University of Cambridge > > ts930's list > Centre for Trophoblast Research - Annual Meeting 2024

Centre for Trophoblast Research - Annual Meeting 2024

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Emerging models of human and non-human primate placental development.

The two day conference (1-2 July) will be an opportunity to discuss progress and challenges in trophoblast stem cell and placental organoid research.

Registration closes 10 June


Hiroaki Okae (IMEG, Kumamoto University)

Margherita Turco (Friedrich Miescher Institute)

Thorold Theunissen (Washington University School of Medicine in St Louis)

Yasuhiro Takashima (CIRA, Kyoto University)

Yonatan Stelzer (Weizmann Institute)

Laurent David (University of Nantes)

Mana Parast (University of California San Diego)

Hongmei Wang (Chinese Academy of Sciences)

Martin Knoefler (Medical University of Vienna)

Irene Zorzan (University of Cambridge)

Claudia Gerri (Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics (MPI-CBG))

Thorsten Boroviak (University of Cambridge)


Monday July 1

2:30 – 4:30 Scientific Session 1

4:30-5:00 Break

5:00-6:30 Scientific Session 2

6:30-7:30 Drinks and poster session

7:30 Conference Dinner

Tuesday, July 2

9:30-10:30 Scientific Session 3

10:30-11:10 Break

11:10-12:30 Scientific Session 4

12:30-1:30 Lunch

1:30-2:20 Scientific Session 5

2:20-3:30 Panel discussion and closing remarks

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