archaea
- CANCELLED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE - amplitude (tentative title)
- CANCELLED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE - Theoretical uncertainties in the top-quark mass determination at LHC
- CANCELLED West Indies technologies in the East Indies: Imperial preference and sugar business in Bihar, 1800-1850s
- CANCELLED! Asking your mother: race, gender and positionality in remote oral history interviews
- CANCELLED! Capital and colonialism: The return on British investments in Africa 1869-1969
- CANCELLED! Organic Semiconductor Laser Sensors
- Cancelled! Sorry for inconvenience.
- CANCELLED!!!!!! Cell invasion: a casualty of dysregulated cell extrusion
- CANCELLED-Genetic regulation of tomato fruit ripening
- CANCELLED-Open tools in Marchantia for plant bioengineering work and as a platform for elucidating morphogenesis
- CANCELLED-Phenotypic changes induced by stress and developmental reprogramming in plants
- CANCELLED/POSTPONED Digital phenotyping and smartphone apps for mental health
- CANCELLED: St Catharine's Political Economy Seminar Series: Sir Anthony Atkinson
- CANCELLED: Alex Goodall: The US Marine Empire in the Caribbean and Central America, c.1870-1920
- CANCELLED: Alex Hopkins Lecture: the joy of discovery
- CANCELLED: APOBEC3B and TKI Resistance
- CANCELLED: APOBEC3B and TKI Resistance
- CANCELLED: Art Speak
- CANCELLED: Art Speak
- CANCELLED: Astronomy: The Square km Array Project
- CANCELLED: ‘Rendered much cheaper, than our work-people can make’; Women’s employment in textile manufacturing and English political economy, 1688-1722
- CANCELLED: Beverly Gage: G-Man: J. Edgar Hoover and the American Century
- CANCELLED: Can cell wall polysaccharide structure influence plant development?
- CANCELLED: CATCh-uS as we fall: transition between child and adult services for young people with ADHD
- CANCELLED: Cell migration in gut homeostasis and cancer invasion
- CANCELLED: Circadian regulation of sunflower development
- CANCELLED: Compressed Sensing and the Art of Subsampling
- CANCELLED: Conversion of sensory signals into perceptual decisions
- CANCELLED: CSAR lecture: Graphene, Two Dimensional Materials & Delivering the Future of Electronic Devices
- CANCELLED: Cupid and Psyche: Scientific insights into the painting behind Inspire
- CANCELLED: Curator’s introduction to Virtue, Vice & the Senses: Prints 1540 – 1650
- CANCELLED: Deathly embraces and plant air spaces—using Utricularia to understand development in 3D
- CANCELLED: Doctoral and Masters Student Symposium: Arts-Based Research Praxis and the Role of Theory
- CANCELLED: Double-diffusive convection
- CANCELLED: Drivers and consequences of pollinator decline: from individuals to landscapes
- CANCELLED: Effects of genetic variation on cellular pluripotency and its implications for modelling functional effects of human disease alleles in iPSCs
- CANCELLED: Epigenetics, inheritance and adaption within the family environment
- CANCELLED: Epithelial cell plasticity during tissue morphogenesis and cancer metastasis
- CANCELLED: Forecast skill and predictability of observed Atlantic sea surface temperatures
- CANCELLED: Getting in Shape: in vivo and in silico studies of tissue mechanics in growth control
- CANCELLED: Getting in Shape: in vivo and in silico studies of tissue mechanics in growth control
- CANCELLED: Girls and women on the autism spectrum
- CANCELLED: How and why the growth and biomass varies across the tropics
- CANCELLED: How do we protect the democratic information environment in an AI-powered world? Tackling online harms with computational social science and AI
- CANCELLED: How perspectives from social sciences can help address practical questions of healthcare improvement
- CANCELLED: How we fell in love with Italian food
- Cancelled: I know what you don't know: egophoricity and Jejuan morphosyntax
- CANCELLED: Inherited susceptibility to cancer
- CANCELLED: Jewish food and the Passover rite
- CANCELLED: Kind of Like Making Porn of Yourself:’ Understanding Sexting Through Pornography
- CANCELLED: Learning Components for Human Sensing
- CANCELLED: LMB Seminar: New therapeutic modalities based on pseudo-natural peptides, products, and neobiologics
- CANCELLED: Local Deep Kernel Learning for Efficient Non-linear SVM Prediction
- CANCELLED: Mycobacterial structural biology and prospects for drug development in academia CANCELLED
- Cancelled: No RCC
- CANCELLED: Phenotypic changes induced by stress and developmental reprogramming in plants
- CANCELLED: Planetary predictions from anywhere: Food, carbon, forests, biodiversity, plankton, roads...
- CANCELLED: Plant hormones and development: nature's supercomputer?
- CANCELLED: Post Office Lives: stories of life and death in the British Post Office
- CANCELLED: Protein Intrinsic Disorder and Cell Signaling
- CANCELLED: Rafal Szabla on Quantum Chemical Perspective on the Prebiotic Origins of RNA and DNA
- CANCELLED: Replication control during the cell cycle and development
- CANCELLED: Rethinking Medicine
- CANCELLED: Selective inhibition of phosphatases to boost protein quality control : A possible treatment for degenerative diseases
- CANCELLED: Statistics and characteristics of mid-latitude travelling ionospheric disturbances observed by HF radars
- CANCELLED: Striga, the scourge of Africa: Understanding the molecular basis of resistance in cereals to the parasitic witchweeds
- CANCELLED: Structural executable comparison, malware classification, and collaborative binary analysis - the formerly-zynamics tools at Google
- CANCELLED: Systematic inducement of sparsity
- CANCELLED: Task-based language teaching with technology: the EU-Funded CAMELOT project
- CANCELLED: Territorial pervasiveness of epidemics and health emergencies in the Southern Netherlands/Belgium, 1650-1920
- CANCELLED: The anatomy of Britain’s inter-war super-rich: reconstructing the 1928 ‘millionaire’ population
- CANCELLED: The cognitive neuroscience of antidepressant drug action
- CANCELLED: The Fractured Mirror: Narratives of Artificial Intelligence and Humanity
- CANCELLED: The Impact of New Technology on Transport Planning
- CANCELLED: The Loxbridge Triangle: Integrating the East-West Arch into the London Mega-region
- CANCELLED: The problem of working memory: How does the brain keep information in mind?
- CANCELLED: The rise and fall of the Shopping Mall: dialogues on the relationship of commerce and city
- CANCELLED: Turning the metaverse from myth to reality
- CANCELLED: UK Long-term ecosystem dynamics and environmental
- CANCELLED: Understanding brain diseases with Imaging and Computational Models
- Cancelled: Understanding drivers and consequences of plant diversity across temporal and spatial scales in an era of rapid global change
- CANCELLED: Wheeler Lecture 2022
- CANCELLED: World-making / -breaking: Towards a Political Ontology of Rhythm
- Cancelling the vacuum energy and Weyl anomaly in the standard model with dimension zero scalars
- cancer
- Cancer - Prof. Sir Bruce Ponder
- Cancer and ageing: Rival demons?
- Cancer and DNA - tying up loose ends
- Cancer and Metbolism 2018
- Cancer and the cell cycle
- Cancer and the cell cycle
- Cancer as developmental disease: chance and necessity in networks dynamics during somatic evolution of cancer cells
- Cancer cell invasion in complex environments
- Cancer cell mechanics
- Cancer cell metabolism - basic biology and translational approaches
- Cancer cells are your own cells. So how do you kill the cancer cells without killing your normal cells?
- Cancer cells are your own cells. So how do you kill the cancer cells without killing your normal cells?
- Cancer Epigenetics
- Cancer Epigenetics
- Cancer Gene Discovery in the Mouse
- Cancer Genetics and Cancer Registration
- Cancer Genetics Through the Lens of Mutational Signatures and the Two-Hit Hypothesis.
- Cancer Genome Evolution and Immune Escape
- Cancer ID - From Spectral Segmentation to Deep Learning
- Cancer Imaging: State-of-the-art and unmet challenges
- Cancer immune cellular therapy
- Cancer Immunology and Immunotherapy
- Cancer Immunotherapy
- Cancer immunotherapy
- Cancer Immunotherapy
- Cancer metabolism - a hallmark of cancer
- Cancer metabolism, a hallmark of cancer
- Cancer metabolism, a hallmark of cancer
- Cancer metabolism, a hallmark of cancer
- Cancer metabolism, a hallmark of cancer
- Cancer metabolism, a hallmark of cancer
- Cancer metabolism, a hallmark of cancer- NB 9am start time
- Cancer metastasis
- Cancer Research
- Cancer resistance in the naked mole-rat, a tale of transformation
- Cancer resistance in the naked mole-rat: tales of transformation and more!
- Cancer resistance in the naked mole-rat: tales of transformation and more!
- Cancer stem cells in the brain: Integration with the clinic
- Cancer stem cells, evolution and heterogeneity
- Cancer stem cells, evolution and heterogeneity
- Cancer stem cells, evolution and heterogeneity
- Cancer stem cells, evolution and heterogeneity
- Cancer stem cells, evolution and heterogeneity
- Cancer stem cells, evolution and heterogeneity
- Cancer stem cells, evolution and heterogeneity
- Cancer Therapeutics
- Cancer Tumour/Normal Pair Analysis with the Illumina Genome Analyzer
- Cancer virology
- Cancer virology
- Cancer virology
- Cancer, Development & Adult Tissue Maintenance
- Cancer, Development, Tissue Maintenance and the Multifunctional WT1 gene
- Cancer-related inflammation
- Cancer: Finding New Targets and Novel Therapies
- Cancer: From science to benefit.
- Cancer: misfortune or carelessness?
- Cancer: when friends become foes, and how to make them friends again
- Cancerous microRNAs and regulatory binding proteins
- Cancers and the tumour microenvironment
- Cancers and the tumour microenvironment
- Candida albicans produces a toxic surprise
- Candidates Seminar for the Lectureship in Experimental Quantum Condensed Matter Physics
- Candidates Seminars for the Lectureship in Biological Physics
- Candidates Seminars for the Lectureship in Biological Physics
- Candidates Seminars for the Lectureship in Functional Materials/Electrochemistry
- Candidates Seminars for the Lectureship in High Energy Physics
- Candidates Seminars for the Lectureship in Quantum Complexity
- Candidates vs. Noises Estimation for Large Multi-Class Classification Problem
- Canine Babesiosis: selected aspects of the topic
- Canine Elbow Dysplasia - starting from the ground up!
- Canine intervertebral disc disease: How much do we really know?
- Canine Intervertebral Disc Extrusions
- Canine nasal tumours- What information can MRI provide?
- Canine Oncogenetic Research in the Department
- Canine Total Hip Replacement - The benefit of 3D planning
- Canine Total Hip Replacement - The Benefit of 3D planning - An update
- Canis Major overdensity and Monoceros ring explained in terms of pure Milky Way structure
- Cannabis Medicines - a Modern Reality
- Cannibal Forking
- Canoes and capitalism: an indigenous technology in the early English Caribbean
- Canonical bases and KLR-algebras
- Canonical Coordinates from Tropical Curves
- Canonical Correlation Analysis
- Canonical dimension estimates for p-adic Lie groups
- Canonical embedded resolution of singularities for two-dimensional schemes
- Canonical Feynman integrals and cohomology of GL_n
- Canonical filtrations of coordinate rings of varieties with non-reductive automorphism group
- Canonical foliation of spacetimes with bounded curvature
- Canonical forms for free group automorphisms
- Canonical heights and the Andre-Oort conjecture
- Canonical morphological complexity: a balancing act between lexicon and grammar
- Canonical Quantum Observables Approximated by Molecular Dynamics for Matrix Valued Potentials.
- Canonical Ramsey Theory and The Idea of a Foundation for Mathematics
- Canopus and RCanopus: Scalable Consensus for Permissioned Blockchains
- Canopus and RCanopus: Scalable Consensus for Permissioned Blockchains
- Cantilevers beyond imaging
- Cantonese: the biggest endangered language?
- Cantor meets Scott: Domain-Theoretic Foundations for Probabilistic Network Programming
- Capability and Disability
- Capability Interest Reading Group - Development as Freedom by Amartya Sen
- Capability-oriented Evaluation in AI: From IRT to Measurement Layouts
- Capacity and error exponents of stationary point processes with additive displacement noise
- Capacity and errors in classification of object manifolds
- Capacity bounds and robustness in multipath networks
- Capacity Building in Chemistry in Africa
- Capacity Decisions in Electricity Production under Risk Aversion and Risk Trading
- Capacity market impact on conventional generation under rising renewable feed-in
- Capacity Markets versus Strategic Reserves: Which of the two is theoretically more cost-efficient?
- Capacity markets, risk modelling and decision support
- Capacity mechanisms and the technology mix in competitive electricity markets
- Capacity Mechanisms for Great Britain
- Capacity of phase-based attractor networks with pairwise couplings
- Capacity of random walk and Wiener sausage in 4 dimensions
- Capacity of the range of random walk
- Capacity-achieving codes for the AWGN channel via approximate message passing decoding
- CAPE Symposium: Flexible Electronics for Healthcare
- Capillary effects on the dynamic sequestration of CO2
- Capillary electrophoresis: an introduction to theory and current practise
- Capillary interaction between anisotropic colloids at fluid-fluid interfaces
- Capillary interactions organize bacterial colonies
- Capillary interactions organize bacterial colonies
- Capillary Models for Liquid Crystal Fibers, Membranes, Films, and Drops
- Capillary waves as a label-free detection tool of biomolecules: Perspective for a droplet-based lab on a chip
- Capillary-Gravity Waves
- Capital Adequacy, Pro-cyclicality and Systemic Risk
- Capital and labour: Theoretical foundations of the economics of slavery
- Capital in the Business Cycle: Renting versus Ownership
- Capital Regulation in a Macroeconomic Model with Three Layers of Default
- Capitalism and human welfare in the hi-tech/hi-touch world
- Capitalism – a concept too big to fail?
- Capitalism in a Colonial Context: African Merchants in Lagos, 1851–1921
- CAPITALISM KILLS (love): Les formes et les formes vécues chez Nicolas Bourriaud et Claire Fontaine
- Capitalism on the Edge - Capitalism on Stage
- Capitalism on the Edge - What can women do to change how Capitalism works?
- Capitalism on the Edge - with David Pitt-Watson
- Capitalism on the Edge - with Frances O'Grady - Are trade unions essential for reducing income inequality?
- Capitalism on the Edge - with Paul Polman, CE of Unilever plc
- Capitalism, Debt and Inequality
- Capitalism, the Anthropocene, and climate process?
- Capitalizing Catastrophe Principle in Training Deep Neural Networks & Further Related Topics
- Capsicum: Practical capabilities for UNIX
- Capsid and the inhibition of retroviral replication
- Captain Buzz: An all-smartphone autonomous delta-wing drone
- Captchas - the state of play
- Captioning in ShapeWorld
- Captive polar bears: politics, (re)production, and performance
- Capture of dynamic scene using multiple cameras provides rich spatial-temporal information that can be used for solving challenging computer vision problems.
- Capture the Flag 101 - practical systems and web security
- Captured and Alive: War satire, time and space
- Captured Thoughts: The Collaborations of an Artist and a Scientist
- Capturing 3D models of deformable objects from monocular sequences
- Capturing Accurate Colour Images
- Capturing and simulating the interaction of light with the world around us.
- Capturing Complexity in Improvisation Research: The Influence of Precondition
- Capturing complexity: An interdisciplinary review of movement capture technologies in the arts, humanities, and social sciences
- Capturing Exponentially Small Oscillations, Numerically
- Capturing gas in soft granular media
- Capturing human axial progenitors in vitro
- Capturing Intelligence at the Level of Thought
- Capturing light on the nanoscale
- Capturing Occupant Well-being
- Capturing pluripotency form early mammalian embryos
- Capturing reconnection in Navier-Stokes and resistive MHD dynamics
- Capturing the dynamic behaviour of healthcare systems using Discrete Event Simulation (DES) modelling - An A&E department and an Operating Theatre department
- Capturing the economic dynamics of competing power sources
- Capturing the flow structure beneath water waves
- Capturing the Full Spectrum of Repetitive Behaviour in Typical and Atypical Development
- Capturing the Future: Utopias, Dystopias, and the French Left in 1900
- Capturing the spread and evolution of influenza A
- Capturing time. William Henry Fox Talbot's universal scholarship and the common ground between Photography and the Antique
- Capturing video with final cut pro in edit suite 2
- Car and Parrinello meet Green and Kubo: simulating atomic heat transport from equilibrium ab initio molecular dynamics
- Carbon accounts and inclusive wealth under globalization
- Carbon aspects of the cycles of metals
- Carbon Based Electronics and Optoelectronics
- Carbon Calculation and your personal footprint
- CARBON CAPTURE and STORAGE (CCS): its real option value and potential role in the future electricity system
- Carbon capture and storage: it has a cost, but does it have any value?
- Carbon Capture from Solid Fuels
- Carbon Clarity in the Global Petrochemical Supply Chain
- Carbon Detox
- Carbon Drawdown & Climate Repair
- Carbon Emission - A general approach to road freight transportation
- Carbon fluxes and biodiversity in Mediterranean landscapes – modelling with airborne lidar
- Carbon Footprinting: Industry, People, the Universe and Everything
- Carbon Futures in the Mire? Knowledge Controversies in the Remaking of European Peatlands for Climate Mitigation
- Carbon isotope modelling implications for changes in the Southern Ocean carbon cycle during the last deglaciation
- Carbon isotopes and glacial-interglacial CO2: the curious case of Marine Isotope Stage 12
- Carbon Markets and Eastern Europe
- Carbon Markets, Linking Programs, and the Future of Climate Change Mitigation
- Carbon Nanomaterial and TMDC investigations with Linear-Scaling Density Functional Theory
- Carbon Nanomaterial From Waste
- Carbon Nanomaterials: from Nano Electromechanical Systems to Quantum Dots
- Carbon Nanotube Forests: Growth Fundamentals and Adhesive Properties
- Carbon Nanotube Mechanics: nano and macro; liquid and solid; stiff and soft—but always conductive
- Carbon nanotube suspensions : processing and properties
- Carbon nanotubes - Laboratory to Industry
- Carbon Nanotubes - The Material of the Future
- Carbon Nanotubes above Nano-scale
- Carbon Nanotubes and Graphene as Terahertz Emitters and Detectors
- Carbon Nanotubes and Related Structures as Experimental Cells in the Electron Microscope
- Carbon Nanotubes- the Future for Electronics?
- Carbon Nanotubes: From Fundamental Properties to Nanoscale Pumps and Windmills
- Carbon Nanotubes: From Production to Applications
- Carbon neutral communities
- Carbon Pricing and Firm Profits: Theory and Estimates for US Airlines
- Carbon Sequestration
- Carbon sequestration in forests.
- Carbon storage in heterogeneous porous reservoirs
- Carbon storage in the glacial ocean: radiocarbon recipes
- Carbon uptake, water and light use in a temperate forest: growing season phenology.
- Carbon, Forests and the REDD Paradox
- Carbon-based semiconductors - new science, new engineering and new applications
- Carbon-dioxide motion and reaction in subsurface aquifers
- Carbon-pricing, Energy crops, and Development [t.b.c.]
- Carbonaceous dust grains within galaxies seen in the first billion years of cosmic time
- Carbonyl adducts of nucleobases are new antigens stimulating T cells
- Card shuffling and Diophantine approximation
- CARD9 negatively regulates the inflammasome
- Cardamine hirsuta: a new system for evo-devo studies.
- Cardenio Lost. Or, How to Make a Play with Don Quixote?
- Cardiac acoustics and a smart stethoscope
- Cardiac arrhythmias - genetics, metabolism and mechanisms
- Cardiac Electrophysiology Modelling for Cardiac Safety Assessment
- Cardiac Electrophysiology Modelling for Cardiac Safety Assessment
- Cardiac expression of Cyclooxigenase-2 limits the ischemic-reperfusion injury
- Cardiac imaging: the hero and the villain in the story of regenerative medicine
- Cardiac MRI and Myocardial Infarction: the role of Mathematical Modelling
- Cardiac regenerative therapy–is it viable?
- Cardiac t-tubules: Ca2+ handling microdomains
- Cardio Tennis * 2:00pm - 3:00pm
- Cardio Tennis * 3:00pm - 4:00pm
- Cardio-oncology - A compatible Marriage of Convenience?
- Cardiovasculal MR - New Insights in Heart Diseases -today and in future
- Cardiovascular and Respiratory disease: a dangerous liaison
- Cardiovascular Development: Insights into Regeneration
- Cardiovascular risk prediction:current status and next steps
- Cardy embedding of uniform triangulations
- Care and Cure:an Introduction to Philosophy of Medicine
- Care, Conflict, and Kinship in Botswana's Time of AIDS
- Care-full Markets: Miracle or Mirage?
- Career Development Day
- Career opportunities for PhD students
- Career panel
- Careering through Astronomy: A Lecture by Professor Dame Jocelyn Bell Burnell
- Careers advice session
- Careers and Research in Biotech
- Careers Evening: Summer Research Internships
- Careers in Intellectual Property (IP)
- Careers in Science
- Careers in Science: Pub Trip with Mike Marshall
- Careers Night
- Careers Panel
- Careers Panel
- Careers Panel - Applying for jobs in academia and industry
- Careers Panel - Applying for jobs in academia and industry
- Careers Presentation Selex Galileo
- Careers Recruitment Presentation
- Careers Uncensored: Rewrite your career [script] from the bottom up
- Careers working for UK Research Councils/European Commission
- Careers, Blockchain and Pizza with StakeZero & Cambridge Blockchain Hub
- Carers and Careers: The Impact of Caring on Academic Careers
- Caribbean Steel Drums
- Caring for All Creatures Great & Small: A Qualitative Analysis of Senior Veterinary Students’ Career Choices
- Caring for ancient Egyptian coffins in Cairo (Part 2): The ‘Pop-Up’ museum outreach project
- Caring for ancient Egyptian coffins in Cairo: A new collaboration for the future
- Caring only for canes? Botanical sociability in the Anglo-Caribbean in the age of revolution
- Carl Nightingale: From a Global History of Divided Cities to a Global Urban History
- Carl Schmitt in Leipzig - Constitutional Guardianship or Authoritarian Subversion?
- Carl Schmitt in Leipzig – Defence of Democracy or Autocratic Subversion?
- Carleman estimate for Zaremba boundary condition
- Carleman estimates for fractional relativistic operators
- Carnot and the fields formulation of elementary thermodynamics
- Caroline Calvinism? The cases of Robert Sanderson and Humphrey Sydenham
- Carrie Herbert: Rebuilding Victims of Bullying at the Red Balloon Learning Centre
- Carrier mobility, multiple exciton generation and charge trapping in quantum-dot solids
- Carroll Symmetry
- Carroll, Cotton and Ehlers
- Carrollian amplitudes from holographic Correlators
- Carry on taking Fluids!
- Carrying Trade
- Cars and Voting Machines: Embedded Systems in the Field
- Cartan Connections and Integrable Vortex Equations
- Cartesian differential categories as skew enriched categories
- Cartesian Essential Inclusions of Grothendieck Toposes
- Cartilage by 3D bioprinting of iPS cells
- Cartographic Lines as Travel Pathways of Climate Knowledge: Alexander von Humboldt's Climate Map
- Cartographies of a scientific county: mapping Cornwall
- Cartoon Cambridge: varsity life and town/gown relations as seen in caricatures and comic postcards 1800-1914
- Carving object representation at it’s multi-level joints
- Carving Our Journeys: BME Women in STEMM
- Carving Romanesque Chiaroscuro
- Carving the world into useful task representations
- Cascade Dynamics, Multiplex Networks and Heterogeneity
- Cascaded quantum systems - strongly correlated transport and remote interactions
- Cascades of owls: singular integral equations in aerodynamics
- Case of Identity
- Case Studies III from the Whipple Museum of the History of Science
- Case studies of MS SQL Server tools
- Case study: wave propagation through basalts in well VM1
- Case-Control Studies when Cases are Extreme Values of a Continuous Variable
- Casework problems with the Likelihood Ratio
- Casey Platnich - DNA and Data Storage
- Cashing in on your Research-Cambridge Enterprise explore ways of working with industry
- CASIM VI: Discussion 1 - Local Computational Resources and Issues
- CASIM VI: Discussion 2 - Long Read / New Technologies
- CASIM VI: Discussion 3 - Single Cell Sequencing
- CASIM VI: Keynote Address - Using Hi-C to Determine 3-D Structures of Whole Genomes in Single Cells
- CASIM VI: Rising stars 1 - Data Analysis and Data Sharing Methods
- CASIM VI: Rising stars 2 - Sequencing Applications in Health and Disease
- CASIM VIII: DISCUSSION 1 - Buggy science: improving bioinformatics software quality
- CASIM VIII: DISCUSSION 3 - Hot topics in transcriptomics
- CASIM VIII: DISCUSSION 4 - Analysis of cancer genomes
- CASIM VIII: KEYNOTE SPEAKER - Ebola to Zika: portable nanopore sequencing for outbreak surveillance
- CASIM VIII: Reproducibility Workshop follow up
- CASIM VIII: RISING STARS TALKS - A landscape of pharmacogenomics interactions in cancer
- CASIM VIII: RISING STARS TALKS - Emergence and progression of naive pluripotency in mammalian embryogenesis
- Caspase-2 as a tumour suppressor.
- Cassandra's Climate
- Cassini-Huygens: Odyssey to Saturn and Titan
- Casta paintings and the colonial body
- Caste, class, and culture in contemporary Nepal
- Caste, Public Policy and Health: Living Standards in South India 1910-1940
- Casting Nanostructures for NanoPhotonics
- castleCSF - A Contrast Sensitivity Function of Color, Area, Spatio-Temporal frequency, Luminance and Eccentricity
- Castles built on sand: can we trust non-invasive brain stimulation techniques?
- Castles in the Sky or Solid Foundations? Understanding Recent Developments in China’s Climate Policy
- CASU: Filling the Astronomical Data Lake
- Catalan: past, present and future
- Cataloging Global Diversity in the Human Genome: Promises and Pitfalls
- Catalysing delivery of novel and targeted therapeutics from human genetics
- Catalysing Net Zero and Energy Transition Strategies through Thermodynamic Principles
- Catalysis and Process integration
- Catalyst for Black History Month: Inspiring you to change how you think about the future
- Catalysts for CO2 reduction: from molecules to solids
- Catalytic Activation of Renewable Resources to make Polymers and Fuels
- Catalytic Atom Transfer and Bond Activation Methods Based on P(III)↔P(V) Cycling
- Catalytic Borylation/Cross-Coupling Protocols That Avoid the Preparation of Haloaromatics
- Catalytic Capsids: reactions in confinement
- Catalytic Chirality Generation: New Strategies for Organic Synthesis
- Catalytic Conversion of Biomass and Platform Chemicals
- Catalytic Interfaces for Organic Synthesis in Microdroplets
- Catalytic MetalloDrugs – New Therapies for Old Problems
- Catalytic origami: Genetic tools and strategies for assembling 3D bacterial consortia
- Catalytic selective oxidation in biomass conversion
- Catastrophe & systemic change: Learning from the Grenfell Tower fire and other disasters
- Catastrophe and Katabasis: The 1922 Greek retreat from Turkey and classical metaphors
- Catastrophe and Katabasis: The 1922 Greek retreat from Turkey and classical metaphors
- Catastrophe Models
- Catastrophe theory and art
- Catastrophic megafloods in the English Channel explain how Britain became an island
- Cat’s eyes in a two-dimensional vortex
- Catch and release chemistry in 3D gels
- Catch me if you can. Anti HIV restriction factors, viral countermeasures and the Red Queen
- Catch me if you can: Intracellular innate restriction of viral infection
- CATChES: Computerised Aphasia Therapy for Chronic Aphasia
- Catching Comets by their Tails
- Catching forming giant planets -- hydrodynamic simulations and observations of the circumplanetary disks
- Catching Ourselves in the Act: wicked problems, (possibly) unintended consequences and inclusive education
- Categorical cell decompositions of quantum symplectic varieties
- Categorical compositional distributional semantics: state-of-the-art!
- Categorical Compositionality for Distributional Semantics, Without Tears
- Categorical Data Analysis
- Categorical data analysis
- Categorical Data Analysis
- Categorical Data Analysis
- Categorical Data Analysis
- Categorical Data Analysis
- Categorical Data Analysis
- Categorical Data Analysis
- Categorical Data Analysis
- Categorical Data Analysis
- Categorical Data Analysis
- Categorical Data Analysis
- Categorical data analysis
- Categorical data analysis
- Categorical Data Analysis
- Categorical diagonalization
- Categorical dynamics
- Categorical Logic Round Table
- Categorical Matrix Factorizations
- Categorical models of dependent type theory
- Categorical models of dependent type theory II
- Categorical models of dependent types
- Categorical models of effects and resources
- Categorical Models of Explicit Substitutions
- Categorical structure for conditional independence
- Categorical Symplectic Topology Conference
- Categories and gradience in intonation
- Categories and orbispaces
- Categories and profunctors via free cocompletions
- Categories for quantum information theory
- Categories of curved complexes for marked surfaces
- Categories of Relations (Allegories)
- Categorification and finite dimensional modules of DAHA
- Categorification of Perfect Matchings
- Categorification of sl(2)-modules
- Categorification of sl(2)-modules
- Categorification of sl(2)-modules
- Categorification, canonical bases and knot invariants
- Categorified colored HOMFLY invariants of rational tangles
- Categorified Heisenberg actions on Hilbert schemes
- Categorified knot invariants and algebraic geometry
- Categorifying connections
- Categorizing facial expressions of emotion with and without conscious awareness
- Category selectivity in the ventral visual pathway: Computational models and developmental origins
- Category Theory 2014
- Category Theory 2014
- Category Theory 2014
- Category Theory 2014
- Category Theory 2014
- Category Theory 2014
- Category theory and functional programming for scalable statistical modelling and computational inference
- Category Theory and the Philosophy of Language
- Catharine Cockburn on substantival space: a 'new' 18th-century solution
- Catholic activists, medical authority and the limiting of peasant choice in rural Brittany, 1650–1750
- Catholic Separatism, Church Popery and Late Elizabethan Politics
- Catholic Social Teaching and the politics of civil society
- Catholic visions of democratic world order in the 1940
- Catriona McDonald - Topic TBA
- Cats and Crowds: Augmenting Limited Labelled Data in Medical Image Analysis
- Cats and Crowds: Augmenting Limited Labelled Data in Medical Image Analysis
- CaTT, a type-theory to describe weak omega-categories
- Cattle mixing patterns impact bovine tuberculosis transmission
- Cattle/Badger TB
- Cauchy and log transforms on intervals, curves, wedges and polygons
- Cauchy Slice Holography
- Cauchy theory for general Vicsek models in collective dynamics and mean-field limit approximations
- Cauchy-Schwarz Principles for uniform entropy
- Cauchy-type integrals in multivariable complex analysis
- Caught Between the Social Media machine and the Impact machine?
- Caught in the act: hot mantle pulses in the North Atlantic Ocean
- Causal aspects of quantum information in quantum gravity
- Causal assessment and the question of stability
- Causal de Finetti: On the Identification of Invariant Causal Structure in Exchangeable Data
- Causal decision theory and tragic evidence: Death in Damascus revisited
- Causal explanation and revealed preferences
- Causal functional interactions between cortical areas
- Causal Identification: Are We There Yet?
- Causal Inference and Causal Reinforcement Learning
- Causal Inference and Domain Adaptation
- Causal inference and stratified medicine: an illustration of trial designs incorporating biomarker information for mechanisms evaluation
- Causal Inference for Nonlinear Outcome Models with Possibly Invalid Instrumental Variables
- Causal Inference for Treatment Effects: A Theory and Associated Learning Algorithms
- Causal Inference for Treatment Effects: A Theory and Associated Learning Algorithms
- Causal Inference for Treatment Effects: A Theory and Associated Learning Algorithms
- Causal Inference from 2-level factorial designs
- Causal Inference in Genetic Trio Studies
- Causal inference in high-dimensional systems based on observational data
- Causal Machine Learning
- Causal Machine Learning: Fundamentals and Applications
- Causal mediation analysis with multiple mediators
- Causal models in evidential reasoning
- Causal Network Structure Identification in Nonlinear Dynamical Systems
- Causal network structure identification in nonlinear dynamical systems
- Causal networks for climate model evaluation
- Causal networks for process-oriented climate model evaluation
- Causal networks in evidential reasoning
- Causal realism in quantum physics and the cosmological invariant set postulate
- Causal Reasoning from Meta-reinforcement Learning
- Causal Representation Learning
- Causal structure relations
- Causality
- Causality
- Causality and Microcausaliy in Curved Spacetime
- Causality and Responsibility in Formal Verification and Beyond
- Causality and Streaming Data
- Causality and Streaming Data
- Causality and the development of tunable acoustic metamaterial absorbers
- Causality Constraints and the Curious Case of de Sitter
- Causality constraints on corrections to the graviton 3-point coupling
- Causality for Free! Parametricity Implies Causality for Functional Reactive Programs
- Causality in Lovelock theories of gravity
- Causality Relations At Infinity
- Causality, Bell's Theorem and Ontic Definiteness
- Causality, Perturbations, Gene Regulation, and Drug Repurposing
- Causality, sum rules, and scattering bounds
- Causation and exceptions
- Causation and prediction in epidemiology
- Causation as a thermodynamic phenomenon
- Causation, models of disease and epidemiology
- Causatives in Sanskrit
- Cause, causatives and theories of causation
- Cause-and-effect of linear mechanisms sustaining in wall turbulence
- Causes and consequences of avian personality differences
- Causes and Consequences of Gut Microbiome Variation in Wild Birds
- Causes and Consequences of New Mutations.
- Causes and consequences of upper-mantle seismic anisotropy: The link between olivine microstructure and the nature of plate tectonics
- Causes and consequences of viscous anisotropy in deforming, partially molten rocks
- Causes and effects of recent changes in Antarctic sea-ice transport
- Causes and Nature of Royalist Disappointment in Restoration England and Wales
- Causes and processes of liver disease in man. Are there lessons for the veterinary world?
- Causes of Climate Change and the Role of the Sun
- Causes of death in Copenhagen, 1876-1900
- Causes of ice-age intensification across the Mid-Pleistocene Transition, insights from a new boron isotope CO2 record
- Cavafy and the nineties
- Cavafy, photography and fetish
- Cave minerals in Paleoenvironmental Research and Planetary Exploration
- Cave rings
- Caveat coercitor: towards coercion-evident elections
- Cavendish Graduate Student Conference on Physics
- Cavendish Graduate Student Conference on Physics 2013
- Cavendish Graduate Student Conference on Physics 2014
- Cavendish Physical Society Lecture - title tbc
- Cavendish Physical Society Lecture - title tbc
- Cavendish Prism launch event - 'Exploring the workplace for LGBT+ physical scientists'
- Caveolae protect endothelial cells from rupture during increased cardiac output
- Cavitation Enhanced Drug Delivery
- Cavity expansion in locked sand
- Cavity optomechanics in new regimes and with new devices: Single-photon strong coupling and dissipative interaction
- Cavity-mediated interaction in a quantum gas - From supersolids to spin textures
- Cayley path and quantum supremacy: Average case #P-Hardness of random circuit sampling
- C⁰-symplectic topology and the Arnold conjecture.
- César Milstein Lecture 2025: Title TBC
- CB12: Observations of the Thermal SZ Effect at 30 GHz
- CBL Alumni Talk - Our Power as Technical Designers
- CBL Alumni Talk - Task-specific routing of information in neural circuits via structured noise by Cristina Savin
- CBL Alumni Talk: Accurate Gaussian Processes and how they can help Deep Learning
- CBL Alumni Talk: Examining Critiques in Bayesian Deep Learning
- CBL Alumni Talk: Finale Doshi-Velez
- CBL Alumni Talk: Latent Stochastic Differential Equations: An Unexplored Model Class.
- CBL Alumni Talk: Nonlinear filtering as a unifying principle in neuroscience by Jean-Pascal Pfister
- CCA open day
- CCA open day
- CCA-MASDOC conference, day 1
- CCA-MASDOC conference, day 2
- CCA-MASDOC conference, day 3
- CCBI 2nd Annual Symposium
- CCBI Annual Symposium
- CCBI Annual Symposium
- CCBI Annual Symposium 2019
- CCBI Annual Symposium 2021
- CCBI/C2D3 Computational Biology Annual Symposium
- CCBI/C2D3 Computational Biology Annual Symposium 2022
- CCE Seminar: Training Future Engineers: What Can We Learn from Twelve Outstanding Innovators?
- CCE/EED Seminar and Film Screening of Camfed International's "Where the Water meets the Sky"
- CCfCS Annual Welcome Meeting
- CCfCS Arctic Change meeting
- CCfCS Bring-a-plot event
- CCfCS Climate Crisis Game
- CCfCS Easter Term Young Scientist Afternoon
- CCFCS event
- CCfCS Lent Symposium: Time scales in Climate Science.
- CCfCS Modelling Workshop
- CCfCS Post Grad/Post Doc Poster Afternoon
- CCfCS poster session
- CCfCS Poster Session
- CCfCS Poster session
- CCfCS poster session
- CCfCS Welcome Event
- CCfCS Welcome Event 2017
- CCHG: Imagining infrastructures workshop
- CCHSR Annual Lecture: Patient and public involvement in research: progress and challenges
- CCI Conservation Seminar - Integrating deep history into conservation efforts on the African continent: opportunities, challenges and applications
- CCI Conservation Seminar - Making a case for nature to investors: Conversation with Siddarth Shrikanth
- CCI Earth Talk: Tales from the Red List
- CCIMI Colloquium - The Statistical Finite Element Method
- CCIMI Seminar: Kernel-based Methods for Bandit Convex Optimization
- CCIMI Short Course Lecture 1
- CCIMI Short Course Lecture 2
- CCIMI Short Course Lecture 3
- CCIMI Short Course Lecture 4
- CCIMI Student Video Contest
- CCIMI Video Contest
- CCLS 2024: Final Lecture: No 1.5C without intervention?
- CCLS 2024: Lecture 3: Agreeing to disagree
- CCLS 2024: No 1.5C without climate Intervention?
- CCLS2024: Lecture 2: The Textile Industry and Pre-Loved Clothing
- CCMR Annual Symposium
- CCR: A marriage of refinement and separation logic.
- CCS & permeability: thinking about uncertainty through a perturbation analysis and Bubble growth in alkaline electrolysis
- CCS Research Down Under
- CCTV in the UK: A failure of theory or a failure of practice?
- CCTV Surveillance and Sports Video Analysis
- CD3 monoclonal antibodies to treat type 1 diabetes
- CD4+ T cell memory during type 1 immune response
- CD45 and TIM-1: unique targets for induction of regulatory T and B cells in transplant tolerance"
- CD66+/Notch high cells in human cervical tumours: linking papillomavirus life cycle to cancer progression
- CD8 responses and memory maintenance: a role for CXCR4 chemokine receptor.
- CDH Open: Digital Fiction and Epistemology Backlashes
- CDH Open: How to do Digital Humanities
- CDH Open: How to do Digital Humanities
- CDSAT: conflict-driven theory combination
- CDT Team Challenge
- CEA Vertical Farm HVAC Control Problem
- CEB@11 with Dr Olivia Remes: How to become resilient and take back control of your life
- CEDiR Group Seminar: Investigating the Social Nature of Classroom Learning: Evolving Methodologies
- CEDS group meeting
- CEDSG group meeting
- CEDSG group meeting
- CEDSG group meeting
- CEDSG group meeting
- CEDSG group meeting
- CEDSG group meeting
- CEDSG group meeting - cancelled
- CEDSG group meeting - discussion on Dueben and Bauer 2018
- CEDSG group meeting - discussion on Sonnewald, Wunsch, Heimbach 2019
- CEDSG group meeting - Paper discussion: Bolton and Zanna 2019
- CEDSG group meeting - Petr Doležal will discuss his part III project
- CEDSG group meeting - Risa and Robert discussing downscaling
- CEDSG Short Talks
- CEDSG-AI4ER Group Round Table
- CEI - Water Workshop
- CELAR+SCAN: Moving HPC to the cloud
- Celebrating (or Not) the Centenary of the Russian Revolution
- Celebrating 10 Years of Cambridge Global Health Partnerships
- Celebrating 10 years of women@CL
- Celebrating an anniversary in the history of science
- Celebrating Difference- A Whole School Approach to LGBT+ Inclusion
- Celebrating the 200th birthday of Queen Victoria and our recent acquisition of her bust by Alfred Gilbert
- Celebrating the 40th Anniversary of Mildred Taylor's Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry
- Celebrating the 40th Anniversary of Mildred Taylor's Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry
- Celebrating the work of Professor Christopher Colclough
- Celebration of Ten Years in Partnership with Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools
- Celebrity, Environment and Development.
- Celestial fluid mechanics: the nonlinear gas dynamics of discs around stars and black holes
- Celestial Holography and w(1+infinity)
- Celestial Incantations
- Celestial symmetries charges at null infinity from twistor space
- Cell adhesion and spreading on patterned substrates
- Cell biological mechanisms regulating vertebrate neurogenesis
- Cell biological parameters that modulate the range of Wingless in Drosophila epithelia.
- Cell Biology
- Cell biology of hereditary spastic paraplegias
- Cell biology of insulin action on glucose transport and its relationship to systemic glucose homeostasis
- Cell Biology of lipid droplets
- Cell biology of the trypanosome surface coat
- Cell biology of the trypanosome surface coat
- Cell competition during development and disease
- Cell competition through growth factor signalling
- Cell complexes: A general mathematical framework for modelling development in 1, 2 and 3 dimensions
- Cell cortex mechanics: of blebs and other intriguing aspects of cell shape
- Cell crawling, cell swimming and cell tumbling
- Cell Culture 2016
- Cell culture technology: recent advances, future prospects
- Cell Cycle Analysis: the research and the technology
- Cell cycle controls enforcing asymmetric spindle pole fate in budding yeast
- Cell cycle machinery in mouse development and in cancer
- Cell death and autophagy in response to inhibition of glycolysis
- Cell death and decision making in macrophages during inflammation
- Cell death as an antimicrobial mechanism against extracellular bacterial infection
- Cell death as an antimicrobial mechanism against extracellular bacterial infection
- Cell death inhibitors: from Baculovirus to Bedside
- Cell decompositions of moduli spaces and generalisations
- Cell detection by functional inverse diffusion and group sparsity
- Cell differentiation and tumour initiation - two sides of the coin
- Cell division and elongation in Arabidopsis root
- Cell division: how do cells ensure that 92 ÷ 2 = 46
- Cell Divisions During Epithelial Morphogenesis
- Cell dynamics driving gastrulation in the mouse embryo
- Cell extrusion—an exciting start to the end of life
- Cell fate and morphogenesis in fly renal tubules
- Cell fate imbalance in the Oesophageal Epithelium: mutant cell competition
- Cell fate in response to anti-mitotic chemotherapeutics
- Cell fate in the mammalian epidermis
- Cell fate specification guided by hormonal and genetic interplay during fruit development
- Cell fate transitions and the secret life of histones
- Cell immortalisation strategies past and present
- Cell mechanics and chromatin dynamics in embryonic stem cells
- Cell Mechanics Based Microfluidics for Disease Diagnosis & Therapy: From Bench to Bedside
- Cell Migration & Gradient Sensing: Lessons from Zebrafish Neutrophils
- Cell migration in gut homeostasis and cancer invasion
- Cell model for scaling near the mobility edge
- Cell morphogenesis across scales, from molecules to forces
- Cell morphogenesis across scales: from molecular processes to cell-scale behaviour
- Cell Morphogenesis – What We Have Learned from Rubber Balloons and Soap Bubbles
- Cell motility due to active gel flows
- Cell movements in reshaping tissues
- Cell movements in reshaping tissues
- Cell Plasticity and Lineage Commitment in Liver Tumorigenesis
- Cell polarity and local condensation of biomolecular condensates
- Cell Polarity and Organoids: New Pathways and Models for Translational Research and Cancer Immunology
- Cell polarity and subcellular organelle dynamics cooperate to regulate retinal neurogenesis
- Cell polarity remodelling by the RASSF protein family
- Cell polarity: a barricade against infection and cancer cell invasion
- Cell recording and fMRI reveal a specialized system for processing faces in the temporal lobe
- Cell replacement therapy in Parkinson's disease
- Cell scaffold dimensional metrology using high resolution 3D printing methods and machine learning
- Cell shape and dynamics in biological development
- Cell shape determination: Mechanical competition vs. endogenous genetic programme
- Cell shape dynamics in E. coli
- cell shape impacts on collective patterning and migration
- Cell shape, cell division and the development of early embyos
- Cell Signalling
- Cell signalling and oncogenesis in the absence of growth factor stimulation
- Cell signalling and oscillations
- Cell size - A new hallmark of aging?
- Cell size regulation: how it happens and why it matters
- Cell sorting strategies for improved stem cell differentiation into neural cells
- Cell state switches and local adaptation in cancer: insights from AI and ecology-inspired approaches
- Cell stress at the edge of inflammation and tumorigenesis – the microbial twist
- Cell surface fluctuations regulate early embryonic lineage sorting
- Cell surface fluctuations regulate early embryonic lineage sorting
- Cell surface profiling reveals the what, where and how of a host-parasite interface
- Cell Surface Signalling Assemblies
- Cell Systems for SU(N) Quantum Subgroups
- Cell therapies for Parkinson’s disease – Hype or Hope?
- Cell to Whole Organ Global Sensitivity Analysis and Parameter Inference on a Four-chamber Heart Electromechanics Model Using Gaussian Processes Emulators
- Cell type determination and association with the DNA donor
- Cell Uptake and Trafficking: from amyloid proteins to drug delivery vehicles
- Cell wall deficient (L-form) bacteria: from cell biology to the origins of life
- Cell wars: competition through growth factor signalling
- Cell-Autonomous Mechanisms of HIV Suppression
- Cell-based modeling and topological techniques for biological pattern formation
- Cell-based modelling for wound contraction and angiogenesis
- Cell-based modelling of epithelial morphogenesis: towards an integrative approach
- Cell-based patterning in developing tissues
- Cell-biology of antigen cross-presentation
- Cell-Cell Communication during Fertilization in Arabidopsis: a Surprising Link to Disease Resistance
- Cell-material interactions in biomimetic bone-like composites
- Cell-Material interface investigated via SEM/focused ion beam
- Cell-matrix interactions in neural development and repair
- Cell-of-origin of prostate cancer and clinical heterogeneity
- Cell-size control and homeostasis at the single-cell level
- Cell-specific analysis of tumour-stroma signalling
- Cell-specific transcript accumulation in a model C4 plant Cleome gynandra
- Cell-to-cell transport of PVX involves novel features of the endomembrane network
- Cell-type resolution epigenomes reveal a unique DNA methylation state within the Arabidopsis root meristem
- Cell-type specific adaptations of the endosomal system for organelle biogenesis and function
- Cell-type tailored efference copy signals in Drosophila
- Cell-type-specific behaviour underlies cellular growth variability in plants
- Cell-type-specific vulnerability, degeneration and repair in a novel human organoid neuraxis model
- Cells and gels - questions a physicist asks
- Cells in gels: identification of Plakoglobin as an evolutionary conserved mechanosensitive regulator of naïve pluripotency
- Cells move! But how do they do it?
- Cells Under the Tip
- Cells with a rooting function give new insights into land plant evolution
- Cells, Planets, Stars and Galaxies. Projects@CASU: creating image and spectroscopy analysis systems for data intensive science
- Cells, Proteins and Bioprocessing
- Cellular adhesion during cellular senescence and ageing
- Cellular and circuit mechanisms of cortical function in humans and rats
- Cellular and molecular mechanisms of arbovirus pathogenesis: implications for therapeutic interventions
- Cellular and molecular mechanisms underpinning antibiotic resistance evasion
- Cellular BASICs and Particle Biophysics for Systems Biology
- Cellular Communication via Adhesion
- Cellular Conversations that Control Cancer
- Cellular Conversations that Control Cell Fate
- Cellular Decision-making: From Single to Collectives — Insights from Mathematical Modeling
- Cellular dissection of visual cortex reveals dedicated pathways for multisensory computations
- Cellular dynamics and regulation of cambium stem cells during plant secondary Growth
- Cellular Dynamics and Signaling Molecules in Pollen Tube Guidance
- Cellular dynamics during T cell activation and function
- Cellular E_k-algebras and homological stability
- Cellular functions of intergenic lncRNAs
- Cellular hierarchies in normal and malignant epithelial tissue
- Cellular junctions during Drosophila Dorsal Closure
- Cellular Mechanics of Morphogenetic Movements
- Cellular mechanisms of embryonic development and embryo-maternal interactions during implantation
- Cellular Mechanisms of Immunopathology vs. Protection in Human Cutaneous Leishmaniasis
- Cellular mechanisms underlying self-assembly of growth cones after axotomy
- Cellular models for Tissue Engineering : potential & limitations
- Cellular models for Tissue Engineering: potential and limitations
- Cellular modulators of mutant huntingtin aggregation
- Cellular Organization Through Liquid-Liquid Phase Separation
- Cellular plasticity cascades: genes to behaviour pathways in the pathophysiology and treatment of severe mood disorders
- Cellular quality control of protein aggregates by chaperones
- Cellular recycling: role of autophagy in aging and disease
- Cellular redox homeostasis and regulation in the cell proliferation in relation to stress tolerance
- Cellular remodelling, differentiation and autophage in Leishmania
- Cellular responses to DNA damage: molecular mechanisms and therapeutic applications
- Cellular responses to DNA damage: translating molecular insights towards new cancer therapies
- Cellular responses to DNA damage: mechanistic insights and therapeutic applications
- Cellular self-defense: how cell-autonomous immunity protects against pathogens
- Cellular senescence: molecular mechanisms and implications for cancer and aging
- Cellular signalling in T cells is captured by a tractable modular phenotypic model
- Cellular signalling networks in colon cancer and the models to study them. A basic research perspective
- Cellular signalling networks in colon cancer and the models to study them. A basic research perspective
- Cellular strategies for airway epithelial maintenance
- Cellular structural biology of Gram-negative bacteria: atoms to cells
- Cellular Systems Biology of Chromosome Dynamics
- Cellular Systems Biology of Chromosome Dynamics
- Cellular Systems Biology of Chromosome Dynamics
- Cellular techniques in homological stability 1: general theory
- Cellular techniques in homological stability 2: mapping class groups
- Cellular Trajectories in Root Regeneration
- Cellular Trajectories in Root Regeneration
- Cellulose based advanced Materials
- Cellulose Biointerface for Paper Diagnostics
- Cellulose Photonics: from nature to applications
- Cellulose Photonics: from nature to applications
- Cellulose Photonics: From Nature To Applications
- Cellulose-based helical micro/nano filaments and films
- Cellulose: Future technology for the world’s most utilised material
- Cellulose: the plant kingdom's strong material
- Cement and CO2, the reality
- Cenozoic uplift history of South America
- Cenozoic Uplift of Europe from Linear Inverse Modelling of River Profiles
- Censoring stable paths (and better living through Levy processes)
- Censorship and Surveillance Resistance Systems
- Censorship Circumvention: Staying Ahead in a Cat-and-Mouse Game
- Censorship Resistance Systems
- Census making and “Becoming Peoples.”
- Census making and “Becoming Peoples”
- Centaurs, Spiders, and Saints: Inferno XII, Purgatorio XII, Paradiso XII
- Centenary Series: "'Abdu'l-Bahá and the Modernists"
- Centenary Series: "'Abdu'l-Bahá's Journey in America"
- Centenary Series: "A Culture of Peace: 'Abdu’l-Bahá's Integrative Vision"
- Centenary Series: "From 'What? A Woman?' to 'What a Woman!' The Role of 'Abdu'l-Bahá in the Advancement of Women"
- Centenary Series: "Human Nature"
- Centenary Series: "Re-imagining Rural/Urban Relationships: 'Abdu'l-Bahá on Reciprocity"
- Centenary Series: "Religious Modernity and Peace: Insights from a 1919 Letter to The Hague"
- Centenary Series: "The Life and Nearly Death Of Riley: A Man Who Sees a Photo of 'Abdu'l-Bahá"
- Center for Peace Education - Liberia
- Centering, scaling, and transformations: improving the biological information content of metabolomics data
- Central Anatolian Neolithic: Tracing the Emergence of Early Sedentary Communities
- Central Bank Collateral Frameworks
- Central circuits that subserve pain of different behavioural significance and their descending control
- Central Clearing of OTC derivatives
- Central European Émigrés at the Oxford Institute of Statistics
- Central exclusive processes at the Tevatron and LHC
- Central galaxy quenching: a consistent look across simulations and observations
- Central leptin sensing: Where does it all start ?
- Central limit theorem for superdiffusive processes
- Central limit theorems for additive functionals of stable processes
- Central Limit Theorems in Simple Exclusion Processes
- Central Mexico 2005 Part 1 - Puebla to Oaxaca
- Central nervous system pericytes: new insight on their identity and potential role in brain repair
- Central pair formation in a eukaryotic flagellum
- Central representation of protein availability regulates metabolism and behaviour
- Central values of modular form L-functions
- Central- versus Self-Dispatch in Electricity Markets
- Central-Upwind Schemes and Applications
- Centrality clubs and concepts of the core: decoding the communicative organisation of brain networks
- CENTRE FOR FAMILY RESEARCH SEMINAR: "Supporting the development of young children’s cognitive skills
- Centre for Gender Studies: Book Launch - Juliet Mitchell and the Lateral Axis
- Centre for Industrial Sustainability 5th Annual Conference - Capturing Sustainable Value
- Centre for Science and Policy Annual Lecture - What does it take to achieve science-informed policy?: the case of antimicrobial resistance
- Centre for Trophoblast Research - Annual Meeting 2024
- Centre Launch and Inaugural Lecture by Francis M Deng, 'Managing Diversity as a Strategy for the Prevention of Genocide and Mass Atrocities'
- Centrifugal vibration absorbers and some applied mechanics history
- Centrifuge modelling of the behaviour of geosynthetic-reinforced soils above voids
- Centriole Duplication: from body coordination in flies to skin cell biology and cancer
- Centromere identity and the nature of the chromatin containing the variant histone, CENP-A
- Centrosomal delivery of secretory granules
- Centrosomal Polo kinase as a key regulator of both cell cycle and morphogenesis
- Centrosome amplification and cancer: reaching out
- Centrosome Amplification: Cancer’s Friend or Foe?
- Centrosome changes in cancer – causes and consequences
- Centrosome cycle, cell division and chromosome segregation
- Centrosomes: organizers of cell division in C.elegans embryos
- CEO Option Compensation Can Be a Bad Option: Evidence from Product Market Relationships
- CEO Turnover, Firm Performance, and Ownership Structure
- Cephalo-pelvic integration in hybrid mouse models and implications for human obstructed labour
- Cephalopod-derived Materials for Photonic and Protonic Devices
- Ceramic armour: Past, present and future
- Ceramic Technologies of Late Bronze Age Cyprus: Plain White Pottery from Enkomi
- Ceramics and the City: Industry, society and space in Fustat, Egypt
- CERB Banking: How to secure online banking and keep the users happy?
- Cerberus C semantics & pointer provenance
- Cercignani's conjecture between multiples of the equilibrium
- CerCo --- Certified Complexity
- Cereals and Soil Fungi: Using microbes for agricultural sustainability
- Cerebellar evolution and function: a neuroethological perspective
- Cerebral organoids: human brain development modelled in a dish
- Cerebral organoids: modelling human brain development and tumorigenesis in stem cell derived 3D culture
- Cerebral signature for pain perception and its modulation in health and disease
- CERF Cavalcade
- CERF Cavalcade
- CERF Cavalcade - 23 May 2019
- CERF Cavalcade 20 May 2020
- CERF Cavalcade 2015
- CERF Cavalcade 2022
- CERF Cavalcade 2023
- CERF Cavalcade May 2018
- CERF in the (virtual) City 2021
- CERF in the City
- CERF in the City 2019
- CERN & Particle Physics
- CERN Higgs webcast
- Certain about uncertainty? Latent representations of VAEs optimized for visual tasks.
- Certified automated theorem proving for types
- Certified bounds for the eigenvalues of the Dirac operator
- Certified dimension reduction of the input parameter space of vector-valued functions
- Certified dimension reduction of the input parameter space of vector-valued functions
- Certifying Randomness in quantum theory
- Cetacean conservation in the Southern Ocean - relevance of the CCAMLR and the Madrid Protocol
- CETIIB Posters and Presentations
- CETIIB Posters and Presentations
- Ceylon Portuguese: Survival Against All Odds
- CF Weekly Workshop - by Mike Joyce, Bank of England - Quantitative easing in the UK: evidence from financial markets on QE1 and QE2
- CF Weekly Workshop - by Professor Alexander Lipton - Asymptotics for Exponential Lévy Processes and their Volatility Smile: Survey and New Results
- CF Weekly Workshop - by Ranadeva Jasasekera - 'A general theory of the firm'
- CF Weekly Workshop - by Xuan Tam - Bankruptcy and Delinquency in a Model of Unsecured Debt
- CFD from academia to industry
- CfEL's Enterprise Tuesday 2011/2012: Creating Star Teams
- CfEL's Enterprise Tuesday 2011/2012: Growing Your Venture
- CfEL's Enterprise Tuesday 2011/2012: Leveraging the Value of Consulting
- CfEL's Enterprise Tuesday 2011/2012: Mindsets and Motivations
- CfEL's Enterprise Tuesday 2011/2012: Recognising Opportunities
- CfEL's Enterprise Tuesday 2011/2012: Serendipity or Hard Work
- CfEL's Enterprise Tuesday 2011/2012: Vision Meets Reality
- CfEL's Enterprise Tuesday 2011/2012: Visions, Plans and Making it Happen
- CfEL's Ignite - 01 July to 06 July 2012
- CFSG and group theory
- CFT and the bootstrap
- CFT from EFT at large charge
- CFT of IQNF via EC with CM: decomplexifying complex multiplication
- CFT probes of bulk geometry
- CGHR and CAS event - Decolonising African Studies?
- CGHR and CAS event - Decolonising African Studies?
- CGHR at the Cambridge Science Festival - Health crises, digital media and community voices
- CGHR Book Launch: Political Identity and Conflict in Central Angola 1975-2002
- CGHR Expert Practitioner Series: Working in Human Rights, Peacebuilding, Humanitarian Aid and Development
- CGHR Expert Practitioner Series: Working in Human Rights, Peacebuilding, Humanitarian Aid and Development
- CGHR Expert Practitioner Series: Working in Human Rights, Peacebuilding, Humanitarian Aid and Development
- CGHR Expert Practitioner Series: Working in Human Rights, Peacebuilding, Humanitarian Aid and Development
- CGHR Expert Practitioner Series: Working in Human Rights, Peacebuilding, Humanitarian Aid and Development
- CGHR Expert Practitioner Series: Working in Human Rights, Peacebuilding, Humanitarian Aid and Development
- CGHR Expert Practitioner Series: Working in Human Rights, Peacebuilding, Humanitarian Aid and Development
- CGHR Expert Practitioner Series: Working in Human Rights, Peacebuilding, Humanitarian Aid and Development
- CGHR Expert Practitioner Series: Working in Human Rights, Peacebuilding, Humanitarian Aid and Development
- CGHR Expert Practitioner Series: Working in Human Rights, Peacebuilding, Humanitarian Aid and Development
- CGHR Expert Practitioner Series: Working in Human Rights, Peacebuilding, Humanitarian Aid and Development
- CGHR Film screening: Enemies of the People
- CGHR Film Screening: Kashmir's Torture Trail, followed by a Q&A with film maker Jezza Neumann
- CGHR Film Screening: The Awra Amba Experience, preview screening followed by a Q&A with the filmmakers
- CGHR film screening: We Are Many, followed by a Q&A with Producer-Director Amir Amirani
- CGHR Governance and Human Rights Research Group
- CGHR Open Discussion Group: Fighting Female Genital Cutting in India
- CGHR Panel - The Streets Don't Forget: Photojournalism and Creative Research on the Philippine Drug War
- CGHR Photography Competition
- CGHR Practitioner Series
- CGHR Practitioner Series
- CGHR Practitioner Series presents: Reporting Human Rights Today
- CGHR Practitioner Series with Deborah Coles, Executive Director of INQUEST
- CGHR Practitioner Series, Freddie Carver, DFID
- CGHR Practitioner Series: Albert Fox Cahn
- CGHR Practitioner Series: Alix Dunn, The Engine Room
- CGHR Practitioner Series: Andrea Coomber, JUSTICE
- CGHR Practitioner Series: Being a political organiser and non-profit founder
- CGHR Practitioner Series: Defending Human Rights
- CGHR Practitioner Series: Fiona O'Brien, Foreign Correspondent, Academic, Communications Consultant
- CGHR Practitioner Series: Fredrik Galtung, President & Co-founder, Integrity Action
- CGHR Practitioner Series: Marcus Lenzen, Senior Conflict Adviser, DFID
- CGHR Practitioner Series: Meet a United Nations Special Mandate Holder
- CGHR Practitioner Series: Pamela Aall, Senior Advisor for Conflict Prevention and Management, US Institute of Peace
- CGHR Practitioner Series: Sandrine Tiller, Humanitarian Adviser (MSF-UK)
- CGHR Practitioner Series: Selma James, Global Women's Strike
- CGHR Practitioner Series: Sharath Srinivasan, Africa's Voices
- CGHR Practitioner Series: Tech Innovators Working in Human Rights
- CGHR Practitioner Series: The UN from Within
- CGHR Practitioner Series: Victor Sibaja
- CGHR Practitioner Series: Working as an International Journalist
- CGHR Practitioner Series: Working in Human Rights, Peacebuilding, Humanitarian Aid and Development
- CGHR Practitioner Series: Working in Human Rights, Peacebuilding, Humanitarian Aid and Development
- CGHR Practitioner Series: Working in Human Rights, Peacebuilding, Humanitarian Aid and Development
- CGHR Practitioner Series: Working in Human Rights, Peacebuilding, Humanitarian Aid and Development
- CGHR Practitioner Series: Working in Human Rights, Peacebuilding, Humanitarian Aid and Development
- CGHR Practitioner Series: Working on Human Rights' Watch Responses to Major Crises
- CGHR Practitioner's Series with Clive Baldwin, Human Rights Watch
- CGHR Practitioner's Series with Rt. Hon. Sir Stephen O’Brien KBE
- CGHR Practitioner's Series with Sam Dubberley, Amnesty International
- CGHR Report Launch: ICTs and Human Rights Practice
- CGHR Research Group
- CGHR Research Group
- CGHR Research Group "Acephalous Movements in Sub-Saharan Africa: The real basis for change?"
- CGHR Research Group "The Performative Core of Power and Legitimacy in Human Rights Organisations: the Case of the Russell Tribunal"
- CGHR Research Group seminar: Why do some countries retract extraterritorial jurisdiction over issues of human rights while others step forward?
- CGHR Research Group: "A murdered journalist and the puncturing of a culture of impunity in Burkina Faso: the pursuit of justice for Norbert Zongo"
- CGHR Research Group: "Digital Media as Experimental Governance: Shifting the Accountability Paradigm in International Human Rights?"
- CGHR Research Group: Advocacy Groups and the New Political Dispensation in Kenya and Zambia
- CGHR Research Group: ‘This man does not even know the meaning of peace': conflicting understandings of peace and legitimate violence in Gulu, northern Uganda
- CGHR Research Group: Human rights education and training programmes in Mexico: A cross-case analysis of practitioners’ professional knowledge and practice
- CGHR Research Group: Inter-Faith Dialogue for the Sake of Governance and Human Rights
- CGHR Research Group: Pax Academica and the Art of the (Im)possible: Investigating habitus, field and capital with lecturers in peace studies
- CGHR Research Group: Presidential succession crises in Africa: lessons from South Africa and Namibia
- CGHR Research Group: Suspending Rights: The State of Emergency in armed conflicts, legal exception and case-law practice
- CGHR Research Group: The African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights and the African Fingerprint: An ethnographic re-visitation
- CGHR Research Group: The Art of Justice and the Justice of Art
- CGHR Research Group: The Future in Mind: Aspirations and Forward-Looking Behaviour in Rural Ethiopia
- CGHR Research Group: Umar Salam, 'Foucault, Governmentality and the Knowledge Economy'
- CGHR Research Group: We Know Them: Images of the enemy and decision making in the Sudan-South Sudan secession negotiations
- CGHR Research Group: What is being targeted when women become the victims of anti-Muslim hate crime? Religion, or gender, or both?
- CGHR Roundtable: Crisis in the Sudans
- CGHR Salon: Duterte’s War on Drugs (Last CGHR Salon of Easter Term!)
- CGHR Salon: Human Rights Violations and the 2016 Rio Olympics
- CGHR Salon: Justice, Human Rights and the Changing International Order - Is Cosmopolitan Progress under Threat?
- CGHR Salon: Sex, Drugs and Mafioso: The rise of illicit economies in the wake of the refugee crisis
- CGHR Student Group 2023-24: Introductory Meeting
- CGO-Based Reconstruction in Electrical Impedance Tomography: A fast, non-iterative solution method for 3D applications
- Chaim Goodman-Strauss - Title TBC
- Chaim Goodman-Strauss - Title TBC
- Chain conditions in the enveloping algebra of the Witt algebra
- Chain rule for quantum relative entropies and their applications in quantum information theory
- Chaining and convexity
- Chains and Invisible Threads: Liberty and Domination in Marx's Account of Wage-Slavery
- Chains and Invisible Threads: Marx on Republican Liberty and Domination
- Chalk streams and their management
- Chalk streams of Cambridgeshire
- Chalk, clunch and life on the edge
- Challenge 1: Trustworthy Communication
- Challenge 2: Communicating Mathematics
- Challenge 3: Misinformation
- Challenge Group Formation
- Challenge Group Formation
- Challenge group formation Zoom poll
- Challenge of dimensionality in model selection and classification
- Challenge Planning
- Challenged by carbon: the oil industry and climate change
- Challenges - The Kitten Microbiome
- Challenges and approaches to improving the accuracy of indoor positioning systems
- Challenges and future directions in cochlear implants
- Challenges and key considerations for integrating sensor technologies in medical devices and in vitro diagnostics
- Challenges and opportunities for biological network inference
- Challenges and Opportunities for Digital Imaging in the 21st Century
- Challenges and Opportunities for Healthcare Innovation in India
- Challenges and opportunities for research and better practice in hospital
- Challenges and Opportunities for Statistics in Digital Forensics
- Challenges and opportunities for viral respiratory surveillance in the post-pandemic era
- Challenges and Opportunities in Computational Imaging and Sensing
- Challenges and Opportunities in Designing Quantum Materials
- Challenges and Opportunities in Designing Quantum Materials
- Challenges and Opportunities in the Research & Development of Next Generation Industrial Lasers
- Challenges and pitfalls in the application of transcranial direct-current stimulation (tDCS)
- Challenges and Progress in Organic RFID
- Challenges and results of large-scale mapping of contemporary English dialects using online surveys
- Challenges and solutions in identifying the genes responsible for local adaptation
- Challenges at Illumina
- Challenges behind crop resequencing
- Challenges for Machine Learning Facilitated Discussion & Breakout Groups
- Challenges for Machine Learning in Clinical Decision Support : Focus on Stroke
- Challenges for mathematics education in Africa
- Challenges for modelling fusion plasmas
- Challenges for parents: understanding infant communication
- Challenges for Real World Problem Owners - Earth Observation
- Challenges for Real World Problem Owners - Earth Observation
- Challenges for Real World Problem Owners - Finance
- Challenges for Real World Problem Owners - Finance
- Challenges for Real World Problem Owners: Manufacturing
- Challenges for Real World Problem Owners: Manufacturing
- Challenges for Real World Problem Owners: Materials
- Challenges for Real World Problem Owners: Materials
- Challenges for stem cell bioprocessing - scale-up or scale-out?
- Challenges for UK Innovation and Entrepreneurial Chemical Engineering.
- Challenges from pipe installation to rehabilitation
- Challenges in adapting uncertainty quantification techniques for models of COVID-19 in the UK to allow rapid re-calibration in response to the evolving pandemic
- Challenges in Bayesian inference and reliability with large numbers of uncertain parameters
- Challenges in Building a Career in Discoveries and Their Translation; Journey to the Unknown
- Challenges in Building a Genomic Prescribing System
- Challenges in capturing transient thermal evolutions in materials using IR imaging
- Challenges in Communicating the Results of SAGE's Covid Modelling
- Challenges in Computer Graphics Modeling
- Challenges in Computing Climate Sensitivity and Climate Solutions: Examples from Glaciology and CO2 Storage
- Challenges in constraining and understanding Strombolian (and Hawaiian) volcanism
- Challenges in Cyber-Physical Energy Systems - of Agents and Data
- Challenges in Designing Control Strategies for Buildings
- Challenges in Designing New Batteries and Supercapacitators for a Low Carbon Economy
- Challenges in estimating ocean surface stresses in sea ice covered Arctic and Antarctic regions
- Challenges in evaluating natural language generation systems
- Challenges in generating and communicating synthetic data
- Challenges in global analysis of high-resolution volumes: complete vasculature estimation and detailed multi-organ labelling
- Challenges in Gravitational-Wave Modelling of Extreme-Mass-Ratio Inspirals
- Challenges in Human-Robot Interaction
- Challenges in Implementing Formative Assessment in Secondary Mathematics: Lessons from the ICCAMS Project
- Challenges in Implementing formative assessment in Secondary Mathematics: Lessons from the ICCAMS Project
- Challenges in Implementing Personalized Cancer Medicine: the IGR experience
- Challenges in implementing the Bayesian paradigm
- Challenges in interfacial selection problems with exponential asymptotics
- Challenges in measuring wireless networks
- Challenges in Microscopy Big Data
- Challenges in modeling context-dependent evolution
- Challenges in modeling future sea level rise from melting glaciers
- Challenges in Modelling Cloud Particle Formation for Exoplanet Atmospheres
- Challenges in modelling emerging new diseases
- Challenges in modelling the future role of energy storage.
- Challenges in pathogen detection with metagenome classification techniques
- Challenges in Public Health and Modelling
- Challenges in rational computer aided enzyme design
- Challenges in reconstructing Past Exploitations of Atlantic Cod: a Zooarchaeological Case Study from Early Medieval England
- Challenges in refactoring
- Challenges in risk prediction using rare variants
- Challenges In Silicon-Based PV Technologies
- Challenges in studying the immunobiology of human schistosomiais
- Challenges in the Design and Analysis of a Randomized, Phased Implementation (Stepped-Wedge) Study in Brazil
- Challenges in using maximum-likelihood inference for multi-dimensional stochastic models: the case of within-host dynamics of Salmonella
- Challenges in Vaccine Development PRESTO Project
- Challenges in Veterinary Forensic Pathology
- Challenges of big data personalisation
- Challenges of building clinical biomarkers from M/EEG: multimodal modeling with missing data and robust regression on power spectra
- Challenges of combining image derived information across modalities, over scale, over time and across populations
- Challenges of Data Linkage and Anonymisation in Government: An Energy Statician's Perspective
- Challenges of experimental government and public policy lecture series - Department of Sociology, Bennett Institute for Public Policy
- Challenges of global health
- Challenges of Low-Resource Natural Language Processing: A Focus on Sentiment Analysis and Hate Speech Detection in Amharic
- Challenges of Modelling and Parameter Uncertainties in Aeronautical Applications
- Challenges of Preparing Educators in Kenya
- Challenges of regional climate modelling and validation
- Challenges of Regulating Increasingly Complicated Human-AI Collaborative Systems
- Challenges of reporting complex DNA mixtures in the court-room
- Challenges of Teaching about HIV and AIDS at a College in Kenya
- Challenges of the Doppler technique in the presence of stellar noise
- Challenges to admissions testing; how arguments for validity, reliability, impact and practicality are relevant to the development, delivery and use of admissions tests scores
- Challenges to galaxy formation models at the cosmic frontier
- Challenges to monetary policy in a global context
- Challenges to Operating a Service Oriented Architecture
- Challenges to research in Patient Safety
- Challenges to test standardization in the 21st century
- Challenges to the accurate monitoring cognitive health: recent findings from Sheffield
- Challenging Assumptions - Liberal UK economic policies since 1979 have not spurred growth
- Challenging bariatric care practices and fat stigma in ICU
- Challenging Computer Science Problems at Ocado
- Challenging construction through computational and digital fabrication
- Challenging Conversations
- Challenging Conversations
- Challenging Conversations
- Challenging Documentaries: Alternative Perspectives, Ethical Filmmaking and Creative Development
- Challenging existing paradigms of pathogen dispersal
- Challenging our understanding of high-redshift galaxy formation with JWST observations
- Challenging Paradigms of Glass Formation: The Kauzmann Paradox and Diverging Time-Scales
- Challenging Taboos: Religion and Sexuality
- Challenging the assumptions of functional analysis of fossils: diet, feeding and tooth wear analysis.
- Challenging the ‘Tyranny of No Alternative’: teachers and students working towards socially just schooling.
- Challenging the Hunterian hegemony: rethinking the visual culture of pregnancy in mid-eighteenth-century Britain
- Challenging the Hunterian hegemony: rethinking the visual culture of pregnancy in mid-eighteenth-century Britain
- Challenging the Inflationary Paradigm
- Challenging the Literary Canon? Authors of the "Second Migrant Generation" in Austria
- Challenging the orthodoxy of strategic pay
- Challenging the price of drugs
- Challenging the use of adult neuropsychological models for explaining neurodevelopmental disorders: Developed versus developing brains
- Chamberlain, Tariff Reform and the Edwardian Economy
- Chambers formulas and semiclassical analysis for generalized Harper's butterflies
- Chameleon Metals: from nanostructures for plasmon engineering to molecular detection
- Chameleon Phenomenology and PVLAS
- Chameleon-photon mixing in a primordial magnetic field
- Champagne capitalism: the economics of French informal empire in the nineteenth century
- Chance by design: devising an introductory probability module for implementation at scale in English early -secondary education
- Chance is a Fine Thing
- Chandelier cells: shining a light on the emergence and plasticity of GABAergic synapses
- Change agency: working with difference and conflict
- Change and continuity in syntactic marking of negation focus: _nalles_
- Change and Impermanence and the cause of Dissatisfaction
- Change as Constant
- Change as theme, change as form
- Change detection in auditory cortex: beyond the MMN paradigm
- Change In China's Banking Sector as an Evolution of Institutions
- Change in Personal Values: How, When, What, and Effects on Well-Being
- Change in the bryophyte flora of Cambridgeshire over 65 years of intensive recording
- Change of phase for the humid atmosphere
- change of room: FW26
- Change Point Detection for Condition Monitoring
- Change Point Problems in Linear Dynamical Systems
- Change, continuity and value in Svalbard
- Change-Inspired Scholarship Toward Sustainable Enterprise: Applications in Green Supply Chain Management
- Change-point detection and analysis
- Change-point tests based on estimating functions
- Changeable Production Systems in Global Networks
- Changepoint Modelling in Spatio-temporal Processes with Application to Ireland Wind Data
- Changes in Appetitive Associative Strength and Reward Value Modulate the Intrinsic Excitability and Recruitment of Nucleus Accumbens Neuronal Ensembles
- Changes in cell and tissue architecture in early stages of colorectal cancer
- Changes in Corporate Effective Tax Rates Over the Past Twenty-Five Years
- Changes in functional and structural connectivity across adult lifespan: implications for neurocognitive ageing
- Changes in local chromatin structure during homology search: effects of local contacts on search time
- Changes in skeletal muscle cell volume during exercise
- Changes in the culture of biological recording, 1955–2015
- Changes in the functional organisation of somatosensory cortex following surgical repair of the major nerves of the hand
- Changes in the genome mutation rate and the timeline for human and great ape evolution
- Changes in the Global Carbon Cycle over the last 800,000 years - an ice core perspective
- Changes in the outflow of dense water from the Weddell Sea into the Atlantic overturning circulation
- Changes in tropospheric ozone: anthropogenic emissions, meteorology and long-range transport
- Changes to sea ice thickness distribution due to Ice Shelf Water
- Changes: the Bird Life of Cambridgeshire - for better or for worse?
- Changing BBC News: the cultural, managerial and editorial challenges of adapting to a digital environment
- Changing Behaviour to Improve Health: from Research to Policy
- Changing Cancer Mortality
- Changing Connectomes: How Brain Network Changes are Linked to Cognition in Health and Disease
- Changing fast and slow: Hydrographic variability along the West Antarctic Peninsula Shelf during the recent sea ice extremes
- Changing ideas of statecraft in an ever loosening Union?
- Changing languages in European Higher Education: from official policies to unofficial classroom practices
- Changing my Attitude
- Changing Narratives of Diet and Society: using stable isotope analyses to investigate the Jomon-Yayoi cultural transition in western Japan
- Changing nature: a view of Britain and Cambridge
- Changing Our World: Women and difference
- Changing Pictures: exploring semiotics through time in the rock carvings of western Russia
- Changing presentation of prostate cancer in a UK population – 10 year trends in prostate cancer risk profiles in the East of England
- Changing reference frame: insights from unsteady fragmentation
- Changing research culture: Why we need to speak up for under-represented groups in science
- Changing size to swim: From added-mass powered escape maneuvers to resonance-exploiting robots.
- Changing the paradigm - new views of magmatic systems provide new perspectives on volcanic processes
- Changing the world through public service
- Changing Times – Cambridge Community and Identity
- Changing Times: Cohesion and Empathy
- Changing Times: Collaboration and Resilience
- Changing trends in mapping estates in the Welsh border counties during the eighteenth century
- Changing understandings of the human fetus over five decades of legal abortion
- Changing understandings of the human fetus over five decades of legal abortion
- Changing Views on Climate Change
- Channels: concrete level k representations of affine Kac-Moody algebras?
- Chanting for a better life as a Maasai girl in Kenya
- Chaos
- Chaos and entropy production in spiking networks
- Chaos and permanence in Elasto-Inertial Turbulence
- Chaos and the Anisotropy of Cosmic Rays
- Chaos and turbulence in stochastic fluid mechanics: What is it and how could we study it?
- Chaos in Action
- Chaos in biology: Experiments, implications and mathematical tools
- Chaos in confinement: how to make shear-thinning fluids flow thicken
- Chaos in quantum channels
- Chaos in Stokes Flows
- Chaos to Anarchy? A new analysis of the Greek crisis
- Chaos, order and triggered star formation due to AGN feedback in the Milky Way and quasars
- Chaos: the good, the bad, and the ugly
- Chaotic properties of locally Hamiltonian flows on surfaces and their extensions
- Chaotic star formation and the alignment of stellar rotation with disc and planetary orbital axes
- Chaotic tumbling and steady drifting of bananas in shear flow
- Chaperone Machineries in RuBisCO Biogenesis and Metabolic Repair
- Chaperone networks coping with protein aggregates and amyloids
- Chaperone-mediated neuroprotection against protein aggregation
- Chaperoning antibody diversification
- Chaperoning single proteins
- Character and Childhood in Children's Literature: Case Studies in Classical Reception
- Character bounds for finite groups of Lie type
- Character correspondences and the Alperin-McKay conjecture
- Character degree graphs of solvable groups
- Character degrees and local structure of finite groups
- Character levels and character bounds
- Character Values of Finite Reductive Groups at Unipotent Elements
- Character varieties and (\varphi_L,\Gamma_L)-modules
- Character varieties of random groups
- Character varieties of random groups
- Character varieties of surfaces and Kauffman brackets
- Characterisation & Nano-fabrication using focused ion beam SEM
- Characterisation and Performance of reactive MgO-based cements
- Characterisation and statistical mechanics of disordered foam structures
- Characterisation Challenges for Microstructures in Complex Personal Care Formulations
- Characterisation of Adhesion Phenomena & contact of surfaces by Soft Colloidal Probe – AFM
- Characterisation of anisotropic materials at high rates of strain
- Characterisation of Arabidopsis and Rice Homologues of Purine Nucleoside Phosphorylases
- Characterisation of clean and silty-sands using variable penetration rate cone testing
- Characterisation of complex fluids using MRI
- Characterisation of Materials Using Scanning Microwave Microscope
- Characterisation of monocytes fate mapping mouse model
- Characterisation of primary RNA methylations and their role in cancer
- Characterisation of tegument proteins from the liver fluke F hepatica
- Characterisation of the function and molecular organisation of the actin cytoskeleton during the cycle of Toxoplasma gondii
- Characterisation of the GUN1 plastid-to-nucleus signalling pathway in Arabidopsis
- Characterisation of the interaction between the trypanosome haptoglobin-haemoglobin receptor and its ligands.
- Characterisation of the interactions between Camplobacter jejuni and lytic bacteriophages
- Characterisation of the nature of the tetragonal to orthorhombic phase transition in SrFe2As2 by measuring the local order parameter using transmission electron microscopy
- Characterisation of Toll-like Receptor 4 Activation in Equine Sepsis.
- Characterisation of zooplankton vertical migration in two high Arctic fjords using moored ADCPs
- Characterisation, computation and classification of conducting magnetic objects for safety and security
- Characterisation, modeling and applications of the functional behaviour of thin NiTi wires
- Characterising anomalous microwave emission from spinning dust
- Characterising classical minimal surfaces via the entropy differential
- Characterising Embryonic Stem Cell Derived Tenocytes and Determining the Changing Role of Scleraxis During Tendon Development
- Characterising Exoplanet Atmospheres
- Characterising Exoplanet Populations with Hierarchical Bayesian Modeling and Approximate Bayesian Computing
- Characterising Exoplanets with a Twinkle satellite, researchers and school students.
- Characterising explosive blast loading for structural engineering, protection and blast injury sciences
- Characterising fine-scale SARS-CoV-2 transmission patterns from pairs of identical pathogen sequences
- Characterising geomorphic responses to tectonic perturbation: Insights and implications.
- Characterising heterogeneity in multiphase flow and reactive transport processes in application to CO2 storage
- Characterising Nitrogen-Rich Galaxies at z>6
- Characterising Polluted White Dwarfs with Machine Learning to Probe Extrasolar Geochemistry
- Characterising realisability toposes
- Characterising receptor complexes and endosomal proteomes during plant defence responses
- Characterising the Atmospheres and Circumplanetary Environment of Exoplanets
- Characterising the Atmospheres of Low-Mass Exoplanets with JWST
- Characterising the dense molecular gas in galaxies
- Characterising the epistatic relationship between signalling pathways for AM symbiosis in rice
- Characterising the evolutionary trajectories generating C4 photosynthesis through inference of phenotypic transition networks
- Characterising the future of intelligence through measurement
- Characterising the Gaussian Free Field
- Characterising the Geosphere: Predicting spatial and temporal variations in along-fault fluid flow
- Characterising the internal structures of exoplanets with CHEOPS
- Characteristic classes determine dualizing modules
- Characteristic Classes of Fibrations
- Characteristic conic connections and torsion-free principal connections
- Characteristic of a second class particle.
- Characteristic relativity in cosmology: the geometry of the Universe from data, and gravitational waves in de Sitter spacetime
- Characteristic-Based Expected Returns and Corporate Events
- Characteristics and changes of glaciers, rock glaciers and glacial lakes in High Mountain Asia since the 1960s
- Characteristics and mechanism of heavy metal adsorption on biochar and its application in soil remediation
- Characteristics and mechanisms of atrazine sorption to biochar for the remediation of contaminated land
- Characteristics and performance evaluation of Reactive Magnesia Pervious Concrete (RMPC) for green infrastructure
- Characteristics, mechanisms and implications of abrupt glacial climate changes
- Characterization and Optoelectronic Manipulation of Inorganic Nanowires
- Characterization of 1000 breast cancer genomes and transcriptomes
- Characterization of a Mechanical Hotspot for Cell Plate Guidance Near an Adjacent Three-Way Junction
- Characterization of function of Calmodulin-like (CML) 23 and CML24 in the regulation of the Arabidopsis thaliana circadian clock
- Characterization of gravelly soils for geotechnical engineering applications
- Characterization of Gravelly Soils for Geotechnical Engineering Applications
- Characterization of Internet Censorship from Multiple Perspectives
- Characterization of Internet Censorship from Multiple Perspectives
- Characterization of Local Conformational Changes in Polymer Brush Surfaces using Imaging Spectroscopic Ellipsometry
- Characterization of Professional Users Behavior in Major Online Social Networks
- Characterization of Qubit Dephasing by Landau-Zener Interferometry’
- Characterization of RNA splicing factors involved in metabolic regulation in the liver
- Characterization of the Ewens-Pitman family of random partitions by a deletion property and a de Finetti-type theorem for exchangeable hierarchies
- Characterization of the static response of a two-dimensional elastic network
- Characterization of theta divisors
- Characterizations of Besov spaces in terms of K-functionals
- Characterizations of categories of commutative C*-subalgebras
- Characterizations of the Expressive Power of Logics over Trees
- Characterizing a vertex-transitive graph by a large ball
- Characterizing and forecasting tumour evolution
- Characterizing and Improving Last-Mile Performance Using Home Networking Infrastructure
- Characterizing categorical and continuous visual-object codes in man, monkey and computational models
- Characterizing degrees of freedom through additive combinatorics
- Characterizing emergent phenomena in MRI turbulence, using the (spectral harmonic) test-field method
- Characterizing global small-scale heterogeneity in the mantle – Interrogating the high-frequency, scattered seismic wavefield
- Characterizing Machine Unlearning through Definitions and Implementations
- Characterizing nanoscale friction and work of adhesion using measurements followed by modeling
- Characterizing slopes for torus knots
- Characterizing the electrical double layer at oxide-electrolyte interfaces using machine learning potential simulations
- Characterizing the immune correlates of protection in vaccinated Rhesus macaques resistant to SIV infection
- Characterizing the Mean-field Dynamo in weakly magnetized turbulent accretion disks
- Characterizing turbulent heat transport in the ocean using machine learning
- Characterizing weakly Schreier extensions of monoids
- Characterizing, predicting and handling rapid and large changes of wind power production.
- Characters and character sheaves of finite groups of Lie type
- Characters in Comics: Some Medium-Specific Qualities
- Characters of odd degree of symmetric groups
- Characters of the conjugation actions of simple groups
- Characters of the group of unitriangular matrices
- Characterstic polynomials of random matrices and logarithmically correlated processes
- Characterstic polynomials of random matrices and logarithmically correlated processes
- Charge and exciton dynamics in organic devices
- Charge Quantization from a Number Operator
- Charge recombination dynamics in semicrystalline polymeric semiconductors
- Charge separation in bulk heterojunctions
- Charge transfer in carbon nanotubes?
- Charge transport and recombination in bulk-heterojunction solar cells from extraction current transients
- Charge Transport at Polymer Heterointerfaces
- Charge transport in conducting polymers
- Charge transport in molecular semiconductors – Bloch electron or hopping transport ?
- Charge Transport in Organic Single-crystal Transistors
- Charge transport in strongly disordered and high-mobility two-dimensional materials (SP Wednesday Seminar)
- Charge transport in supramolecular assemblies: An atomistic description
- Charge transport physics of high mobility organic semiconductors
- Charge-Density-Wave: Fermi-surface Reconstruction and Competing Orders
- Charge-on-the-move for the UK transport application: A national power infrastructure
- Charge-transfer absorption and emission in organic donor/ acceptor solar cells
- Charged Lepton Flavour Violation: a factor one million improvement
- Charged Randall-Sundrum Black holes
- Charged Vector Inflation
- Charges and Dipoles in Periodic Systems: Here Be Dragons
- Charges and fluxes of gravitational field from the twistor connection.
- Charging of neutral solutes in water
- Charging of neutral solutes in water
- Charisma, Influence, Persuasion - Olivia Fox Cabane
- Charity & Development in Islam
- Charity Screening: Pray the Devil Back to Hell
- Charity, Debt and Social Control in > England's Early Modern Prisons
- Charlatans and the making of research: the undisciplining and redisciplining of experimental philosophy in seventeenth-century Europe
- Charles Arthur: Has the Public Been Well Served by Technology Journalism?
- Charles Babbage: Reclaiming an operations management pioneer
- Charles Babbage: Reclaiming an operations management pioneer
- Charles Babbage: Reclaiming an operations management pioneer
- Charles Babbage: Reclaiming an operations management pioneer
- Charles Babbage: Reclaiming an operations management pioneer
- Charles Babbage: Reclaiming an operations management pioneer
- Charles Darwin and the margins between flora and fauna in the 1870s: the case of insectivorous plants
- Charles Darwin: a life in letters
- Charles Darwin: the Man, the Myth, the Legend
- Charles Dickens and Victorian Disasters
- Charles Eaton Meeting
- CHARLES KANE (President, One Laptop Per Child) 'One Laptop per Child ... Business Challenges of a Non-Profit'
- Charles Malik in the Lebanese Civil War (1975-1982)
- Charles Stein's 1956 inadmissibility paper
- Charlie Hebdo and the Arab Shia: instrumental rhetoric and freedom of expression
- Charlie Hebdo and the Arab Shia: Instrumental rhetoric and freedom of expression
- Charlie Laderman: Theodore Roosevelt and the Humanitarian Tradition in U.S. Diplomacy
- Charlotte Knobloch: 'Eine persönliche Perspektive auf das jüdische Leben in Deutschland – vom Wiederaufbau 1945 bis heute – seine Herausforderungen und Gefahren'
- Charmed baryons and heavy tetraquarks
- Charmed chains, missing energy, mechanics, and the first telecommunications revolution
- Charming Higgs
- Charming mixing and CP violation measurements at LHCb
- Charters and Hagiography in Early Northumbria
- Charting the Fifth Force Landscape
- Charting the response to DNA damage
- Charting the unknown diversity of the human gut microbiome in health and disease
- Charting Vanishing Voices: A Collaborative Workshop to Map Endangered Oral Cultures
- CHARYBDIS2: Modeling black hole events at the LHC
- Chasing Categories
- Chasing ducks: a transseries approach to discrete multiple scales
- Chasing Ice and Q&A Session at the Arts Picturehouse
- Chasing metabolic alterations in cancer
- Chasing snails in Siberia
- Chasing the bacteria in the river Cam with real-time DNA sequencing: Results of the PuntSeq study
- Chasing the Eighteenth Digit: Exploring the Limits of Timekeeping
- Chasing the ghost behind germination and starvation: the unidentified hormone ‘KL’
- Chasing waterfalls: constraining the global sulfur isotopic budget in rivers
- Chasing Wild Chimpanzees: Forty Years of African Field Study
- Chatter – Causes and Cures
- Chatter in Drilling: the Flexible Tool Solution
- Chatty Tenants and the Cloud Network Sharing Problem
- Chaucer Club debate: What can functional neuroimaging tell us that is relevant for cognitive psychology?
- Cheap and cheerful inference machines for tracking
- Cheap and effective catalysts for sustainable hydrogen production
- Cheap and Fast - But is it Good? Evaluating Non-Expert Annotations for Natural Language Tasks
- Cheating in Pseudomnas aeruginosa drives switch to privatisation of an essential function
- Cheating Schrödinger
- ChEBI: Chemical Entities of Biological Interest
- Chebyshev to Zolotarev, Faber to Ganelius, and EIM to AAA
- Check Yourself Out: Recognising the Signs of Breast Cancer
- Checking contentious counting: how machine learning can help to verify international climate finance
- Checking microarchitectural implementations of weak memory
- Checking out NHS Health Checks
- CheckMATE: Confronting your Favourite New Physics Model with LHC Data
- CheckMATEing BSM models in general and a natural NMSSM in particular
- Checkpoint and non-checkpoint functions of Drosophila Mad1 and RZZ.
- Checks and Balances in Drosophila Muscle and Heart Differentiation Programs.
- CHEERS! Beer and Brewing in the Past
- Cheetah conservation in Namibia
- Chekhov in the 21st century: A talk with Sergey Golomazov
- Chekhov’s poetic and social realism: poetry and politics on stage
- Chemical Activity on Graphene Under Stress
- Chemical Adventures Using the Unified Principles of Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Catalysis
- Chemical Analysis of Lithium in Battery Materials with high spatial resolution using EDS and EELS in the Electron Microscope
- Chemical and Biological Data - from Compound Selection to Mode of Action Analysis (and Back Again)
- Chemical and Biological Data - from Compound Selection to Mode of Action Analysis (and Back Again)
- Chemical and Genetic Dissection of ABA Signaling
- Chemical and Physical Signals Interact to Create Pattern in Plant Development
- Chemical and proteomic analysis of spliceosomes and multi protein complexes
- Chemical Biology Comes of Age: Targeted Protein Degradation as a New Therapeutic Modality
- Chemical Biology, Macrophage Chemtaxis and Novel Anti-inflammatory Drugs
- Chemical Characterization of Extrasolar Planets
- Chemical Characterization of Extrasolar Super-Earths
- Chemical Compositions of Extrasolar Planets
- Chemical constraints on the formation and migration of hot Jupiters
- Chemical Control of Correlated Metals as Transparent Conductors
- Chemical convection and stratification at the top of the Earth's outer core
- Chemical defence and sexual selection in Heliconius butterflies
- Chemical Dynamics and Rare Events in Soft Matter Physics
- Chemical Engineers in the Rail Industry
- Chemical equilibrium in the Earth's core
- Chemical gardens in horizontal confined geometry: diffusion-controlled growth and osmotic lysis
- Chemical genetic approaches to accelerate antimalarial target discovery
- Chemical looping combustion
- Chemical Looping Combustion: A Technology for the Clean Utilisation of Coal
- Chemical Looping Combustion: One Technology for the Clean Utilisation of Coal
- Chemical Looping Technology for Clean Energy and Chemical Conversion Systems – Commercialization Prospect
- Chemical modelling of (exo)planetary atmospheres: some like it hot, some like it cold, some like it mild but old
- Chemical Modifications and Passivation Approaches in Metal Halide Perovskite Solar Cells
- Chemical potentials in driven steady-state systems in contact: A large deviation approach
- Chemical reactivity in solution and under confinement – Applications and computational developments
- Chemical regulation of functional RNAs
- Chemical Tagging with APOGEE: Discovery of a population of stars with globular cluster chemical compositions in the field of the galactic bulge
- Chemical transferability and accuracy of machine learning interatomic potentials for ionic liquid and battery solvent simulations
- Chemical transport modelling to support the UNECE Air Convention
- Chemical Vapor Deposition in 3D Photonic Crystals: From Perfection to Imperfection
- Chemical warfare (and co-operation) in the garden
- Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear
- Chemical-biology approaches to control small-molecules in plants
- Chemical-physics properties, complexity and chirality measures for the amino acids of the isoleucine series from Antarctic meteorites
- Chemically Assembled Single-Electron Transistors with a Bottom-up Strategy
- Chemically Derived Graphene: Structure, Transport And Contacts
- Chemically modifying surfaces and biomolecules for nanopore analysis
- Chemically Processed Inorganic Nanostructures for Energy and Health Applications
- Chemically Resolved MRI Mapping of Multiphase Reactors
- Chemically Synthesised Carbon Nanomaterials
- Chemistry and Elecrochemistry related to the active sites of[FeFe]- and [Fe]-hydrogenases
- Chemistry and evolution of the oldest white dwarf planetary systems
- Chemistry at Mesoscopic Regime Connecting the Molecular and the Real World
- Chemistry driven by Lightning and Aurorae in Exoplanet and Brown Dwarf Atmospheres
- Chemistry of Acenes - toward a Possible Poly(acene)
- Chemistry of the adaptive mind: on dopamine and mental work
- Chemistry of Volcanic Plumes
- Chemistry Pub Quiz
- Chemistry saves lives
- Chemo-dynamical evolution of disks over cosmic time
- Chemo-dynamics in the Dwarf Spheroidals
- Chemo-mechanical signal in embryo development
- Chemobrionics
- ChemoGenomics
- Chemoproteomics and lipidomics reveal a new lipid hydrolase target in platelets
- ChemoSeed: a solid biodegradable implant for localised treatment of glioblastoma.
- Chemotactic clustering with discontinuous advection
- Chemotactic dynamics in suspensions of micro-swimmers
- Chemotactic dynamics in suspensions of micro-swimmers
- Chemotaxis. Do we understand it all?
- Chemotaxis: linking cell shape, behaviour and strategy
- Chemotaxome – A new member with complex biological entities in systems biology.
- Cherednik algebra, Calogero-Moser space and Bethe ansatz
- CHERI - Architectural support for software memory protection and compartmentalisation
- CHERI: a step change in security at the hardware/software interface
- Chern classes, perverse filtrations, and Fourier transforms
- Chern-Simons and ABJM with Boundary
- Chern-Simons Vector Models
- Cheryl Hung, Google
- Cheryl LaRoche - The Enduring Power and Lessons of Black History
- Chess Engines
- Chevalley restriction theorem for vector-valued functions on quantum groups
- CHI @ Cambridge!
- Chi Onwurah MP - Digital Government - for the many or the few?
- CHI report
- Chiang Kaishek and the Japanese Ichigo Offensive of 1944
- Chiang Kaishek's Experience with Britain and his Private Thoughts, 1917-1949
- Chicken or Pastirma? Fine dining Ottoman style
- Chickens and eggs: Separating cause and effect in drug addiction
- Chickens and eggs: Separating cause and effect in drug addiction
- Chief Scientific Railway Advisor to the DfT
- Chiefs call in the Reserves: Differentiated Troy+ Chief cells act as ‘Reserve’ stem cells to generate all lineages of the stomach epithelium
- Child Development Forum (March 2022)
- Child Development Forum (March 2023)
- Child Development Forum Easter I
- Child Development Forum Easter II
- Child Development Forum Lent I
- Child Development Forum Lent II
- Child Development Forum Michaelmas 2022
- Child Development Forum Michaelmas I
- Child Development Forum Michaelmas II
- Child Kingship from a Comparative Perspective: Boy Kings in England, Scotland, France, and Germany, 1050-1250
- Child Language Argumentation
- Child maltreatment in diverse households - challenges to law and clinical practice
- Childbearing in the 21st Century
- Childhood adversity and chronic disease: risks, mechanisms and resilience
- Childhood adversity and chronic disease: risks, mechanisms and resilience
- Childhood adversity and chronic disease: risks, mechanisms and resilience.
- Childhood origins of crime and violence in Brazil and Britain: Review and 5-year project plan
- Childless communities: early medieval monasteries and the history of (in)fertility
- Children and artificial intelligence: risks, opportunities and the future
- Children and artificial intelligence: risks, opportunities and the future
- Children as Cultural Creators - An Australian Perspective
- Children as investments: Middle-class parents' struggle for class reproduction or reconstruction.
- Children as Observational Filmmakers Childhood and Modernity: Indian Children’s Perspectives
- Children in Distress: past precedents and current experience
- Children of Eve: Exon Sequencing; identifying variation in the human genome
- Children reading iconotexts across cultures
- Children reading metafiction: Exploring critical and creative thinking on multimodal novels in the primary classroom
- Children take the Lead. Which way to go? What does it mean? What if I don’t like it or understand?
- Children's Brain Tumour Centre of Excellence Breakfast Meeting
- Children's memories for repeated events: Helping them to recall individual episodes and unique details
- Children's Perceptions of their Sibling Relationships: Cross-Country and Cross-Cultural Comparisons
- Children's Theatre in China
- Children-Agent Interaction For Assessment and Rehabilitation: From Linguistic Skills To Mental Well-being
- Children’s Literature at the Crossroads of Genre, Nation and Empire: Alice, Pinocchio, and adventure stories
- Chile
- Chile – A great place for work and play
- Chilean Volcanoes constrain global models of convergent margin volcanism
- Chiles in Mexico: History, Flavour, and Belonging
- CHIMERA: Collaborative Healthcare Innovation through Mathematics, Engineering and AI.
- CHIMERA: Collaborative Healthcare Innovation through Mathematics, Engineering and AI. Learning Physiology Models From Intensive Care Data
- Chimpanzee communication, cooking, and the evolution of human language
- Chimpanzee technology: is necessity the mother of invention?
- China
- China (day 2)
- China and Central Asia: Rhythms of the Past and Tunes for the Future
- China and India: Opportunities and Threats for the Global Software Industry
- China and the world, 1750-2000
- China before China: structural history of Chinese archaeology
- China CO2 targets and the Paris Agreement
- China Digital Marketing Workshop
- China Goes Global: China's AI Challenge: How Confucian Communism Can Help
- China Goes Global: China's AI Challenge: How Confucian Communism Can Help
- China Goes Global: China's AI Challenge: How Confucian Communism Can Help
- China Goes Global: China's AI Challenge: How Confucian Communism Can Help
- China in Tomorrow's World
- China's banking industry, today and tomorrow
- China's Capital Market Reform: What it Means?
- China's Economy: Powerhouse, Menace, or the Next Japan?
- China's Iranian Revolution: Socialists, Islamists, and the People's Republic of China in the Global Cold War
- China's New Role in the Middle East
- China's Path to Innovation
- China's Unfinished Revolution - Why the People's Republic will not rule the world
- China’s Camel Country: Livestock and Nation-Building at a Pastoral Frontier
- China’s Escape from the “Big Bang”: The 1980s Price Reform Debate in Historical Perspective
- China’s Heritage through History: Reconfigured Pasts
- China’s Looming Water Crisis(by Charlie Parton)
- China’s Shadow Banking: No Lehman Moment in Sight
- Chinese aspect markers and their behaviours in L2 Chinese grammars
- Chinese CCGbank: Deep derivations and dependencies for Chinese CCG parsing
- Chinese Culture – Yin-Yang and it Dynamic Balancing (tbc)
- Chinese education strategy for the modern excellent engineers
- Chinese Industrialisation and its Implications to Management Theory
- Chinese Industrialisation and its Implications to the Production and Operations Management Theories
- Chinese mirrors (50 BCE) and their symbolism
- Chinese MNEs and Huawei's technology upgrading
- Chinese natural history objects in 18th-century Paris: reflections on the non-circulation of knowledge
- Chinese sentence final particles and their behaviour in L2 Chinese
- Chinese sentence final particles and their behaviour in L2 Chinese
- Chinese university and industrial espionage
- Chinese Whispers and Virtual Arrowheads: What cultural transmission experiments can tell us about cultural evolution
- Chip & PIN is NOT Broken: Facing Up to Failure
- Chip and PIN -- notes on a dysfunctional security system
- Chip and PIN is broken
- Chip and PIN: Exploring the EMV system
- Chip and Skim: cloning EMV cards with the pre-play attack
- Chip-firing on graphs and the geometry of Riemann surfaces
- ChIP-Seq in six Drosophila species reveals a highly similar binding landscape for the developmental transcription factor Twist.
- Chipping away at genome regulation
- Chiral active liquid crystals
- Chiral anomaly and its implications on primordial magnetic fields and baryogenesis
- Chiral Azopolymers and Azobenzene-Containing Linear-Dendritic Block Copolymers: Synthesis, Characterization and Optical Properties
- Chiral Carbenoids for Asymmetric Synthesis
- Chiral effects in DNA supercoiling
- Chiral Inorganic Nanoparticles
- Chiral modification of surfaces
- Chiral Nematic Properties of Cellulosic Materials
- Chiral Proton Catalysis: The Development of New Reactions and Reagents for Alkaloid Synthesis
- Chiral spin model: geometry, chaos & quantum teleportation
- Chiral superconductivity from repulsive interactions in doped graphene
- Chiral surface systems
- Chirality and Topology
- Chirality as a crossroad of chemistry and biology
- Chirality in supramolecular polymers
- Chirality-led design of organic conjugated materials
- Chlamydomonas reinhardtii NADPH Oxidases as potential electron transporters for biophotovoltaic devices.
- Chlorophyll Degradation in Arabidopsis thaliana
- Chloroplast DNA - the case of the vanishing genome
- Chloroviruses - Expect the Unexpected
- Chocolate - Science or Art?
- Chocolate and Bibles: How Victorian Collectors Spent their Evenings and Shaped Scholarship
- Chocolate and China: Revising the Silk-for-Silver Story of the Early Modern Pacific World
- Choice and Decision Making for Data Subjects Empowerment
- Choice and value: a behavioural ecologist's perspective on animal preferences
- Choice Feminism, Breast Implants and Ideas of Consent in North American Feminist Theory
- Choice Principles in Observational Type Theory
- Choice under Computational Complexity
- Choices at the end of Life: the importance of family carers
- Choices in regeneration: How planarians produce missing parts
- Cholesteric Elastomers for Tunable Laser
- Cholinergic regulation of immunity to gastrointestinal nematode parasites
- Choose Life: Why aging can and should be defeated
- Choosing a good histogram
- Choosing a noise model for Electrical Impedance Tomography
- Choosing a portfolio of many assets
- Choosing and delimiting a research topic
- Chord and Bloom Filters
- Chordal Sparsity, Decomposing SDPs and the Lyapunov Equation
- Choreographing Knowledge
- Choreographing Knowledge
- Chow groups and derived categories of K3 surfaces
- Chow-Witt groups and the real cycle class map.
- Chris Bickerton, "Populism or Technocracy: Opposites or Complements?"
- Chris Monahan - Determining the partonic structure of hadrons via lattice quantum chromodynamics
- Chris Oldfield: What counts as a life in the science of life?
- Chris Stringer - The Origin of Our Species
- Christ and the Interim State
- Christ's Climate seminar 1: How business is learning to cooperate in pursuit of climate action
- Christ's Climate seminar 2
- Christ's Climate seminar 3: Investigating how politicians understand and act on climate change
- Christ's Climate seminar 4
- Christian and Manichaean Art in Medieval China (8th-14th C AD/CE)
- Christian Doppler Symposium
- Christian Felix Weiße (1726-1804) and the Anglophile Revolution in German Literature
- Christian Social Responsibility: Theology, Charity, and Development in Nigeria
- Christian Wolff's Critics and the 'Foundation of Morality' in the Early German Enlightenment
- Christian Wolmar
- Christianity and Children’s Literature
- Christianity and Democracy before and after Trump
- Christianity and Politics
- Christianity, Islam and the Yoruba: (2) Conversion, Colonialism and Community
- Christie Marr
- Christina Koning, novelist
- Christmas Dinner 2050: will we be eating alternative turkey?
- Christmas Dinner 2050: will we be eating alternative turkey?
- Christmas Members' Evening & AGM
- Christmas Quiz
- Christmas Quiz
- Christmas Quiz
- Christoph Lieben-Seutter: 'Hamburg Reimagined: How the Elbphilharmonie Transformed the Merchant's City into a Cultural Top Destination'
- Christoph Schlingensief's Aesthetics of Transcendence (Talk in German)
- Christopher Bayly’s `Remaking the Modern World’. Round-table discussion with Alison Bashford, Richard Drayton, Ruth Harris and Sujit Sivasundaram (a joint event with the World History Seminar)
- Christopher Lester - Data-data comparisons as searches for parity violation, symmetry violation and emus
- Christopher Shingledecker - The Fate of Sulfur in the Interstellar Medium
- Christopher Wood
- Christopher Wood's Self Portrait
- Chromatic congruences and Bernoulli numbers
- Chromatic factorisation of graphs
- Chromatic Homotopy Theory Today
- Chromatic polynomials and a second Hamiltonian cycle
- Chromatic roots and fibonacci numbers
- Chromatic zeros for some recursively defined families of graphs
- Chromatin and antisense transcript dynamics in seasonal timing
- Chromatin and Cell Cycle in Cell Fate Decision
- Chromatin and Chromosomes, the Role and Function of SMC Complexes
- Chromatin and Gene Transcription in Hypoxia
- Chromatin and its Impact on Gene Expression and Cellular Memory
- Chromatin and pluripotency
- Chromatin binding proteins in pluripotent stem cells :Insights from single-cell Hi-C and single-molecule imaging
- Chromatin Compaction: A Modeling Exploration of Fiber Hetergeoneity and Linker Histone Influence
- Chromatin contact networks: towards a structure-function relationship in epigenomics
- Chromatin modification blocks dedifferentiation of neurons to prevent tumorigenesis
- Chromatin Modifications in transcription and cancer
- Chromatin modifying enzymes and their involvement in cancer
- Chromatin modifying enzymes: their function and role in cancer
- Chromatin Modifying Enzymes: Their Function and Role in Cancer
- Chromatin organisation in embryonic stem cells
- Chromatin remodelling determines cell-type specific Notch activity in the developing mouse brain
- Chromatin remodelling determines cell-type specific Notch activity in the developing mouse brain
- Chromatin Replication and Epigenome Maintenance
- Chromatin structure changes are essential for development and evolution of the human parasite Schistosoma mansoni
- Chromatin unloading of the replicative DNA helicase during replication and repair
- Chromatin without Histones, Plastid Devolution, and Parasite Invasion Machinery: Diverse Eukaryotes Provide Unexpected Insights into Cell Evolution and Function
- Chromatin, chromosome and nuclear dynamics, links to genome function
- Chromatin, nuclear mechanics and the cytoskeleton
- Chromatin, Replication and Chromosomal Stability 2016
- Chromatin-mediated regulation of gene expression in mouse ES cells
- Chromatin: How a cell fits 10,000 miles of spaghetti into a basketball
- Chromebooks, USB-C and Google PI/SI Research
- Chromonic Twisted Hedgehogs.
- Chromosomal condensate as a memory machine
- Chromosomal evolution in Nematodes, and other adventures on the Tree of Life
- Chromosomal Instability and Cancer Predisposition
- Chromosome aneuploidy in the human preimplantation embryo
- Chromosome Architecture: Lifting the Lid on Loop Extrusion
- Chromosome Segregation and Genome Stability
- Chromosome structure in the establishment and divergence of polyploids
- Chromosome translocations and gene fusions in breast cancer and Improving outcomes in melanoma: a fresh look
- Chromosome-end protection in pre-implantation development
- Chromosomes as topological machines-the role of DNA thermodynamics
- Chronic antigenic stimulation and the human immune system : lessons from herpesviruses and cancer
- Chronic Diseases and Africa (exact title to be confirmed)
- Chronic Effects and Biological Upshots of Cannabis Use
- Chronic hepatitis in English Springer Spaniels
- Chronic pancreatitis in Cavaliers: Why are we implicating platelets?
- Chronic respiratory diseases and healthy aging: an epidemiological point of view
- Chronic traumatic encephalopathy. A vascular problem?
- Chronicling Ethiopia’s explosive volcanic past using lake sediments
- Chronology of the earliest prehistoric settlements in Europe. When did Homo reach Europe?
- Chronology Protection for the Galileon and Massive Gravity
- Chrysippus on the Fragility of the Head
- Chrysippus' dog and the origins of modal concepts
- Chrysography in Byzantine and Crusader Icons and their impact on the chrysography found in the work of Cimabue and Duccio
- Chuck Weibel: K-theory, motivic cohomology, Chow groups II
- Chupja--PHY Covert Channels: Can you see the Idles?
- Church History for a King: Isaac Casaubon in England, 1610-1614
- Church's Problem on the Synthesis of Nonterminating Programs
- Churches, Churchyards and Cemeteries
- Churchill and the Islamic World
- Churchill History Lecture Series: How Churchill Waged War
- Churchill's Bomb
- Chymistry and colours: alchemy, matter theory and optics in the early work of Isaac Newton
- CIA to AIC: Why Cyber Must Enable the Business
- CIC Discussion
- CIDC Research Half Day
- CIEL: a universal execution engine for distributed data-flow computing
- CIEL: a universal execution engine for distributed data-flow computing
- CIHRM Seminar - ‘New Directions in Managing Corporate Social Responsibility’
- CIHRM Seminar - Developing Effective Teams in International Organisations
- CIIP Lecture: Emerging Industrial Innovation Policy and Related Manufacturing Challenges in the US - William B. Bonvillian
- CIKC Physics Seminar
- Cilia in development and disease
- Ciliary signaling control of obesity and metabolism: mechanisms and human genetic drivers
- CILR meeting
- CILR meeting
- CILR workshop: Forensic Linguistics
- Cinema and Censorship in Post-war Poland
- Cinema and the Art of Animation
- Cinema and the Making of Modern Ukraine
- Cinematic Mapping: the observation and documentation of urban space
- Cinematic Urban Geographies
- CIPH Seminar – Improving access to primary care – evidence from a cluster feasibility trial using a realist perspective
- Circadian Clockwork Control of Immunity, Inflammation and Metabolism
- Circadian materialscape: Timed material self-assembly orchestrated by bacterial clock proteins
- Circadian Regulation of Actin Dynamics and Wound Healing
- Circadian regulation of chloroplasts
- Circadian regulation of Inflammation
- Circadian regulation of sunflower development
- Circadian rhythms: Everything you always wanted to know about jetlag
- Circle invariant definite connection and symplectic Fano six-manifolds
- Circle packing in arbitrary domains
- Circle Packings and Elliptic Curves
- Circle patterns and critical Ising models
- Circle-invariant definite connections and symplectic Fano 6-manifolds
- Circuit adaptations underlying drug addiction: mechanisms and therapeutic implications
- Circuit dynamics of a memory representation in the hippocampus and beyond
- Circuit for memory-based action selection
- Circuit mechanisms of hippocampus-dependent memory
- Circuit mechanisms of oscillations and representation of space in the entorhinal cortex
- Circuit-guided identification of novel GPCR-based antidepressants
- Circuits and Interpretability
- Circuits of Microfluidic Memristors: Computing with Aqueous Electrolytes
- Circuits principles of memory-based behavioral choice
- Circular Economy Finance Venture Weekend
- Circular Economy in Practice – Challenges and Opportunities
- Circular Movements: Migratory Citizenships in Anticolonial Athens
- Circular Reasoning: The Rise of Flat Earth Belief with Michael Marshall
- Circular RNAs and their molecular roles in myogenesis and in rhabdomyosarcoma
- Circularity and selection bias in neuroscience and beyond: double dipping, publication bias, and the decline of significant effects
- Circularity and selection bias in neuroscience and beyond: double dipping, publication bias, and the decline of significant effects
- Circularity and selection bias in neuroscience and beyond: double dipping, publication bias, and the decline of significant effects
- Circularity and selection bias in neuroscience and beyond: double dipping, publication bias, and the decline of significant effects
- Circularity, Paradoxes and Proofs
- Circulating DNA and diagnostics
- Circulating Public Knowledge: Towards a New History of the Postwar Humanities – gloknos Annual Lecture Series
- Circulating tumour cells: a model from breast cancer to bone metastasis
- Circulating tumour DNA as a biomarker of genetics alterations in cancer
- Circulation problems and management
- Circulations of Law: Majalla and Constitution in the Making of a Muslim State
- Cis-regulatory control of pluripotent stem cell fates
- CISA Annual Garden Party
- CISA Inaugural Lecture: "War - The Coming of the Machines"
- CISA panel event: 'The Labour Party and political culture: a post-election analysis'
- CISA Panel on 2013 Italian Elections
- CISA seminar on "UN peacekeeping reform from the operational perspective"
- CISA talk given by the Ambassador of Romania to the UK, Dr Ion Jinga, 15 October, 5pm, room 138 ARB
- Cisco: Have your Robots Call My Robots
- Cisco: How to break the Internet
- Cisco: Saving the world, one handset at a time
- cISP: A Speed-of-Light Internet Service Provider
- Citations and Argumentation for Better Information Access
- Cities and the Anthropocene
- Cities and the ethic of care among strangers
- Cities in the Future
- Cities of the Future
- Cities South of Cancer: Research in Developing-World Cities
- Cities South of Cancer: Research in Developing-World Cities
- Cities, markets and the sea: Explaining the ups and downs of height in early nineteenth century England and Wales
- Cities, markets and the sea: Explaining the ups and downs of height in early nineteenth century England and Wales
- Cities, Skills and Space: Capturing the Unobservable
- Citizen Cuvier: radical appropriations of Georges Cuvier's law of correlation in Edinburgh and London, 1801–1837
- Citizen Media Research and Verification: An Analytical Framework for Human Rights
- Citizen science and disasters
- Citizen science: reshaping relations between science, government and citizens
- Citizens in transition: Emotional labour and emotional capital in the citizenship classroom
- Citizens or Subjects? El Sistema in Critical Perspective
- Citizens re-shaping education through evidence-based annual learning accountability initiatives in Pakistan and beyond
- Citizens, Science and Science for Citizens
- Citizenship and the idea of the Muslim minority in postcolonial South India: anxieties of belonging in Hyderabad
- Citizenship Stripping: From Blair to May, The Story of How the British State Weaponised Citizenship
- Citizenship, Identity and Citizenship Education in Somaliland: An Exploratory Study of Students at Amoud University
- Citizenship, War and the Origins of International Ethics in American Political Philosophy 1960-1975
- Citrus canker, Cramer-Rao and cosmology: beyond Euclidean geometry
- City development and dynastic reputation after Alexander the Great: Cassander's urban programme in Macedonia c. 316-297 BC
- City financiers as patrons in the later seventeenth century
- City of beasts: The forgotten sights, sounds and smells of Georgian London
- City of Strangers: Love and Mourning in Modern London
- City Pink Network: Degrees of Separation
- City Seminar
- City Seminar - Raphael Susewind: Rifah-E Aam Club, Lucknow: Politics and Poetics of Publicness
- City Seminar: Gruia Badescu
- City Seminar: Joana Kusiak
- City Seminar: Tim Edensor: Commemorating the Past in Stone: Destabilizing Melbourne's Memoryscape
- CityLearn: An OpenAI Gym Framework for Grid-Interactive Buildings
- Civil Religion: a window into perennial themes in political philosophy
- Civilian personn for dp
- Civilians are on Fire: Nine Months of Traumatic Stress and Moral Injury in Ukrainians Under the Russian Invasion
- Civilians on Fire: Moral Injury and Associated Mental Health Symptoms in Ukrainians Under the Russian Invasion
- Civitas and Regnum: Grotius’ account of the sovereign entity in the De Iure Belli ac Pacis
- CJBS Business Briefing: The CEO from Every Angle: From Pay to Bribes to Disasters (Literally)
- CJBS Entrepreneurship Centre presents: Unleash Your Inner Company
- CJBS Venture Creation Weekend: Biotech and healthcare
- CJCR Colloquium: Christian Anti-Judaism in Baroque Music (23-24 September 2012)
- CJCR Colloquium: Christian Anti-Judaism in Baroque Music (23-24 September 2012)
- ClackPointSocial: Audio/Video Collaboration for OpenSocial
- Claim of discoveries based on sigma's
- Claim-Dissector: An Interpretable Fact-Checking System with Joint Re-ranking and Veracity Prediction
- Clamping Stresses in Reinforced Concrete
- Clancy Jiang, topic TBA
- Clapham Junction: The place of the Protestant Ethic in Max Weber's intellectual biography
- Clare Birchall: Conspiracy Theory, Secrecy, Transparency
- Clare College Heraldry
- Clare Hall Ashby Lecture: 'Happiness and Values'
- Clare Hall Colloquium. Does Hittite Law Matter?
- Clare Hall Colloquium. Film, Poetry and Music - how to they go together in NIGHT MAIL (1936)
- Clare Hall Literary Society: Isobel Dixon and Simon Barraclough
- Clare Hall Literary Talks
- Clare Hall Tanner Lectures 2016: Reach from the sky: aerial violence and the everywhere war
- Clare Park: 'Gathering Light', at ArtCell, 09 May - 31st July 2013
- Clare Politics // General Election Question Time
- Clare Rees-Zimmerman - Diffusiophoresis of latex in silica and Mohammed Al-Sharabi - Investigating the liquid transport kinetics of ceramic powder compacts using terahertz pulsed imaging
- Clarifying and Compiling C/C++ Concurrency: from C++11 to POWER
- Clarifying hypotheses by sketching data
- Clarifying the functional neuro-anatomy of face processing by combining lesion studies and neuroimaging
- Clark Lecture 1. The ‘inhuman’ aspect of lyric poetry
- Clark Lecture 2. ‘The impersonal personal’
- Clark Lecture 3. ‘Something there is that talks within’
- Clark Lecture 4. On the ‘voice of the poem’
- Clark Lecture seminar in conjunction with the History of the Book seminar
- Clark Lectures - Anne Carson: Corners
- Clark Lectures - Anne Carson: Stillness
- Clark Lectures - Anne Carson: The Chair (And A Dance)
- Clas Fredrik Hornstedt, the 'last Linnaean' in the East Indies, 1783–4
- Clash of the Titans: galaxy collisions in the nearby universe
- Class Conflict and Armed Conflict: Constructing The Crimean War and the Sepoy Mutiny of 1857 in the British middleclass press
- Class in multilingualism research
- Class Remobility- the Reconstruction of Capital Through Musical Fostering
- Class switch recombination defects
- Class, Control and Classical music: Musical practices and white middle-class identities among young people in the south of England
- ClassBench-ng: Recasting ClassBench After a Decade of Network Evolution
- Classed and Gendered: White Middle class boys and girls fitting into the Urban Comprehensive
- Classical and Quantum Algorithms for Hamiltonian Simulation
- Classical and quantum aspects of integrable shocks
- Classical and quantum features of Schur transform for information processing
- Classical and quantum Lagrangian field theories on manifolds with boundaries
- Classical and second generation wavelet theory with applications: seminar
- Classical and second generation wavelet theory with applications: talk 1
- Classical and second generation wavelet theory with applications: talk 10
- Classical and second generation wavelet theory with applications: talk 2
- Classical and second generation wavelet theory with applications: talk 3
- Classical and second generation wavelet theory with applications: talk 4
- Classical and second generation wavelet theory with applications: talk 5
- Classical and second generation wavelet theory with applications: talk 5
- Classical and second generation wavelet theory with applications: talk 6
- Classical and second generation wavelet theory with applications: talk 7
- Classical and second generation wavelet theory with applications: talk 8
- Classical and second generation wavelet theory with applications: talk 9
- Classical Approaches to Identification and SHM - Tim Rogers and Lizzy Cross
- Classical approximations of quantum Hamiltonian dynamics with the Nyström method
- Classical BI (A Logic for Reasoning About Dualising Resource)
- Classical Big Bounce Cosmology
- Classical groups, and generating small classical subgroups
- Classical Heredity in the Roman and Medieval Worlds (Domestication Practices across History)
- Classical history in the Renaissance: what can the Universal Short Title Catalogue do for us?
- Classical invariant theory
- Classical Linear Logic considered as a programming language
- Classical Psychometric Test Theory
- Classical Realizability
- Classical simulation of photonic linear optics with lost particles
- Classical solutions of the fifth Painlev\'e equation
- Classical Spacetime and Quantum Cosmology
- Classical statistical mechanics with nested sampling
- Classical/Quantum duality
- Classicality for overconvergent eigenforms on some Shimura varieties
- Classically simulating quantum computations
- Classification and Dimensionality Reduction using Convex Class Models
- Classification and Monitoring of Dynamic Trading Strategies
- Classification and symmetry properties of scaling dimensions at Anderson transitions
- Classification of finite p-groups by coclass and beyond
- Classification of finite p-groups by coclass and beyond: introductory talk
- Classification of finite p-groups by coclass and beyond: introductory talk
- Classification of free Araki-Woods factors
- Classification of higher dimensional spacetimes
- Classification of maximal graded subalgebras of affine Kac-Moody algebras
- Classification of quantum states under k-local and sequential quantum circuits
- Classification of representations of the Richard Thompson groups and of the Cuntz algebra
- Classification of rough surfaces using Schramm-Loewner evolution
- Classification of static extreme black holes
- Classification of Twitter Accounts into Automated Agents and Human Users
- Classification of Unitary RCFTs with Two Primaries and c<25
- Classification on the Grassmann Manifold: Performance Limits of Compressive Classifiers
- Classification problem for effective structures
- Classification Results in the Theory of Buildings
- Classification results in the theory of buildings
- Classification results in the theory of buildings, II
- Classification Using Censored Functional Data
- Classification with imperfect training labels
- Classification with imperfect training labels
- Classification with imperfect training labels
- Classification with unknown class conditional label noise on non-compact feature spaces
- Classifying 2-blocks with an elementary abelian defect group
- Classifying 3-dimensional TQFTs via generators and relations.
- Classifying drugs by their arrhythmogenic risk using multiscale modeling and machine learning
- Classifying drugs by their arrhythmogenic risk using multiscale modeling and machine learning
- Classifying finite linear groups in prime degree
- Classifying Finite Primitive Permutation Group
- Classifying Isomorphism Classes of Algebraic Groups
- Classifying maximal subalgebras of exceptional Lie algebras over fields of good characteristic
- Classifying modules of equivariant Eilenberg--MacLane spectra
- Classifying quotients of the Highwater algebra
- Classifying reducible Specht modules
- Classifying spaces for families of subgroups
- Classifying spaces of categories and topological monoids
- Classifying spaces of degenerating Hodge or p-adic Hodge structures
- Classifying Stroke Using Electrical Impedance Tomography
- Classifying the irreducible 2-modular modules of alternating groups and their double covers
- Classifying toposes and forcing
- Clay Math Public Lecture: Self-avoiding walk, spin systems, and renormalisation
- Clay Public Lecture: Diffusion in the random Lorentz gas
- Clay: the forgotten particle in submarine sediment density flows
- Clays in contact with water, ions and CO2: interfacial properties and hydrodynamics on the molecular scale
- CLE genes are evolutionarily ancient regulators of stem cell maintenance in land plants
- CLE Nesting and Liouville Quantum Gravity
- Clean Air Act panel
- Clean Application Compartmentalization with SOAAP
- Clean Coal Technologies – towards a low carbon economy
- Clean coal technology: A novel process for the combustion of coal using an oxygen carrier
- Clean development mechanism, Joint implementation and EU ETS
- Clean energy from liquid air – the EpiQair engine [ IMechE ]
- Clean Power from Deserts - and other benefits too
- Clean results and grubby details of exoplanet observation with long-baseline interferometry
- Clean, Moral, and Beyond: Clues to the Embodied Metaphorical Mind
- Cleaning soil layers by impinging liquid jets
- Cleaning up the nuclear legacy: Vitrified wasteform development and durability
- Clear your Emotional Clutter - An Evening Talk
- Cleft sentences in the history of French and English: a case of pragmatic borrowing?
- Clerical policy and local population studies: christening fees in Georgian Westminster
- Cliffs and screes
- Clim'art' therapy: where do climate change, the arts and psychotherapy meet?
- Climate & Women - Talk and numeric exhibition
- Climate and Composition Implications of a hydrogen economy
- Climate and Internatonal Relatons; Past, Present, and Future
- Climate and large-scale coupled modelling: Challenges for sea ice model development and usage
- Climate and Poverty in the Americas
- Climate and Society: Examples of the climate impact on civilizations
- Climate and Sustainable Development Finance for Industrial Sustainability in Developing Countries
- Climate Challenges
- Climate Change
- Climate Change & Communicating Counterfactuals
- Climate Change & Directed Innovation: Evidence from the Auto Industry
- Climate Change & Food Security Marketplace
- Climate Change & Human Rights: Let's talk interdisciplinary action
- Climate Change - a Race Between Physics and Politics
- Climate Change -- A summary of latest IPCC results
- Climate Change and Conspiracy Theory
- Climate change and energy scarcity
- Climate Change and Finance
- Climate Change and Health
- Climate Change and India: Between energy, environment and development
- Climate Change and International Trade
- Climate change and local wildlife
- Climate Change and Local Wildlife
- Climate Change and Nature Conservation
- Climate Change and Planet Earth: A View from the Poles
- Climate Change and Public Health: From Threat to Opportunity
- Climate change and road infrastructure
- Climate Change and Taxation
- Climate Change and Technology
- Climate Change and the History of Comfort and Wellbeing
- Climate change and the polar ice sheets
- Climate change and the trillion-dollar millennium mathematics problem
- Climate change and volcanism: The Siberian Traps and Yellowstone volcanic provinces
- Climate Change – what does it demand of us?
- Climate Change DIY
- Climate Change Impacts in Polar Regions: Lessons from Antarctic Moss Bank Archives
- Climate Change in Africa
- Climate Change on Mars: Could extreme axial tilt drive glaciers to low latitudes?
- Climate Change Policy: A Focus on Demand Reduction?
- Climate Change Reading Group-Session 3
- Climate Change Reading Group-Session 4
- Climate Change Uncertainty, Adaptation, and Growth
- Climate change, archaeology and tradition in an Alaskan Yup'ik Village
- Climate Change, Global Pollution, Biodiversity: Can We Turn the Corner?
- Climate Change, Infectious Disease and the Arctic: Are we opening Pandora's box?
- Climate change, peak oil, and the coming global energy crisis
- Climate change, species' abundance changes and protected areas
- Climate Change, Storms, Floods, Uncertainty and Humans?
- Climate Change, Storms, Floods, Uncertainty and Humans?
- Climate Change, Storms, Floods, Uncertainty and Humans?
- Climate Change, Storms, Floods, Uncertainty and Humans?
- Climate Change: A Defining Challenge for the 21st Century
- Climate change: an evidence-based assessment of the challenges and potential responses
- Climate Change: Are we doomed? - Dr Hugh Hunt
- Climate Change: Engaging Youth
- Climate Change: Nonlinear Problem = Nonlinear Response
- Climate Change: Protecting Carbon Sinks
- Climate Change: The case for burying CO2
- Climate change: the tipping point debate
- Climate change: where science and policy meet
- Climate crises: their social, technological and demographic impact on the rise and fall of the Kingdom of Angkor
- Climate Damage, Portfolio Risk and Fossil Fuel Investments
- Climate dynamics of subNeptunes
- Climate entropy production based on AOGCM diagnostics
- Climate Ethics and Justice for Africa in the Post-2020 Climate Regime (King's/Cambridge-Africa Seminar)
- Climate Fictions / Indigenous Studies (24-25 January 2020)
- Climate finance: barriers and opportunities
- Climate Friendly Holiday Choices – Your guide to choosing a green holiday in 2015
- Climate Histories & Ontological Encounters: Perspectives of Climate Change Governance
- Climate Histories: An Introduction
- Climate in word and image: science and the Austrian idea
- Climate investments optimized under uncertainty
- Climate justice, financing and resistance in the Indian Sundarbans
- Climate migration: A mobile idea
- Climate modelling at Quaternary time scales
- Climate models and Earth system models: why the differences are and why they're important
- Climate models and uncertainty
- Climate of 79N glacier (Greenland)
- Climate of Fear or Fear of Climate? 'Lines of Defence' on the East Coast of England
- Climate policy backsliding: can it be avoided under democracy?
- Climate policy: why is it needed and how to make it work
- Climate Refugees: Destabilising an Unstable World
- Climate refugees: The big challenge of Public International Law and the European Union
- Climate Repair
- Climate Repair
- Climate Repair and Governance: Science and Ethics Panel Discussion
- Climate Response and Sensitivity: Timescales and Late Tipping Points
- Climate Risk and the Pandemic
- Climate Science in the Media: could it be done better, and how much does it matter?
- Climate science informing policy
- Climate science research in Cambridge
- Climate Science Symposium
- Climate Science Symposium II
- Climate Science, Atmospheres and Life: From the Earth and Beyond
- Climate Seminar 2: Practical climate politics for the 2020s - prospects for global capital markets
- Climate Stories from Yew Trees
- Climate Stories from Yew Trees
- Climate storylines and managing uncertainty
- Climate tipping as a noisy bifurcation: a predictive technique
- Climate variability and change in the subpolar Southern Ocean (and its impact on biogeochemistry and marine ecosystems)
- Climate, Carbon, and Computer Science
- Climate, Psychology and Conversation
- Climates of the Last Glacial Cycle: First Global Climate Model Reconstructions and Applications
- Climatic change, soil erosion and land management in India
- Climatic controls on peatland carbon accumulation during the last millennium
- Climatic implications of deep ocean turbulence
- Climatic Reach of small-scale Ocean Turbulence
- Climatic Reach of small-scale Ocean Turbulence
- Climatology and recent change of westerly winds over the Amundsen Sea Embayment derived from six re-analyses
- ClimaX: A foundation model for weather and climate
- Climb-enabled discrete dislocation plasticity
- Climbing the cosmic ladder with stellar twins
- Clinical 3D modeling and flow simulation in complex congenital heart disease
- Clinical 3D modeling and flow simulation in complex congenital heart disease
- Clinical and Biological Impact of Flt3 mutations in Acute Leukaemia
- Clinical and nutritional implications of the low FODMAP diet
- Clinical Applications of Cardiac Models
- Clinical Applications of Cardiac Models
- Clinical applications of photoplethysmography
- Clinical Aspects of Proton Radiotherapy
- Clinical Challenges for AI in Oncological Imaging
- Clinical Challenges for AI in Oncological Imaging
- Clinical characteristics of young adult males with autism spectrum disorders sentenced to prison for violent or sexual offences
- Clinical Complexity and Gender Identity Development
- Clinical data based optimal STI strategies for HIV: a reinforcement learning approach
- Clinical disorders in the neurology of music: what our patients teach us about localisation of music in the brain
- Clinical drug resistance in epithelial cancer
- Clinical Imaging of Bone
- Clinical lectures on prostate, bladder, renal and testis cancer
- Clinical lectures on prostate, bladder, renal and testis cancer
- Clinical Neuroscience
- Clinical neuroscience and the heart: How cardiac signals influence emotion and cognition
- Clinical potential of functional ion channel expression in cancer
- Clinical presentation of squamous cell carcinoma of the frontal sinus and response to radiation therapy
- Clinical reasoning in acute thoracolumbar myelopathy in dogs without advanced imaging
- Clinical Research Talks
- Clinical Support Systems - Group Discussion
- Clinical Support Systems - Group Discussion
- Clinical Systems Medicine in Acute Myeloid Leukemia and Beyond
- Clinical Treatment and Cancer Stem Cell Biology in Malignant Glioma
- Clinical treatment and cancer stem cell biology in malignant glioma
- Clinical Treatment and Cancer Stem Cell Biology in Malignant Glioma
- Clinically observed phenomena on cardiac energetics in heart failure emerge from simulations of cardiac metabolism
- Clinician Engineer Hub: Winter Exchange 2023 - Day 1
- Clinician Engineer Hub: Winter Exchange 2023 - Day 2
- Clinician Engineer Hub: Winter Exchange 2023 - Day 3
- Clinician judgements and court judgments
- Clinician judgements and court judgments
- Clique colourings of random graphs
- Clitic (Mis)Placement in Early Grammars: Evidence from Cypriot Greek
- Clitic Pregroups: in search for a uniform pattern of clitic movement in natural languages
- Clitics and Clitic Climbing in the Greek dialect of Salento
- Clitics and clitic clusters in Pontic Greek. A dynamic approach
- Clitics and wh-clefting in Cypriot Greek
- Cloaked wave amplifiers via transformation optics
- Cloaking: science meets science fiction
- Clock, Fall: A Brief History and Speculative Future of Dancing Murder Robots | Sydney Skybetter
- Clockwork in the embryo
- Clogging in bottlenecks: from inert particles to active matter
- Clonal complex 398 as a litmus test for determining past and present host switching dynamics in Staphylococcus aureus’
- Clonal deletion analysis and cell death in the root stem cell niche
- Clonal dynamics in normal and cancerous testicular tissues.
- Clonal evolution of cancer: lessons from the mouse
- Clonal haematopoiesis, early detection and pre-leukemia to leukemia development
- Clonal pattern dynamics in tumour: the concept of cancer stem cell
- Clonally transmissible cancers in dogs and Tasmanian devils
- Clonally transmissible cancers in dogs and Tasmanian devils
- Clonally transmissible cancers in dogs and Tasmanian devils
- Clones, stem cells, and cell replacement (Hats Off Club)
- Cloning and film: fictional vectors of factual imaginaries
- Cloning MiFare Classic rail and building passes, anywhere, anytime
- Cloning, Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine: The World After Dolly
- Clonotypic determinants of biological outcome: the importance of the naive T cell repertoire
- Close
- Close
- Close
- Close
- Close
- Close
- Close
- Close
- Close
- Close
- Close
- Close
- Close
- Close
- Close encounters of the viscous kind - First contact in a viscous fluid
- Close Encounters with Pakistan’s Taliban
- Close, Networking and Drinks
- Closed curves in the plane
- Closed Timelike Curves and Complexity Theory
- Closed-form Green’s functions for the barotropic vorticity equation: new results on Bessel functions
- Closing Ceremony and Awards
- Closing Comments
- Closing Comments
- Closing comments
- Closing in on the tip of the CMSSM stau-coannihilation strip
- Closing on closed-loop insulin delivery: Artificial Pancreas - where we are and where we go
- Closing Panel Discussion (tbc)
- Closing Panel Discussion (tbc)
- Closing Perspectives Lecture
- Closing Remarks
- Closing Remarks
- Closing Remarks
- Closing Remarks
- Closing Remarks
- Closing Remarks
- Closing Remarks
- Closing Remarks
- Closing Remarks
- Closing Remarks / Discussion
- Closing Remarks and Lunch (outside room 3.02, Julian Study Centre)
- Closing Remarks/Discussions
- Closing session
- Closing the gap - fluid transport properties of rocks deforming in the ductile regime
- Closing the Gap Between Experiments and Simulations: Understanding Temperature Effects in Carbon Films
- Closing The Gap Between Theory and Experiments in The Design of Biomolecular Feedback Circuits
- Closing the gap between weakly and fully supervised methods
- Closing the loop: adjoint-based methods for flow stability, control and mixing
- Closing the Political Ambition Gap
- Closing the survival gap: The importance of screening and early diagnosis in improving cancer survival in England
- Closure operators and central extensions in the category of quandles
- Closure Scheme for Chemical Master Equations - Is the Gibbs entropy maximum for stochastic reaction networks at steady state?
- Closure theories for inhomogeneous turbulence
- Cloth consumption and commercialisation in the Western Mediterranean before the Black Death
- Cloud Computing - Back to the Mainframe?
- Cloud Computing - challenges to providing bullet-proof IT services through the cloud
- Cloud computing for research
- Cloud Computing, Fog Computing, and Internet of Things: Data Processing for Smart Environments in the Era of Industry 4.0
- Cloud computing- Simulation and Data Analysis with Windows Azure
- Cloud Gaming
- Cloud operating system for reproducible bioinformatics
- Cloud Radio Access Networks: Challenges and (Some) Solutions
- Cloud Ships for global warming reduction
- Cloud-centric assured information sharing
- Cloud-native data systems for the post-Moore era
- Clouds on the Horizon: Challenges in Building the Next Generation of Computing Infrastructure
- Clouds, cores, and disks: a potpourri of results from the submillimeter telescopes on Mauna Kea
- Clouds, Things and Robots: the need for innovation in Architecture and Software
- Cloudy with a chance of rain
- Cloudy, with certainty of rain: QCD Effects on global inclusive variables
- CLRs and TLRs in anti-fungal immunity
- CLT for a class of random walks in dynamic random environments
- Clueless Voting
- Clues for Climate Change Concealed in the Canopy - Diversity and Ecophysiology of Bryophytes in Peru
- Clues from the late-time boundary of de Sitter
- Clues to activity in infrared galaxies and their close environment
- Clues to autoimmunising mechanisms in patients with myasthenia gravis or AIRE mutations
- CLUES: Constrained Local UniversE Simulations
- Clumped-isotope geochemistry of carbonates: A new tool to study geological processes from palaeoclimatology to low-grade metamorphism
- Clumping and quantum order: Quantum gravitational dynamics of NUT charge
- Cluster Adaptive Training for Deep Neural Networks
- Cluster Adjacency for amplitudes from Gröbner bases
- Cluster Algebra Via Non-Archimedean Enumerative Geometry
- Cluster algebras and discrete integrable systems
- Cluster algebras via quivers with potentials
- Cluster Algebras, Augmentations, and Legendrian Knots
- Cluster Analysis of Heterogeneous Rank Data
- Cluster baryon fractions and WMAP
- Cluster dualities and superpotentials for Grassmannian
- Cluster expansion and Monte Carlo simulation of the Ga-doped Ba2In2O5 fast anionic conductor
- Cluster expansion on cluster paths
- Cluster expansions (a historical overview)
- Cluster expansions for hard-core systems: I introduction
- Cluster expansions for hard-core systems: II convergence criteria
- Cluster Geometry and Dynamics in Nuclei
- Cluster growth in a forest fire model
- Cluster growth in a forest fire model
- Cluster management at Google
- Cluster management at Google with Borg
- Cluster Management with Kubernetes
- Cluster Randomised Trials: coping with selective recruitment, baseline covariates and anticipated drop-outs?
- Cluster tilting in type A infinity
- Cluster varieties, amplitude symbols, and mutation invariants.
- Cluster-Seeking Shrinkage Estimators
- Clustering Based on Predictive Variances in Gaussian Process Regression Models
- Clustering by linear programming, convex optimization and belief propagation
- Clustering by Passing Messages Between Data Points
- Clustering in preferential attachment networks
- Clustering insomnia pattern and learning sleep quality from daily logs
- Clustering of Big Data: consistency of a nonlocal Ginzburg-Landau type model
- Clustering of cell surface receptors: Simulating the mesoscale between reaction-diffusion and atomistic scales
- Clustering of inertial particles in shear flows
- Clustering of time course gene-expression data via mixture regression models
- Clustering signatures classify directed networks
- Clustering Sparse Graphs
- Clustering, Laplace's Method, Monte Carlo Methods (I)
- Clusters in light nuclei matter
- Clusters of Galaxies
- CMA-ES – a Stochastic Second-Order Method for Function-Value FreeNumerical Optimization
- CMB anomalies as probes for the initial condition of inflation
- CMB B-mode extraction techniques
- CMB B-modes: observations, systematics and novel non-Gaussianity
- CMB Lensing and other non-Gaussianities
- CMB Lensing: Fundamental Physics from Maps of the Invisible
- CMB Lensing: Fundamental Physics from Maps of the Invisible
- CMB non-Gaussianities from isocurvature modes
- CMB Non-Gaussianity as a Probe of Primordial Magnetic Fields
- CMB Observations for Large-Scale Structure
- CMB polarisation: challenging but worth it
- CMB polarization and the search for gravity waves
- CMB polarization in Bianchi models
- CMB power spectrum estimation with Hamiltonian sampling
- CMB primordial non-Gaussianity: results from WMAP and prospects for Planck
- CMB temperature anisotropy at large scales induced by a causal primordial magnetic field
- CMOS compatible micro-hotplate for high temperature gas sensors based on SOI and Deep RIE technology
- CMOS gas sensors
- CMP Seminar on 11th February 2019
- CMP Seminar on 13th February 2019
- CMP Seminar on 20th February 2019 - last seminar in this series!
- CMP Seminar on 28th January 2019
- CMP Seminar on 30th January 2019
- CMP Seminar on 4th February 2019
- CMP Seminar on 6th February 2019
- CMP: Information and Panel Discussion 27th Jan 2020
- CMP: Lunchtime Seminar 10th February 2020
- CMP: Lunchtime Seminar 12th February 2020
- CMP: Lunchtime Seminar 17th February 2020
- CMP: Lunchtime Seminar 19th February 2020
- CMP: Lunchtime Seminar 29th January 2020
- CMP: Lunchtime Seminar 3rd February 2020
- CMP: Lunchtime Seminar 5th February 2020
- CMS Results and the Quest for the Higgs Boson
- CMS Status (TBC)
- CMV 2b silencing suppressor disrupts jasmonic and salicylic acid signalling
- CMV and innate evasion
- CN specification, verification, and testing for systems C code
- CN: A separation-logic refinement type system for production systems code verification
- CNHS bat & moth trapping night
- CNHS Field Studies 2024
- CNHS Seasonal Social
- CNHS Seasonal Social
- CNHS Seasonal Social
- CNN seminar - April
- CNN seminar - Community Structure and Patterns of Scientific Collaboration in Co-authorship Networks: Evidence from Business and Management
- CNN seminar - Community Structure in Networks
- CNN Seminar - December
- CNN Seminar - Dominance hierarchy networks of worker ants.
- CNN Seminar - Epidemics over Mobile Phone Networks
- CNN Seminar - Inferring social network structure in ecological systems from spatio-temporal data streams
- CNN seminar - January
- CNN Seminar - Localization of Instabilities in Complex Networks
- CNN seminar - March
- CNN seminar - Mining real-world networks: from biology to economics
- CNN seminar - Modelling human mobility and the origin of cities
- CNN Seminar - November
- CNN Seminar - October
- CNN Seminar - Time Series meet Network Science
- CNN seminar - Understanding and Exploiting Social and Mobility Information from Big Mobile Data
- CNN Seminar - Understanding Technology Pathway of Society from U.S. patents
- CNN Seminar: Measuring Social Networks
- CNN seminar: Network Pharmacology for Parkinson's Disease
- CNN Seminar: Social Network Analysis for Preventative Health in sub-Saharan Africa
- CNN Seminar: Social Networks, Tie Attributes, and Channels of Communication
- CNN seminar: Spatial Networks
- CNN seminar: The Analysis of Spatial an Social Networks in Complex Buildings
- CNN special seminar
- CNT@Cambridge 2007 Symposium – A Mini-Symposium on the Science and Application of Carbon Nanotubes
- Co(non)solvency or the puzzle of polymer properties in mixed good or poor solvents
- Co-clustering of non-smooth graphons
- Co-evolution of (Proto)Planets and Substructures in Disks
- Co-factors pose stoichiometric questions for Dicer complex assembly and precursor miRNA processing
- Co-infections by non-interacting pathogens are not independent: deriving new tests of interaction
- Co-located Group Interaction Design
- Co-operation or contest? The civilianization and pluralization of staff in police custody areas
- Co-operative roles for DNA supercoiling and nucleoid-associated proteins in the regulation of bacterial transcription
- Co-opetition in network tasks
- Co-production: an inclusive approach to climate action
- Co-translational quality control of membrane protein biosynthesis
- CO2 + H2O + Sunlight → Chemical Fuels + O2
- CO2 dissolution during geological carbon storage: the Cinderella trapping mechanism
- CO2 Fluid-Rock Interactions in Basalts - A Natural Analogue: Soda Springs, Idaho
- CO2 Monitoring in the Department
- CO2 Sensing in Plants and New Insights into Drought-Induced Abscisic Acid Signal Transduction
- CO2 Sequestration and the need for uncertainty quantification
- Coagulation systems: From Particle Systems to Random Graphs
- Coal and Biomass – Synergies and Opportunities
- Coal and Biomass – Synergies and Opportunities
- Coal, steam and ships: economic historians versus historians of technology?
- Coalescence and the spread of rumours
- Coalescence behaviour of successively impacting drops on a dry solid substrate
- Coalescence on the Real Line
- Coalescent consequences for consensus cladograms
- Coalescent theory
- Coalescent-based Species Tree Inference from Gene Tree Topologies Under Incomplete Lineage Sorting by Maximum Likelihood
- Coalescing Brownian motions
- Coalescing systems of non-Brownian particles
- Coarse bifurcation studies of complex problems
- Coarse Curvature
- Coarse embeddability of the Hilbert space into Banach spaces and Metric interpretation of asymptotic properties of Banach spaces
- Coarse embeddings, and yet more ways to avoid them
- Coarse Graining and Entropy Production in a General Circulation Model
- Coarse Lipschitz embeddings and asymptotic structure of Banach Spaces
- Coarse Lipschitz embeddings of expander graphs and cotype
- Coarse negative curvature in action
- Coarse non-amenability and coarse embeddings
- Coarse-grained entropy and causality in AdS/CFT
- Coarse-grained modelling and computer simulations of liquid crystals
- Coarse-grained modelling of DNA for biophysics and nanotechnology
- Coarse-grained simulations of DNA nanodevices, the self-assembly of virus-like objects and the evolution of protein complexes
- Coarse-grained transactions
- Coarse-graining hot Brownian swimmers
- Coarse-graining of collective dynamics models
- Coarse-Graining the Hydrodynamics and Brownian Motion of Colloidal Particles
- Coarse-Graining with the Relative Entropy: Recent Theory and Algorithms
- Coarsening and grain boundary dynamics in a two-dimensional colloidal hard sphere system
- Coarsening and Q-tensors for nematics (a mathematician's perspective)
- Coarsening of metallic foams
- Coarsening Rates for the Dynamics of Interacting Slipping Droplets
- Coastal flood risk
- Coastal tectonics in the eastern Mediterranean
- Coastal Wave Modelling: General Engineering Usage and Areas for Improved Research
- Coat to Protect or Print to Detect: Phage-based Smart paper to Enhance Food Safety
- Coatable photovoltaics (Title t o be confirmed)
- Coating and Drying of Thin Films and its impact on morphology and structure formation
- Coating colloids for colours
- Coating Liquid Films down a Vertical Fibre
- Cobbling things together: new insights into Degas’s working methods
- Cobden and the problem of war
- Cobordism categories, elliptic operators and positive scalar curvature
- Cobordism maps in knot Floer homology
- Cobordism maps in link Floer homology and reduced Khovanov homology
- Cobordisms of sutured manifolds
- Cobra - Building an Internet-Scale Publish/Subscribe System
- COBRA IPTV, IPTV Provider & Reseller Ranked #1
- Cochain projections, finite element differential forms on cubical meshes
- Cochlear implants for deafness: how cochlear anatomy interacts with implant function
- Coconut: Optimizing computations for machine learning
- Cocoon cultures: the (dis)entangling of silk and biology in Japan
- Code DNA
- Code Execution during peer review with CODECHECK
- Code-Level Formal Verification for Large Real Systems
- Codebreaking and the History of Bletchley Park
- Coded Chimera: exploring relationships between sculptural form making and biological morphogenesis through computer modeling
- Coded Wireless Video Broadcast/Multicast - A Framework To Harvest The True Potential Of 4G Access Networks
- CodeFirst, Entrepreneur First, and Cambridge University Technology and Enterprise Club
- Codegree problems for 3-graphs
- Codes for Distributed Data Compression
- Codes of professional ethics for mathematicians: why?
- Codesign in action: the hardware and software architecture of Blue Gene/Q and its impact on scientific applications
- Codimension one foliations with trivial canonical class
- Codimension-1 subgroups of hyperbolic groups with spherical boundary
- Codimension-2 brane cosmology
- Coding and Decoding of Calcium Signals in Plants
- Coding and non-coding cancer mutations
- Coding and plasticity in an olfactory system
- Coding problems involving values and their positions
- Coding with Dendrites
- Coding with envelopes, receptive fields and plasticity
- Codon usage determines mRNA levels in Trypanosoma brucei.
- Coeffect Systems and Typing (Preliminary report)
- Coefficients for commutative K-theory
- Coequational resurgence and WKB analysis
- Coercion & Consent
- Coercion and Fake News
- Coercion in a Subjective World
- Coercion in Literature
- Coercivity of boundary integral operators in high frequency scattering
- Coercivity, Nonnormality and Numerical Range of boundary integral operators in high-frequency scattering
- Coevolution of Galaxies and Black Holes
- Coexistence of Ion Diffusion and Superconductivity in Hydrides
- Coexistence of superconductivity and magnetism at the nanoscale
- Cofactor-assisted seeding of tau fibrils
- Coffee
- Coffee
- Coffee
- Coffee
- Coffee
- Coffee
- coffee
- Coffee
- Coffee
- Coffee
- Coffee
- Coffee
- Coffee
- Coffee & Cakes
- Coffee & Cakes
- Coffee & Cakes
- Coffee & Cakes
- Coffee & Cakes
- Coffee & Cakes
- Coffee & Cakes
- Coffee & Cakes
- Coffee & Cakes
- Coffee & Cakes
- Coffee & Cakes
- Coffee + mingle
- Coffee and Cake
- Coffee and cake
- Coffee and cake
- Coffee and cake
- Coffee and cake
- Coffee and cake
- Coffee and cake and discussion groups
- Coffee and Cakes
- Coffee and Cakes
- Coffee and Cakes
- Coffee and Cakes
- Coffee and Cakes
- Coffee and Cakes
- Coffee and Cakes
- Coffee and Cakes
- Coffee and Cakes
- Coffee and Cakes
- Coffee and Cakes
- Coffee and Cakes
- Coffee and Cakes
- Coffee and Cakes
- Coffee and Cakes
- Coffee and Cakes
- Coffee and Cakes
- Coffee and Cakes
- Coffee and Cakes
- Coffee and Cakes
- Coffee and Cakes
- Coffee and Cakes
- Coffee and wrap-up
- Coffee at Isaac Newton Institute: Jan Saxl Memorial
- Coffee Break
- Coffee break
- Coffee Break
- Coffee Break
- Coffee Break
- Coffee break
- Coffee Break
- Coffee Break
- Coffee Break
- Coffee Break
- Coffee Break
- Coffee Break
- Coffee Break
- Coffee Break
- Coffee Break
- Coffee Break
- Coffee Break
- Coffee Break
- Coffee Break
- Coffee Break
- Coffee Break
- Coffee Break
- Coffee Break and Group Formation
- Coffee Break Seminar: 'Frank and honest'? The politics of international plant pest reporting, 1952–1994
- Coffee Break Seminar: Carbon assimilation and allocation: From single cells to plant microbial systems
- Coffee Break Seminar: Is the implementation of cocoa companies’ forest policies on track to effectively and equitably address deforestation in West Africa?
- Coffee in Battcock F17 - Bottom-Up Synthetic Biology
- Coffee in Battcock F17 - Introductions
- Coffee in Battcock F17 - Life, the Universe, and Science Fiction: Utopia and the Technological Imagination
- Coffee in Battcock F17 - Lightning Shocks and Prebiotic Chemistry
- Coffee in Battcock F17 - Quantum Chemistry
- Coffee in Cavendish: Are we alone in the universe? (Probably)
- Coffee in Cavendish: HCN -- Why do we care, and how can we make it?
- Coffee in Godwin
- Coffee in Godwin Room - Synthetic Biology
- Coffee in Godwin: Natural Selection and Purpose
- Coffee in Godwin: Sulfur Redux
- Coffee Stains, Cell Receptors and Time Crystals: Lessons from the Old Literature
- Coffee stains, cell receptors, and time crystals: lessons from the old literature
- Coffee stains, cells receptors, and time crystals: lessons from the old literature
- Coffee stains, cells receptors, and time crystals: lessons from the old literature
- Coffee&Cakes
- Coffee&Cakes
- Coffee&Cakes
- Coffee&Cakes
- Coffee&Cakes
- Coffee&Cakes
- Coffee&Cakes
- Coffee&Cakes with ETH
- Cofinalities of Marczewski Ideals
- Cognac and Armagnac - a scientific brandy tasting
- Cognition and awareness in domestic animals
- Cognition and awareness in domestic animals
- Cognition and Neural Networks
- Cognition and reward in Parkinsons Disease
- Cognition and spatial representations beyond language use
- Cognition and the ventral visual-perirhinal-hippocampal stream: Thinking outside of the boxes
- Cognition in (social) context: A social-interactionist approach to emergent phenomena
- Cognition in Parkinson's disease
- Cognition-in-interaction: A case of novice language teachers
- Cognitive Ageing
- Cognitive and neural mechanisms of intentional forgetting
- Cognitive and Neural Systems Underlying the Suppression of Unwanted Memories
- Cognitive and neurobiological markers of anxiety and treatment success
- Cognitive antimicrobial discovery
- Cognitive biomarkers for detecting dementia and possibilities for cognitive enhancement
- Cognitive Cars
- Cognitive coding in the hippocampal-entorhinal system
- Cognitive control in affective contexts
- Cognitive control networks involved in different kinds of listening
- Cognitive development assessed by object manipulation in great apes and humans
- Cognitive Discourse Functions as joint concern in language and content pedagogy
- Cognitive Dissonance in a Literary Frame
- Cognitive Enhancement: Hope or Dope?
- Cognitive Enhancement: Hope or Dope?
- Cognitive function and disconnection of white matter networks in small vessel disease
- Cognitive Gadgets: The Cultural Evolution of Thinking
- Cognitive Impairment after Stroke
- Cognitive Impairment in Small Vessel Disease: The RUN-DMC Study
- Cognitive influences on speech perception in noisy environments
- Cognitive mechanisms of action control and the link with monetary decision-making when gambling
- Cognitive mechanisms of antidepressant drug action; from established treatments to novel developments
- Cognitive neuroscience in the era of Big Data: Lessons learned from the Adolescent Cognition Brain Development Study
- Cognitive Neuroscience Methods Day
- Cognitive neuroscience of attention: insights from developmental disorder
- Cognitive neuroscience: Seeking convergence between neuroimaging and neuropsychology
- Cognitive neuroscience: Seeking convergence between neuroimaging and neuropsychology
- Cognitive processes and molecular mechanisms
- Cognitive research and South Asian music
- Cognitive Reserve and Alzheimer’s Disease: Where Society and Biology Meet
- Cognitive reserve and Alzheimer’s disease: Where society and biology meet
- Cognitive style in Autism: what does 'weak central coherence' explain?
- Cognitive Support in Dementia
- Cognitive theories of Autism Spectrum Condition: Impressive or impressionistic?
- Cognitive theories of autism: impressive or impressionistic?
- Cognitive training in a healthy older population (preliminary results)
- Cognitive training works: what are the mechanisms and why are so many experimental psychologists opposed?
- Cognitive-computational mechanisms in psychotherapy
- Cognitive-Motor Borderlands
- Cogs and Monsters: economists, experts and measuring progress
- Cohen-Lenstra heuristic revisited
- Cohen-Macaulay simplicial complexes and duality groups
- Coherence and coupling of GaAs two-electron spin qubits
- Coherence and Kähler groups
- Coherence and measurement in quantum thermodynamics
- Coherence Attacks and Defenses in 2.5D Integrated Systems
- Coherence by Normalization for Linear Multicategorical Structures
- Coherence distillation machines are impossible in quantum thermodynamics
- Coherence for symmetric monoidal bicategories
- Coherence of random groups
- Coherence Spaces
- Coherence through normalisation-by-evaluation for cartesian closed bicategories
- Coherence-assisted single-shot cooling by quantum absorption refrigerators
- Coherent and Dissipative Qubit-Cavity Dynamics in the Presence of Propagating Squeezed States in Nonlinear Superconducting Networks
- Coherent coupling of excitons in quantum dots probed by two-dimensional four-wave mixing
- Coherent differentiation makes the differential lambda-calculus deterministic
- Coherent elastic waves in multiple scattering media: influence of resonances and positional correlations of scatterers
- Coherent error threshold for surface codes from Majorana delocalization
- Coherent global market simulations for counterparty credit portfolios
- Coherent Gravitational Waveforms from Cosmic String Loops
- Coherent Inference on Optimal Play in Games
- Coherent Lagrangian Vortices in Turbulence
- Coherent perfect absorption and transmission in disordered media
- Coherent spin manipulation in a CMOS transistor: an introduction to fabrication and applications of hole spin quantum bits
- Coherent structures in high-resolution ocean model simulations and implications for climate prediction
- Coherent structures in solar and interplanetary turbulence
- Coherent structures in turbulent shear flows
- Coherent and incoherent dynamics of Fuzzy Dark Matter
- Cohesin, CTCF and gene regulation in the immune system
- Cohesins Functionally Associate with CTCF on Mammalian Chromosome Arms
- Cohesive zone modelling of the dynamic behaviour of two shipbuilding adhesives
- Cohesive zone modelling of the dynamic behaviour of two shipbuilding adhesives
- Cohomological dimension and engulfing
- Cohomological finiteness conditions for generalised Thompson groups
- Cohomological properties of non-Kahler manifolds
- Cohomologies of stacks of shtukas
- Cohomology and $L^2$-Betti numbers for subfactors and quasi-regular inclusions
- Cohomology jump loci"
- Cohomology of algebraic varieties
- Cohomology of diffeomorphism groups
- Cohomology of PSL(2,q)
- Cohomology of the minimal nilpotent orbit
- Cohomology of the moduli space of bundles: from Atiyah-Bott to the Tamagawa number conjecture
- Cohomology of the moduli space of curves
- Cohomology of Torelli groups
- Cohomology reveals when helicity is a diffeomorphism invariant
- Coiled Muscle + Snapping Beams: From Nonlinear Mechanics to Miniature Robotic Design
- Coin Betting for Backprop without Learning Rates and More
- Coin collecting and politics in the Tudor age
- Coin Finds and History in Cambridge
- Coinage in the later medieval countryside: single-finds and the evidence from Rendlesham, Suffolk
- Coincidence, cause & consequence: How can we know in developmental gene regulation?
- Coinduction in Computable Analysis
- Coinductive big-step semantics for concurrency
- Coins and currency in the crusader states
- Colas Rail Freight
- Cold and dense dipolar exciton quantum fluids in two dimensions.
- Cold Atoms / Aerofoils
- Cold atoms in a spin
- Cold atoms unspun
- Cold atoms vs solids: Differences and opportunities
- Cold Blood
- Cold Blood in Hot Times: Using the vertebrate fossil record to understand biotic responses to climate change
- Cold cases in Antarctic history
- Cold Chemistry in the Taurus Molecular Cloud
- Cold clouds in the hot intracluster medium
- Cold clouds in the hot intracluster medium
- Cold dark matter isocurvature perturbations
- Cold dark matter subhaloes at arbitrarily low masses
- Cold dark matter subhaloes at arbitrarily low masses
- Cold dark matter: cusps and cores
- Cold Dust in High Redshift X-Ray Luminous AGN: A SCUBA-2 View
- Cold gas outflows and lifecycle of radio galaxies
- Cold gas outflows and lifecycle of radio galaxies *** Seminar cancelled ***
- Cold Molecules: Production and Control
- Cold Oceans in the Solar System
- Cold temperature delays aging and proteostasis collapse
- Cold-atom analogues for vacuum decay
- Coleman integrals, p-adic heights, and integral points on hyperelliptic curves
- Colibactin-producing Escherichia coli in experimental neonatal infection
- Colimits in Toposes
- Colimits of Monads
- Colin Torn
- Colin Ward, Education, Childhood and Environment: a multi-disciplinary Conference
- Colin Ward, Education, Childhood and Environment: a multi-disciplinary Conference
- Colin Ward, Education, Childhood and Environment: a multi-disciplinary Conference
- Colin Ward, Education, Childhood and Environment: a multi-disciplinary Conference
- Colision Course - How Science is abused by the Media
- Colitis in chronic granulomatous disease: mechanisms and therapeutic targets in inflammatory bowel disease
- Collaborating across genre boundaries - the creative process
- Collaborating on a manuscript: Creation, rediscovery, conservation
- Collaborating Swarms, Multi-network Topologies and Constrained Coalitional Games
- Collaboration and Group work
- Collaboration and Group work
- Collaboration and Group work
- Collaboration and Group work
- Collaboration, Resistance and Ambiguity during the Japanese Occupation of Hong Kong, Malaya and Singapore
- Collaborative Analytics and Education in Data Science
- Collaborative and dialogic meaning-making: how children engage and immerse in a digital storyworld
- Collaborative Approach for C-H Functionalization
- Collaborative control for a robotic wheelchair
- Collaborative Deanonymization
- Collaborative Design Platform
- Collaborative Filtering
- Collaborative learning in children: contradiction, co-construction and the development of knowledge
- Collaborative Poetics
- Collaborative Poetics
- Collaborative Pretraining on Evolving Pretraining and Small Manageable Tasks
- Collaborative Segmentation of Plant Tissues
- Collaborative teacher learning in Kazakhstan: Is it something new or well-forgotten past?
- Collaborative Watershed Management: Social Science Research Across the Pond" (NB: Additional Seminar)
- Collagen mechanics: from basic understanding to clinical applications
- Collagen recognition and signalling by the tyrosine kinase DDR1 and DDR2
- Collapse of a Granular Column
- Collapse of hollow pyramidal lattice material as a sandwich core
- Collapse of the 'Funding Escalator' in the Greater Cambridge area
- Collapse Versus Blow-Up and Global Existence in the Generalized Constantin–Lax–Majda Equation with and without dissipation
- Collapsing Riemannian manifolds and stability of inverse problems
- Collapsing the Bethe ansatz
- Collecting and curating at Rothschild's Zoological Museum
- Collecting antiquarian books in the twenty-first century
- Collecting Data at the Scene of the Crime: reflecting on and writing about criminalized subcultural lives
- Collecting Mesopotamia in Henry Wellcome's Historical Medical Museum
- Collecting natural history: Sloane's 'Vegetable Substances'
- Collecting the Law
- Collecting Time: on reading Luisa Passerini's 'Autobiography of a Generation'
- Collection and Contra-collection in Mathematics
- Collections and Legacies in a time of change
- Collections, critique and contemporary art: Africa and the Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology
- Collective behaviour of a family of power law models
- Collective behaviour of phoretically active colloids
- Collective cell migration in complex environments
- Collective Cell Migration: A Cellular, Molecular & Modelling Approach
- Collective Cell Migration: Leadership, Invasion and Segregation
- Collective Cell Migration: Leadership, Invasion and Segregation
- Collective coordinates, asymptotics and domain wall dynamics in ferromagnets
- Collective coordinates, asymptotics and domain wall dynamics in ferromagnets
- Collective coordinates, asymptotics and domain wall dynamics in ferromagnets
- Collective dynamics in confined bacterial suspensions
- Collective dynamics of bristlebots
- Collective Dynamics of Neural Progenitor Cells: A New Mechanism of Accumulation at Integer Topological Defects
- Collective dynamics of self-propelled particles
- Collective Ecophysiology & Physics of Bee Swarms
- Collective effects in epithelial cell elimination
- Collective efficacy and violence in London
- Collective electronic transport close to the metal-insulator or superconductor insulator transitions.
- Collective electronic transport close to the metal-insulator or superconductor insulator transitions.
- Collective epithelial migration as hexatic defect unbinding
- Collective Flourishing and Community Well-being
- Collective human behaviour and epidemics: what (else) can we learn from mobile phone data?
- Collective Hydrodynamics of Swimming Micro-Organisms
- Collective Intelligence Techniques for Pervasive Computing
- Collective mechanics of epithelial cell colonies on elastic substrates
- Collective Microswimmer Motility in Complex Environments
- Collective migration of epithelial cells: from animal to lab, and back
- Collective migration of neural crest cells: a balance of repulsion and attraction
- Collective motion & Hydrodynamic limit for an active matter model
- Collective motion and hydrodynamic instabilities in a sheet of microswimmers
- Collective motion and hydrodynamic instabilities in a sheet of microswimmers
- Collective motion and its fragility
- Collective motion in finite groups
- Collective motion in large deviations of active particles
- Collective motion of active Bayesian agents
- Collective motion of colloidal particles with propulsion induced by time-delayed feedback
- Collective Motion: A mathematician goes on a field trip
- Collective Origin of Spiral Structure in Disk Galaxies
- Collective Phenomena in lattices of nanoelectromechanical oscillators
- Collective problem solving in ants
- Collective random-walks: looking for new foraging currencies
- Collective T cell behaviour in health and disease
- College Dinner in St. Catherine's College (for speakers and academic organisers)
- Collider and Astroparticle Physics of the G2-MSSM
- Collider Phenomenology of Higgsless models
- Collider Phenomenology of String/M Theory
- Collider tests of diphoton resonances and compositeness
- Colliders and cosmic origin stories
- Colliders and Cosmic Origin Stories
- Colliding Black Holes in AdS
- Colliding Permutations
- Colliding surface waves and other novel mechanisms of laser energy absorption by plasma
- Collision avoidance for vulnerable road users
- Collision of Domain Walls and Brane Worlds
- Collision of random walks
- Collision of random walks
- Collisional and dynamical evolution of debris discs
- Collisional evolution of debris disks: Unraveling planetesimals and planets
- Collisional Features in Saturn's F Ring
- Collisional Grooming Models of Planets Interacting with Debris Disks
- Collisional Transport for Kinetic Mean Field Theories: Analytical and Numerical Approximation topics - Kirk Distinguished Visiting Fellow Lecture
- Collisionless losscone refilling: the end of the final parsec problem
- Collisions in AdS and the thermalisation of heavy-ion collisions
- Collisions of inhomogeneous shockwaves in AdS
- Collisions of vortex filaments
- Colloidal Bubble Propulsion Mediated Through Viscous Flows
- Colloidal chains in transverse confinement
- Colloidal Characterization and Thermodynamic Stability of Binary Protein Mixtures
- Colloidal Dispersions in External Fields
- Colloidal Doping of Cholesterics and Blue Phases
- Colloidal flying carpets
- Colloidal forces – Tackling mechanics and interactions of complex particles using AFM/optics combination
- Colloidal Gas-Liquid-Solid phase transitions induced by the Critical Casimir Effect
- Colloidal interfaces in confinement
- Colloidal nanocrystals to advance catalysis and energy technologies
- Colloidal Photocatalysis for Organic Synthesis and Energy Conversion
- Colloidosome Microcapsules
- Colloids and coatings for colours
- Colloids Get Creative: Key to Open Crystals
- Colloids Get Creative: Key to Open Crystals
- Colloids in confinement: From two-dimensional melting to membrane transport
- Colloids, surfaces and reversible supramolecular interactions: Towards light-driven motion
- Colloquium on David Armitage’s ‘Civil Wars: A History in Ideas’ (2017)
- Colloquium on the Cultural Reception of Darwin and Darwinism
- Colloquium with Professor Cathy Caruth
- Colloquium: Review of the 2019 NAS Decadal Survey on Materials Research
- Colloquium: Review of the 2019 NAS Decadal Survey on Materials Research
- Colon CSCs are sensitized by HDACinhibitors in a FOXO-dependent fashion
- Colonial Afterlives of Infrastructure: From Phosphate to Asylum Processing in the Republic of Nauru
- Colonial boundary making and local communities in the Niger-Nigeria borderland
- Colonial classification
- Colonial Governance & Law
- Colonial Legacies and the Fragmentation of African Archaeological Heritage: The Case of Almoravid Coins
- Colonial musical cultures: the case of early modern Manila
- Colonial musical cultures: the case of early modern Manila
- Colonial natures and climate sciences
- Colonial Rule in Africa: European Rivalry or a Common European Project?
- Colonial South Asia: cultural & racial hierarchies
- Colonial South Asia: cultural & racial hierarchies
- Colonial South Asia: cultural conflicts and racial hierarchies
- Colonial South Asia: cultural conflicts and racial hierarchies
- Colonial South Asia: cultural conflicts and racial hierarchies
- Colonial South Asia: cultural conflicts and racial hierarchies
- Colonial South Asia: cultural conflicts and racial hierarchies
- Colonialism & Underdevelopment Discussion Panel
- Colonialism and Meta-Narratives in the Philippines: Decolonizing History through Community Archaeology among the Ifugao
- Colonialism and Tax
- Colonialism in the Periphery's Periphery: Spanish Linguistic Policy in the New Kingdom of Granada, c.1550-1600
- Colonialism on the Medieval Atlantic Periphery: The Irish Experience
- Colonialism, Race and Slavery in Raynal's Histoire des Deux Indes
- Coloniality, global health, and reparations
- Colonisations and landscape successions: Later prehistoric and Roman North West Cambridge
- Colonise and populate
- Colonist Strategies in the Making of the Oyo Empire (West Africa), ca. 1590-1790
- Colonizing the Future, Insuring the Individual: Utopian Narrative in Fin-de-Siècle Vienna
- Color Bregman TV
- Color Image Processing: Basic Foundation and Interesting Problems
- Color Transformations Across the Life Span: Two Hypotheses about Modulation by Light
- Color-kinematics duality for QCD and pure gravities
- Color-kinematics duality in Yang-Mills theory from string amplitudes
- Colorado
- Colorectal cancer and its management
- Colorectal cancer. Part 1. Presentation, Diagnosis and Intervention. Part 2. Cellular signalling networks in colon cancer and the models to study them - a basic research perspective
- Colorectal neoplasia: what we know and don't know about genes and environment
- Colored Khovanov homology and sutured Floer homology
- Colored knot invariants from Reshetikhin-Turaev approach
- Colorful niches of phototrophic microorganisms shaped by vibrations of the water molecule
- Colorons at the LHC
- Colossus: The Greatest Secret in the History of Computing
- Colour and colourants in manuscripts: The role of technical analyses
- Colour and Meaning
- Colour and power
- Colour and problems of visualising space in early ninteenth-century geological maps of Britain
- Colour and Vision
- Colour Evolution and Jet Vetoes
- Colour me alchemical, or: form, execution and function in alchemical illustrations
- Colour meets Flavour: QCD contributions to the decay of heavy hadrons
- Colour perception in synaesthesia
- Colour prediction of organic molecules in solution: pH indicators
- Colour prejudice in the early modern French Empire: Comparative study of Île Bourbon, Guadeloupe and Louisiana.
- Colour responses in the human LGN and visual cortex measured with fMRI
- Colour Vision
- Colour vision across the life span: perception and brain imaging
- Colour vision in dim light
- Colour vision in flies
- Colour Vision Meeting
- Colour within the lines – a personal perspective of navigating academia as a black woman
- Colour, usability and computer security
- Colour-experience: eco-dispositionalism and inverted earth
- Coloured Kac-Moody algebras
- Colourful chemistry with zwitterionic-type pi-ligands and their metal complexes
- Colouring graphs with no odd holes
- Colouring random graphs randomly
- Colouring the Noise
- Colouring the real numbers and sum-sets with repetitions
- Colours in Gemstones
- Colours in Medieval stained glass: The Canterbury story
- Combating a hydra: Islamic State's digital jihad as a threat to international security
- Combating Student Mental Illness with Technology—from the Imagine Cup UK Finals
- Combination hormones for the treatment of Obesity and Diabetes
- Combination of Deep Speaker Embeddings for Diarisation and Discriminative Neural Clustering for Speaker Diarisation
- Combination of Heavy Resonance Searches
- Combination of transient and steady-state photoluminescence for the characterization of halide perovskite-based layer stacks
- Combinatorial and Dynamic Control Logic within pathogen-responsive Gene Regulatory Networks
- Combinatorial auctions in theory and practice
- Combinatorial Channel Signature Modulation for Wireless ad-hoc Networks
- Combinatorial enumeration I
- Combinatorial enumeration II
- Combinatorial histone modifications and the epigenetic regulation of stem cell commitment and differentiation
- Combinatorial identities and the correlation function gaps in dimer packings
- Combinatorial problems in finite fields and Sidon sets
- Combinatorial Representation Theory
- Combinatorial Tangle Floer homology
- Combinatorial theorems in sparse random sets
- Combinatorial theorems in sparse sets
- Combinatorial Theory of Matrix Spaces and Its Applications in Quantum Information
- Combinatorics and Cancer
- Combinatorics and quantum information theory
- Combinatorics Meets Model Theory
- Combinatorics of Coxeter groups and Affine Deligne Lusztig varieties
- Combinatorics of Kazhdan-Lusztig cells
- Combinatorics of the tree amplituhedron
- Combinatorics of Weyl Groups and Kazhdan-Lusztig Polynomials
- Combinatorics via Closed Orbits: Vertex Expansion and Graph Quantum Ergodicity
- Combinators
- Combinatory Categorial Grammar
- Combined first principles and experimental NMR of paramagnetic materials - application to LiTi(x)Mn(2-x)O4 cathode material
- Combined Image Reconstruction for Combined PET-MR Imaging
- Combined imaging-genomics approaches to investigate psychiatric risk
- Combined quantum-chemical and Monte-Carlo models of charge transport in molecular semiconductors
- Combined steering and braking of articulated HGV's
- Combined Talks: Long-term Biodiversity Monitoring at Scale & Collecting Deep Population Data for Amphibians with a Simple Phone and an ML Vision
- Combining statistical disclosure limitation methods to preserve relationships and data-specific constraints in survey data.
- Combining 3D printing and collagen scaffolds to produce orthopaedic implants
- Combining brain mapping with machine-learning on individual differences
- Combining Causal and Similarity-based reasoning
- Combining classical and modern techniques in C. elegans to solve mechanisms of morphogenesis
- Combining Collaborative Filtering with Meta Data for Scalable Recommendations
- Combining data-driven and physics-based approaches to predict, understand, and control active matter dynamics
- Combining delensing and foreground cleaning for the Simons Observatory
- Combining Economic and Health Factors into Behavioural Models
- Combining Economics and Ecology to Predict the Effects of Zero Set Aside on Winter Food for Farmland Birds
- Combining Formal Methods and Machine Learning
- Combining Functional and Network Analyses to Dissect RAS1/MAPK Signalling
- Combining GPS Data with Physics-Based Models to Improve Earthquake and Volcano Forecasting
- Combining local and extended operator algebras: 4d N = 2 vertex algebras and semi-topological descent
- Combining Machine Learning and Automated Reasoning: Some Training Examples
- Combining Manual Rules and Supervised Learning for Hedge Cue and Scope Detection
- Combining micro and macro analyses to observe interaction in longitudinal studies: The case of children's emotion regulation in early childhood
- Combining models and data for improved understanding of Antarctic climate change
- Combining molecular and physiological data from complex psychiatric disorders
- Combining multi-omics and biological knowledge to extract disease mechanisms
- Combining Optical and Electrochemical Devices to Investigate Activities of Biological Nano-Structures
- Combining police perceptions with police records of serious crime areas
- Combining Quantum Mechanical Response Operators and Machine Learning.
- Combining radiative-transfer modelling and high-resolution observations at both ends of the stellar life cycle
- Combining scalar and vector learning to predict molecular dipole moments
- Combining science and adventure: On the hunt for new fluorescent proteins in tropical coral reefs on the Danish Galathea 3 Expedition.
- Combining Scratch-Pad Placement with Loop Parallelisation for FPGAs
- Combining tools and technologies to identify post-transcriptional modifications in RNA
- Combining two mechanisms to produce neural firing rate homeostasis
- Combustion Transition: tackling climate change at its source
- Come and get me! How plants attract their pollinators.
- Come and Sing
- Cometary Delivery of Hydrogen Cyanide to the Early Earth
- Cometary Delivery of Hydrogen Cyanide to the Early Earth
- Cometary Dynamics: Connecting the inner and outer solar system
- Comets - Omens of Doom
- Comets and Asteroids, Moon and Mars, Science and Faith - and Life and Death
- Comets as Solar Explorers 
- Comets in medieval Arabic astronomical and historical treatise
- Comets, meteors and other phenomena of the night sky
- Comets, Rosetta and the origin of the solar system
- Comets: Solar System Explorers
- Comic City
- Comic Relief Charity Concert
- Coming down with the Classics: a case report (Aristophanes, Lucian, C.M. Wieland et al.)
- Coming full circle? The role of research in the museum
- Coming in from the dark – gas-fuelling and galaxy evolution
- Coming of Age When Winter is Coming: the Stark Choices of Late Medieval and Early Modern Youth
- Coming soon to the HPCS...
- Coming to a Road near You - Autonomous Vehicles
- Coming to a Road near You - Autonomous Vehicles
- Coming to attention: observing nature at the edges during the Napoleonic Wars
- Coming to attention: observing nature at the edges during the Napoleonic Wars
- Coming to Grips with Complexity in Computer-Aided Verification
- CoMix Study – Social Contact Survey in the UK
- Commandeering language? Linguistic prescriptivism and variation in Quebec today
- Commanding Nature in Early Modern Europe (Domestication Practices across History)
- Commemorating War Dead in Ancient Athens from Homer to Thucydides
- Commemorating war dead in ancient Athens from Homer to Thucydides
- Commensal E. coli are a reservoir for the transfer of XDR plasmids into epidemic fluoroquinolone-resistant Shigella sonnei
- Commensurability classification of certain right-angled Coxeter groups and related surface amalgams
- Commensurability of automorphism groups, and number theoretic applications
- Commensurability of right-angled Artin groups
- Commensurating actions of groups of birational transformations
- Commensuration index growth
- Comments on eigenfunctions of integrable models and 4d N=1 SQFTs
- Comments on holographic finite density matter
- Comments on the approximate factorisation of matrix functions with unstable sets of partial indices
- Comments on the approximate factorisation of matrix functions with unstable sets of partial indices
- Commerce and monarchy in David Hume's History of England
- Commerce, the state and political conflict in seventeenth-century England: the career of Benjamin Worsley
- Commercial developments in Computer Architecture
- Commercial treaties and understandings of 'free trade' in eighteenth- and nineteenth-century Europe
- Commercialisation with Cambridge Enterprise
- Commercialise your research: for postdocs
- Commercialising Sensor Technologies - A Personal Experience
- Commercialising Sustainability
- Commercialising your research via consultancy
- Commercialization Processes and Career Opportunities in Biotech
- Commercializing Research in Cambridge
- Commercializing sensor ideas - A bootstrapping model
- Commitments Through Policy and Incentive Schemes: Facilitating Innovation & Investment
- Commodifications, Capitalism, Counter-movements: Perspectives from Southeast Asia
- Commodities, Commerce and Risk: Transforming Access to American Settlement after Napoleon
- Commodotech' Profits Verses Human & Environmental Health' - Enough Biology - Time for Political Action on Global 'Obesity' Crisis Solutions
- Common and rare variants in the sequence of the human genome that affect the risk of cancers and other diseases of man
- Common behaviors of unconventional superconductors indicating non-BCS condensation and spin-mediated resonant pairing
- Common elements: An innovative methodology for identifying effective interventions in early childhood education
- Common Forms of Obesity & Fat Distribution, From Phenotypes to Mechanisms
- Common genetic variation drives molecular heterogeneity in human iPSCs
- Common germline genetic variation and risk of cancer
- Common germline variation and colorectal cancer
- Common Law and the origins of shareholder protection
- Common linear patterns are rare
- Common missteps with quality improvement interventions (and how you can avoid them)
- Common origin(s) for the Dark Matter density and baryon asymmetry
- Common sense and phrenology
- Common Sense Reduced to Mathematics
- Common singularities in SPECT and SAR inverse problems
- Common Students Problems
- Common torsion points and a uniform Manin-Mumford bound for a family of genus 2 curves
- Common Weal and Res Publica: The Conception of the Tudor State, 1450–1530
- Commonalities in the genetic control of liver disease induced upon bacterial infection and type 1 diabetes
- Communal breeding and life history trade-offs in Agta foragers
- Communicating Complex Models to Aid Decision Making
- Communicating Complex Statistical Evidence
- Communicating likelihood ratios
- Communicating Mathematics: The Role of the Publisher
- Communicating Maths and Stats is Just Like all Other Communication (Except When it Isn’t)
- Communicating Process Architecture for Multicores
- Communicating research to a wider audience using animation, illustration, workshops and interactive media
- Communicating risk and scientific uncertainty
- Communicating risk and scientific uncertainty to the public and policy-makers
- Communicating Risk and Uncertainty
- Communicating risk and uncertainty
- Communicating Science to be Helpful - Beyond Transparency
- Communicating science: easy but impossible
- Communicating uncertainty around facts, numbers, and science
- Communicating Uncertainty in Official Statistics
- Communicating with buttons: current progress in one- and two-button Dasher
- Communicating with the gods: liver divination in ancient Mesopotamia
- Communicating Your Research to the Wider World
- Communication and Coordination: how individuals shape groups
- Communication between chromosomes: the evolution and function of long noncoding RNAs in the Hox complex
- Communication by Statistical Regression
- Communication Challenges for Extreme-Scale, Real-Time Neural Network Simulation
- Communication Complexity
- Communication Complexity and When Dubious Data Structures can be Detected
- Communication in a globalised world: English is necessary but not sufficient
- Communication in the presence of adversarial jamming: The curious case of the erasure channel
- Communication in the presence of sparsity
- Communication Locality in Computation: Software, Many-core Processors and Brains
- Communication networks in markets
- Communication over many-user channels via Approximate Message Passing
- Communication over noisy channels (I)
- Communication over noisy channels (II)
- Communication over noisy channels (III)
- Communication Skills Workshop
- Communication Technologies Research at the NPL
- Communication Technology and Social Movements
- Communication with a single button
- Communication with Artificial Intelligences
- Communication, cooperation and culture in Shark Bay dolphins
- Communication, Power and the State
- Communication-constrained hypothesis testing: Optimality, robustness, and reverse data processing inequalities
- Communication: Radios and Treatment Centre Simulation
- Communications, Travel and Social Networks since 1840: A Study Using Agent-based Models
- Communicative competence and eighteenth-century English norms of correctness
- Communist women in Bengal: patterns of self-representations
- Communities and privacy in mobile phone social networks
- Communities under fire: civilians on the Western Front, 1914-1918
- Communities, conservation, and climate change in the Pacific Islands
- Community assembly and phylogenies in tropical forest trees
- Community characteristics and their effects on the structure and survival of a deep-sea fish community
- Community detection algorithms: a comparative analysis
- Community Detection on the Weighted Stochastic Block Model
- Community Energy Forum
- Community Energy Initiatives and Energy Behaviours
- Community Energy Initiatives and Energy Behaviours
- Community Justice for Genocide: The Gacaca Courts, Justice and Reconciliation in Rwanda
- Community recovery in weighted stochastic block models
- Community Scale Engagement: Collective Action on Carbon
- Community series: Dr Lorena Gazzotti and Professor Shihan de Silva Jayasuriya
- Community, Equality, and Comprehensive Education: Creating Democratic Secondary Education in a Globalized World
- Community-based obesity and diabetes prevention Interventions - What do we know?
- Community-led housing: partnerships of cooperative conflict in Mumbai and the role of the reflective practitioner
- Community-level changes in fine root traits along a long-term soil chronosequence in New Zealand
- CommunityRx: Connecting Health Care to Self-Care
- Commutation of Limits and Colimits -- a Cautionary Tale
- Commutative cochains
- Commutative Monads
- Commutative monads, distributions, and differential categories
- Commutator Methods in Averaging Lemmas, and Applications to Kinetic Equations
- Commuters and the spread of influenza in the UK
- Commuting homology and homotopy inverse limits
- Commuting probability in infinite groups
- Commuting symmetry operators for the Dirac equation
- Commuting symplectomorphisms and Dehn twists in divisors
- Commuting the mean-field and classical limits in quantum mechanic
- Comonad cohomology of track categories
- Comoving magnetohydrodynamic waves and a new suite of cosmological galaxy cluster simulations
- Compact binaries and the gravitational self-force
- Compact Brownian surfaces
- Compact Brownian surfaces
- Compact Einstein Manifold from Generalized Kerr-NUT-de Sitter Metric
- Compact finite difference schemes on the Cubed-Sphere
- Compact Folding of Flat Arrays Composed of Panels with Uniform Thickness
- Compact Fusion - How Small?
- Compact HII galaxies
- Compact moduli spaces of Fano varieties and existence of singular Kahler-Einstein metrics
- Compact Rank Models and Optimization
- Compact self-wired cultured neural networks
- Compact, Low-Cost, High-Resolution Spectrographs for Exoplanet Science
- Compactifcations of Hermitian-Yang-Mills moduli space and the Yang-Mills flow on projective manifolds
- Compactifications and kernels
- Compactifications of reductive groups as moduli stacks of bundles
- Compactified string/M theory prediction of the Higgs boson mass and properties.
- Compactified Universal Jacobians via Geometric Invariant Theory
- Compaction and crystallisation in magma chambers: the Skaergaard Intrusion
- Compactly Supported Shearlets: Theory and Applications
- Compactness principles and convergence of spectra in double-porosity models
- Compactness questions for triholomorphic maps
- Compactness theorems for minimal hypersurfaces with bounded index
- Companion Animal Welfare: Establishing Minimum Standards of Practice for Overseas Projects
- Companion points and locally analytic socle for GL(2)
- Companion-disk interaction in exoplanetary systems, a (mostly) observational perspective
- Companions
- Comparative Advantage and Specialization in Bank Lending
- Comparative Ambiguity Aversion for Smooth Utility Functions
- Comparative analyses of neuromesodermal progenitor dynamics in vivo
- Comparative Analyses of Neuromesodermal Progenitor Dynamics in vivo
- Comparative analysis of the evolutionary development of brain size in mammals
- Comparative aspects of canine cancer and therapy
- Comparative cognitive development in chimpanzees
- Comparative continuity
- Comparative Formalisation of Kneser's theorem in Isabelle/HOL and Lean
- Comparative Frameworks for Relative Multivariate Analysis
- Comparative genomics and proteomics of paenibacillus larvae bacteriophages
- Comparative genomics of RNA viruses
- Comparative genomics to understand the roots of antibiotic resistance in bacteria: find ways to address it
- Comparative genomics: lessons, rationales and perspectives
- Comparative glucocorticoid metabolism; lessons from horses, humans and mice
- Comparative grammar of Latin American varieties
- Comparative inference in epidemic models without likelihoods
- Comparative logical models of signalling networks in normal and transformed hepatocytes
- Comparative ontogenetic and palaeontological approaches to study the evolution of turtles
- Comparative palaeoecology of mass extinction events
- Comparative perspectives on social inequalities in life and death: an interdisciplinary conference
- Comparative population genomics in animals: genetic diversity, adaptive rate, species barrier
- Comparative studies of intrinsically disordered proteins
- Comparative transcriptomics identifies a single SNP mutation that controls virulence of African Salmonella
- Comparative uncertainties: comparing comparisons in anthropology and animal behaviour science
- Comparing a DG dynamical core with the production code COSMO
- Comparing and contrasting techniques that measure cell mediated immunity Discussion Forum
- Comparing and sharing complex design practices accross domains
- Comparing and sharing complex design practices accross domains (EDC Seminars)
- Comparing Apples and Oranges: The Neurocomputation of Value
- Comparing Consensus Monte Carlo Strategies for Distributed Bayesian Computation
- Comparing dense suspensions and soft amorphous solids indicate the emergence of selforganization in flow
- Comparing different approaches to modelling collective cell movement
- Comparing factor models with conditioning information
- Comparing gravitational-wave data and stellar-physics predictions with deep learning
- Comparing language learning and proficiency across Europe
- Comparing models of contour in music and speech
- Comparing models of melodic contour in music and speech
- Comparing Non-Gaussian Models
- Comparing nudges and boosts for financial decisions under uncertainty
- Comparing obstructions to local-global principles for rational points over semiglobal fields
- Comparing public attitudes towards energy technologies in Australia and the UK: The role of political ideology
- Comparing site occupancy calculations with experimental observations
- Comparing site occupancy calculations with experimental observations
- Comparing the Central African Copperbelts: social history and knowledge production in the Zambian copperbelt and Haut Katanga
- Comparing the formulations of CCAM and VCAM and their performance as atmospheric GCMs
- Comparing the incomparable: economic development in Britain and France 1700-1850
- Comparing the sounds of accents of English, past and present
- Comparing the written production of immigrant and non-immigrant pupils in bidialectal settings: exposing hidden challenges
- Comparing what? Ethnography at the riverbanks and the potential of experimental comparison
- Comparison between turbulent boundary layers and channels from direct numerical simulations
- Comparison of Air Pollution Trends and Policies in London and Beijing
- Comparison of behavioural characteristics in dogs during induction of anaesthesia with two formulations of propofol and alfaxalone
- Comparison of BSM mass determination methods at the LHC
- Comparison of finite element and finite volume in ocean modelling
- Comparison of Markov Chains Monte Carlo via Weak Poincaré Inequalities with Applications
- Comparison of Markov chains via weak Poincaré inequalities, with application to pseudo-marginal MCMC
- Comparison of methods to estimate aerosol effective radiative forcings in climate models
- Comparison of selected models of heat transfer in perfused biological tissue
- Comparison of statistical models on general quantum systems: a "Quantum Blackwell Theorem"
- Comparison of Submarine Drive Topologies Using Multi-objective Genetic Algorithms
- Comparison of the Field and Fermi Level Dependence of Transport and Recombination in Polymer/C60 Cells and Solid-State Dye-Sensitized Cells.
- Comparison of the outcome of dogs undergoing hiatal hernia repair with and without use of a gastropexy: 41 cases (2012-2022)
- Comparisons between event generators and data
- Comparisons between how influenza A viruses and parainfluenza viruses interact with the interferon system.
- Comparisons for the anthropologist: when organ and tissue donations are matters of concern
- Comparisons of Duplicated cis regulated elements
- Compartmentalised metabolism and metabolite signalling to the nucleus
- Compartmentalized RAS Signaling: KRAS4A regulates Hexokinase 1 on the Mitochondrial Outer Membrane
- Compartments and continua of the immune responses to commensal intestinal microbes
- Compatibility of quantum measurements and inclusion constants for free spectrahedra
- Compatible Finite Element Methods for Numerical Weather Prediction
- Compatible finite element spaces for metrics with curvature
- Compatible finite element spaces for metrics with curvature
- Compensated compactness techniques in analysis
- Compensated convexity, multiscale medial axis maps, and sharp regularity of the squared distance function
- Compensated Fragmentations
- Compensatory lameness in dogs: kinematic description and inertial sensors detection
- Competing and Co-existing Business Models for EV: Lessons from International Case Studies
- Competing instabilities of three-dimensional boundary layer flow over spinning bodies
- Competing orders in low-dimensional doped quantum spin systems
- Competition among Renewables
- Competition and conjugation: the tale of antibiotic resistance spreading in three colours
- Competition and Voting Premium
- Competition at the front of expanding populations
- Competition between adaptor protein and phospholipase regulates metastatic outcome
- Competition between antiferromagnetism and superconductivity in low-dimensional magnets
- Competition between predictive processes and prefrontal cortex functions: from non-invasive brain stimulation to local sleep
- Competition for phospholipids drives astrocyte morphogenesis in the CNS
- Competition for resources - The equilibrium existence problem in congestion games
- Competition in a Differentiated Product Market with Individualized Pricing: The Case of the UK Brick Industry
- Competition in London local bus tendering
- Competition in the Venture Capital Market and the Success of Startup Companies: Theory and Evidence
- Competition, No-Arbitrage, and Systematic Risk
- Competition-induced segregation and invasion fronts
- Competitive admissions to Higher Education – how do institutions differentiate between applicants?
- Competitive coexistence between phoretic mites: between ecology and biomechanics?
- Competitive Contagion in Networks
- Competitive Contagion in Networks
- Competitive erosion is conformally invariant
- Competitive neurocognitive processes underlying implicit learning and consolidation
- Competitive Online Algorithms for Budgeted Allocation with Application to Online Experiment Design
- Competitive Online Peak-Demand Minimization using Energy Storage
- Competitor or parasite: choose your best enemy
- Compile-time Instruction Scheduling for Modern ARM Processors - Low Level Design Enabling Performance In High Level Applications
- Compiler and Architectural Support for Whole-System Persistence
- Compiler Hacking
- Compiler Testing with Relaxed Memory Models with L. Geeson
- Compiler Tools for MATLAB
- Compiler verification
- Compiler verification
- Compiling Distributed System Models with PGo, and Beyond
- Compiling Functional Types to Relational Specifications for Low Level Imperative Code
- Compiling Synthetic Biological Circuit Models with BioCRNpyler
- Complement and microglia mediated sensory-motor synaptic loss in Spinal Muscular Atrophy
- Complement genetic variations and disease. Functional and Structural insights into the assembly and regulation of the alternative pathway C3-convertase
- Complement therapeutics on the crossroads between inflammatory and infectious disease
- Complement therapeutics on the crossroads between inflammatory and infectious disease
- Complementarity vs. Firewalls: Are there large quantum effects near black hole horizons?
- Complementary approaches to Synaptic Plasticity: Objective Functions and Biophysics
- Complementing User-Level Coarse-Grain Parallelism with Implicit Speculative Parallelism
- Complements on log canonical fano varieties
- Complete and submit project choice forms
- Complete and submit project choice forms
- Complete asymptotic expansion of the integrated density of states of multidimensional almost-periodic pseudo-differential operators
- Complete collineations for Maximum Likelihood Estimation
- Complete Complexes and Spectral Sequences
- Complete criterion for convex-Gaussian-state detection.
- Complete Graphs with No Rainbow Tree
- Complete intersections of quadrics
- Complete loss of case and gender within a generation: evidence from Stamford Hill Hasidic Yiddish
- Complete monotonicity for inverse powers of some combinatorially defined polynomials
- Complete reducibility and rationality
- Complete reducibility and rationality
- Completed cohomology and the p-adic Langlands program
- Completely faithful Selmer groups over GL(2)-extensions
- Completely in vitro protein engineering automation
- Completely Random Measures
- Completeness and semiflows for stochastic differential equations with monotone drift
- Completeness for algebraic theories of local state
- Completeness results for graphical quantum process languages
- Completing the Cent Cols Challenge (for the third time)
- Completion, closure, and density relative to a monad, with examples in functional analysis and sheaf theory
- Complex analysis and nonlinear elasticity: the Biot instability revisited.
- Complex Analysis Applied to the Maritime Domain
- Complex Analysis — Simplified!
- Complex Analysis in Aeroacoustics
- Complex Analysis in Aeroacoustics
- Complex Analysis in Industrial Inverse Problems
- Complex Analytical Challenges of Modern Radar Systems
- Complex Analytical Challenges of Modern Radar Systems
- Complex architecures of conjugated polymers via Suzuki and Kumada chain-growth polycondensations
- Complex brain networks, cognition and schizophrenia
- Complex DNA profile interpretation: stories from across the pond
- Complex DNA profile interpretation: stories from across the pond
- Complex dynamics and elliptic curves
- Complex dynamics in simple models of shear banding.
- Complex dynamics of solitary water waves in three dimensions
- Complex dynamics: degenerations, and irreducibility problems
- Complex Event Processing for Heterogeneous Sensor Networks
- Complex hyperbolicity, holomorphic differential equations and jet spaces
- Complex line arrangements and polyhedral metrics
- Complex materials: A journey from disappearing ice phases and ‘pink’ phosphorus to stacking disordered silver iodide
- Complex mechanisms of simple memories: from miRNAs to (perhaps) attention
- Complex molecules on surfaces: Synchrotron radiation, scanning probe and in situ electrospray deposition
- Complex Networks 1
- Complex Networks 2
- Complex networks identify spatial patterns of extreme rainfall events of the Indian and the South American monsoon system
- Complex nonlinear wave dynamics in ultrafast fibre lasers and their intelligent control
- Complex orthogonal polynomials and a cubic random matrix model
- Complex Rays, Cones of Silence and Catastrophes
- Complex reflection groups and their associated braid groups and Hecke algebras
- Complex reflection groups and their associated braid groups and Hecke algebras
- Complex reflection groups and their associated braid groups and Hecke algebras
- Complex relationships: modelling epidemics on human social networks
- Complex Robotic Systems: Modeling, Control, and Planning using Dual Quaternion Algebra
- Complex roots of chromatic polynomials
- Complex scattering and radiation problems using the Generalized Wiener-Hopf Technique
- Complex scattering and radiation problems using the Generalized Wiener-Hopf Technique
- Complex Singularities of Burgers' Equation
- Complex Structure and Phase behaviour in Molecular Layers: Adsorbing Stuff
- Complex Sums in the Mathematical Tripos
- Complex systems: rational modelling ensures fidelity
- Complex tidal flow interactions in stellar and planetary convective envelopes
- Complex variable techniques applied to two problems in Stokes flow: rotation of a superhydrophobic cylinder, and evolution of multiple drops with surfactant
- Complex variable techniques applied to two problems in Stokes flow: rotation of a superhydrophobic cylinder, and evolution of multiple drops with surfactant
- Complex Wavelets: What are they and what can they do?
- Complex zeros of the chromatic and Tutte polynomials
- Complex-plane asymptotic behaviour of blow up in a quasilinear parabolic equation.
- Complex-scaled integral equation with Laplace Green's function for time-harmonic water waves
- Complex-valued wavelets, the dual tree, and Hilbert pairs: why these lead to shift invariance and directional multi-dimensional wavelets
- Complexes and conservation: constructing numerical methods for physical systems
- Complexities and uncertainties of neuronal network analyses
- Complexity analysis of the Lasso regularization path and an application of sparsity to isoform detection in RNA-seq data
- Complexity and Robustness in Colonies of Agents: A Formal Languages and a Game Theory Approach
- Complexity as L2-difficulty: Implications for syntactic change
- Complexity classification of local Hamiltonian problems
- Complexity in Vibrations and Dynamics – Phenomena and Methods
- Complexity is a Can of Worms
- Complexity of codes for Ramsey positive sets
- Complexity of computations and proofs and pseudo-finite structures
- Complexity of exponential integer parts on real closed exponential fields
- Complexity of spatial embeddings of graphs
- Complexity results for dependence logic
- Compliance under the Paris Agreement: The Compliance Committee and the Interplay between Compliance and Transparency
- Compliant Shell Mechanisms and Inextensional Theory
- Complicating the narrative of ‘Islamic architecture’: looking across rooted cosmopolitanisms in maritime South India and Southeast Asia, 18th to early 20th centuries
- Complications during pregnancy in Uganda: Researching socio-cultural drivers using innovative methods (King's/Cambridge-Africa Seminar)
- Component Innovations: Working with Wind from Patented Product to High-Rise Applications
- Component recognition of FE-SEA models
- Component sizes in random graphs with given vertex degrees (the configuration model)
- Components of working memory in task control
- Composable Asynchronous Events/Formal Methods for Wireless Mesh Networks
- Composed, Distributed Reflections on Semantics and Statistical Machine Translation
- Composer in residence conversation
- Composing by Numbers: An Introduction to Algorithmic Melody Generation
- Composing free Lawvere Theories
- Composing Memory Consistency Models for Heterogeneous Systems
- Composing Mozart
- Composing: Linear and Non-Linear Thinking
- Composite degrees of freedom and elevation of supersymmetry in 2+1 dimensions
- Composite Design for Novel Energy Harvesting and Sensing Structures
- Composite Feature Selection using Deep Ensembles
- Composite lattice materials
- Composite leptoquarks and anomalies in B decays
- Composite Models and the Need to go Beyond just Modelling Epidemics to Understand Epidemics
- Composite models at the LHC
- Composite morphogenesis: how can a tissue fold and extend at the same time
- Composite Plasmonic Nanomaterials for Biosensing and Bioimaging
- Composite self-concordant minimization
- Composition and Inheritance in Declarative Configuration Languages
- Composition and Inheritance in Declarative Configuration Languages
- Composition gradients and convection in dense astrophysical objects: anti-diffusive dynamics in giant planets and white dwarfs
- Composition in Categories of Games
- Composition in Differential Privacy
- Composition of Wealth: Between Kinship Entitlements and Market Access
- Compositional Compiler Verification for a Multi-Language World
- Compositional Features and Feedforward Neural Networks for High Dimensional Problems
- Compositional Inter-Language Relational Verification
- Compositional mathematics and automatic gradient descent
- Compositional Models
- Compositional Neural Meaning Representation Parsing
- Compositionality in Vision and Language
- Compositionality of game-based secure key-exchange
- Compound Interest: Communicating chemistry using infographics
- Compound Memory Models
- Compound-specific carbon isotope analysis of lipid combustion residues from herbivore dung. An experimental approach
- Compounding in English and the nature of attribution
- Compounds Implicated in Cellular Quiescence Revealed by Fission Yeast Metabolomics
- Comprehension of human action in a hierarchical framework for mirroring and mentalising
- Comprehensive AI Services
- Comprehensive Guide on how to Write an Annotated Bibliography.
- Comprehensive laboratory studies of hydrocarbon oxidation mechanisms
- Comprehensive modeling of materials for solar applications from first principles
- Comprehensive Parametric Polymorphism
- Comprehensive quantification of wood formation dynamics sheds new light on the functioning and climatic sensitivity of the processes behind tree-ring formation and carbon sequestration in trees
- Comprehensive, effectively managed, and ecologically representative national and regional marine protected area networks – will we meet the Convention on Biological Diversity's 2012 target?
- Compressed electroweakino spectra at the LHC
- Compressed Sensing - Introduction and Future Aspects
- Compressed sensing and the art of subsampling
- Compressed Sensing Applications in Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging
- Compressed sensing for the sparse Radon transform
- Compressed Sensing Imaging Techniques for Radio Interferometry and Cosmic String Reconstruction
- Compressed Sensing in Cancer Biology? (A Work in Progress)
- Compressed sensing in infinite dimensions
- Compressed Sensing in RF
- Compressed Sensing in RF
- Compressed sensing in the real world - The need for a new theory
- Compressed sensing in the real world - The need for a new theory
- Compressed sensing in the real world - Why and what actually works
- Compressed sensing of perfusion MRI
- Compressed Sensing Plus Motion (CS+M): A New Perspective for Improving Undersampled MR Image Reconstruction
- Compressed Sensing Plus Motion (CS+M): A New Perspective for Improving Undersampled MR Image Reconstruction
- Compressed sensing sampling and processing techniques in NMR
- Compressed sensing: How to get more for less
- Compressed Sensing: Lecture 1
- Compressed sensing: Lecture 1
- Compressed sensing: Lecture 2
- Compressed sensing: Lecture 2
- Compressed sensing: Lecture 3
- Compressed sensing: Lecture 3
- Compressed sensing: Lecture 4
- Compressed sensing: Lecture 4
- Compressed sensing: Lecture 5
- Compressed sensing: Lecture 5
- Compressed sensing: Lecture 6
- Compressed sensing: Lecture 6
- Compressed sensing: Lecture 7
- Compressed sensing: Lecture 7
- Compressed sensing: Lecture 8
- Compressed sensing: Lecture 8
- Compressed sensing: some theory, algorithms and applications
- Compressible components reveal network architectures
- Compressible distributions and Compressed Sensing
- Compressible flows and zero Mach number limit
- Compressible priors for high-dimensional statistics
- Compressing bispectra and exploring trispectra: probing the non-Gaussian component of the density field
- Compression for Smooth Shape Analysis
- Compression of correlated quantum-classical sources, or: the price of ignorance
- Compressions in Extremal Combinatorics
- Compressive failure mechanisms in Composite Laminates with Dropped Plies
- Compressive failure mechanisms in Composite Laminates with Dropped Plies
- Compressive failure of fibre composites with random waviness
- Compressive imaging: Sampling strategies and reconstruction guarantees
- Compressive sampling
- Compressive Sensing with Structured Random Matrices
- Compressive Sensor Networks
- CompuCell3D simulation model for 3D-cells migrating on flat substrates.
- Computability and Complexity of Julia Sets
- Computability and Set Theoretic Aspects of Hausdorff Dimension
- Computability and Zipf's Law: operadic perspective
- Computability Questions about Fields
- Computable analysis and control synthesis of complex dynamical systems via formal verification
- Computable analysis and games in descriptive set theory
- Computable entanglement cost
- Computable Probability Theory
- Computable randomness and its properties
- Computable Structures of High Scott Rank
- Computably enumerable partial orders
- Computably extendible order types
- Computation and Models of Morpho(phono)logy - Workshop
- Computation and Models of Morpho(phono)logy - Workshop
- Computation and optimization of multiple wave scattering using boundary integral formulation
- Computation in Markets with Risk
- Computation in Markets with Risk
- Computation of complex fluid flows
- Computation of plane potential flow in multiply connected domains
- Computation of water-wave profile: An analytical approach
- Computation via Substructures
- Computation, Composition
- Computation, Technology and the New Era of STEM
- Computation, Technology and the New Era of STEM
- Computation, Technology and the New Era of STEM
- Computation-aware set-based analysis and control
- Computational Activity - Simulating scattering from particles in Julia using MultipleScattering.jl ; Simulating multiple scattering from particles in Matlab using TMATROM
- Computational Activity - Simulating scattering from particles in Julia using MultipleScattering.jl ; Simulating multiple scattering from particles in Matlab using TMATROM
- Computational Advancements in Edge-Preserving Methods for Dynamic and Large-Scale Inverse Problems
- Computational AeroAcoustics: how they got it wrong (repeatedly)
- Computational Agroecology: Rethinking Agriculture with State Spaces
- Computational analysis and prediction of microRNA binding sites
- Computational analysis of cancer genomes
- Computational analysis of fluid-structure interaction using non-body-fitted grids
- Computational analysis of protein-protein interactions: from specific effects to protein ecology
- Computational analysis of the connection between cell cycle and circadian rhythm
- Computational and Benchmarking Perspectives
- Computational and Benchmarking Perspectives
- Computational and experimental force multipliers for the discovery of new thermoelectric and photovoltaic materials
- Computational and machine learning methods to investigate the complex human-environment interaction. From the Mediterranean to the Andes
- Computational approach to compact Riemann surfaces
- Computational approaches for deciphering the regulation of cancer genomes
- Computational approaches to coupling geometry and physics on interfaces using surface PDEs
- Computational Approaches to Drug Design and Computational Toxicology
- Computational approaches to figurative language
- Computational approaches to Immuno-Oncology drug development
- Computational aspects of bio-image analysis with focus on lightsheet microscopy
- Computational aspects of complex orthogonal polynomials
- Computational aspects of the proof of Goldbach's Ternary Conjecture
- Computational Behavior Analysis through Wearables and Machine Learning -- Pushing the Boundaries towards usable Digital Health.
- Computational Biology
- Computational biology
- Computational biology
- Computational biology
- Computational Biology and Drug Discovery
- Computational biology and tools for uncovering hidden information from the viral dark matter.
- Computational Biology in Drug Discovery
- Computational Biology in Drug Discovery
- Computational Biology on the Cloud
- Computational Biology Workshop
- Computational Biology Workshop
- Computational Biology Workshop
- Computational Biology Workshop
- Computational Biology Workshop
- Computational Biology Workshop
- Computational Biology Workshop
- Computational Biology Workshop
- Computational Biology Workshop
- Computational Biology Workshop
- Computational Biology Workshop
- Computational Biology Workshop
- Computational Biology Workshop
- Computational Biology Workshop
- Computational Biology Workshop
- Computational Biology Workshop
- Computational Biology Workshop
- Computational Biology Workshop
- Computational Biology Workshop
- Computational Biology Workshop
- Computational Biology Workshop
- Computational Building Performance Analysis
- Computational capabilities of transient sets in natural systems
- Computational Cardiology
- Computational Challenges for Long Range Imaging
- Computational Challenges in Numerical Relativity
- Computational Challenges in Numerical Relativity
- Computational Challenges in Sleeping Combinatorial Experts
- Computational Challenges in the Security Sector
- Computational Complexity and Geometry
- Computational complexity in the formalism of quantum physics
- Computational Conformal / Quasi-conformal Geometry and Its Applications
- Computational Consequences of Neglected First Order Van der Waals Forces
- Computational Considerations for Magma Dynamics Simulation
- Computational constraints on human representation of number
- Computational content of coinductive proofs (Interest Group in Formal Mathematics)
- Computational Cosmology
- Computational Creativity: A Different Future for AI Research
- Computational decision theory and Bayesian methods in genomics
- Computational Design – Are we missing an opportunity?
- Computational Design in Synthetic Biology
- Computational Design of Rigid Origami Structure
- Computational Design of Robust Elastic Metamaterials and Deployable Structures
- Computational Design of Robust Elastic Metamaterials and Deployable Structures
- Computational Design of Superconductors at the Atomic Scale
- Computational Design Tools for Fabrication-aware Modeling
- Computational Design Tools for Fabrication-aware Modeling
- Computational Designs for Homogeneous Catalysts for Chemo-, Regio- and Stereoselectivity
- Computational Dialectology
- Computational discovery of porous molecular materials
- Computational Drug Discovery: Present and Future
- Computational enzymology
- Computational fluid dynamics and stability of interfacial phenomena in the presence of acoustic, viscoelastic, adhesive, and Lorentz forces
- Computational fluid dynamics as a tool for testing functional and ecological hypotheses in fossil taxa
- Computational Fluid Dynamics for prediction of flow separation from aircraft tail surfaces
- Computational fluid-membrane interaction with application to supersonic decelerators
- Computational foundations of Bayesian inference and probabilistic programming
- Computational foundations of morphogenomics
- Computational fracture mechanics: accuracy and efficiency without enrichment
- Computational genomics of structural RNAs
- Computational geometric optics: Monge-Ampere
- Computational geometric optics: Monge-Ampere
- Computational high frequency waves in heterogeneous media
- Computational Higher-Dimensional Type Theory
- Computational Homology and Materials Science
- Computational image analysis for coeliac disease diagnosis
- Computational image analysis for coeliac disease diagnosis
- Computational image analysis for coeliac disease diagnosis
- Computational Imaging and Sensing: Theory and Applications
- Computational Imaging for Realistic Appearance Modelling
- Computational Imaging in Atomic Force Microscopy
- Computational Infrastructure to Support CAMI
- Computational insights into stem cell differentiation using dynamic hybrid modelling.
- Computational Interfacial Chemistry: What do we do ?
- Computational invariant theory (Lecture 1)
- Computational invariant theory (Lecture 2)
- Computational invariant theory (Lecture 3)
- Computational Inverse Design of Deployable Structures
- Computational mechanisms for the generation and regulation of behaviour
- Computational methods for an optimal partition problem on surfaces
- Computational methods for an optimal partition problem on surfaces
- Computational methods for analysis of single-cell RNA-seq and cancer mutability
- Computational methods for finding exact solutions of shear flows
- Computational Methods for Linking Sets of National Files
- Computational Methods for Nonlinear Power Operational Problems: Convex Reformulations and Near-Linear Time Algorithms
- Computational methods for simulating inertial particles in discrete incompressible flows.
- Computational methods for simulating inertial particles in discrete incompressible flows.
- Computational Methods for the Analysis of Protein Structure, Shape and Function
- Computational Methods To Accelerate Vaccine Development
- Computational methods to analyse large-scale
and high-dimensional gene perturbation screens
- Computational Methods to Design Broad-Spectrum Medical Countermeasures Against Antigenically Diverse Pathogens
- Computational Methods to Design Broad-Spectrum Medical Countermeasures Against Antigenically Diverse Pathogens
- Computational Methods to Measure and Mitigate Weaponized Online Information
- Computational Microbiology of the E. coli cell envelope
- Computational modeling of emotions
- Computational modeling of long-range connections in superficial layers of visual cortex V1
- Computational modeling of the CD8 T cell immune response: How mathematical models can provide insights on differentiation and heterogeneity?
- Computational modelling of fracture phenomena
- Computational modelling of growth regulation by auxin responses during gravitropism
- Computational modelling of itinerant electrons and fluctuating local moments in magnetic materials - permanent magnets, caloric effects and spintronics
- Computational modelling of reinforced concrete members with peridynamics.
- Computational modelling of structural and functional development of the visual system.
- Computational models and theories – who needs them?
- Computational models and theories – who needs them?
- Computational models and theories – who needs them?
- Computational Models Meet Data Learning: How PINNs Can Improve our Understanding of the Heart
- Computational Models Meet Data Learning: How PINNs Can Improve our Understanding of the Heart
- Computational models of melt transport from source to surface
- Computational models of morphogenetic decision-making
- Computational Models of the Development of the Central Nervous System
- Computational models of the heart: Why they are useful, and how they would benefit from UQ
- Computational Models of the Influence of Context on Sentence Acceptability
- Computational models of vision: From early vision to deep convolutional neural networks
- Computational Models—who needs them?
- Computational Models—who needs them?
- Computational modes: What are they and how bad are they for a weather/climate model dynamical core?
- Computational Morphodynamics - a quantitative description of multicellular development
- Computational MorphoDynamX with cell complexes
- Computational Nanophotonics: from Photonic Crystals to Surface Plasmons
- Computational neuropsychiatry: perception, prediction and learning
- Computational Neuroscience Course (4G3)
- Computational Neuroscience Course (4G3)
- Computational Neuroscience Course (4G3)
- Computational Neuroscience for Technology: Event-based Vision Sensors and Information Processing
- Computational Neuroscience Journal Club
- Computational Neuroscience Journal Club
- Computational Neuroscience Journal Club
- Computational Neuroscience Journal Club
- Computational Neuroscience Journal Club
- Computational Neuroscience Journal Club
- Computational Neuroscience Journal Club
- Computational Neuroscience Journal Club
- Computational Neuroscience Journal Club
- Computational Neuroscience Journal Club
- Computational Neuroscience Journal Club
- Computational Neuroscience Journal Club
- Computational Neuroscience Journal Club
- Computational Neuroscience Journal Club
- Computational Neuroscience Journal Club
- Computational Neuroscience Journal Club
- Computational Neuroscience Journal Club
- Computational Neuroscience Journal Club
- Computational Neuroscience Journal Club
- Computational Neuroscience Journal Club
- Computational Neuroscience Journal Club
- Computational Neuroscience Journal Club
- Computational Neuroscience Journal Club
- Computational Neuroscience Journal Club
- Computational Neuroscience Journal Club
- Computational Neuroscience Journal Club
- Computational Neuroscience Journal Club
- Computational Neuroscience Journal Club
- Computational Neuroscience Journal Club
- Computational Neuroscience Journal Club
- Computational Neuroscience Journal Club
- Computational Neuroscience Journal Club
- Computational Neuroscience Journal Club
- Computational Neuroscience Journal Club
- Computational Neuroscience Journal Club
- Computational Neuroscience Journal Club
- Computational Neuroscience Journal Club
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- Computational Neuroscience Journal Club
- Computational Neuroscience Journal Club
- Computational Neuroscience Journal Club
- Computational Neuroscience Journal Club
- Computational Neuroscience Journal Club
- Computational Neuroscience Journal Club
- Computational Neuroscience Journal Club
- Computational Oncology at AstraZeneca
- Computational Optimisation for Machine Learning
- Computational Optimisation for Machine Learning
- Computational Optimisation for Machine Learning
- Computational Origami Design
- Computational phenotyping of social gestures using economic games
- Computational Precision Medicine: From Individuals to Populations and Back
- Computational Precision Medicine: From Individuals to Populations and Back
- Computational Privacy: On the privacy-conscientious use of metadata
- Computational Psychiatry of Autism
- Computational Radiotherapy Symposium, 2016: personalised radiotherapy, or how computers can cure cancer
- Computational Radiotherapy Symposium, 2016: personalised radiotherapy, or how computers can cure cancer
- Computational redesign of native enzyme active sites
- Computational scattering in complex multiscale media
- Computational Science at the Argonne Leadership Computing Facility
- Computational specification for temporal abstraction in music
- Computational specification for temporal abstraction in music
- Computational Studies of Photophysical Phenomena in Molecules and Aggregates
- Computational Studies of Realistic Multiband Models of the Copper Oxides
- Computational Studies of Structures and Dynamics of Aqueous Interfaces using Polarizable Potential Models
- Computational support for the constructivist approach
- Computational Thinking
- Computational Thinking
- Computational thinking in primary schooling: Thinking beyond computer science
- Computational tools for the taxonomic analysis of shotgun metagenome samples
- Computational Video: Methods for Video Segmentation and Video Stabilization, and their Applications.
- Computational Wave Propagation in the Spirit of the Geometrical Theory of Diffraction
- Computationally derived correlations between segregation, microstructure variations and process-induced cracks in AM
- Computationally Efficient Algorithms for Detecting Changepoints
- Computationally efficient data-driven solutions to inverse problems in X-ray CT
- Computationally Efficient Nonparametric Testing
- Computationally efficient simulation of signaling pathways underlying synaptic plasticity
- Computationally tractable statistical estimation when there are more variables than observations
- Computations in human sensorimotor control
- Computations with classical and p-adic modular forms
- Computer Algebra and Calculus
- Computer Algebra and Formal Proof
- Computer Algebra and the Formalisation of New Mathematics
- Computer Assisted Interventions: Challenges in design, development, validation and deployment of novel techniques
- Computer committee meeting
- Computer crime and the gender ratio problem
- Computer Design of new Non-Volatile Memory Materials: Interface Engineering
- Computer environments for math problem solving
- Computer Forensics - The Truth Behind CSI
- Computer games and mental health interventions
- Computer gaming and the art of narrative
- Computer Generated Holography — Towards the Holodeck
- Computer Go Research in the University of Alberta GAMES Group
- Computer Laboratory Recruitment Fair
- Computer Laboratory Recruitment Fair
- Computer model calibration with large nonstationary spatial outputs: application to the calibration of a climate model
- Computer model calibration with large nonstationary spatial outputs: application to the calibration of a climate model
- Computer modelling of the heart
- Computer Othello
- Computer science (Cancelled)
- Computer Science and Social Mobility
- Computer Science and Statistics in Algorithmic Trading: A Sampler
- Computer science as applied philosophy
- Computer Science Collides With Reality
- Computer Science Essentials - Data Structure for Programming
- Computer Science Essentials - MATLAB Programming
- Computer Science Essentials - MATLAB Programming II
- Computer Science Essentials - STATA – 1
- Computer Science Essentials - STATA – 2
- Computer Science Research Students mini-conference
- Computer Simulation of the Financial Markets
- Computer simulations of knotted DNA and proteins
- Computer System Emulation using Multiple FPGAs
- Computer Timekeeping
- Computer Viruses
- Computer Vision
- Computer Vision
- Computer vision & Machine Learning: An Application in Digital Pathology
- Computer vision and healthcare
- Computer Vision Automated Productivity Measurement
- Computer vision beyond human vision – the medical perspective
- Computer Vision for Movie Making and Infographics
- Computer Vision Systems for Real-World Use
- Computer vision techniques for measuring deformation
- Computer vision, artificial intelligence, and the analysis of compositon and scale in fine-art paintings and drawings
- Computer, how likely is it that I need my coat tomorrow?: How neural networks can be used for both probabilistic weather forecasting and post-processing of NWP models
- Computer-aided security proofs
- Computer-Assisted Analysis of Biomedical Images
- Computer-assisted proofs for dynamical systems
- Computer-Assisted Training for People with Autism who Lack Communicative Speech: Can Remediating Sensorimotor Dyscontrol Open a `Back Door' to Social Communicative Development?
- Computer-Based Maths: Stop Teaching Calculating, Start Learning Maths
- Computer-generated Cryptic Crossword Clues: exploring creative NLG
- Computerized Adaptive Testing - The State of the Art
- Computers and Illusion - from photography to computer vision
- Computers helping chemists: a toolkit for a ChemBio lab
- Computers, Clocks and Network Time: Everything you never wanted to know about time
- Computers, Mobiles and Internet: Can they make a difference to the lives of poor people?
- Computing (generalised) Lagrangian mean without tracking particles
- Computing all zeros of harmonic mappings in the plane
- Computing all zeros of harmonic mappings in the plane
- Computing and Autism: How a real-world challenge drives a computing research agenda
- Computing and emotions
- Computing at School: Tackling the ICT Education Crisis in UK Schools
- Computing Brauer character tables of groups of Lie type in defining characteristic
- Computing Cancer
- Computing Cancer
- Computing Cycloisomerizations - Understanding Unusual Regioselectivities and Designs for Optimal Stereoselectivities
- Computing Dirichlet L-functions
- Computing downward Lowenheim-Skolem: Hands on with the real algebraic numbers
- Computing eclipses at the end of the Wars of the Roses: the life and works of Lewis of Caerleon.
- Computing Flexural-Gravity Waves
- Computing for Biology: Engineering Biology Forum
- Computing for Climate Science and Programming for the Planet
- Computing for Creativity and Performance in Structural Design
- Computing for Development: A New High Impact Research Area
- Computing for the Future of the Planet
- Computing for the Future of the Planet
- Computing for the Future of the Planet
- Computing for the future of the planet: How computers can save the world
- Computing functional equations of l-adic polylogarithmic characters on Galois group
- Computing fundamental invariants and equivariants of a finite group action
- Computing Green functions in small characteristics
- Computing High Resolution Health(care)
- Computing high-dimensional group cohomology via duality
- Computing Hilbert modular forms and modular elliptic curves
- Computing in Cambridge - From the Analytic Engine to Sentient Computing
- Computing in school and the teaching of programming
- Computing In Schools: How Your Skills Can Change Lives
- Computing Industry Challenges
- Computing inverses in higher categories
- Computing is so last century
- Computing Kazhdan constants by computer.
- Computing knot Floer homology
- Computing Multi-Scale QCD Amplitudes
- Computing nilpotent and unipotent canonical forms: a symmetric approach
- Computing normalisers of highly intransitive permutation groups
- Computing on Encrypted Data
- Computing optical properties of large systems: linear-scaling time-dependent density functional theory (LS-TDDFT) in ONETEP
- Computing p-adic heights on hyperelliptic curves
- Computing periodic conformal mappings
- Computing risk measures by importance sampling
- Computing solvent effects on electronic excitations with linear-scaling TDDFT
- Computing spectral measures of differential and integral operators
- Computing steady vortex flows of prescribed topology
- Computing the filter derivative using Sequential Monte Carlo
- Computing the homology of basic semialgebraic sets
- Computing the Schrödinger equation with no fear of commutators
- Computing the Spectrum in One, Two and Three Limits
- Computing the Wiener-Hopf factors for Levy processes: Lecture 1
- Computing the Wiener-Hopf factors for Levy processes: Lecture 1
- Computing the Wiener-Hopf factors for Levy processes: Lecture 2
- Computing the Wiener-Hopf factors for Levy processes: Lecture 2
- Computing with a full memory
- Computing with conjugacy classes in classical groups
- Computing with emotions
- Computing with emotions
- Computing with Fourier series approximations on general domains
- Computing With Permutation Representations of Finite Groups
- Computing with rational approximations
- Computing with Real Numbers
- Computing with reductive groups
- COMSOL tutorial
- COMT: from single nucleotide polymorphism to whole brain function.
- Con Co Ngua: a c. 4,500 BC Complex Hunter-Gatherer Site in Northern Vietnam
- Conative and Emotional Psychobiology: Evidence from infancy and developmental neuroscience on the purposes and values of human cognition.
- Conceiving, designing and testing giant ultralight coilable space structures
- Concentration and Free Probability
- Concentration fluctuations in a bacterial suspension
- Concentration in parabolic Lotka-Volterra equations : an asymptotic-preserving scheme Helene Hivert
- Concentration inequalities by the entropy method, variations
- Concentration inequalities by the entropy method, variations
- Concentration inequalities for log-concave measures
- Concentration inequalities for random matrix and operator eigenvalues
- Concentration of idempotent exponential
- Concentration of tempered posteriors and of their variational approximations
- Concentrator Photovoltaics (CPV) for Europe: Economics, Technical and Social Issues
- Concept cells
- Concept Embedding Models: Beyond the Accuracy-Explainability Trade-off
- Concept learning as compression
- Conceptions of Organised Violence, Individual Life, and Divine Command in Classical Rabbinic Judaism
- Conceptions of Social Pathology in Hobbes, Rousseau, and Kant
- Concepts and perceptions of body size within western medicine in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries
- Concepts and techniques in Magnetism
- Concepts and techniques in Quantum Matter research at the Cavendish
- Concepts from stochastic thermodynamics for model-free inference
- Concepts of competence
- Concepts of Democracy in mid-Twentieth Century Africa
- Conceptual and methodological advances in laminar fMRI
- Conceptual change in history of science
- Conceptual Design of Wind Turbines
- Conceptual Models for Dynamic Systems
- Conceptual models of ocean heat and carbon uptake
- Conceptual structural design via graphic statics and how form-finding frameworks contribute towards integrated architectural design
- Conceptual structural design via graphic statics for the generation of materially-efficient, structurally expressive architectural forms.
- Conceptualising Asia's postcolonial Cold War
- Conceptualising climate futures
- Conceptualising EU/IMF Financial Assistance Negotiation in Latvia
- Conceptualising EU/IMF Financial Assistance Negotiation in Latvia
- Conceptualising On-line Spaces as Communities: Analysis of an Online Italian-speaking community
- Conceptualising, Adapting and Measuring Young People’s Wellbeing in Secondary Schools in Kazakhstan
- Conceptualizations of Labour and the Making of the French Working Class, 1830-1848
- Concern for Oneself and for Others in Porphyry's Ethics of "On Abstinence"
- Concerning the stability of exponential systems and Fourier matrices
- Concerns about Modelling Foregrounds and the 21-cm Signal in the EDGES data
- Concise - a synthesis of types, grammars, semantics
- Concluding remarks and some open problems
- Concord, convergence and accommodation in bilingual children
- Concordance in Cosmic Strings?
- Concordance maps in knot Floer homology
- Concorde - A Real Life Time Machine - RAeS / IMechE talk
- Concorde – a Real Life Time Machine
- Concrete Canvas – from university project to global company
- Concrete creep and micromechanics: challenges and ongoing investigations at EDF
- Concrete Mathematical Incompleteness
- Concrete strains under transient thermal conditions
- Concurrency and Communication: Lessons from the SHIM Project
- Concurrency and Communication: Lessons from the SHIM Project
- Concurrency Assertions – Providing the Right Semantics to ASSERT Statements
- Concurrency in C++
- Concurrency Meeting: CSP in Practice: Timed Verification of Robot Software
- Concurrency Meeting: Idioms for Interactions
- Concurrency Meeting: Implementing and Verifying Release-Acquire Transactional Memory in C11
- Concurrency Meeting: New applications of Rely/Guarantee thinking
- Concurrency Meeting: On Formalising Predicated Execution and Predicate-Aware Scheduling
- Concurrency Meeting: On the fluidization of Petri nets
- Concurrency Meeting: Relaxed virtual memory semantics
- Concurrency Meeting: When Concurrency Strikes: Behaviour Oriented Concurrency
- Concurrency Meeting: Generalised Multiparty Session Types with Crash-Stop Failures: Fangyi Zhou
- Concurrency Meeting: Making concurrency functional
- Concurrency Meeting: Simulating Operational Memory Models
- Concurrency Through the Ages
- Concurrent abstract predicates
- Concurrent Algorithms for Emerging Hardware Platforms
- Concurrent Assignment and Planning of Trajectories for Nonholonomic Robots
- Concurrent Data Representation Synthesis
- Concurrent Games
- Concurrent Kleene Algebras and Pomset Languages
- Concurrent multiscale computational modeling of granular materials mechanics: overlap coupling, micromorphic theory, stress and strain measures
- Concurrent Programming
- Condensates in Flatland - Bose gases in two dimensions
- Condensates through a multiscale computational microscope
- Condensates: role in epigenetic inheritance and a simple experimental model system
- Condensation of a self-attracting random walk
- Condensation propensity of TDP-43 specifies the bound and regulated RNAs
- Condensed Mathematics
- Condensed Type Theory
- Condensing the cloud: running CIEL on many-core
- Condition Monitoring
- Condition monitoring for infrastructure assets: Building the business case
- Condition-Based Maintenance Model for Complex Assets with Fault Propagation
- Conditional decision problems in group theory
- Conditional Density Estimation
- Conditional Density Estimation through Enriched Dirichlet Process Mixture Models
- Conditional Image Generation with Score-Based Diffusion Models
- Conditional Independence Testing with Applications to Causal Inference
- Conditional Linear Cryptanalysis
- Conditional Predictive Inference Post-Model Selection
- Conditional Quantiles and Tail Dependence
- Conditional Random Fields
- Conditional Random Fields : Theory and Application
- Conditional-Value-at-Risk Estimation with Reduced-Order Models
- Conditional-Value-at-Risk Estimation with Reduced-Order Models
- Conditionals in Modern Greek
- Conditioned Nausea: Experimental Analysis and Practical Applications
- Conditions of hydrodynamic synchronization in models of beating cilia
- Conduct problems and callous-unemotional traits: Genetic and brain imaging findings
- Conduct problems and callous-unemotional traits: Using multiple methodologies to find out more
- Conductance and absolutely continuous spectrum of 1D samples
- Conductance anomaly and Zeeman splitting in ballistic hole quantum wires
- Conducting fieldwork in the Arctic
- Conducting fieldwork in the Arctic
- Conducting Polymers for Organic Electronics
- Conducting Systematic Literature Reviews
- Conducting Systematic Literature Reviews
- Conductive Inks, Fibers And Aerogels From Graphite Microfluidization
- Conductive Inks, Fibers And Aerogels From Graphite Microfluidization
- Conductivity imaging from one interior measurement in the presence of perfectly conducting and insulating inclusions
- Conductivity Imaging using Deep Neural Networks
- Conductivity-scaling in highly-resistive two-dimensional electron gases
- Cone schedules for processing systems - throughput and cost issues
- Cone subtype specification in human retinal organoids
- Cone types of geodesics and quasigeodesics in groups
- Cones and fibrations in the theory of K-stability
- Conference Commando - Olivia Fox Cabane
- Conference Organisation and Goals
- Conference Report - Electronic Imaging 2014
- Conference report: Financial Cryptography 2009
- Conference summary
- Conference summary
- Conference summary
- Conference: Digital Diasporas: Migration, ICTs and Transnationalism
- Conference: Digital Diasporas: Migration, ICTs and Transnationalism
- CONFERENCE: Moving Image and Institution: Cinema and the Museum in the 21st Century
- CONFERENCE: Moving Image and Institution: Cinema and the Museum in the 21st Century
- CONFERENCE: Moving Image and Institution: Cinema and the Museum in the 21st Century
- Conference: Organisation, Networks and Policymaking in European Foreign Ministries in the Twentieth Century
- Conference: Stem Cells & Regenerative Medicine: 28th March 2007, One Whitehall Place, London
- Confidence and adaptive decision making
- Confidence bands for distribution functions: A new look at the law of the iterated logarithm
- Confidence estimation for attention-based encoder-decoder models for speech recognition
- Confidence intervals for IRT models: three new exact approaches meeting different criteria of optimality
- Confidence predicts speed-accuracy tradeoff for subsequent decisions
- Confidence sets for the optimal approximating model - bridging a gap between adaptive point estimation and confidence regions
- Configuration spaces and Lie algebras away from characteristic zero
- Configuration Spaces of Graphs
- Configuration spaces of points and real Goodwillie-Weiss calculus
- configurations containing 4-term arithmetic progressions are uncommon
- Configuring and Contesting Planetary Health; Knowledge Politics in Ecologies of Disease
- Configuring international supply chains: an integrated operations perspective - findings from research and practice
- Configuring manufacturing value chains - Responding to an uncertain world
- Confined Animal Feeding Operations as Amplifiers of Influenza
- Confined Electron Transfer for Premium Photocatalysis within Metal-Organic Architectures
- Confined helical swimmers and coupled oscillators: two studies in elastohydrodynamics
- Confined networks of stiff filaments
- Confined strain response to Greenland lake drainages sets inland hydro-fracture bound
- Confined superfluid He3: thoughts, hints and facts
- Confinement-deconfinement transitions of two-dimensional Dirac particles
- Confining flux tubes and their effective string theory description
- Confining the Ghost in the Machine: Using Types to Secure JavaScript Sandboxing
- Conflict and Compatibility of Reproductive and Productive Roles: evidence from British longitudinal data
- Conflict and cooperation in social birds
- Conflict and Crisis in South Sudan: Roundtable
- Conflict and peace in 2019
- Conflict between brain circuits
- Conflict Dialogue as Democratic Education:Conflictual Issues, Restorative Problem-Solving,and Student Diversity in Schools
- Conflict in social networks
- Conflict management in northern Europe, 1350-1570
- Conflict Surgery: The Great Game from the Sidelines
- Conflict, competition and cognitive control
- Conflict, negotiation and the creation of a christian lanscape in early medieval Spain
- Conflicts and Compromises: National Security and the Changing Landscape of Detention Law in the United States
- Conflicts between optimality criteria for block designs with low replication
- Conflicts, State Growth and Economic Inequality in Pre-Industrial Germany, c. 1400-1618
- Confocal microscopy, multiphoton microscopy and FCS
- Confocal Microscopy, Multiphoton Microscopy and FCS
- Confocal microscopy, multiphoton microscopy and FCS
- Conformal and projective compactifications in GR
- Conformal aspects of submanifolds and curves
- Conformal Blocks from Vertex Operator Algebras
- Conformal bootstrap—a new way to compute in quantum field theory
- Conformal correlators and AdS_2/CFT_1
- Conformal correlators as simplex integrals in momentum space
- Conformal covariance and the split property
- Conformal dimension of fractal percolation
- Conformal Einstein's equations
- Conformal field theories in a periodic chemical potential
- Conformal field theory and Cherednik algebras
- Conformal field theory out of equilibrium
- Conformal Field Theory, Operator algebras and symmetric Fuchsian equations
- Conformal Geodesics
- Conformal geodesics cannot spiral
- Conformal geodesics, gravitational instantons, and integrability.
- Conformal Geometric Algebra: Applications in Computer Graphics, CAD and Inertial Navigation
- Conformal geometry and hydroelastic waves
- Conformal Geometry, its Beauty and Power in Physics and Cosmology
- Conformal gravity and twistor-string theory
- Conformal Higher-Spin Gravity
- Conformal invariance of boundary touching loops of FK Ising model
- Conformal invariance of isoradial dimers
- Conformal loop ensembles on Liouville quantum gravity 1
- Conformal loop ensembles on Liouville quantum gravity 2
- Conformal loop ensembles on Liouville quantum gravity 3
- Conformal Manifolds
- Conformal Manifolds in Four Dimensions and Chiral Algebras
- Conformal Mapping and Complex Topography
- Conformal Mapping and Complex Topography
- Conformal mapping, Hamiltonian methods and integrability of surface dynamics
- Conformal mapping, Hamiltonian methods and integrability of surface dynamics
- Conformal mappings, Riemann surface sheets and integrability of surface dynamics
- Conformal maps good and bad
- Conformal nets, VOAs and their representations
- Conformal Partial Waves, the building blocks of the Conformal Bootstrap
- Conformal representations of Random Maps and Surfaces
- Conformal restriction: the chordal and the radial
- Conformal restriction: the trichordal case
- Conformal symmetry and the Gregory-Laflamme instability
- Conformal transformation groups of Lorentzian manifolds
- Conformal unitary circuits and toy quantum gravity
- Conformal Yang-Mills renormalisation and higher Yang-Mills energies
- Conformally invariant loop measures
- Conformally mapping water waves: top, bottom or sides.
- Conformally mapping water waves: top, bottom or sides.
- Conformation and aggregation of alpha-synuclein affected by lipids.
- Conformation-Related Inherited Disorders in Domestic Dogs—The Long and Short of It
- Conformation-Related Inherited Disorders in Domestic Dogs—The Long and Short of It
- Conformational and oligomeric rearrangements control intercellular signalling
- Conformational control: From single molecules to biotechnologies
- Conformational Conversion in Amyloid Assembly
- Conformational Spread: The Propagation of Allosteric States in Large Multiprotein Complexes
- Conformity, humour and parody: handwritten newspapers from an exiles' commune, 1938-1943
- Confounder selection via iterative graph expansion
- Confronting Climate Risks: Overcoming the ‘Tragedy of the Horizons’
- Confronting History, the Archive and the 'Stranger' in Educational Research
- Confronting inflation at the LHC
- Confronting models of everywhere with data - New Technologies, Big Data and dealing with Uncertainties
- Congenial multiple imputation of partially observed covariates within the full conditional specification framework
- Congestion phenomena in fluid dynamics
- Congruences between L-values and Eisenstein series
- Congruences in noncommutative Iwasawa theory and applications
- Congruences of Elliptic Curves Arising from Non-Surjective Galois Representations
- Congruent numbers
- Conical cells and pollinator attraction - A bee's eye view of molecular evolution
- Conical Intersection Dynamics in Rhodopsin and its 9-cis Isorhodopsin analog studied with femtosecond pump-probe spectroscopy.
- Coniveau filtrations and pure motives
- Conjectures in local representation theory
- Conjectures on tail asymptotics of the stationary distribution for a multidimensional SRBM
- Conjectures on the logarithmic derivatives of Artin L-functions
- Conjoint Measurement for assessing the contributions of different stimulus dimensions within a signal detection framework.
- Conjugacy class numbers and pi-subgroups
- Conjugacy classes and related topics
- Conjugacy Classes and the Normal Complement Problem in Group Algebras
- Conjugacy classes in congruence quotients of Chevalley groups
- Conjugacy Classes in Finite Groups
- Conjugacy Growth of Finitely Generated Groups
- Conjugacy problems in GL(n,Z)
- Conjugate gradient iterative hard thresholding for compressed sensing and matrix completion
- Conjugated organic and carbon nitride photocatalysts for solar driven hydrogen synthesis: insights from time resolved spectroscopies
- Conjugated Polyelectrolytes for Emerging Optoelectronic Devices and Bioelectronic Applications
- Conjugation Modules for Symmetric Groups
- Conjugator length
- Connecting active “hardware” to biological “software
- Connecting Afghanistan: Wireless internet with plywood and chicken wire
- Connecting Atmospheric & Oceanic Boundary Layer Turbulence to Global Warming: Regional Mixed Layer Depth as an Emergent Constraint
- Connecting behavioural and neural levels of analysis
- Connecting behavioural and neural levels of analysis
- Connecting behavioural and neural levels of analysis
- Connecting behavioural and neural levels of analysis
- Connecting Biology to Mathematics by way of Symbolic Computing
- Connecting classical and quantum integrability
- Connecting Companies in Business Ecosystems: Towards a Classification Model
- Connecting from genes to behavior during the diversification of sea fireflies
- Connecting health research and disaster research: global health, disaster risk reduction and disaster response
- Connecting large and small scale perturbations of the Galactic disc
- Connecting Lung Epithelial Stem Cells and Lung Cancer by Stress-Activated Protein Kinases
- Connecting myeloid cell metabolism and function
- Connecting Ottoman Hijaz and British India: intellectual networks and legacy of Imdadullah Makki (d. 1899 AD)
- Connecting Partial and Total Correctness for Probabilistic Programs in HOL4
- Connecting quantum channels to measurement and feedback
- Connecting Sensory Perception to Longevity in C. elegans
- Connecting spaces and scales in embryos
- Connecting spaces and scales in embryos
- Connecting star formation to galactic dynamics
- Connecting Star Formation, Feedback, and the ISM in Galaxy Disks
- Connecting sugar-sensing with Arabidopsis meristem activation
- Connecting the chemical properties of exoplanets and their atmospheres to planet formation
- Connecting the cosmic web to Galaxy morphology
- Connecting the Disconnected
- Connecting the dots: the power of using distributed sensors to monitor structural behaviour
- Connecting the dots: Use of multiple regional tracking systems and styles to understand movement across borders
- Connecting the dots? Tracing early medieval connectivity through portable material culture
- Connecting the False Discovery Rate to shrunk estimates
- Connecting the weak gravity conjecture to the weak cosmic censorship
- Connecting Theory and Method in Critical Approaches to Research with ‘Vulnerable’ Groups
- Connecting transcription with mRNA processing and chromatin
- Connecting W-algebras and their representations
- Connecting X-ray nuclear winds with galaxy-scale ionised outflows in nearby and z~1.5 quasars
- Connection 3D gravity and its 6D interpretation
- Connections between combinatorics and statistical mechanics
- Connections between dualities of string theory and the ultraviolet properties of maximal supergravity
- Connections between Gaussian Process Regression, Kalman filtering and RTS Smoothing
- Connections between Group related Databases in GAP
- Connections between Noncommutative Geometry, Standard Model and Quantum Gravity
- Connections in Twistor Theory
- Connections with other Areas of Mathematics
- Connections: COVID-19 One Year On
- Connections: Science, Poetry and the Pandemic
- Connections:Capacity building and public engagement in post Ebola Sierra Leone.
- Connectivity and growth in the homology of graph braid groups
- Connectivity in discrete random processes
- Connectivity in discrete random processes
- Connectivity in face processing
- Connectivity in graph classes
- Connectivity inference in visual cortex and characterization of contrast-suppressed cells
- Connectivity patterns in loop percolation and constant term identities
- Connectivity Properties of Cooperative Wireless Ad Hoc Networks
- Connectivity properties of random interlacements
- Connectomics and Network Neuroscience: From Topology to Dynamics
- Connectomics in the developing nervous system
- Connes-Kreimer Hopf algabra for non-commutative field theory
- Connexins and carbonic anhydrases: pH regulators in heart and in cancer
- Conophytum
- Conquering our weaknesses - An Evening Talk
- Conquering the world through plants: kings and botany in the Graeco-Roman world
- Conquest and the limits of corporate power in England and Empire: 1066-1923
- Conrad Gessner, the Zurich Lectorium, and the study of physics and medicine in the early modern world
- Conscious coupling: DEPS-1 links PIWI to endo-siRNA production in C. elegans
- Conscious Leadership for Work and Life
- Consciousness
- Consciousness
- Consciousness
- Consciousness
- Consciousness
- Consciousness
- Consciousness #1
- Consciousness #10
- Consciousness #2
- Consciousness #3
- Consciousness #4
- Consciousness #5
- Consciousness #6
- Consciousness #7
- Consciousness #8
- Consciousness #9
- Consciousness and Free Choice
- Consciousness as a Problem in Philosophy and Neurobiology: PUBLIC LECTURE BY JOHN SEARLE
- Consciousness at stake: Perspectives from an anaesthetist
- Consciousness, Intention, Final Causality and the Desire for God
- Consciousness: What in the World is it?
- Consecutive patterns in words, permutations and in trees
- Consensual and non-consensual politics in medieval Roman law
- Consensus -- with Limited Memory and Signalling
- Consensus and disagreement in science
- Consensus as a Network Service
- Consensus finding, exponential models and infinite rankings
- Consensus in distributed systems
- Consensus Politics in Medieval Spain
- Consensus, correspondence and the development of the 'second opinion' in Nuremberg's medical reformation, 1560–1598
- Consensus, what consensus?
- Consensus-based optimization
- Consensus-Based Optimization and Sampling
- Consensus-based sampling
- Consent, Prosent and Biomedical Data in the Era of Blockchain– gloknos seminar
- Consent, Prosent and Biomedical Data in the Era of Blockchain– gloknos seminar
- Consequences of non-positive curvature
- Conservation + Sustainability: Can Conservation and Retrofits Work Together?
- Conservation 4.0 - Will robots take your job?
- Conservation and Corporations
- Conservation at the Natural History Museum London
- Conservation Evidence
- Conservation for the 21st Century: thinking about land use in the long run - population, food security and urbanisation
- Conservation in a post truth world?
- Conservation laws and Euler operators
- Conservation laws and Euler operators
- Conservation laws and late-time tails of waves on black holes
- Conservation laws in mathematical physics
- Conservation laws via the variational difference complex
- Conservation of complex knotting and slipknotting patterns in proteins
- Conservation of energy, weak transport and vanishing viscosity in 2D -- Lecture 1
- Conservation of energy, weak transport and vanishing viscosity in 2D -- Lecture 2
- Conservation of energy, weak transport and vanishing viscosity in 2D -- Lecture 3
- Conservation of orang-utans and tigers in Malaysia – interventions and progress of work from the field.
- Conservation of reef sharks in Arabia: between science and fisherman gossip
- Conservation of reef sharks in Arabia: between science and fisherman gossip
- Conservation of stem cell function in land plants
- Conservation Palaeobiology: utilising the fossil record to address the current biodiversity crisis
- Conservation relations for two-dimensional wave-current interactions
- Conservation Science
- Conservation, Evolution and Biodiversity in Colombia
- Conservation, Evolution and Biodiversity in Colombia
- Conservative extensions and the jump of a structure
- Conserved and recurrent Cis elements regulate decarboxylation related genes in C4 photosynthesis
- Conserved defences underpin host responses to oomycete infection in liverworts
- Conserved mechanisms regulating lineage commitment during vertebrate gastrulation.
- Conserved nucleocytoplasmic density homeostasis drives cellular organization across eukaryotes
- Conserved principles of movement generation
- Conserved regulatory networks in vertebrate development
- Conserving manuscripts for COLOUR
- Conserving the small things that run the world
- Consider the Icicle
- Consider the Icicle
- Consider the mother as a pressure vessel: Adventures in Bioengineering and Obstetrics
- Consider This: Slam Poetry
- Considerate design
- Considerations for Modelling Test, Trace and Isolate interventions
- Considering B vitamin metabolism in plants, and for food and nutritional security
- Considering Feminism when Writing Fiction for Young Girls
- Considering resilience and wellbeing in the context of mathematics: seeking to address the prevalence of maths anxiety
- Considering Tools for Artists, Creative Processes, and Design Ideation
- Consignatio Hoc Calamitoso Tempore Pestis: Mortality Specifics of the Plague Year 1680 in Bohemia
- Consistency and CLTs for stochastic gradient Langevin dynamics based on subsampled data
- Consistency and predictivity of the EFT of LSS
- Consistency and Reliability in Cloud-backed Storage Systems
- Consistency as Knowledge
- Consistency in leaf use by tooth-billed bowerbirds
- Consistency of Bayesian Inference for a Parabolic Inverse Problem
- Consistency of Quine's NF using nominal techniques
- Consistency of stepwise uncertainty reduction strategies for Gaussian processes
- Consistency of stepwise uncertainty reduction strategies for Gaussian processes
- Consistency of stepwise uncertainty reduction strategies for Gaussian processes
- Consistency of the Standard Model Effective Field Theory
- Consistency statements in Bounded Arithmetic
- Consistency test of general relativity from large scale structure
- Consistency, physics, and coinduction
- Consistent N-Body Simulation for Coupled Scalar Field Models
- Consistent truncations and D=2 gravity
- Consistent Validation for Predictive Methods in Spatial Settings
- Consolidating a State: Pakistan's integration of the Princely States, 1947-56
- Consolidation of memory and model-based planning
- Conspiracies and Conspiracy Film Season: Rosemary’s Baby
- Conspiracies and Conspiracy Film Season: The Manchurian Candidate (1962)
- Conspiracy beliefs and interpersonal relationships
- Conspiracy Theories As Social Imaginary: The Case of Blackwater in Pakistan
- Conspiracy Theories in France and Italy during the Cold War and Decolonization
- Conspiracy Theory: A Lizard's Tale
- Conspiracy vs Catastrophe Principle via Sample Path Large Deviations
- Constant Intermittency: Central problems in dislocation plasticity
- Constant mean curvature surfaces with prescribed ideal boundary in negatively curved 3-manifolds.
- Constant scalar curvature metrics and semistable vector bundles
- Constant scalar curvature metrics and semistable vector bundles
- Constant-depth circuits for Uniformly Controlled Gates and Boolean functions with application to quantum memory circuits
- Constant-Factor Approximation Algorithms for Stochastic Control
- Constantin Brancusi
- Constantin Brancusi
- Constellations: Rene Magritte and astronomy
- Constituting environmental modernity: time, place, perspective, power and politics in Bhutan
- Constitution and Sovereignty in Tocqueville's Democracy in America
- Constitutive heterochromatin regulation of genome organisation and stability in mouse embryonic stem cells
- Constitutive mechanical relations of a partially molten rock in terms of grain boundary contiguity: an approach with an internal state variable
- Constitutive relations for wave propagation in composites and meta-materials
- Constrained Allocation of Sensors
- Constrained and Localized Nonparametric Estimation and Optimization
- Constrained Bayesian optimization for automatic chemical design using variational autoencoders
- Constrained convex minimization - Part 1
- Constrained convex minimization - Part 2
- Constrained convex minimization - Part 3
- Constrained convex minimization, Part 2
- Constrained discounted stochastic games
- Constrained Energy Minimization for Bent-Core Liquid Crystals
- Constrained Energy Minimization for Bent-Core Liquid Crystals
- Constrained Geometric Simulation of Diffusive Motion in Proteins
- Constrained image restoration problems
- Constrained interventions in outbreak models - balancing conflicting policy objectives
- Constrained low-rank matrix estimation
- Constrained Optimization and Calibration for Deterministic and Stochastic Simulation Experiments
- Constraining ash dispersal from historical eruptions
- Constraining Axion Fields in the Late Universe
- Constraining carbon emissions pathways towards Paris climate targets
- Constraining carbon emissions pathways towards Paris climate targets
- Constraining Cosmic Baryons and Dark Matter with the Lyman-alpha Forest
- Constraining Early Dark Energy with Current and Future CMB Data
- Constraining Globular Clusters Formation through studies of young massive star clusters
- Constraining halo and satellite properties with proper motions
- Constraining Lithospheric Structure Across the United States
- Constraining Lorentz Violation During Inflation
- Constraining models of warm and self-interacting dark matter with quadruple-image strong gravitational lenses
- Constraining models of warm and self-interacting dark matter with quadruple-image strong gravitational lenses
- Constraining phase transitions with LISA - Prospects and degeneracies
- Constraining physics and astrophysics with multifrequency CMB data
- Constraining reheating with CMB measurements
- Constraining sediment routing system responses to tectonics and climate
- Constraining small scale non-Gaussianity using cluster number counts
- Constraining Stability Timescales in FGK Dwarf Planetary Systems with Kepler Observations
- Constraining the amount of recycled material in the mantle
- Constraining the chemistry of the lower mantle from global tomography
- Constraining the composition of exo-planetary material around white dwarf stars
- Constraining the distribution of AGN accretion rates across the galaxy population
- Constraining the dynamical stirring of exoKuiper belts
- Constraining the early stages of stellar evolution with eclipsing binaries
- Constraining the size of White Dwarf pollutants
- Constraining Variational Inference with Geometric Jensen-Shannon Divergence
- Constraining water mass transformation and overflow dynamics on the Arctic shelves
- Constraint Analysis and Optimization in Medicine Development and Supply
- Constraint Programming
- Constraint Programming
- Constraint Programming Techniques for Virtual Camera Control
- Constraint Satisfaction Problems
- Constraint-based causal Discovery from NOnstationary/heterogeneous Data (CD-NOD)
- Constraint-Based Layout Configuration in Architecture and Building Services
- Constraints on Atmospheric CO2 from other Trace Species
- Constraints on cosmic superstring formation and their decay mechanism
- Constraints on DM and the cusp/core problem with MUSE
- Constraints on Gauss-Bonnet Cosmologies
- Constraints on holographic CFTs living on static but generally curved spacetimes
- Constraints on Inflation from the BOSS Galaxy Survey
- Constraints on mantle geochemistry and planetary differentiation derived from Fe isotopes
- Constraints on melt distribution from seismology
- Constraints on mush processes in solidifying gabbro
- Constraints on the alignment limit of the MSSM Higgs sector
- Constraints on the Magnetic Morphology of Old Sun-like Stars (Contributed speaker)
- Constraints on the neutron star EoS and black hole formation from the Galactic Bulge Survey
- Constraints on the Properties of Primordial Protocells
- Constraints on the timescales of magma-intrusion and faulting during continental breakup in Afar.
- Constructible graphs and pursuit
- Constructible graphs and pursuit
- Constructing 4D molecular roadmaps of cell fate decisions
- Constructing a Hecke algebra for Thompson's group V
- Constructing adaptive interference-reduced Wigner-Ville spectral estimators of non-stationary time series
- Constructing All-Order Corrections to Multi-Jet Rates
- Constructing and Assessing Exact G-Optimal Designs
- Constructing and counting incompressible surfaces in closed hyperbolic manifolds
- Constructing and reconstructing the nervous system: from embryonic development to embryonic stem cells
- Constructing and updating models of the world
- Constructing Anomalous Stochastic Models of Sea Turtle Foraging, Cell Migration and Bumblebee Flights from Experimental Data
- Constructing Anomalous Stochastic Models of Sea Turtle Foraging, Cell Migration and Bumblebee Flights from Experimental Data
- Constructing Blossoming Landscapes
- Constructing Childhood: Adjudicating Juvenile Offenders in Wartime China, 1937-1945
- Constructing datasets for multi-hop reading comprehension across documents
- Constructing dessin d'enfants on curves
- Constructing Discontinuous Galerkin methods for Vlasov-type systems
- Constructing Discontinuous Galerkin methods for Vlasov-type systems
- Constructing expressive models using nonparametric Gaussian process convolutions.
- Constructing extended AKSZ topological field theories in derived symplectic geometry
- Constructing extensions of number fields with dihedral Galois group
- Constructing Homotopy Bicategories of (oo, 2)-Categories
- Constructing identities in multilingual classrooms: the experiences of immigrant-background children in primary schools in France and England
- Constructing Identity in Death: A Case-study from Metal Period Philippines
- Constructing identity/ies in Georgia's Greek multilingual community of linguistic practice
- Constructing International Law: Property, Commerce, and "Expectations"
- Constructing models of constructive or intuitionistic set theory from classical models of set theory
- Constructing monoidal theories with open-graphs and rewrite categories
- Constructing New Qur’anic Language and Wisdom on the Metaphysics and Teleology of Homosexual Disposition
- Constructing Ordinary Representations of Finite Groups via Extension
- Constructing Quantum Field Theories Non-perturbatively with Hamiltonian Methods
- Constructing Quasiminimal Functions
- Constructing representations for braid groups
- Constructing solutions to linear fractional-order PDEs
- Constructing subgroups of exceptional algebraic groups
- Constructing the contemporary city: informal housing processes in Latin America
- Constructing the effect of mooted intervention strategies on historic epidemics
- Constructing the field: power, persona and paper tools
- Constructing the Local Langlands Correspondence
- Constructing the mammalian embryo in vitro: from single stem cells to gastrulation
- Constructing the organism in the age of abstraction
- Constructing the Other: representations of Arctic native communities in Russian regional museums
- Constructing the virtual fundamental cycle
- Construction as manufacturing
- Construction of a probability measure with a prescribed logarithmic derivative ; existence and uniqueness.
- Construction of Capacity-Achieving Lattice Codes: Polar Lattices
- Construction of efficient experimental designs under resource constraints
- Construction of high-dimensional point sets with small dispersion
- Construction of infinite-bump solutions for non-linear-Schrödinger-like equations
- Construction of KdV flow on generalised reflectionless potentials
- Construction of orthogonal and nearly orthogonal Latin hypercube designs for computer experiments
- Construction of orthogonal and nearly orthogonal Latin hypercube designs for computer experiments
- Construction of self-similar blowup by bifurcation
- Construction of the obese child in literature and media
- Construction of the self-consistent Dirac vacuum in electromagnetic fields
- Construction of two dimensional convex shapes from their excluded volumes
- Construction Principles in the Development of New Molecular Catalysts
- Construction(s) of Female Criminality: Gender, Caste and State Violence
- Constructionalization and constructional changes
- Constructions as the Basis of Syntactic Explanation
- Constructions of asymmetric L-space knots
- Constructions of Authority in 14th Century Morocco: The Material Argument for Marinid Rule
- Constructions, functional heads and unbounded dependencies
- Constructive Approach to Computer Architecture
- Constructive conceptual completeness for regular logic
- Constructive cryptography
- Constructive empiricism as an epistemological thesis
- Constructive field theory without tears
- Constructive recognition of matrix groups
- Constructive resolution of two conjectures on real chromatic roots
- Constructive Tensor Field Theory through an example
- Constructive Thoughts on Operator Algebras
- Consultancy – Knowledge Exchange in practice. An introduction to Consultancy Services.
- Consumer Healthcare - Finding Research that Changes the World
- Consumer IoT devices: Privacy Implications and Device Identification
- Consumption and Happiness
- Consumption and inclusion in Indian mid-century planning: The universal opulence of PC Mahalanobis
- Consumption and trade in East Anglian market towns and their hinterlands in the late middle ages
- Consumption Change in the Early and Mid-Qing: A Case Study of the Lower Yangze Delta
- Consumption, wealth, indebtedness and social structure in early modern England
- Contact and non-contact methods for Long-Term Primary (from Retina Explants) and Secondary Cells Recording
- Contact Effects In Thin-Film Transistors: The Source-Gated Transistor And Its Application to Mixed Signal Large Area Electronics
- Contact Geometry in Dynamics: the 3-Body Problem
- Contact geometry, open books and monodromy
- Contact Hamiltonian system and its application in solving Vlasov-Poisson Fokker-Planck system
- Contact Hamiltonian system and its application in solving Vlasov-Poisson Fokker-Planck system
- Contact homology for manifolds with convex boundary
- Contact lens diabetes management: A vision for the future
- Contact Line – Quo Vadis?
- Contact line instabilities in electrowetting
- Contact manifolds with symplectomorphic symplectizations
- Contact networks and the spread of epidemic disease
- Contact phenomena between Chileno and Mapudungun
- Contact problems at nanoscale
- Contact Solutions for Fully Nonlinear PDE Systems, Calculus of Variations in L-Infinity and Aronsson Maps
- Contact structures on 3-manifolds I
- Contact structures on 3-manifolds II
- Contact Topology and the Cholesteric Landscape
- Contact Topology and the Cholesteric Landscape
- Contact topology from the Legendrian viewpoint
- Contact Tracing
- Contact Tracing follow-up discussions
- Contact Tracing: Lessons learned from COVID-19 and what part might it play in the longer term
- Contact, simplification and complexification
- Contact-line motion with mass transfer
- Contact-point behaviour of the free boundary for the porous-medium equation
- Contacts and Behaviours during the Covid-19 Pandemic
- Contacts and Fretting
- Contacts and Fretting - MECHANICS COLLOQUIUM
- Contacts and Fretting - Mechanics Colloquium
- Contacts govern the adaptive mechanics of branched actin networks
- Contagion and Containment
- Contagion and Intervention in the 1772-3 Credit Crisis
- Contagion and the politics of maritime quarantine during the Marseille plague (1720)
- Contagion in Financial Systems: A Bayesian Network Approach
- Contagion in the CDS Market
- Contagious particle systems and the supercooled Stefan problem
- Containers, Comonads and Distributive Laws
- Containment and Democratic Cosmopolitanism
- Containment and territorial transnational actors: Israel, Hezbollah and Hamas
- Contemporary Avant-Garde Publishing Communities in the Digital Age
- Contemporary Challenges for Strategic Theory
- Contemporary discourses on Modern Tajik Literature
- Contemporary Fatherhood: Intimacy and Risk
- Contemporary perceptions of international migrants in England and the Dutch Republic during the 17th and 18th centuries
- Contemporary perceptions of international migrants in England and the Dutch Republic during the 17th and 18th centuries
- Contemporary South Asian visual constructions of Self
- Contemporary South Asian visual constructions of Self
- Contemporary South Asian visual constructions of Self & Nation
- Contemporary South Asian visual constructions of Self and Nation
- Contemporary South Asian visual constructions of Self and Nation in film
- Contemporary South Asian visual constructions of self and nation in film
- Contemporary Southern Ocean CO2 flux variability in the UKESM1 and ocean-only simulations.
- Contemporary Sri Lankan Anglophone writing
- Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) in Multilingual Classrooms: From Conceptualisation to Implementation to Professional Development
- Content Based Routing Structures: from trees to mobile approaches
- Content Centric Networking
- Content delivery in the Internet: an infrastructure-oriented perspective.
- Content Distribution based on Social Swarming
- Content Placement as a Key to Leveraging Geo-Distributed Infrastructures
- Content search and availability estimation in mobile opportunistic networks
- Contentious Collections? Decolonising the Polar Museum
- Contentious politics and public services in the European Union
- Contentious theories and computational approaches: A case study of the Harappan port Lothal and the Nal Corridor
- Contestation, Contingency, and Justice in the Nordic Low-Carbon Energy Transition
- Contestation, contingency, and justice in the Nordic low-carbon energy transition
- Contestations for Popular Accountability in the Contemporary Ethiopian Political Transition
- Contested collections: museums in the Punjab princely states, 1947-1957
- Contested Drugs: Controversy over Herbal Medicine between Western Pharmacists and Oriental Physicians
- Contested Fields: Our Lost pastoral
- Contested ground: Agricultural improvement in Hatfield Level, 1625-1660
- Contested History, Kwangju and Korea's Cold War Politics: New perspectives on South Korea's Democratization and Foreign Policy from the British Archives
- Contested Narratives of the Past: Politics of Regret vs Myths of Self-Pity
- Contested Public Space: Public sexual harassment and women’s safety work
- Contesting Compliance; Tales of ‘Women's Empowerment’ from Nineteenth-Century SW Nigeria
- Contesting courts: Islamic law in Colonial and Post-Colonial South Asia
- Context and Behaviour Modelling of User and Urban Activities
- Context Equivalences and Metrics in Probabilistic Lambda-Calculi
- Context in human robot interaction
- Context modelling in HMM based speech synthesis
- Context Sensitive Distributional Semantics
- Context sensitive information: Which bits matter in data?
- Context Specific Invasion and Establishment of SARS-CoV-2 Variants in the UK
- Context Tree Weighting
- Context-aware controller inference
- Context-aware programming languages
- Context-Based Zero-Interaction Authentication
- Context-dependent Crossover: A Case Study of the Reception of Jimmy Liao’s The Sound of Colors and When the Moon Forgot in the English-speaking Market
- Context-Dependent Deterministic Parallel Feedback Turing Computability
- Context-dependent event detection in mobile wireless networks
- Context-dependent representations in human prefrontal cortex
- Context-dependent Semantic Parsing for Time Expressions
- Context-derived Pseudonyms for Protection of Privacy in Transport Middleware and Applications
- Context-driven Information Delivery through Mobile Devices
- Context-specific Wnt Signalling in Embryonic Development and Heart Muscle Differentiation
- Contextual dependencies in unsupervised word segmentation
- Contextual influences in filial imprinting; behaviour and neural correlates
- Contextual modulation of gamma rhythms in inhibition stabilized cortical networks
- Contextualising energy justice in poverty using natural language processing
- Contextuality and nonlocality: a unifying framework
- Contextuality in quantum mechanics and quantum computations
- Continental Drift: Is the Euro’s fixed exchange rate regime undermining cohesion policy?
- Continental reconstructions using palaeomagnetism, Title TBC
- Continental topographic scaling and evolution: Some implications for mantle convection
- Continents, islands, and archipelagos: simulations of human microbial biodiversity and biogeography
- Continued development: the plasticity of adult organs
- Continued discussion on:"The myth of language universals: Language diversity and its importance for cognitive science"
- Continued fractions, orthogonal polynomials and hyperelliptic curves
- Continuing to Pursue Edward Jenner's Revenge: Sterilizing Vaccine in Chemotherapy for Tuberculosis
- Continuities in Francis Crick's scientific life and the ethos of post-World War II Cambridge biophysics
- Continuities in French Industrial Organisation from Vichy to the Monnet Plan, 1940-1946
- Continuity and Change in the negation system of the Mordvin languages
- Continuity and change in Western Iberian clitic systems
- Continuity and Change in Women's Identity: From University to Age 54
- Continuity and stability of the cut locus of the Brownian map
- Continuity in Education and Cultural links between countries: Brexit Talk and Q&A with the participation of French Minister Axelle Lemaire
- Continuity of extremal transitions and flops for Calabi-Yau manifolds
- Continuity of Lyapunov Exponents via Large Deviations
- Continuity of mutual entropy in the limiting signal-to-noise ratio regimes
- Continuity of mutual information and the entropy-power inequality
- Continuous control of brain computer interfaces based on a covert spatial attention paradigm
- Continuous Diffusion for Mixed-Type Tabular Data
- Continuous Droplet Interface Crossing Encapsulation (cDICE): artificial cells and capsules
- Continuous Extension of Functionals over W^{1,1}
- Continuous feature structures: Can we learn structured representations with neural networks?
- Continuous functions and measures on Z_p
- Continuous generative models for inverse problems
- Continuous groups of transversal gates for quantum error correcting codes from finite clock reference frames
- Continuous inference for aggregated point process data
- Continuous Max-flow and Global Minimisation for Classification of High Dimensional Data
- Continuous nonlocal games: why quantum nonlocality is not dominated
- Continuous spectrum of gaits controlled by mechanical stress in C. elegans
- Continuous surprises: Live-Cell Imaging reveals that SMG6 and UPF1 inhibit release of nonsense mRNA from the transcription site
- Continuous Time Bayesian Networks
- Continuous time random walk and non-linear reaction-transport equations
- Continuous wave cavity ring down spectroscopy - sensing of atmospheric trace gases
- Continuous-time encounter measures and their estimation
- Continuous-time Importance Sampling for Multivariate Diffusions
- Continuous-time Modelling of Energy Networks
- Continuous-time statistical models for network panel data
- Continuous-time weakly self-avoiding walk on Z has strictly monotone escape speed
- Continuous-variables graph state generation and reconstruction
- Continuously-generated jump processes
- Continuum contact line modes inspired by nanoscopic-scale physics: the classical model and its falsifiability
- Continuum damage models for fracturing and weakening of Antarctic ice shelves
- Continuum limits for minimal paths
- Continuum Model for Collective Behaviour of Micro-Swimmers
- Continuum model for smectic A liquid crystals
- Continuum Modelling of Granular Flow with Dynamic Compressibility presentations
- Continuum models of kinetic many-particle systems with short-range interactions and clustering
- Continuum models of strongly interacting Brownian particles
- Continuum Models of Two-Phase Flow in Porous Media
- Contortion of a beach ball
- Contour integral solutions of the parabolic wave equation and applications to canonical scattering problems
- Contoversy in action: Continental Collisions as sites of Crustal Growth
- Contractibility of acyclic 2-complexes
- Contractibility of spaces of stability conditions
- Contracting the philosopher’s stone: fraud, risk and profit in early modern alchemy
- Contraction Analysis of Monotone Systems
- Contraction and Convexity, Robustness and Regularisation
- Contracts for transportation capacity, competing uses of natural gas and grid reliability during winter storms
- Contrails and water vapour
- Contrasting roles of prefrontal cortical areas in reward-guided learning and decision making.
- Contrastive Learning Using Spectral Methods
- Contrastive studies
- Contributed speaker: Geodynamo behaviour on multimillion to billion year timescales: insights from palaeomagnetic records
- Contributed talk
- Contributed talk - Extended evaluation maps from knots to the embedding tower
- Contributed talk - TBC
- Contributed talk - TBC
- Contributed talk - TBC
- Contributed talk - TBC
- Contributed Talk - The low dimensional homology of Coxeter groups
- Contributed Talk - The Sullivan-conjecture in complex dimension 4
- Contributed Talk 1: Computational models of spatial behaviour of microbial communities
- Contributed Talk 1: Structure and functions of the bacterial root microbiota in wild and domesticated barley
- Contributed Talk 1: The Crabtree effect and its influences on fitness of yeast populations from natural isolates
- Contributed Talk 2: Less is more: Selective advantages can explain the loss of biosynthetic functions in bacteria
- Contributed Talk 2: The Initiative for the Critical Assessment of Metagenome Interpretation (CAMI)
- Contributed Talk 3: A functional population model of fiber degradation by the human intestinal microbiota
- Contributed Talk 3: Flux analysis in microbial ecosystems
- Contributed Talk 3: The role of metabolic and immunological competition in structuring pneumococcal populations and the effects of vaccination
- Contributed Talk 4: How the coexistence of specialist and generalist species is influenced by the size of environmental graining
- Contributed Talk 4: Metabolic Modelling in an Evolutionary Framework Predicts Phenotypic Diversification of E.coli growing on Glucose as the Single Carbon Source
- Contributed Talk 4: Optimization-based tools for bacterial ecology design
- Contributed Talk 4: Understanding microbial networks driving nitrogen cycling in soil
- Contributed Talk 5: Numerical Continuation of Equilibria of Cell Population Models with Internal Cell Cycle
- Contributed Talk 5: Successive range expansions of interacting microbial populations promote spatial diversity
- Contributed Talk 6: Carbon source-dependent metabolic costs of amino acid biosynthesis in Escherichia coli
- Contributed Talk 7: Social evolution of toxic metal bioremediation in P.aeruginosa
- Contributed talk TBC
- Contributed talk TBC
- Contributed talk TBC
- Contributed talk: 3D models of stellar magnetism: cyclic and non-cyclic dynamos
- Contributed talk: A global paleomagnetic view on excursions and reversals
- Contributed talk: Angular momentum transport in astrophysical dynamos: simulations and experiments.
- Contributed Talk: Competition and coexistence in bacterial range expansion: the role of founder cells and spatial heterogeneities
- Contributed Talk: Deciphering a novel response to hydrogen sulfide in budding yeast
- Contributed Talk: Design and experimental evolution of phototrophic microbial consortia
- Contributed Talk: Designing novel microbial therapies for atopic dermatitis using mechanistic modelling
- Contributed talk: Detection of hydro-magnetic waves in Earth's core
- Contributed Talk: Dynamics of algae-bacteria interactions in artificial plankton communities
- Contributed Talk: Eco-evolutionary dynamics of cooperative antimicrobial resistance
- Contributed Talk: Even allocation of benefits stabilizes microbial community engaged in metabolic division of labor
- Contributed Talk: Exploring the dynamic metabolic strategies of a gut bacterial consortium
- Contributed Talk: Functional universality in slow-growing microbial communities arises from thermodynamic constraints
- Contributed talk: Helioseismic imaging of supergranulation
- Contributed talk: Identification of inertial normal modes in the solar convection zone
- Contributed Talk: Modelling host-associated microbiota over host evolutionary time
- Contributed talk: Observational constraints on the Sun’s global dynamo
- Contributed talk: Porous functions: a tool for modelling real materials with uncertainties
- Contributed Talk: Predicting microbial community compositions using compressive sensing
- Contributed talk: Rapid geomagnetic variations: a new core message to decipher
- Contributed talk: Recipe for imaging global and local solar internal magnetism
- Contributed Talk: Rigorous and general statistical tests for correlations between time series
- Contributed Talk: Robust spatial organisation and community composition of a phototrophic microbial community predicts metabolic interactions
- Contributed talk: Rossby waves in the radiative interior
- Contributed talk: Stability estimates for the optimal experimental design in Bayesian inverse problems
- Contributed Talk: Systematic mapping of the cross-feeding networks in E. coli uncovers ideal shared goods for mutualistic communities
- Contributed talk: Tachocline dynamics and dynamo action in the Sun
- Contributed Talk: TBA
- Contributed Talk: The Role of Quenched Noise in the Evolution of Populations undergoing Range Expansions
- Contributed talk: Thermo-compositional convection and dynamos in rotating spherical shells
- Contributed talk: Transition from multipolar to dipolar dynamos in stratified systems
- Contributed talk: Understanding long-wave instabilities of statistically steady nonlinear dynamos
- Contributed Talk: Unicellular and multicellular stress responses in bacterial biofilms
- Contributed talk: Validity of sound-proof approximations for magnetic buoyancy
- Contributed talks
- Contributed Talks
- Contribution of animal and human faecal sources to the environmental resistome
- Contribution of nuclear power to Climate Change mitigation
- Contribution of pneumococci to the risk of developing pneumonia: The Drakenstein Child Health Study
- Contributions of phonetic detail to understanding speech processing
- Contributions of the APC protein to mechanisms regulating normal epithelial tissue organisation in the intestine
- Contributions to a mechanistic understanding of climate change
- Contributions to Numerical & Uncertainty Analysis for scientific computing
- Control across scales by positive and negative feedback
- Control and Understanding: Owning Your Home Network
- Control Challenges in Powertrain, Combustion and Drilling Control
- Control design for amplifier and oscillator flows
- Control Design Using Differential Games – From Centralised to Decentralised Control
- Control Flow Analysis for the Join Calculus
- Control in fluid mechanics and boundary layers
- Control in Power-Electronics-Dominated Power Systems
- Control limited perceptual decision making
- Control limited perceptual decision making
- Control of acoustic waves with wiremeshes
- Control of active nematics via viscoelastic confinement
- Control of Arabidopsis Petal Growth
- Control of cell fate specification and physiological maturation in the human brain by the lipid phosphatase OCRL
- Control of Cell Growth and Cell Size
- Control of cytokinesis and the dark side of actomyosin forces
- Control of DNA Replication
- Control of DNA Replication
- Control of electronic and optical properties of single and double quantum dots via growth and electroelastic fields
- Control of entropy in internal models
- Control of gene expression and cell cycle progression by mRNA nuclear sequestration
- Control of global translation by endogenous RNA G-quadruplex structures
- Control of global translation by endogenous RNA G-quadruplex structures
- Control of immune homeostasis by regulatory T cells
- Control of inflammation by natural and synthetic histone mimics
- Control of interbank contagion under partial information
- Control of Light-Matter Interactions in 2D Materials
- Control of Magnetoelastic Matter
- Control of Magnetoelastic Matter
- Control of microtubule length by depolymerizing kinesins
- Control of Neglected Tropical Diseases - Alan Fenwick
- Control of orientated cell division and cell expansion during plant development
- Control of oscillatory integrals by maximal operators
- Control of patient information in the COVID-19 era
- Control of PDE and Delay Systems Inspired by Applications in Fluids and Structures
- Control of photons, electrons and spins in GaAs quantum wells using acoustic fields
- Control of Quantum Systems
- Control of segmentation clock period and segment number in the zebrafish
- Control of sexual differentiation and behavior by the doublesex gene in Drosophila melanogaster
- Control of smooth muslce contraction by filamin RNA editing
- Control of Stochastic Processing Networks
- Control of T cell receptor signaling strength during activation and development
- Control of the emergent collective dynamics in motile cilia from the local beating properties
- Control of the energy flux in the drosophila memory center
- Control of tissue growth by the Hippo signalling pathway in Drosophila
- Control of tissue size and shape in Drosophila
- Control of Uncertainty or Control with Uncertainty? A New Control Design Paradigm for Autonomous Stochastic Systems
- Control of wave equations from data on time-like surfaces, and applications to the profile of singularities.
- Control over Cavity Size & Shape in Anion-binding Coordination Cages
- Control Paradigms for Quantum Engineering
- Control strategies for bovine tuberculosis in endemic settings
- Control systems for Maglev and active railway suspensions
- Control theory for collective behaviour in the presence of a disease
- Control theory for physicists 1
- Control theory for physicists 2
- Control theory for physicists 3
- Control theory of switches and clocks
- Control variate method for vibrational corrections in DFT
- Control variates for reversible MCMC samplers
- Control versus chaos: differences in advertisements for non-psychiatric and psychiatric medication in professional journals
- Control, coordination, and computation in ciliated critters
- Control, inference and learning
- Control-based Continuation – A new paradigm for testing nonlinear systems
- Controllability and stabilizability of piecewise affine dynamical systems
- Controllable Synthesis of Nanostructural Materials for High Performance DSSCs
- Controlled cell death
- Controlled crystallisation of semiconducting polymer films of polymer electronics
- Controlled emission of single-electron wavepackets in solid-state circuits
- Controlled functionalization of surfaces: supported single-site catalysts and beyond
- Controlled Generation And Application Of Nanostructured Materials
- Controlled redox and activation reactions in organometallic f-block complexes
- Controlled results in quantum many-body physics: from a dream to reality
- Controlled Synthesis Of Graphene For Electronics And Energy Storage
- Controller Design of a Grid-tie Inverter to Enhance Fault-Ride-Through Capability
- Controlling an active nematic fluid with curvature and topology
- Controlling and Muting Whisper: Universal Acoustic Adversarial Attacks on Speech Foundation Models
- Controlling Behavioral Diversity in Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning
- Controlling Cancer Summit
- Controlling carbon nanomaterials in dispersion with surfactants: stability and adsorption at interfaces
- Controlling Cell Adhesion – The Science of Surface Character and Biomaterials
- Controlling Cell Division
- Controlling chaos in population models
- Controlling Conventional Generation to Minimize Forecast Error Cost
- Controlling copying before copyright: a tale of three Britannias
- Controlling discrete and continuous state non-equilibrium systems
- Controlling Dynamic Interfacial Self-Assembly in Functional Materials
- Controlling Dynamic Interfacial Self-Assembly in Functional Materials
- Controlling encrusting organisms in potable water treatment works
- Controlling epidemics of respiratory diseases: lessons from tuberculosis
- Controlling gene expression fluctuations during development
- Controlling Historical Information Dissemination in Publish/Subscribe
- Controlling Life with Photons
- Controlling mitotic commitment from the G2 spindle pole
- Controlling neural stem cell fates in the Drosophila optic lobe
- Controlling Photon Upconversion in Lanthanide-doped Nanocrystals
- Controlling photonic properties from the micro to the macroscale
- Controlling Protein Damage
- Controlling Recombination
- Controlling recombination: from worms to human disease
- Controlling selectivity in chemical catalysis using non-covalent interactions
- Controlling Single-Electrons with SINIS Turnstile
- Controlling solid state interactions in conjugated polymers
- Controlling stem cells in health and disease
- Controlling the Cell Cycle
- Controlling the cell cycle: A new model
- Controlling the Climate: can we refreeze the Arctic?
- Controlling the diabetes epidemic. Is screening the way forward?
- Controlling the distribution of signaling molecules in synthetic patterning
- Controlling the Flow of Colour: Photonic Systems in Biology
- Controlling the magnetic state with electricity
- Controlling the Pandemic during the SARS-CoV-2 Vaccination Rollout
- Controlling the speed and trajectory of evolution with counterdiabatic driving: applications to human disease and expanding populations
- Controlling time in networking: from delay-tolerant networking to low-latency networking
- Controls on grounding-line dynamics
- Controls on seismic deformation in subducting slabs
- Controls on the rapid drainage of supraglacial lakes
- Controls on the stability of Greenland’s tidewater glaciers: the impact of runoff on fjord circulation and termini melt rates
- Controls on turbulent mixing on the West Antarctic Peninsula shelf
- Controls over mesopelagic mineralisation
- Controversial issues concerning the origin of the Earth’s magnetic field
- Controversies in turbulence: Are we making progress?
- Controversy, mistrust, even witchcraft: the failure of cancer therapy with neutrons
- Convection Affects Magnetic Turbulence in White Dwarf Accretion Disks
- Convection and skin formation in drying colloidal dispersions: laboratory experiments and implications for planetary mantle dynamics
- Convection Currents through Rocks: Fluid Dynamical aspects of Carbon Dioxide Sequestration
- Convection in Porous Media, and implications for geological storage of CO_2
- Convection, rotation, and magnetism in global simulations of stars
- Convection, waves and mixing in stars: insights and challenges from numerical simulations
- Convection-driven spherical dynamos: remarks on bistability and on simple models of the Solar cycle
- Convective and absolute instabilities in eccentric Taylor-Couette-Poiseuille flow
- Convective dissolution in CO2 sequestration: Porous media convection at high Rayleigh number/Brine drainage in sea ice
- Convective instability of a reacting diffusive layer in a porous medium
- Convective mass transfer from a droplet into a submerging falling film
- Convective mass transfer from a viscous droplet into a thin falling film for cleaning purposes
- Convective mass transfer from a viscous droplet into a thin falling film for cleaning purposes
- Convective shutdown in a porous medium
- Convective Troposphere to Stratosphere Transport in the tropics. How important at the global scale?
- Convective-scale modelling, predictability and simulation of the "Hector" thunderstorm
- Convergence analysis of balancing principle for nonlinear Tikhonov regularization in Hilbert scales for statistical inverse problems
- Convergence analysis of the EM algorithm and joint minimization of free energy
- Convergence Bounds for the Random Walk Metropolis Algorithm - Perspectives from Isoperimetry
- Convergence Guarantees for Sampling from High Dimensional Posterior Measures in GLMs
- Convergence in relative entropy for kinetic equations
- Convergence of discrete holomorphic functions on non-uniform lattices
- Convergence of Empirical Measures, Mean-Field Games and Signatures
- Convergence of Gaussian process emulators with estimated hyper-parameters and applications in Bayesian inverse problems
- Convergence of kinetic Langevin samplers for non-convex potentials
- Convergence of optimal control problems governed by second kind parabolic variational inequalities
- Convergence of path-finding
- Convergence of wave function expansions using a plane wave basis: from the homogeneous electron gas to the solid state
- Convergence Rates for Bayesian Inversion
- Convergence to equilibrium and photon condensation in the Kompaneets model of Compton scattering
- Convergence to equilibrium for degenerate kinetic equations
- Convergence to equilibrium for subcritical solutions of the Becker-Döring equations
- Convergent and Scalable Algorithms for Expectation Propagation Approximate Bayesian Inference
- Convergent evolution of CO2-fixing liquid-liquid phase separation
- Convergent high-frequency algorithms for single and multiple scattering
- Converging methods in the study of language change
- Conversation, Dementia, and Technology
- Conversations Artists' Talks
- Conversations on the Holy Land
- Conversations sell: How dialogical judgements and goals underpin the success of viral videos
- Conversations with Bolette Moldenhawer
- Conversations with Caroline: archival spaces of the Victorian asylum
- Conversations with Sharlene Swartz on building an academic career, post PhD
- CONVERSAZIONE: An Historian and his Intellectual History
- Conversion between singlet and triplet states in the strong and weak coupling regimes.
- Conversion-limited phase separation in biomolecular condensation
- Convert Channels and their Analysis
- Converting knowledge into treatments (Sex, drugs and frustration)
- Converting temporal information into spatial information in an early vertebrate embryo
- Converting Word and PPT docs into rapid elearning materials
- Convex Algebraic Geometry I
- Convex Algebraic Geometry II
- Convex Algebraic Geometry III
- Convex Analysis in Hadamard Spaces
- Convex and non-convex worlds in machine learning
- Convex chains among random points in the plane
- Convex cocompact actions of Coxeter groups
- Convex cocompactness in real projective geometry
- Convex decay of entropy in interacting systems
- Convex Factorization Machines
- Convex Hulls of Higher-Dimensional Random Walks & First-Passage Resetting
- Convex Hulls of Two Dimensional Stochastic Processes
- Convex integration in fluid dynamics
- Convex Integration in Fluid Dynamics (Tutorial) - 1
- Convex Integration in Fluid Dynamics (Tutorial) - 3
- Convex Integration in Fluid Dynamics (Tutorial) -2
- Convex low-rank models: from matrices to tensors
- Convex Matrix Inequalities vs Linear Matrix Inequalities
- Convex minorants and the fluctuation theory of Lévy processes
- Convex Optimisation
- Convex Optimization
- Convex Programming in Data Science I
- Convex Programming in Data Science II
- Convex Programming in Data Science III
- Convex regularization of discrete-valued inverse problems
- Convex Relaxation for Community Detection with Covariates
- Convex relaxation of a class of vertex penalizing functionals
- Convex Relaxations, Semidefinite Optimisation and Applications
- Convex separation from convex optimization for large-scale problems
- Convex subgroups of orderable groups.
- Convex Variational Bayesian Inference for Large Scale Generalized Linear Models
- Convexity properties of information functionals for Gaussian mixtures
- Convexity Spaces and Extremal Set Theory
- Conveying quantity pragmatically
- Convincing Yourself, Convincing Others - Cambridge Science Festival
- Convolution tail equivalent distributions: basic properties
- Convolution tail equivalent distributions: basic properties (Joint with Networks (OR) seminar).
- Convolutional Neural Networks for Mesh-based Parcellation of the Cerebral Cortex
- Convolutional Neural Networks on Graphs
- Cool as a caterpillar
- Cool Conductors
- Cool Customers
- Cool dynamics : The trials of trying to nucleate ice in a chamber
- Cool Earth - Our Best Chance Against Climate Change?
- Cool gas in cluster cores
- Cool liquid crystals
- Cooling Nano-electronic Devices to Ultra-Low Temperatures
- Cooperation in Collective Action: On the Hunt for Role Specialisation
- Cooperation, cheating and collapse in microbial populations
- Cooperation, Construction, Coercion, Consent: Understanding the Role of Reimagined Urban Space within Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy
- Cooperation, Power and Conspiracies
- Cooperative division of cognitive labour: the social epistemology of photosynthesis research
- Cooperative effects and the role of surface stress in lifting the Au{111} herringbone reconstruction by adsorbing NO2: a direct insight from STM
- Cooperative Inverse RL
- Cooperative Localization with Turbo-Networks
- Cooperative Mechanisms Against Climate Change
- Cooperative Pathfinding - from A Star to the field
- Cooperative Software Verification: Combination Approaches that Share Information
- Cooperative wireless networks: From radio to network protocol designs
- Coorbital trapping by persistent gaseous vortices: A possible way to form Cold Kuiper-Belt planetesimals
- Coordinate Deletion
- Coordinate Descent on the Orthogonal Group for Recurrent Neural Network Training
- Coordinate negation in Middle English
- Coordinate structures, morphosyntactic representations, and production experiments in Slovenian
- Coordinate transforms underpin multiscale modelling and reduction in deterministic and stochastic systems
- Coordinated alternative splicing in development, featuring Transformer2b and ciliary tissues.-Dr. Charlotte Softley.
- Coordinated approaches to assess the effects of interacting global change drivers on forest composition and function
- Coordinated motion in insect societies
- Coordinated regulation of cell divisions, migration and differentiation in the developing mouse brain
- Coordinating cell fate decisions and tissue shape changes during mammalian development
- Coordinating developmental timing with tissue growth
- Coordinating growth and tissue organization during development
- Coordinating morphogenetic events: supracellular actomyosin cables as mechanical insulators
- Coordination and activation of aminoboranes
- Coordination and inequalities in agglomeration payments: evidence from a laboratory experiment
- Coordination Clusters as Building Blocks for New Materials
- Coordination in new product development: a model to evaluate potential benefits
- Coordination of homologous recombination the key to accurate chromosome segregation during meiosis in Arabidopsis
- Coordination of patterning and growth in the developing spinal cord
- Coordination of post-translational protein modification in human interaction networks
- Coordination of root development via shoot-derived light and temperature signals
- Coordination of spindle positioning and cell cycle progression in yeast
- Coordination of Transcription and Repair during the DNA damage response
- Coordination polymers, metallo-gels and discrete metallo-supramolecular assemblies with cyclotriveratrylene-based or flat tripodal ligands
- Coordination Self-Assembly: From the Origins to the Latest Advances
- Coordination through Selection, Synchrony, and Sex
- Coordination-Assisted Bioorthogonal Chemistry: Bringing Orthogonality in the Tetrazine Ligation with (strained) alkenes
- Coordination-Driven Capsules and Cages
- Coordination-Driven Capsules and Cages
- Coordinatization of Countable MV algebras
- COP1 E3-ligase – A journey from Photomorphogenesis to the heartland of cancer
- CoP26, Climate Justice and Law
- Copepod Hydrodynamics
- Copiapoa
- Coping and positive affect: Benefits of a self-administered positive reappraisal coping intervention for medical waiting periods
- Coping with a stressful start in life
- Coping With Bullying:Healthy Strategies used by males to counter Peer Bullying in Secondary Schools
- Coping with climate change in the next half-century
- Coping with ice: How do Antarctic fish survive in ice-laden water?
- Coping with life changing events: Stem cells, regeneration, and plasticity
- Coping with Mechanical Stress: Tissue dynamics in development and repair
- Coping with Mechanical Stress: Tissue dynamics in development and repair
- Coping with recalcitrance: futility, frustration and failure in the history of cancer research
- Coping with the Intractability of Graphical Models
- Coping with the stress of studying novel human DNA replication deficiency disorders
- Copper 2+ binding to Aβ accelerates fiber growth and enhances neurotoxicity
- Copper 2+ binding to Aβ accelerates fiber growth and enhances neurotoxicity.
- Copper Giants: Geology, Genesis and New Pathways to Discovery
- Copper Indium Sulphide Colloidal Quantum dots
- Copper isotopes and the role of sulfides during Earth’s differentiation
- Copper metallurgy at Kerma: Technological innovation in the Nile Valley
- Copper porphyries (TBC)
- Copper with Light – the Prospects for Photonic-Enabled-Electronics
- Cops, Crops and Mobile Phones: Machine Learning in Africa
- Copy Content, Copy Friends: Studies of Content Curation and Social Bootstrapping on Pinterest
- Copyright vs Community
- Copyright: A survival guide (for PhD students in Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences)
- Copyright: A survival guide (for PhD students in Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences)
- CoQ Redox Status is a Metabolic Sensor
- Coral reefs and climate change: Ecological surprises from the epicentre of the 2015-2016 El Niño
- Coral reefs, photosynthesis, and the origin of parasitism in apicomplexans
- Coral, climate change and a conservation conundrum.
- Corbyn and Strategies for The Left and Labour
- Corbynomics: The Solutions to Britain's Problems?
- Core feedback inside gravitational instability planets: explaining the ALMA dust gaps
- Core formation on Earth and Mars
- Core ideas in cancer research 1: genes and genetic instability
- Core ideas in cancer research 1: genes and genetic instability
- Core ideas in cancer research 1: genes and genetic instability
- Core ideas in cancer research 2: cell biology
- Core ideas in cancer research 2: cell biology
- Core ideas in cancer research 2: cell biology
- Core Imaging Library Hackathon part 1/4
- Core Imaging Library Hackathon part 2/4
- Core Imaging Library Hackathon part 3/4
- Core Imaging Library Hackathon part 4/4
- Core Imaging Library Training part 1/2
- Core Imaging Library Training part 2/2
- Core loss spectroscopy of graphene oxide
- Core-collapse supernovae: progenitors and dust production
- Core-Selecting Mechanisms in Electricity Markets
- Cores, hulls and synchronization
- Coresets for scalable Bayesian logistic regression
- Coriander makes the difference- how each of us can make a difference.
- Cornel West in conversation with Ben Okri on Literature and the Nation
- Cornel West in conversation with MM McCabe on Philosophy in the Public Sphere
- Cornel West in conversation with Paul Gilroy on Politics and Race
- Cornell Jackson (Planet Finance) on microfinance
- Corner effects on shock-induced separation
- Cornish Lithium and life as an exploration geologist
- Coronary venous systems of common model species - a comparative study
- Coronaviruses: activation and antagonism of innate immune response
- COROT: towards transiting terrestrial planets
- Corotation and Wave Torques on Low-Mass Planets in Protoplanetary Discs
- Corotation torques and type I planetary migration
- Corporate Associates Summer Event
- Corporate Complicity in Human Rights violations in Africa
- Corporate Governance and the CAPM: Some Theory and Evidence
- Corporate innovation and leadership - reflections from M&S Plan A
- Corporate Lobbying for Environmental Protection
- Corporate Psychopaths at Work and in Society
- Corporate Social Leadership in a World Recovering from Financial Meltdown. A distinguished lecture by Graham Mackay, Chief Executive, SABMiller
- Corporate Social Responsibility and Business’ Contribution to Governance in Areas of Regulatory Void
- Corporate Social Responsibility and Political Control in Kenya and South Africa
- Corporate Social Responsibility and Political Control in Kenya and South Africa
- Corpus, coding and multimodality
- Correct answers: who needs them? (a story of numerical computing)
- Correct behaviour: how plant cells respond appropriately to different symbiotic partners
- Correcting Coulomb's Soil Mechanics
- Correcting for Malmquist Bias in Type Ia Supernova Cosmology
- Correcting spanning errors with a fractal code
- Correction terms and the non-orientable 4-genus
- CORRECTION: Europe East and West: Film History and Mourning
- Corrections to a class of methods for inferring species trees from gene trees
- Corrective violence and labour discipline in early modern England
- Correctness by Construction of High-Integrity Software
- Correctness of Speculative Optimizations with Dynamic Deoptimization
- Correlated electrons on the nanoscale: models, issues, reality.
- Correlated Motion in Bounded Domains: Revealing the First Passage Dynamics
- Correlated Random Walks on the Lattice: First-Passage Problems on Square, Hexagonal and Honeycomb Lattices with Boundaries
- Correlated randomly growing graphs
- Correlated Resetting Gas
- Correlates of protection of ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 vaccine against SARS-CoV-2 infections
- Correlation between reflected and transmitted light in scattering media
- Correlation functions and amplitudes in N=4 SYM
- Correlation functions for random Schrodinger operators
- Correlation functions of quantum integrable models: recent advances
- Correlation of local ice forces across the width of a structure during ice-structure interaction
- Correlations Between Word Vector Sets
- Correlations in suspensions of microswimmers
- Correlations of multiplicative functions at almost all scales
- Correlative Imaging of Electrochemical Devices Over Multiple Time and Length Scales
- Correlative microscopy and electron tomography of telomeres
- Correlative Thinking Across Cultures: from China to India
- Correspondences between harmonic functions and algebraic properties of groups.
- Corresponding lepidopterists and the British Lepidoptera collection, Department of Entomology, British Museum (Natural History)
- Corrosion Studies on Copper-Coated Carbon Steel Containers for Used Nuclear Fuel
- CorrosionRADAR - A journey from an invention to a global corrosion monitoring company
- Corruption as a global threat
- Corruption in India: When Preaching Piety is Not Enough
- Cortical (beta) dynamics of movement control
- Cortical and subcortical contributions to social cognition
- Cortical and subcortical grey matter micro-structure is associated with polygenic risk for schizophrenia
- Cortical and subcortical organisation of the multiple demand system
- Cortical gradients of functional integration
- Cortical HCN channels: function, trafficking and plasticity
- Cortical interneurons in health and disease.
- Cortical Layers in Context and Learning
- Cortical mechanisms of cognition: A view from direct brain recordings
- Cortical mechanisms underlying integration of local visual cues to form global representations
- Cortical microtubules shape cell walls to support a wide range of functions
- Cortical phase, amplitude, and cross-frequency interactions during task performance and rest.
- Cortical responses to object number during perception and visual short-term memory
- Cortical specialisation for language and auditory processing in the congenitally-blind (anophthalmic) brain
- Cortical tracking of natural and artificial sequences
- Corvid mentality: Implications for the evolution of human intelligence
- Cory Doctorow on Life in the Information Economy
- COSD (The Cancer Outcomes and Services Dataset)- Understanding the complexity of such a large dataset
- Coset Constructions and Modified Gravity
- Coset diagrams and their application to finitely presented groups
- Cosmic Archaeology with Gravitational Waves from Cosmic Strings
- Cosmic Censorship in Anti-de Sitter Spacetime
- Cosmic Centers and the Subject of the 21st Century
- Cosmic Dawn and 21-cm Cosmology: From Theoretical Concepts to Monumental Observations
- Cosmic Dawn: The Search for the First Galaxies
- Cosmic dust as a planetary fertiliser: collisional evolution of the prebiotic Earth
- Cosmic Dust: The fastest little rocks on Earth
- Cosmic Evolution from Galaxy Zoo
- Cosmic Flows on 100 Mpc/h Scales: Standardized Minimum Variance bulk flow, shear and octupole moments
- Cosmic Illusions: How Nature Creates Giant Gravitational Telescopes
- Cosmic Inflation for Beginners
- Cosmic magnetism in simulations of disk galaxy formation
- Cosmic Microwave Background / Quaternions
- Cosmic muon tomography
- Cosmic Ray Backgrounds for Dark Matter Indirect Detection
- Cosmic Ray Muography
- Cosmic Ray Propagation in Molecular Clouds
- Cosmic Rays Don't Strike Twice: Understanding the Nature of DRAM Errors and the Implications for System Design
- Cosmic rays in star-forming galaxies
- Cosmic Reionization
- Cosmic ruler and cosmic ladder
- Cosmic String Radiation: the Importance of Curvature
- Cosmic strings - relativistic vortices in the early universe
- Cosmic strings and other flux tubes
- Cosmic Strings and our Cosmos?
- Cosmic Strings and the Cosmic Microwave Background
- Cosmic Strings in the CMB
- Cosmic strings, effective number of neutrinos, gravity waves and the CMB
- Cosmo-chemical, structural, and dynamical clues on the origin of the Solar System
- Cosmo-Politics and Andean Agriculture in the Atacama Desert (Chile): Late Intermediate and Inka Period (1.200-1.550 C.E.)
- Cosmogonical musings and pleas
- Cosmographic Cartography and the 'Perfect' 28's. Inferno XXVIII, Purgatorio XXVIII, Paradiso XXVIII
- Cosmography with cluster strong lensing
- Cosmography with cluster strong lensing
- Cosmological acceleration in massive gravity
- Cosmological constant in SUGRA models inspired by degenerate vacua
- Cosmological Constant, its Problem(s) and the Solution
- Cosmological constraints from galaxy-galaxy lensing and galaxy clustering with HSC-Y1 and BOSS data: the first application of emulator-based halo model to cosmology analysis
- Cosmological Correlators Through the Looking Glass
- Cosmological evolution of string networks
- Cosmological hydrodynamical simulations of modified gravity models
- Cosmological Imprints of the Ultra-Large Scale Universe
- Cosmological Inference in High Dimension (Kavli Science Focus Meeting)
- Cosmological insight from our neighbour, the Andromeda galaxy
- Cosmological magnetic field: what do we learn from AMR simulations ?
- Cosmological Model Selection
- Cosmological Moduli and Non-Thermal Dark Matter
- Cosmological moduli problem and double thermal inflation in large volume scenario
- Cosmological neutrino mass detection in the next five years
- Cosmological observables after recombination
- Cosmological parameter inference using neural networks
- Cosmological perturbation theory and application to the LSS
- Cosmological Probes of Light Relics
- Cosmological Reionization with the Moment Equations: First Results on Topology
- Cosmological Results from Planck PR4 (NPIPE) with CamSpec
- Cosmological scalar fields
- Cosmological Serendipity
- Cosmological simulations of our Universe: computational methods, challenges and future prospects
- Cosmological simulations of the growth of supermassive black holes and feedback from active galactic nuclei
- Cosmological Singularities and AdS/CFT
- Cosmological tensions: hints for a new concordance model?
- Cosmological Tests of General Relativity with Future Tomographic Surveys
- Cosmological tests of gravity
- Cosmological Tests of Gravity
- Cosmological Zoom-In Simulations: Connecting the Dark and Light Side of Galaxy Formation
- Cosmology (Title TBA)
- Cosmology after the first 5 minutes
- Cosmology and Astrophysics from CMB Measurements
- Cosmology and fundamental physics with the Square Kilometre Array
- Cosmology and Moduli Stabilisation for Chiral Global Models
- Cosmology and Signals of Light Dark Matter
- Cosmology and Unification
- Cosmology for Physicists - Why You Should Take Inflation Seriously
- Cosmology form current and future spectroscopic galaxy surveys
- Cosmology from Galaxy Redshift Surveys
- Cosmology from Galaxy Redshift Surveys
- Cosmology from large-scale structure: concordance and discordance
- Cosmology from the boundary
- Cosmology from the Kilo-Degree Survey
- Cosmology from the kinetic Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect in the CMB
- Cosmology from the outer Solar System
- Cosmology in our Backyard
- Cosmology of f(R) gravity
- Cosmology with galaxy cluster surveys detected with the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect
- Cosmology with Gravitational Lens Time Delays
- Cosmology with gravitational waves
- Cosmology with millimeter-wavelength intensity mapping: forecast and modelling
- Cosmology with neutral hydrogen (HI) intensity mapping
- Cosmology with Photometric Cluster Samples
- Cosmology with Photometric Cluster Samples
- Cosmology with photometric redshift surveys: challenges and opportunities
- Cosmology with photometry galaxy surveys: from precision to accuracy
- Cosmology with the Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey (BOSS)
- Cosmology with the Galaxy
- Cosmology with the LISA mission
- Cosmology with Type Ia supernovae: A view from ZTF
- Cosmology without averaging
- Cosmology/inflation talk (title TBC)
- Cosmology: a theorist's perspective on the observational landscape
- Cosmology: Before the Beginning and Beyond Eternity
- Cosmopolitan Conceptions in Global Dubai: A Reprolexicon for 21st Century Reprotravel
- Cosmopolitanism - Professor Kwame Anthony Appiah in conversation with Ash Amin
- Cosmos and Canvas: Using Data Visualization to Explore and Communicate Your Science
- Cost and Outcome of Behavioural Activation versus Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Depression (COBRA): A randomised, controlled, non-inferiority trial
- Cost constrained optimal designs for regression models with random parameters
- Cost-effectiveness analysis of multiplex targeted sequencing in lung adenocarcinoma
- Cost-efficiency of complex human brain networks
- Costimulation Blockade: to bela and beyond
- Costs and benefits of cognitive control: When a little frontal cortex goes a long way
- Could early land vegetation have bioengineered the planet?
- COULD IT ALL HAPPEN AGAIN? Financial Regulation Five Years After the Crisis
- Could the ageing be infectious?
- Could the earliest limbed animals walk?
- Could we Shoot Movies Without Artificial Lights?
- Coulomb gas ensembles in 2D
- Councillor Lucy Nethsingha on Education Policy Design
- Count nouns and the semantics of counting
- Countable ordinals and fast-growing functions (Part 1)
- Countable ordinals and fast-growing functions (Part 2)
- Countable ordinals and fast-growing functions (Part 3)
- Counter-examples of high Clifford index to Prym-Torelli
- Counter-ions and Cascades
- Counterargument to CIRL, and Safely Interruptible Agents
- Counterexamples to the Hirsch Conjecture
- Counterfactual inference in sequential experimental design
- Counterfactuals in Social Science and the Humanities
- Countering Deservitization through Service Innovation
- Countering Homophobia Through Research and Film
- Counterparty credit risk, collateral and funding: next generation valuation models under interconnected risks
- Counterspeech: can and should we automate it?
- Counting (tropical) curves
- Counting Abelian Orbifolds
- Counting and construction of D-brane quantum states in AdS/CFT
- Counting and equidistribution of common perpendiculars: arithmetic applications
- Counting automorphic forms
- Counting blocks
- Counting closed geodesics on flat surfaces
- Counting conjectures and auxiliary questions
- Counting conjectures for fusion systems
- Counting conjugacy classes in parabolic subgroups of general linear groups
- Counting Crime the Cambridge Way
- Counting Dark Matter particles in LHC events
- Counting extensions of Characters of Spin groups, equivariant Jordan decomposition and the McKay Conjecture
- Counting Galois representations with Steinberg monodromy
- Counting genus one curves over the rationals
- Counting graphic sequences
- Counting graphic sequences
- Counting Hamiltonian cycles in Dirac hypergraphs
- Counting incompressible surfaces in 3-manifolds
- Counting l-adic representations, in the function field case
- Counting lattice paths with the kernel method
- Counting lattice paths with the kernel method
- Counting loxodromics for hyperbolic actions
- Counting magic squares of primes and removing elements in latin squares
- Counting Melanocortin
- Counting molecules, dodging blood cells: continuous, real-time molecular measurements directly in the living body
- Counting partially directed walks in a symmetric wedge
- Counting problems in additive combinatorics
- Counting rational points on a bi-projective variety
- Counting rational points on cubic curves
- Counting sheaves on Calabi-Yau 4-folds
- Counting Sidon Sets
- Counting states in string theory: Kirk Lecture:
- Counting statistics and shot noise for single electron transport
- Counting Subgraphs in Data Streams
- Counting tau-exceptional sequences for Nakayama algebras
- Counting the Cost of Drink in Britain, 1830-1918
- Counting the Emperor
- Counting the entropy of any causal horizon
- Counting torus fibrations on a K3 surface
- Counting unipotent representations in transverse characteristic
- Counting using equivariant cohomology
- Counting with Flair
- Counting with Gaussian integrals and cluster expansions
- Counting with symmetry for structural analysis
- Counting with symmetry for structural analysis (Mechanics Colloquia)
- Counting with symmetry for structural mechanics
- Counting your way to Quantum Groups
- Countryman, townsman, citizen: Developing urban identity in Norwegian towns AD 950-1700
- Couple Stress in The Vertex Model Of Cellular Monolayers
- Coupled Chemotaxis-Fluid Models
- Coupled Equations, cscK metrics and geodesic stability
- Coupled free vibration of liquid in tanks with membrane/ice covers
- Coupled Gaussian Process Models
- Coupled ice-ocean interactions for the Amundsen Sea glaciers, Antarctica
- Coupled ice/ocean interactions during the future retreat of West Antarctic ice streams in the Amundsen Sea sector
- Coupled mechanical and electronic fields in graphene and their optimization for nanomechanical devices
- Coupled phenomena: theory and applications
- Coupled Systems of Nonlinear, Dispersive Systems
- Coupled-resonator elastic structures: a paragon for molecular and condensed matter physics
- Couples groups for parents to strengthen family relationships: 40 years of research in 40 minutes
- Coupling cardiac excitation and contraction
- Coupling cell cycle morphogenesis and mitotic spindle orientation to regulate tissue morphogenesis
- Coupling climate and ice sheet models: experiments for the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Coupling geodynamic models with geological and geophysical data to constrain the rheology of crust and lithosphere
- Coupling kinetic and fluid equations: some ideas about the theory and the applications
- Coupling mechanical and hydraulic processes in multicellular models of plant development
- Coupling of active motion and advection shapes intracellular cargo transport
- Coupling of Markov Chains
- Coupling of rate-independent and rate-dependent systems with application to delamination processes in solids
- Coupling organelle capacity to the cell's needs
- Coupling rheology and segregation in granular flows
- Coupling Selection Rules in Heterotic Orbifold Compactifications
- Coupling Semi-Supervised Learning of Categories and Relations
- Coupling Spin and Charge Transport in Complex Materials
- Coupling the Leidenfrost Effect and Elastic Deformations to Power Sustained Bouncing
- Coupling the thermodynamics and geodynamics of mantle melting: Applications to reactive channelisation beneath mid-ocean ridges
- Courts and Statistics: Varieties of Statistical Challenges
- Courts, commerce, and labor. Investigating lay courts in nineteenth century Paris and France
- Cousin Marriage in the House of Submission and the Prospects for Democracy in the Middle East
- Covariance formulas for fluctuations of linear spectral statistics for Wigner matrices with few moments
- Covariance-map imaging: a new tool for chemical dynamics studies
- Covariant fibrations and diagrams of spaces
- Covariant Hydrodynamics of Membranes and Nematic Surfaces
- Covariant phase space with boundaries
- Covariant properties of holographic entanglement
- Covariant vertex operators for cosmic strings
- Covariate adjusted functional principal component analysis for longitudinal data
- Covariate Shift Adaptation: Supervised Learning When Training and Test Inputs Have Different Distributions
- Cover times of graphs, majorizing measures, and the Gaussian free field
- Cover times, blanket times, and the Gaussian free field.
- Covering All Bases: A Novel Method To Design Broad-Spectrum Vaccines
- Covering problems arising in Gamma Knife radiosurgery
- Covering the Presidential Election
- Covert Channels
- Covert channels (a networks perspective)
- Covert channels in TCP/IP: attack and defence
- Covert communication in insects
- Coverture: The Medieval Perspective
- COVID -19 and higher education: speakers and titles to be advised
- Covid and Cognition
- Covid and Cognition
- Covid and Cognition
- Covid And Cognition
- Covid and Cognition
- Covid and Cognition
- COVID-19 and its influence on knowledge, skills and health
- COVID-19 and Obesity
- COVID-19 Related Research and Challenge
- COVID-19 Testing Policies at Universities
- COVID-19 Testing Protocols at School
- COVID-19, the Energy Transition & Adaptation Strategies for MENA Oil Exporters
- Covid-19: a phased lift of control and other exit strategies - Speakers - Luc Coffeng and Sake de Vlas - (Explicit content)
- COVID-19: the cause, the disease and the response
- Cow vs. bird: Balancing food production and biodiversity conservation in the Neotropics
- COW: Cutting and pasting in algebraic geometry
- COW: Derived equivalences of K3 surfaces
- COW: Mirror Symmetry
- COW: Quasimap theory and Gromov-Witten theory
- COW: Surfaces with exceptional monodromy.
- COW: The integral Hodge conjecture for 3-folds
- Cows under the radar: The genetics of tuberculosis susceptibility in Britain
- Cows, curation and carbon dates: strange goings on in Roman Yorkshire
- Cox process representation and inference for stochastic reaction-diffusion processes
- COX-2 expression in Canine Anal Sac Adenocarcinomas and in Non-neoplastic Anal Sacs
- Coxeter groups, quiver mutations and hyperbolic manifolds
- CP violation and rare Kaon decays in the Standard Model and beyond
- CP-violation and mixing effects in SUSY cascades at the LHC
- CPB Annual Meeting 2022
- CPB Seminar - Kazu Maeshima
- CPB Seminar - Iain Couzin - The Geometry of Decision-Making
- CPB Seminar - Kevin Chalut
- CPB Seminar - Marcus Taylor
- CPB Seminar - Matteo Rauzi
- CPD Meeting - Medicines update
- CPD: Basic Life Support
- CPERC, who we are, what we do and why it's important for local biodiversity
- CpG Enrichment as a Vaccine Strategy for Influenza A Virus
- CPGJ Academic Seminar: "The teaching professions in the context of globalisation: A systematic literature review"
- CPGJ Methodology Masterclass "Researching with young people: Critical Youth Studies, Race, and a Decolonial Politics of Knowledge Production"
- CPGJ Panel "Choreographies of Class: Elite Formation in a Transnational World"
- CPGJ Reading Group "Space, Borders, Power"
- CPGJ Reading Group "Space, Borders, Power"
- CPGJ Reading Group "Space, Borders, Power"
- CPGJ Reading Group 'Space, Borders, Power'
- CPGJ Reading Group - "Space, Borders, Power"
- CPGJ Reading Group: Space, Borders, Power
- CPGS seminars
- CPGS Seminars
- CPGS Seminars
- CPGS Talks
- CPGS talks
- CPP Seminar: Aspirations and the Capability Approach: Implications for Public Policy in Education and Health
- CPP Seminar: Human Development and Decent Work: Comparing a policy success with a policy failure
- CPP Seminar: Migration in the UK
- CPP Seminar: Should we Engineer the Climate?
- CPU Scheduling for Staged Servers
- CQC Seminar: Joonwoo Bae
- CQC seminar: Sandu Popescu
- CQC seminar: Sandu Popescu
- Crack dynamics simulations in wood and other heterogeneous materials
- Crack front instability in mode i+iii: experimental and theoretical approaches
- Crack Propagation in Brittle Crystals under Combined Tensile and Shear Stresses
- Crack Propagation in Brittle Crystals under Combined Tensile and Shear Stresses
- Crack tips' black box: Spectroscopic challenge to the strength of solids
- Crack-based assessment and retrofit of concrete members
- Cracking during lateral drying of alumina suspensions
- Cracking in Drying Films
- Cracking of thin films
- Cracking the capillary code: towards mesoscopic self-assembly and functional micromachines
- Cracking the Cipher Challenge
- Cracking The Code Of Anisotropic Growth
- Cracking the code of crocodile skin
- Cracking the Matrix: Factorisation of a Class of Wiener–Hopf Kernels
- Cracking the Nut: The Psychology of Food Choice
- Cracking the poetry code: Empowering teachers of Caribbean poetry
- Cracking the regulatory code: predicting expression patterns from DNA sequence
- Crackling noise of crumbling minerals
- Cracks in ice and their role in brittle compressive failure
- Cracks, Interfaces and Environment - experiments on the nanoscale
- Cradle of life or barren wasteland? Geochemical constraints on early martian water
- Cradle to Cradle Design
- Craft guilds, apprenticeship and human capital formation in early modern Italy
- Crafting Clarity: Standardizing Terminology and Typology of Iron Age Pottery Kilns,The case of Northern Italy
- Crafting Neoliberal Logics: the political economy of AIDS policies in Nigeria
- Crafting Visualizations
- Crafting Your Academic Cover Letter
- Craig Interpretation
- Craig Walton on "Teach a man to fish"
- Craik Club Christmas Lecture: Selective attention, multisensory integration and spatial neglect
- Craik-Leibovich Equation, Distinguished Limits, Drifts, and Pseudo-Diffusion
- Cranmer Road : Crafting a practical Passivhaus
- CRASH/SAFE: Clean-slate Co-design of a Secure Host Architecture
- CRASSH East European Memory Studies Seminar
- CRASSH Healthcare in Conflict seminar: Health Systems and the Mass Casualty Management with WHO
- CRASSH Impact: Reni Eddo-Lodge and Heidi Mirza in Conversation
- CRASSH Impact: Reni Eddo-Lodge and Priyamvada Gopal in Conversation
- Crassulas everywhere
- Crawling Across the Web of Chemistry Using ChemSpider
- Crawling motility
- Crazy Sets of Rectangles and (Non)Convergence Theorems in Analysis
- CRDG Symposium on "Greece and/or Rome"
- CRDN Launch Event: Parent Entrepreneurship
- Creases, corners and caustics: properties of non-smooth structures on black hole horizons
- Create a career you can travel with
- Creating a Better Place - the Environment Agency - and shaping sustainability
- Creating a Commonwealth intelligence culture? Security sector reform and the politics of assistance in building the Tanzanian state, 1945-1989
- Creating a culture of uncertainty: the socio-cultural consequences of common Greek linguistic patterns
- Creating a healthy environment: challenges facing China
- Creating a High-Resolution Canopy Height Map of the Earth
- Creating a High-Resolution Meiotic Recombination Map in Arabidopsis
- Creating a Life of Meaning: Exploring the Intersection of Purpose and Contribution (in person)
- Creating a new conciousness Course
- Creating a new conciousness Course
- Creating a Real Time data & ML pipeline for Smart Cities, Mobility & Infrastructure
- Creating a Shallow-Water Wave Environment
- Creating a shocking display: questions of taste and impropriety
- Creating a wildlife tour with the Arctic Sami
- Creating an electronic dictionary for an endangered language: Linguistic and extralinguistic implications
- Creating an explosion
- Creating and Embedding Cancer in Botswana
- Creating and erasing memories with epigenetics
- Creating and Harnessing Complex Reaction Networks
- Creating assessments
- Creating Barriers: Migration, Citizenship, and the Politics of Inclusion & Exclusion
- Creating chemical-reaction movies based on automated modeling
- Creating citizen history of science: science, fiction and the future of the 20th century
- Creating contexts that enable behaviour change: towards a fourth generation of approaches to health promotion.
- Creating Creative, Cooperative Environments Creatively and Cooperatively
- Creating desired impressions: Children’s understanding of the implications of self-presentation and tactic use
- Creating Influenza Resistant Chickens.
- Creating More Peaceful Societies: Global Strategies to Reduce Interpersonal Violence by 50% in 2040
- Creating New Business Opportunities with Radically Disruptive Technologies
- Creating policy impact International lessons from science and health
- Creating predictable gene knock-outs at scale with CRISPR/Cas9
- Creating research impact through commercialisation
- Creating research impact through commercialisation, hosted by Cambridge Enterprise
- Creating Solidarity by Making Bodies Alike, but Creating Hierarchy in Physical Dimensions
- Creating structured and flexible models: some open problems
- Creating the Modern Woman in Asia, c.1920-1940
- Creating the Modern Woman in Asia, c.1920-1940
- Creating the right environment for dialogue-learning, policy and practice improvement in health and social care
- Creating transparent intact animal organs for high-resolution 3D deep-tissue imaging
- Creating Underground Infrastructure: the Role of Geotechnical Engineering
- Creating Value By Design?
- Creating Value for Clients: A Geotechnical Seismic Engineer's Perspective
- Creating Vortons and Knot Solitons via Domain Wall Pair Annihilation in BEC and Field Theory
- Creation and Contemporary Science: The Legacy of Thomas Aquinas
- Creation and destruction of biological polymer networks
- Creation and transformation: value and the satisfaction of work
- Creation of Chemical Complexity via Controlled Functionalization of Organoboron Compounds
- Creation, Collaboration, Contemplation: Academic Libraries and the Digital Revolution
- Creative Agency and Intercultural Empathy in Applied Ethnomusicology and Community Music Action Research: a Discussion of Methodological Challenges
- Creative Approaches to International Development
- Creative Approaches to Research Challenges
- Creative Coding in Education
- Creative Copies: Eudocia's 'Homerocentones' and the Scribe as Author in Christian Late Antiquity
- Creative Identity in Music Teaching and Learning
- Creative Impact: children and young people using the arts to make measurable social and environmental impact themselves
- Creative Intelligence in Generative Models and Why Consciousness Matters
- Creative Mind and Physical Reality
- Creative Techniques Workshop
- Creativity and AI
- Creativity and Capitalism: Opponents or Allies?
- Creativity and Commerce: Making the relationship work
- Creativity and Digital workflows in the Structural Design of Long Span Structures
- Creativity and discourse strategies in recent Spanish social protest movements
- Creativity and English: Exploring possibilities
- Creativity and the construction of fossils: 'The artist's piece is already in the stone'
- Creativity for the information age: making up minds and machines in the United States and the Soviet Union
- Creativity in Business: is it a game changer?
- Creativity in the languages classroom: Learners' responses to literary text
- Creativity, Circulation and Copyright: Sonic and Visual Media in the Digital Age
- Creativity, criticality and multilingual practices: code- and mode-switching by British Chinese children in complementary schools
- Creature Comforts: Predictors, outcomes, and correlates of children's attachment to their pets
- Creatures of Cain: the hunt for human nature in Cold War America
- Creatures, Citizens or Consumers? Liberal Education for the Post-Christian Age
- Credit Allocation and Macroeconomic Fluctuations
- Credit Assignment, State Representations, & Time Scales in Motor Learning
- Credit Cycle and Efficient Market Hypothesis - a practical point of view
- Credit Ratings and Structured Finance
- Credit Rationing, Income Exaggeration, and Adverse Selection in the Mortgage Market
- Credit Suisse Technical Seminar: Modelling and Risk Analysis of Power Reverse Dual Multicurrency Notes
- Credit time horizons as ethical boundaries
- Credit, Debt, and Personal Failure in the English and New York Courts of Chancery, 1674-1800
- Creeping gabbro: Mafic rock deformation from nature and experiments
- Creole Shadow Empire: Histories of Intimacy across Southeast Asia, 1850-1950
- Crepant transformations for nonabelian GIT quotients
- Crepant transformations for nonabelian GIT quotients
- Crew Health and Performance Data Analysis Using Change Detection Techniques
- CRIA Book Review Panel: “Globalization and the Environment: Capitalism, Ecology and Power”, by Peter Newell
- Crick 2016 Lecture-DNA Sequence and the Epigenome Entwined
- Crick Lecture 2012: Consequences of Aneuploidy
- Crick Lecture 2014: How Aneuploidy Drives Cancer
- Crick Lecture 2021: Human Immune Responses to SARS-CoV-2 Infection or Vaccination
- Crick Lecture 2022: Neurobiology of Social and Sickness Behaviors
- Crick Lecture 2023: Innovating metagenomics to explore the strange world of archaeal extrachromosomal elements
- Crick Lecture- The transformative CRISPR-Cas9 genome engineering technology: lessons learned from bacteria
- Crick Lecture-The Surprising Chemistry of Non-enzymatic RNA Replication
- Cricket’s Playlist: an evolutionary neuroanalysis of the singing central pattern generators in different cricket species.
- Cricket’s Playlist: an evolutionary neuroanalysis of the singing central pattern generators in different cricket species.
- Crime and Punishment: Rethinking Right Wing Authoritarianism
- Crime fiction, mythomania, and the criminalisation of the South African state
- Crime Scene Analysis and Victim Identification Forum
- Crime, Punishment, and Body Snatching: Contested Memories of the 1797 Naval Mutinies
- Crimea: Centre of Gravity in the Black Sea
- Criminal - why people do bad things. Tom Gash, Institute for Government
- Criminal sanctions to protect the environment: Economics, law, and empirical evidence
- Criminology and Coercion
- Crip Camp: A film screening and conversation
- Crisis and Conflict: The British Naval Intellectual Establishment, 1905-1908
- Crisis in Berlin and Paris: Diversity, Culture, and the Good Life
- Crisis in Europe and Policy Alternatives.
- Crisis in the Middle East – A Marxist Perspective
- Crisis snapshots: how maps can help in humanitarian disasters
- Crisis, contagion and containment policies in financial networks : A dynamic approach
- CrisisCamp Cambridge in response to Pakistan floods - Meeting on 7th of Aug
- CRISPR based gene drive approaches for population control of malaria mosquitoes
- CRISPR Cas Genome Editors - from Bacteria to Biotech
- CRISPR gene-drive and the war against malaria – the evolutionary ABCs
- CRISPR screens and radiation beams: CRISPR screening in complex models (2D, 3D and in vivo)
- CRISPR Tools for Functional Genomics and Disease Models
- CRISPR, the next generation of medicines
- CRISPR-Cas9 genetic screens uncover B cell receptor-MYD88 superpathwayin Diffuse Large B Cell Lymphoma
- CRISPR-Cas: origin of adaptive immunity from selfish genetic elements and the evolutionary continuum from Darwin to Lamarck
- CRISPR/Cas9 – the good, the bad and the ugly!
- CRISPy Chickens-screening fate transitions from caudal epiblast to neural tube-Ashley Libby; Coupling mitochondrial energy metabolism to branching morphogenesis in the developing avian lung-Bezia Lemma.
- Critcal phenomena in biopolymer rheology
- Critical 2-dimensional Ising model: local statistics and combinatorics via dimers
- Critical branching diffusions in bounded domains.
- Critical Casimir Forces in a Magnetic System: An Experimental Protocol
- Critical Co-Lab: Habda Rashid and Ekow Eshun
- Critical Co-Lab: Habda Rashid and Ekow Eshun
- Critical conversations: intersectionality and sociology
- Critical damping in viscoelastic systems
- Critical Excitation Methods for Important Structures
- Critical Excitation Methods for Important Structures
- Critical Excitation Methods for Important Structures
- Critical exponents in FK-weighted planar maps
- Critical exponents in FK-weighted planar maps
- Critical factors that affect measures of spatial selectivity in cochlear implant users
- Critical free surface flow over topography
- Critical Geopolitics of the Polar Regions: An Inter-American Perspective
- Critical illness and the maladaptive forces of modern medicine
- Critical Ising model on random triangulations of the disk: enumeration and limits
- Critical Links and Unlinks
- Critical Mandelbrot Cascades
- Critical phenomena in 2D disordered systems (1)
- Critical phenomena in 2D disordered systems (2)
- Critical phenomena in 2D disordered systems (3)
- Critical Points Of Discrete Periodic Operators
- Critical points of low index for the systole function
- Critical properties of active phase-separation and entropy production.
- Critical properties of the long-range random models
- Critical Realism and Constructive Critique in Economics: Contrast Explanation and New Economic Thinking
- Critical Temperature of Periodic Ising Models
- Critical temperature of the square lattice Potts model
- Critical temperature of the square lattice Potts model
- Criticality in Cellular Cortex Assembly
- Criticality in random transposition random walk
- Criticality theory for ropelength and related problems
- Critique of Punitive Reason
- Crohn’s disease: triggered by selective failure in the endogenous nanomineral pathway of the gastrointestinal tract?
- Crop diversity, food plants and households in aceramic Neolithic central Anatolia
- Crop improvement and evaluation of water use efficiency by wheat: an integrated approach using stable isotopes
- Crop pioneers across Eurasia: insights from phylogeographic analysis using SSRs
- Crop Science and Food security: the productivity, waste and distribution 'trilemma'
- Crop Science Seminar: Combining multi-scale phenotyping, AI-powered analysis with genetic mapping studies to connect lab-based plant research with in-field crop improvement
- Crop Science Seminar: Dissection of Wheat-Septoria Interactions
- Crop Science Seminar: Ensembl Plants - An Overview
- Crop Science Seminar: Ensembl Plants - An Overview
- Crop Science Seminar: Improving the mycorrhizal symbiosis in spring barley – lab and field studies
- Crop Science Seminar: NSP2 and the Regulation of the Symbiotically Permissive State
- Crop Science Seminar: Pre-breeding, food security and net zero: so much to do, so little time and money
- Crop Science Seminar: Revealing the “box” code: the spatial and temporal regulation of plant-parasitic nematode pathogenicity
- Crop Science Seminar: Root System Architecture Traits Supporting High Yielding Winter Wheat
- Cross Coupling 2.0
- Cross domain similarities and intra-person changes
- Cross products in 4D and above
- Cross Programme Talk: Explainable Augmented Intelligence (AI) for Crack Characterization
- Cross Scale Modeling of Melt Migration
- Cross-Border Cooperation (CBC) Directions and Principles: Fostering sustainable development for EU Territories. Projects and Strategies
- Cross-Border Real Estate Investment
- Cross-channel information interaction
- Cross-contamination rate estimation for digital PCR in lab-on-a-chip microfluidic devices
- Cross-corpora experiments of automatic proficiency assessment and error detection for spoken English
- Cross-Country Analysis of Electricity Market Reforms: Potential Contribution of New Institutional Economics and The Political Economy of Electricity Market Liberalization
- Cross-diffusion systems for image denoising
- Cross-IfM Research Opportunity Discussions on the Future of Manufacturing - Results so far
- Cross-intersecting families
- Cross-Kerr non-linearities for quantum non-demolition measurement
- Cross-Kingdom RNAi and extracellular vesicle-mediated small RNA trafficking between plants and fungal pathogens
- Cross-Laminated Timber Deep Beams
- Cross-language implementation of pitch range and its consequences for L2 speech learning: the case of English and German
- Cross-language speech perception: how listening to foreign speech changes over life
- Cross-lingual transfer learning with multilingual masked language models
- Cross-lingual transfer of a semantic parser via parallel data
- Cross-Lingual Word Embeddings in 60 Minutes
- Cross-linguistic subjectivity: the subject position reconsidered.
- Cross-modality imaging of the neural systems that support executive functions
- Cross-modality Inference in Ubiquitous Human Identification
- Cross-sectional and longitudinal studies of age-related changes in memory across the adult life span
- Cross-sectional versus longitudinal design: does it matter?
- Cross-sensory integration and calibration during development
- Cross-Species Genetic Mapping of Targets in Mitochondria, Metabolism and Aging
- Cross-species investigation of the inflammasome
- Cross-talk between cell mechanics, cell shape and cell fate
- Cross-talk between cultural and genetic evolution in humans
- Cross-talk in Cosmic Maps & the PAU Survey
- Crossed-products by locally compact groups and intermediate subfactors.
- Crossing Australia Using Solar Power
- Crossing Borders: W. H. Hudson and the Pioneers of Conservation
- Crossing Kingdoms: an international synthetic biology symposium
- Crossing over OMICS in mitochondrial diseases affecting the optic nerve
- Crossing Probabilities of Multiple Ising Interfaces
- Crossing the Architectural Barrier: Evaluating Representative Regions of Parallel HPC Applications
- Crossing the Atlantic (Again): The transformation of the tragic mulatta from kitsch to literature in nineteenth-century German writing
- Crossing the Bay of Bengal: the rise & decline of a South Asian region
- Crossing the digital divide, making emotional connections with digital characters
- Crossing the divide: Interactions between the processing of regular and irregular past tense words
- Crossing the divide: Promoting confidence in contact in a diverse world
- Crossing the Sahara: The Role of Climate in the early Human Occupation of North Africa
- CrossLinking and ImmunoPrecipitation
- Crossmodal correspondences: Looking for links between sound symbolism & synaesthesia, & their application to multisensory marketing
- Crossmodal perceptual enhancement of degraded speech: a pathway to long-term learning?
- Crossover frequency mapping across resistance gene clusters in Arabidopsis thaliana and Triticum aestivum
- Crossrail - Innovation in monitoring of underground infrastructure
- Crossrail - Moving London Forward
- Crossrail 2
- Crostini - Architecture for running Linux VMs seamlessly and securely on Chrome OS
- Crowd IQ: Weighting Votes in Crowdsourcing and Multi-Agent Systems using Item Response Theory
- Crowdfunding an early modern startup: mapping investment in the East India Company
- Crowding and the disruptive effect of clutter throughout the visual system
- Crowding out in a two sector model of science
- Crowdsourcing a COVID cure
- Crowdsourcing and All-Pay Auctions
- Crowdsourcing big data in English dialectology
- Crowdsourcing Contests
- Crowdsourcing Corporate Transparency
- Crowdsourcing data modelling
- Crowdsourcing Network Monitoring
- Crowdsourcing Security Research: A case study of AdObserver
- Crowdsourcing: what, who, and why (should I care)?
- Crown and Nobility in Late Medieval England
- CRP Panel - From Followers to Leaders: The Challenges of Innovation in East Asia Edit Event
- CRP Talk: Brazilian Foreign Policy in the 21st Century by Ambassador Celso Amorim
- CrPV-IRES: the dynamic tale of a molecular pirate
- CRUK computational biology day
- CRUK PhD Training Programme in Medicinal Chemistry, Third Annual Student Symposium
- CRUKCC Neuro-oncology Conference 2021: Day 1
- CRUKCC Neuro-oncology Conference 2021: Day 2
- Crunching the Numbers: Introducing Analytics in Your Organisation
- Crustal deformation and Earthquakes
- Crustal Melting in the Himalaya, Collision tectonics and the Origin of Granite
- Crustal structure of the northeastern Arabian plate from active and passive seismic
- Cryo Electron Microscopy: From Molecules to Systems
- Cryo-EM forum talk: Electron cryo-microscopy of protein transport and assembly machines
- Cryo-EM Forum: The structure of human thyroglobulin
- Cryo-EM shows mechanism of 3' splice site selection
- Cryo-EM snapshots of the spliceosome at work
- Cryo-EM structure of alpha-synuclein fibrils
- Cryo-EM structure of an insecticidal toxin–ion channel complex reveals the complex molecular basis of allosteric modulation of channel gating
- Cryo-EM structures of patient-derived alpha-synuclein fibrils - CANCELLED
- Cryo-EM structures of tau filaments from Alzheimer's disease
- Cryo-EM structures of the mitochondrial calcium uniporters
- Cryo-EM structures of two Chaperone-Usher Pili Reveal the Molecular Basis of Rod Uncoiling
- Cryo-STEM: A new tool for SEM and Dualbeam instruments
- CryoEM structure of the spliceosomal U4/U6.U5 tri-snRNP at 3.7 Angstrom resolution.
- Cryogenic on-chip multiplexer for the statistical study of quantum transport in low dimensional devices
- Cryogenic turbulence
- Cryogenic Turbulence
- Cryolite Ghosts - histories of absence from Ivittuut
- Cryolite Ghosts - histories of absence from Ivittuut
- Cryomicroscopy of calicivirus entry
- Cryomicroscopy of viruses, from atomic-resolution structure to in situ 3D imaging
- crypt@b-it, ECRYPT Summer School, CHES 2012
- Cryptanalysis with SAT - a propositional programming environment
- Cryptic susceptibility of major MRSA lineages to potentiated penicillins
- Cryptic variation and evolvability in a simple molecular system
- Cryptoeconomics
- Cryptoforma: Computer-Aided Cryptographic proofs with EasyCrypt
- Cryptographic Censorship
- Cryptographic theory for practice's sake
- Cryptographically verified implementation of TLS 1.2
- Cryptography and Algorithmic Randomness
- Cryptography with Work-based Corruptions and the Combinatorics of Anonymity
- Cryptography, quantum computers and analytic number theory
- Cryptosporidium, new insights and old challenges
- Cryptotephrochronology in the North Atlantic Region: Linking North Atlantic Marine Sediments to the Greenland ice-cores
- Crystal and Magnetic Structures of a Family of Quantum Kagome Antiferromagnets
- Crystal and Magnetic Structures of a Family of Quantum Kagome Antiferromagnets
- Crystal bases, probability measures on path spaces, variations on the theme of path integrals for quantum mechanics.
- Crystal growth, structure and magnetic frustration in rare earth pyrochlore oxides
- Crystal Growth, X-Ray and Neutron Scattering - Fun with Complex Oxides
- Crystal limit and Baxter's Q-operator: a combinatorial construction of WZNW fusion rings
- Crystal structure for representations of Cherednik algebras
- Crystal Structure of the Usher:Chaperone:Adhesin Subunit Complex - Insights into Pilus Assembly
- Crystal structure prediction for low cost battery anodes
- Crystal Structure Search with Random Relaxations Using Graph Networks
- Crystal structures of bacterial and yeast ribosomes
- Crystal structures of bacteriophage fibre proteins
- Crystal Symmetries and Group Theory
- Crystalline Covalent Organic Frameworks Designed for Optoelectronic Applications
- Crystalline gravity
- Crystalline gravity
- Crystalline growth of ice – Restructuring of the first wetting layer during multilayer formation
- Crystalline represenations and F-crystals
- Crystallisation in active suspensions
- Crystallisation in the Energy Landscape
- Crystallisation temperatures as a proxy for mantle temperature; and the 2021 eruption in Reykjanes
- Crystallography & Compchem Hack Weekend 20/21 June
- Crystallography of NLO materials: battle of the charge-density models
- Crystallography on curved surfaces
- Crystals and optics: Huygens and Wollaston
- CS and Supply Chain Policies
- CSaP Annual Conference 2015: How can government make better use of expertise and evidence from the humanities?
- CSaP Professional Development Policy Seminar
- CSAR Book Evening
- CSAR Forum - Bridging the Gap
- CSAR Green Energy Debate
- CSAR lecture - Where do we do go next with antimicrobial resistance?
- CSAR lecture: The transformative power of empathy for education: reflection and realisation for teaching and learning
- CSAR lecture: A multi-cancer early detection test - TBC
- CSAR lecture: AI in Manufacturing
- CSAR lecture: Are we alone?
- CSAR lecture: Celebrating the contribution of viral sequencing to the COVID-19 pandemic response.
- CSAR lecture: Creating brain organoids to uncover what makes us human.
- CSAR lecture: Development of a combined digital and biomarker test for Bipolar Disorder.
- CSAR lecture: Electric Jet Engines and Cricket Ball Swing
- CSAR lecture: FlexEnable: Taking Organic Electronics from Lab to Fab
- CSAR lecture: Geological disposal of our radioactive waste legacy.
- CSAR lecture: Is recycling just a load of rubbish?
- CSAR lecture: Next Gen asset tracking using battery-free Internet of Things and Artificial Intelligence
- CSAR lecture: Physics IS Enhancing Machine Learning
- CSAR lecture: Picking raspberries with robots.
- CSAR lecture: Protein self-assembly - From fundamentals to applications in materials and drug discovery
- CSAR lecture: Psychological Inoculation Against Misinformation
- CSAR lecture: Segmenting the biological causes of hearing loss
- CSAR lecture: The Road to Zero Carbon Cement
- CSAR lecture: Unlocking cellular reprogramming to reverse ageing and age-driven diseases.
- CSAR lecture: What to do about plastics?
- CSAR online webinar. Dieselgate: The Inside Story
- CSAR online webinar. From Medicine to Hamburgers. Cell and tissue culture applied to sustainable production of food meat.
- CSAR online webinar. Science-led Policy: From Global Pandemics to Climate Change
- CSAR online webinar. Sportable: the story behind the world's first smart rugby ball
- CSAR webinar: Asteroids, comets and impacts: should we worry?
- CSAR webinar: Driving Insurance Innovation: Data Science and Research at Aviva
- CSAR webinar: Graphene and GaN - From Basic Science to Manufacturing Devices
- CSAR webinar: Ice templating for Regenerative Medicine - using ice to define cell-guiding frameworks for healing
- CSAR webinar: Innovation - the engine of economic growth
- CSAR webinar: Nanomanufacturing, batteries and the energy transition.
- CSAR webinar: Sounding out wearable and audio data for health diagnostics.
- CSAR webinar: Space Weather - exploring the science, impacts and challenges posed by space weather.
- CSBC Journal Club
- CSBC Journal Club
- CSBC Journal Club
- CscK-metrics and projective embeddings
- CSER and the Leverhulme CFI: how, what and where next
- CSER Public Lecture Series - Prof Paul Ehrlich
- CSER Public Lecture: Grethe Helene Evjen
- CSER Public Lecture: Jason Matheny
- CSER Public Lecture: Matthew Adler: Measuring Social Welfare
- CSER Public Lecture: Rachel Bronson
- CSER Public Lecture: Zia Mian
- CSER seminar with Nils Gilman
- CSI of the Sea: the science behind cetacean strandings
- CSI Special One-Day Meeting
- CSI Special One-Day Meeting
- CSI: Crime Scene Insects
- CSIC Annual Lecture 2015 London's transport: infrastructure, value and the case for innovation
- CSIC Annual Lecture: Prof Bill Spencer - Assessing Complex Structures
- CSIC Seminar Series - Lent
- CSSA-Cambridge Intellectual Seminar--President of Huazhong University of Science and Technology(HUST)
- CST Part Ib, Group Project Presentations
- CT assessment of block recession trochleoplasty and partial patellectomy in cats
- CT evaluation of the middle ear in brachycephalic dogs vs non -brachycephalic dogs.
- CTEQ-TEA: Precise analysis of hadron structure in the LHC era
- CTL regognition of maedi visna virus antigens
- CTLA-4 ligation induced T cell polarization in vitro and in vivo
- CTLA-4 regulation of T-cell immunity
- CTLA-4-mediated control of follicular helper T cells and autoimmunity
- CTPN: Cambridge Technology Platforms Network - Working Together Across Disciplines
- CTPN: Cambridge Technology Platforms Network - Working Together Across Disciplines
- CTSRD: Capability CPUs revisited
- CU Energy Network WELCOME SQUASH 2012-2013!
- CU ISoc and Blake Society - Poetry Evening
- CU Labour Club: Annual Summer Garden Party
- CU Nano Soc presents: Bionanotechnology
- CU Nano Soc: Share your nano!
- CU NanoSoc talk: topic: energy harvesting, and LED
- CU NanoSoc: The fascination of carbon nanotubes
- CuAI Social!
- CuAI x MLinPL: DeepMind
- CuAI x MLinPL: DeepMind
- Cubature on Wiener space; high order methods for solving the PDEs of Finance
- Cube and Conquer: Guiding CDCL SAT Solvers by Lookaheads
- Cubes, comonads, and calculus
- Cubic fourfolds, K3 surfaces, and mirror symmetry
- Cubic surfaces with special periods
- Cubical Accessibility and bounds on curves on surfaces.
- Cubical and simplicial 2 - the coherent nerve of a cubical category (joint work with K Kapulkin)
- Cubical Type Theory
- Cubical-like geometry of graph products
- Cubulating groups
- Cubulating groups acting on polygonal complexes
- Cubulating groups acting on polygonal complexes
- CUCA Presents: Christopher Viscount Monckton
- CUCHI 2007: Twelve 3rd year Natscis learn about conservation science in the Chilean Lake District
- Cuckoo-host arms races
- Cuckoos and cheating
- CUCU Open Meeting: what next for (our) pensions?
- CUCU Trade Union & Labour History Series: Domestic servants unions in early 20th century Britain
- CUCU Trade Union & Labour History Series: Graduate Student Organising and the Future of Unions
- Cucumber mosaic virus and its RNA silencing suppressor alter plant odour as perceived by pollinators
- Cucumber mosaic virus influences plant defences against insects and fitness of its transmission vector
- Cucumber mosaic virus promotes its transmission by manipulating plant-insect interactions
- Cucurbituril meets polymer: Be my guest!
- CUE Grand Finale and 10th Anniversary
- CUE Grand Launch 2008 & Opening of £100 Challenge
- CUE Grand Launch 2012
- CUE: £100 Challenge Announcement of Winners & Opening of £1k Challenge
- CUE: £100 Challenge Submission Deadline - 11:59pm
- CUE: £1k Award ceremony & Opening of £5k Challenge
- CUE: £1k Business Training Event with Speed Networking
- CUE: £1k Challenge Submission Deadline - 1pm
- CUE: £5k Business Training Event & Speed Networking
- CUE: £5k Challenge - Submission Deadline 1 - 1pm
- CUE: £5k Challenge - Submission Deadline 2 - 1pm
- CUE: £5k Finalists' Cocktail Party
- CUE: Cashflows and Finances for Business Plans
- CUE: Consumer Centred Electronics - How to get the Consumer to Accept Technology as a Friend
- CUE: Environmental and Social Goals in Entrepreneurship
- CUE: Pitching Masterclass & Speed Networking
- CUE: Pitching Masterclass & Speed Networking
- CUE: Protecting Your Ideas / IP Surgeries and Networking
- CUE: Workshop on Corporate Social Responsability in New Ventures
- CUED Bioengineering Conference
- CUED Bioengineering Conference
- CUED Bioengineering Conference
- CUED Bioengineering Conference 2023
- CUED graduate seminar - Biomimetic materials for nucleus pulposus tissue engineering/Solid bonding of aluminium scrap
- Cued or cueless? Mechanisms that shape mesoderm and enable cell ingression
- CUEN Documentary Screening: 'Fracking: The New Energy Rush'
- CUEN evening seminar: "Lossless Energy Transport: The Magic of Superconductors"
- CUEN Seminar: People and Sustainability
- CUEN squash event
- CUER: Solar Racing
- CUES Careers and Placements Fair 2013
- CUES: Infusion and Microsoft: "LUNCH-AND-TOUCH"!
- CUH COVID-19 Clinical Update
- CUH COVID-19 Clinical Update
- CUH COVID-19 Clinical Update
- CUH COVID-19 Clinical Update - "Who stopped coming to the Emergency Department?"
- CUHCS Hinduism and Modernity
- CUiD Freshers' Squash & Screening of Malala's Peace Nobel Price Speech
- CULC Annual Garden Party
- CULC Beer and Sandwiches
- CULC Discussion Group with Daniel Zeichner (local Labour candidate)
- CULC Formal Hall
- CULC Termly General Meeting
- CULC Trip to Oxford
- CULC Trip: Blair on Broadway
- Culinary chemistry: Exploring the science of baking with Josh Smalley
- Culinary fluid mechanics
- Culpable Identities: Homicide Jurisdiction and the Politics of Culture in Late-Colonial Northern Nigeria
- Cultivating Generosity in the Path of Awakening
- Cultivating Inner Strength: Practical Tips for Spiritual Living (in-person)
- Cultivating Intergenerational Ideals; The Exchange of Photographs between Migrant Parents in Britain and their Children in The Gambia
- Cultivating Self-Awareness: Understanding and Nurturing Your Inner Self (in-person)
- Cultivating Speech in Non-Verbal Children with Autism
- Cultural Agoraphobia and The Future of The Library
- Cultural Agoraphobia and the Future of the Library: the first Arcadia Lecture
- Cultural and Creative Industries in Taiwan: The Development of the Film Industry and Traditional Art Performance
- Cultural and Institutional Dimensions of Transformation: Tensions and complementarities
- Cultural Code of Single Motherhood in Russia and Britain: Design of the Project and Preliminary Results
- Cultural Convergence in the time of COVID
- Cultural Diversity and International Order Seminar Professor Christian Reus-Smit (Chair of International Relations, University of Queensland)
- Cultural evolution of kinship diversity: the micro and macro of talking about family
- Cultural Evolution: Interpreting the Art of the Old Stone Age and the Origins of Human Nature, 1870-1940.
- Cultural groups, essentialism, and ontic risk
- Cultural Heritage and Conflict: A complicated relationship
- Cultural History of Transparency
- Cultural Innovation and Abrupt Climatic Change in the Palaeolithic of NW Africa
- Cultural institutions and Iñupiat identity in Utqiaġvik
- Cultural institutions and Iñupiat identity in Utqiaġvik
- Cultural Performance in the Beijing Olympics: An Anthropological Approach
- Cultural politics of electioneering
- Cultural property crimes in post-conflict tribunals
- Cultural psychology of religion
- Cultural roots of Chinese Innovation: the case of China's most successful "illegal" Electric Vehicle Manufacturer
- Cultural transitions during the Iberomaurusian in Morocco
- Cultural transmission of tool selection in wild chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes verus)
- Culturalizing motivation research: Insights from Cross-cultural Psychology
- Culturally Sensitive Research: Uncovering the Unique Finnish Mathematics Teaching Script
- Culture and Climate Change: experiments in collaboration and engagement
- Culture and Community: the Flow of Information in Meerkat Societies
- Culture and Conflict, 1914-2014: Reflections in the World War I centenary year
- Culture and disasters
- Culture and Evolvability: A Brief Archaeological Perspective
- Culture and the EEA: Origins of human social structure, cognition and language
- Culture wars, voting and polarization: divisions and unities in modern American politics
- Culture Wars: Heritage and Armed Conflict in the 21st century
- Culture, language and cognition: a methodological and theoretical exploration with reference to spatial concepts
- Culture, Politics, identity: how we know who we think we are
- Culture-based literacy: improving access to Lakota texts at Standing Rock
- Cultures of capitalisms in Argentina and Chile
- Cultures of curiosity in Polish/Royal Prussia, 1650–1760
- Cultures of dispossession: critical reflections on status, rights and identities
- Cultures of Interruptions: Punk Post-Soviet Orientalism and Rebellion in Art
- Culturing Change: A Journey to Māori Equity in Biomedical Research
- Cumulative damage to masonry structures due to repeated earthquakes and effectiveness of strengthening provisions
- Cumulative underdevelopment in Brazil: viewing growth through the demand side keyhole
- CUNanoSoc Presents: Nanophotonics
- Cunning, killer orchids
- Cupid & Psyche
- Cupping with random sets
- Cuprates as Holographic Superconductors and relation of their Planckian Dissipation to Dipolar Clusters Destruction
- CUQIpy - Computational Uncertainty Quantification for Inverse problems in Python
- Curating Environmental Change at the Science Museum
- Curating Feeling: Victorian Sentimental Art
- Curating science in an age of empire: the Kew Museums of Economic Botany
- Curating the Arctic: Northern Museums and Decolonization
- Curator's Tour of The Roundhouse of International Spirits
- Curator's Tour of The Roundhouse of International Spirits
- Curator’s guide to the Beggarstaffs exhibition
- Curator’s introduction to Designers & Jewellery 1850 – 1940: Jewellery & Metalwork from The Fitzwilliam Museum
- Curators’ introduction to Codebreakers and Groundbreakers
- Curators’ introduction to Feast & Fast
- CURC Talk: Govia Thameslink Railway
- CURC Talk: Ian Dinmore -- the Rail Archive
- CURC Talk: Keith Williams
- CURC Talk: Nuclear Transport Solutions / Direct Rail Services
- CURC Talk: Realtime Trains
- CURC Talk: Richard McClean - MD of Grand Central
- CURC Talk: Rob Brighouse - Chairman of East West Rail
- CURC Talk: Young Rail Professionals
- Curing cancer with AI – hype or hope?
- Curing discontent in online content acquisition
- Curing diseases and exchanging knowledge: sixteenth-century physicians and their female patients
- Curing Parkinson's Disease: From Camels to Worms
- Curiosity on Mars – exploring through the eyes of a rover
- Curious – Looking at Microscopy through Craft and Technology
- Curious Electrostatics in Concentrated Electrolytes
- Curiouser and Curiouser: A Quest for Truth
- Curl forces and beyond
- Currencies of Conflict: siege and emergency money from antiquity to Second World War
- Current Advances on Solving SAR Imaging Inverse Problems
- Current constraints on escape fractions
- Current Developments in Religious Slaughter Practices, Legislation and Animal Welfare Issues
- Current fluctuations in an active system
- Current fluctuations in reset and run-and-tumble processes
- Current Issues in Energy Policy
- Current issues in prion diseases
- Current issues with National Curriculum assessment: lessons from school music education
- Current MPhil dissertation research
- Current Practice in Combinatorial Auctions for Radio Spectrum