University of Cambridge > > Cambridge Disaster Research Network > Citizen science and disasters

Citizen science and disasters

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  • UserAnna Hicks (British Geological Survey), Laure Fallou (CSEM-EMSC LastQuake), Sophie Mower (Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team)
  • ClockTuesday 23 November 2021, 15:00-16:00
  • HouseZoom.

If you have a question about this talk, please contact Rory Walshe.

Zoom link:

Disaster citizen science initiatives have evolved out of the long-held belief that accounting for the knowledge of those experiencing disasters is essential to effectively develop and design responses to disaster risk. Such efforts have proved successful in addressing disasters and reducing risks, particularly providing new knowledge of the past behaviour of certain hazards, early warnings and the management of impacts. This seminar investigates the advances that have been made and how citizen science can or should be harnessed in the management and research of disasters. It will also include a discussion of the various power dynamics of citizen science inherent with any collaboration with ‘professional scientists’, questions of the ownership of knowledge, innovative tools, and how citizen science might account for disaster knowledge that isn’t ‘science’ at all?

This talk is part of the Cambridge Disaster Research Network series.

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