University of Cambridge > > Friday Morning Seminars, Dept of Veterinary Medicine > Clinical Research Talks

Clinical Research Talks

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  • UserDylan O’Toole, Sam Khan, Barabara Skelly
  • ClockFriday 20 September 2024, 08:45-10:00
  • HouseLT2.

If you have a question about this talk, please contact Fiona Roby.

Dylan O’Toole: Characterising circulating extracellular vesicles and cytokines in feline HCM and their association with disease stage.

Sam Khan: Autoantibodies in Idiopathic Generalised Tremor Syndrome

Barabara Skelly: Primary hyperparathyroidism in the keeshond; a story over 20 years

Chaired by Paul Freeman

This talk is part of the Friday Morning Seminars, Dept of Veterinary Medicine series.

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