University of Cambridge > > Magdalene College - Investec Lecture in Business > Corporate Social Leadership in a World Recovering from Financial Meltdown. A distinguished lecture by Graham Mackay, Chief Executive, SABMiller

Corporate Social Leadership in a World Recovering from Financial Meltdown. A distinguished lecture by Graham Mackay, Chief Executive, SABMiller

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Please RSVP before 15 Oct. 2009 by e-mailing:

The global financial crisis has provoked a debate about the Anglo-Saxon model of liberal capitalism and the role of business in society. Business is society: business will ultimately lead and sustain the world’s economic recovery, and also performs important social functions. This idea has always been integral to SAB Miller with its heritage in Africa. With trust in politics at a low ebb and a UK General Election around the corner, all shades of political opinion are promoting de-centralised models for addressing social issues, in which business plays a prominent role. The debate about corporate social responsibility has moved onto a discussion about corporate social leadership. Add your voice to it on 21st October.

This talk is part of the Magdalene College - Investec Lecture in Business series.

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