University of Cambridge > > Kavli Institute for Cosmology Seminars > Cosmology from the outer Solar System

Cosmology from the outer Solar System

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Steven Brereton.

KICC Special Seminar

What will cosmologists do in a few decades time? I will give one proposal that involves spacecraft in the outer Solar System. I’ll argue that they could do amazing science related to the expansion of the universe (arXiv:2210.07159, awarded the 1st place Buchalter Cosmology prize), the sub-solar mass clumpiness of dark matter (arXiv:2401.08862), and probing the spectrum of gravitational waves in the unprobed 10-7-10-4 Hz band between LISA and pulsar timing arrays. I will especially concentrate on the last of the three. While you might think this talk sounds too out there, literally, I promise it will also include a lot of interesting physics!

This talk is part of the Kavli Institute for Cosmology Seminars series.

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