Talks starting with L
- L'histoire post-coloniale française
- L'invention de la définition en langue dans la "La Logique" de Port-Royal (1662) et le "Dictionnaire de l'Académie" (1694)
- l-adic local systems over a curve
- L-functions and applications
- L-functions and arithmetic
- L-functions as distributions
- L-groups
- L-selectin/CD62L: not just a lymph node homing receptor on T-cells
- L-space surgeries on iterated satellites by torus links
- L-spaces versus non-left-orderability for graph manifolds
- L. Bragg lecture: "Single-Molecule Approach for Biochemistry, Molecular Biology ... and Beyond"
- L1 Adaptive Control and Its Transition to Practice
- L1 and L2 Comprehension of Enriched Composition: Evidence from offline and online processing.
- L1TF/Foreshadow Attack
- L2 Acquisition of Applicative Constructions in Mandarin Chinese
- L2-torsion of free-by-cyclic groups
- La correspondance familière et l'emploi des temps du passé à l'indicatif: vers la disparition du passé simple. Comment, pourquoi? Méthode d'enquête et questions en suspens.
- La Grande Guerre: A WWI Centenary exhibition of French prints
- La Paz to Santiago
- La Place de la Bastille and the place of cultural topography
- Lab geophysics: using experiments to constrain the seismic velocities of mantle minerals
- Lab Meeting
- Lab meeting
- Lab meeting
- Lab meeting
- Label placement in forms (and other time-consuming controversies)
- Label-free detection mechanism for carbon nanoparticles using non-linear optical excitation
- Labeled complexes and homological stability
- Labels and definitions: reflections on urban dynamics in sub-Saharan Africa
- Laboratories, Ethics and Caravanning: An Analysis of Young People's Perceptions of the Use of Animals for Experimentation
- Laboratory animal welfare and the 3Rs
- Laboratory demonstration of high-contrast in broadband light at small angular separations using the EXCEDE starlight suppression system
- Laboratory searches for new forces
- Laboratory Studies of Criegee Intermediate Reactions
- Laboratory studies of halogen oxide radical reactions and sensor development for reactive gases
- Laboratory study of nitrate photolysis in Antarctic snow: quantum yield, domain of photolysis, isotope effects and wavelength dependence
- Labour and the Left in the 1980s: A reassessment
- Labour and the life cycle in early modern England: the age of apprenticeship, c. 1600-c.1800
- Labour History Lunch: Worker Resistance to Scientific Management in Sweden 1930-1950
- Labour in Opposition
- Labour pains: historical reflections from 1760 to the present
- Labour Rights and the Treaty on Transnational Corporations and Human Rights: perspectives on the future of human rights protection in the developing world
- Labouring in early modern London
- Lacan's conceptualization of the relation between psychoanalysis, science and philosophy
- Lacan's Dialectic of Enlightenment: from Kantian autonomy to the Freudian partial object
- Lack of Gaussian Tail for integrals along fractional Brownian motions
- Lack of synchronization: a key for collective systems robustness?
- Lacking Integrity: HPSG as a Morphosyntactic Theory
- Lackner and Gunn: The effect of Environment on Discs and Bulges (2012arXiv1210.4556)
- Lactate in cancer: from waste glycolytic end-product to tumor growth-promoting factor
- Ladies at sea: seasickness and the female body
- Lady Margaret: Foundress of the Tudor dynasty
- Lady Margaret: Sponsor of the printed word
- Lady Margaret: Where did the money come from?
- Lagrange and Hamilton for damped systems with an unexpected link to quantum mechanics
- Lagrangian acceleration in confined 2d turbulent flow
- Lagrangian branes and symplectic methods in generalised complex geometry
- Lagrangian chaos and the evolution of advected fields
- Lagrangian Clean Surgery and Projective Dehn Twists
- Lagrangian cobordisms and Fukaya categories
- Lagrangian cobordisms of Legendrian knots and applications
- Lagrangian Coherent Structures in Urban Flows
- Lagrangian cycles and knots at large N
- Lagrangian evolution of non-Gaussianity and material deformation in restricted Euler dynamics
- Lagrangian Forcing Protocols for Turbulence and Turbulent Convection
- Lagrangian formulation of gyrokinetic theory with a single expansion parameter
- Lagrangian measurements of inertial particle accelerations in shear, and in grid generated turbulence
- Lagrangian multiform theory and variational principle for integrable systems
- Lagrangian multiforms: a variational criterion for integrability
- Lagrangian pathways for sub-Antarctic Mode Water (SAMW) formation and carbon uptake
- Lagrangian relaxation for inference in natural language processing
- Lagrangian solutions for semigeostrophic system in physical space
- Lagrangian topology, quantum structures and cobordisms
- Lagrangian tori in four-dimensional Milnor fibres
- Lagrangian unknottedness in the cotangent bundle of a torus and applications
- Lagrangian velocity statistics in turbulence: theory, experiments and numerics
- Laing O'Rourke Centre Seminar: Creating Underground Infrastructure: the Role of Geotechnical Engineering
- Lake Malawi Cichlids – A Model System for Speciation Research
- Lake Victoria, the people and their fisheries
- Laksmi Savitri - gloknos 'Epistemologies of Land' Webcast
- Lambda Calculus and Cartesian Closed Categories
- Lambda Display Phage as a Mucosal Vaccine Delivery Vehicle for Peptide Antigens
- Lambda, the ultimate config format
- Lameness in Lowland English Sheep Flocks: Farmers’ Perspectives and Behaviour
- Land Access Inequality and Education in Pre-industrial Spain
- Land and credit in the asset allocations of the Jews in late 14th-century Zaragoza
- Land market and the long 12th century transformation in Foligno county
- Land matters: Towards a land use strategy in Scotland.
- Land of Eagles - Albania: from closed nation to wildlife paradise - where next?
- Land prices, commuting, and transport infrastructure
- Land surveying in the post-Roman West
- Land Under Wave: Reading the Landscapes of Tiffany Aching
- Land use / land cover change and malaria risk in the Amazon region
- Landau Damping for the screened Vlasov-Poisson system on R^3: a lagrangian proof
- Landau level spectroscopy reveals the chirality and Klein tunnelling of electrons in twisted graphene tunnel transistors
- Landau Levels and Holography
- Landau levels and incompressible states in dense holographic matter
- Landau Singularities and Cluster Structure in Scattering Amplitudes
- Landau Theory for ''Mendeleev's'' Tables of Polar Smectic Structures
- Landau weak crystallization theory of main phase transition in membranes
- Landau-Ginzburg models for Lagrangian Grassmannians
- Landau-Ginzburg/Calabi-Yau correspondence, analytic continuation and global mirror symmetry
- Landauer's Principle in Repeated Interaction Systems
- Landing on a Comet
- Landmarks, Lithics and Landscapes: Mesolithic Mobility in the Central Pennines
- Landmines in the lab: experimental techniques for investigating high velocity sand impacts
- Landrock's Lemma for Cellular Algebras and BGG Algebras
- Landrock's Lemma for Cellular Algebras, and Projective-Injective Modules
- Landscape and climate analysis: Egypt and beyond
- Landscape and Climate change through Ancient Egypt
- Landscape and Gaps in Open Source Fairness Toolkits
- Landscape change and its biological consequences in the Amazonian forest
- Landscape configuration, connectivity, conservation and climate change
- Landscape Decisions Combining Uncertain Data and Models
- Landscape Decisions Combining Uncertain Data and Models
- Landscape evolution on Mars: characterizing the ancient hydroclimate using paleolake morphologies
- Landscape history, archaeology and storytelling
- Landscape paintings and maps in Ireland and India in the 18th century
- Landscape Response to Active Normal Faulting: Rivers, Rates and Dates
- Landscape Retreat and 'Jumping': Late Prehistoric Fenland Environmental Adaption/Response
- Landscapes of freedom: Kinship-relations and Geographical Imagination of the Maroons of “la Sierra de la María” during the 17th-18th century, Colombia.
- Landslide pipe-soil interaction: new insights using fiber optic sensing and change detection photogrammetry
- Lane Nucleation in Moving Crowds
- Lanford's theorem and the emergence of irreversibility
- Langevin equations for landmark image registration with uncertainty
- Langevin MCMC: theory and methods
- Langevin Monte Carlo Beyond Lipschitz Gradient Continuity
- Langevin Monte Carlo for Degenerately Convex Potentials
- Langevin-Based Algorithms for Stochastic Optimization and its Application in Finance
- Langlands Correspondence for Loop Groups
- Langlands Correspondence for Loop Groups
- Langlands Correspondence for Loop Groups
- Langlands' automorphic transfer and non-linear Poisson Formulas
- Langtoft’s Chronicle: Multilingualism of the Other
- Language (In)Equality in Parsing and Machine Translation: Data Size is Only One Term in the Equation
- Language Adaptation experiments: Cross-lingual embeddings for related languages
- Language and action: Cross-talk between processing of action words and motor control
- Language and Artificial Intelligence
- Language and automation in mathematics
- Language and Identity in the Romeyka-speaking communities of Pontus
- Language and life history: A new perspective on the development and evolution of human language
- Language and Nationalism in Tanzania
- Language and the Child's Theory of Mind
- Language and the Flow of Information
- Language as a Window Into Human Nature
- Language as Heritage: indigenous language resurgence in the 21st century
- Language Attitudes and Identity: Two Different Perspectives
- Language based Pre-training for Drug Discovery
- Language based web security: the operational semantics approach
- Language based web security: the operational semantics approach
- Language based web security: the operational semantics approach
- Language change and language evolution in the lab
- Language change in bilingual returnee children: mutual effects of bilingual experience and cognition
- Language compression for sets in P/poly
- Language contact and shift: a comparison of the peninsular societies of Hong Kong and Gibraltar.
- Language Contact and the Genesis of Mishnaic Hebrew
- Language contact in syntax: The view from Romanian
- Language Development and School Achievement of EAL Students: EALead Project II
- Language development, social integration and achievement of recently-arrived EAL children in schools in the East of England
- Language diversification under contact
- Language dynamics - what we hear and how we hear it
- Language dynamics: a neurocognitive approach to incremental interpretation
- Language Endangerment: Methodologies and New Challenges
- Language Evolution in Spatial Domains, and Statistical Physics
- Language families and language contact: Latin, Sabellian and Greek
- Language Games in the Periphery of European Chemistry
- Language in 3D: semantic tensor space
- Language in autism spectrum disorders: From auditory discrimination and gesture to embodiment
- Language in deep time
- Language in the Physical Literacy of the Young Child
- Language Learning and the brain
- Language Modelling Discussion
- Language modelling for the sake of language modelling
- Language Modelling In Dasher: A Tutorial
- Language Modelling with Phonemes
- Language Modelling with PPM
- Language models as temporary training wheels to improve mental health
- Language policy as practice: Advancing the empirical turn in language policy research
- Language processing in a neurobiological context
- Language processing in a neurobiological context
- Language processing in the musician brain
- Language purism in language contact: A case study of New Zealand English and New Zealand Maori
- Language relationships, phonology, and Greek
- Language revitalisation: issues and outcomes
- Language situation and endangerment in Uganda: Facts and perspectives
- Language Situations in Syria-Palestine between 1500 and 500 B.C.: The Emergence of Northwest Semitic
- Language teacher wellbeing: Dispelling myths, complexifying constructs, and setting an agenda
- Language Teacher Wellbeing: Dispelling Myths, Complexifying Constructs, and Setting an Agenda (Cambridge Distinguished Lecture on Second Language Learning and Teaching 2020-2021)
- Language variation and change within the individual
- Language, Body and Mind Workshop
- Language, identity and attainment of EAL students in schools in the East of England
- Language, intelligence and the brain - a developmental perspective
- Language, Learning and Literacy in Africa
- Language, Policy and Identity in India
- Language-in-education policy: Towards a research agenda in Kazakhstan
- Language-Integrated Quantum Operations: A Software Architecture for Quantum Computing
- Languages adapt to minute differences in their speakers’ ecology
- Languages in contact and isolation: mature phenomena and societies of intimates.
- Languages of Constituent Power
- Languages, speakers and history: Romance and Greek in Southern Italy
- Lao Tzu vs Aristotle: time to loose the black or white glasses! by Dr Iman Karimi
- Lapis Lazuli
- Lapis lazuli and the Virgin's Robe
- Laplace equation in a convex polygon: a numerical implementation of the weak formulation of the Fokas method
- Laplace transform integration and the slow equations
- Laplace-Beltrami Eigen-Geometry and Applications to 3D Medical Imaging
- Laplacian flow for closed G_2-structures
- Laplacians, homology and hypergraph matching
- Large and Judicious Bisections of Graphs
- Large Animal Models For Retinal Gene Therapy
- Large antenna arrays for astronomic applications: effects of mutual coupling on signal and on noise
- Large Bets and Stock Market Crashes
- Large Cardinals & Determinacy
- Large clusters as rare events, their simulation and connection to critical percolation
- Large CO2 emissions from pre-industrial land use change – Does the carbon budget add up?
- Large cold noses and boomerang earthquakes: exploring new tectonic frontiers using seafloor seismometers in the Atlantic
- Large D Effective theory of Gravity
- Large data decay of Yang?Mills?Higgs fields for Lambda >= 0
- Large Data Limits for Graphical Models
- Large deformations in soft porous materials: Squishing, swelling, and yielding
- Large degrees yield short trees
- Large devations for the KPZ equation
- Large deviaitons, metastability, and stochastic resonance
- Large deviation of the top eigenvalue of a random matrix
- Large deviation principles for invariant measures of SPDEs with reflection
- Large deviation theory applied to climate physics, a new frontier of statistical physics and applied mathematics
- Large Deviation Theory for Stochastic Partial Differential Equations: Modeling and Computational Aspects
- Large deviations
- Large deviations and optimal control forces for hard particles in one dimension
- Large deviations and their applications in physics 1
- Large deviations and their applications in physics 2
- Large deviations and their applications in physics 3
- Large deviations for out of equilibrium correlations in the symmetric simple exclusion process
- Large deviations for the maximum of a branching random walk
- Large deviations for velocity jump processes
- Large deviations in non-equilibrium systems
- Large deviations of subgraph counts for sparse random graphs
- Large deviations of the density and of the current in non-equilibrium systems: Lecture 1
- Large deviations of the density and of the current in non-equilibrium systems: Lecture 2
- Large deviations of the density and of the current in non-equilibrium systems: Lecture 3
- Large deviations of time-averaged quantities : physical examples and numerical methods
- Large deviations, metastability, and stochastic resonance
- Large deviations, metastability, and stochastic resonance
- Large Electric Field Effects In Layered Materials
- Large gap asymptotics at the hard edge for Muttalib-Borodin ensembles
- Large gap asymptotics at the hard edge for Muttalib-Borodin ensembles
- Large Graph Limits of Learning Algorithms
- Large Graph Limits of Learning Algorithms
- Large herbivore ecology in Greenland - the short(est) path (ever) to bring research evidence into policy
- Large hypergraphs without tight cycles
- Large Intergenic Non-Coding RNAs: From Discovery to Mechanism
- Large language models and human cognition
- Large language models for enabling constructive online conversations
- Large Language Models or Large Models of the Human Mind?
- Large Margin Training of Hidden Markov Models
- Large mode-2 internal solitary waves in three-layer flows
- Large mode-2 internal solitary waves in three-layer flows
- Large N-heteroacenes, synthesis and properties
- Large non-Gaussianity from slow-roll inflation
- Large numbers of explanatory variables
- Large numbers of explanatory variables
- Large orbits in finite group actions
- Large Orders in Small Markets: On Optimal Execution with Endogenous Liquidity Supply
- Large poromechanical deformation of a frictional material
- Large sample results for tiny significance levels
- Large Scale and Unconstrained Online Handwritten Chinese Character/Text Recognition Based on Deep Learning and Path Signature
- Large scale approaches to understand malaria biology and pathogenesis
- Large scale conformal maps
- Large scale coupled sea ice-waves-ocean modelling: Implications for the Earth climate system and industrial/social impacts
- Large Scale Deployment of Solar Energy, Working with Policy and Investment
- Large scale dynamics of the atmosphere and control of turbulence
- Large scale features in turbulent pipe and channel flows
- Large scale genomic analyses of complex traits in human populations.
- Large scale geometry in large transformation groups
- Large scale institutional changes: land demarcation within the British Empire
- Large scale modeling seismic soil-pile-structure interaction
- Large scale network interactions in consciousness
- Large scale organization of chromatin
- Large Scale Structure Beyond the 2-Point Function
- Large scale structures of high Reynolds number turbulent boundary layers
- Large scale tectonic framework of SE Asia and the structure and deformation of the lithosphere beneath SE Tibet
- Large Scale Ubiquitous Data Sources for Crime Prediction
- Large solutions of small equations
- Large Spin Pertubation Theory
- Large strain elastic response of auxetic foams - Seminar by Dr. Jacopo Ciambella
- Large time behavior of collisionless plasma
- Large time behavior of infinite dimensional systems under the Smoluchowski-Kramers approximation
- Large transversals in Equi-n-squares
- Large transversals in Equi-n-squares
- Large wind farms: Output and maximising Value from trading with the power system
- Large-charge expansions and their asymptotics.
- Large-deviation statistics of the cosmic density field
- Large-eddy modeling for particle-laden flow: turbulence modulation and intensified heat transfer
- Large-Field and Open EFTs, Decoherence and Inflation
- Large-scale analyses of language variation and change in social media
- Large-scale asymptotics in some queueing models
- Large-scale brain networks in cognition and consciousness: focus on the default mode network
- Large-scale brain networks in cognition: A unifying triple network model
- Large-Scale Camera Pose Voting and the Geometric Burstiness Problem
- Large-Scale Camera Pose Voting and the Geometric Burstiness Problem
- Large-Scale Camera Pose Voting and the Geometric Burstiness Problem
- Large-Scale Carbon Materials that Sequester CO2: A Pipeline for Sustainable Materials or Pipedream?
- Large-scale convex optimization for machine learning
- Large-scale flow structures in turbulent Rayleigh-Bénard convection: Dynamical origin, formation, and role in material transport
- Large-scale flow structures in turbulent Rayleigh-Bénard convection: Dynamical origin, formation, and role in material transport
- Large-scale genetic structure and the demographic history of the domestic horse
- Large-scale high-density electrocorticography reveals distinct synchronization networks and their cognitive functions
- Large-Scale Migration into Britain During the Middle to Late Bronze Age
- Large-scale motions in supersonic turbulent boundary layers
- Large-scale multiple testing: finding needles in a haystack
- Large-scale multiple testing: finding needles in a haystack
- Large-scale multiple testing: finding needles in a haystack
- Large-scale multiple testing: finding needles in a haystack
- Large-Scale Peer-to-Peer Discovery Mechanism for Frequency Allocation
- Large-Scale Physical and Computational Simulation of Soil-Structure Systems
- Large-scale Retrieval with Ivory and MapReduce
- Large-scale sequential experimentation
- Large-scale simulation technique for shock and blast loaded structures
- Large-scale structure formation by turbulent kinetic helicity
- Large-scale tropical atmospheric dynamics: asymptotic nondivergence?
- Large-system analysis of multiuser detection with an unknown number of users.
- Largeness and deficiency
- Largeness, Rank Gradient and how these relate to Deficiency and p-Deficiency of finitely presented (and generated where appropriate) groups
- Larger and more instructable language models become less reliable
- LARMOR LECTURE - Design of Tissue Engineering Scaffolds - Still Learning our ABC?
- LARMOR LECTURE - The Antikythera Mechanism and the Mechanical Universe
- Larmor Lecture - Climate change and cascading risks
- Larmor Lecture - Covid, Chaos and Climate: How mathematical models help to explain the universe
- LARMOR LECTURE - Exoplanets, on the hunt of Universal life
- LARMOR LECTURE - Nanostructured steel: the challenge of manufacture
- LARMOR LECTURE - The Computational Universe
- LARMOR LECTURE - The internet and new forms of mathematical collaboration
- Larmor Lecture - The Milky Way Galaxy - from beginning to end
- LARMOR LECTURE - The statistical physics of stem cell biology: Dicing with fate
- LARMOR LECTURE - Why the Ancient Continents are special: a geological detective story
- LARMOR LECTURE From superconductors to giant planets: a computational window on materials
- LARMOR LECTURE Seeing Nano: optics on the smallest scales
- LARMOR LECTURE Surging cylinders, flapping wings and gust encounters: Force production in unsteady flows
- Laryngeal ultrasound
- Laryngeal ultrasound
- Laser assisted Cold Spray
- Laser based reactive flow sensing
- Laser fabrication of biomimetic materials for tissue engineering and bioelectronics
- Laser Manipulation in Liquid Crystals: an approach to microfluidics and micromachines
- Laser matter interactions across temporal and spatial length scales and the development of new manufacturing capabilities
- Laser Microdissection - A Day For Answers
- Laser Photonics
- Laser Printed Organic Electronics, Metal-Organic Framework - Polymer Nanofiber Composites for Gas Separation
- Laser spectroscopy of a single quantum dot
- Laser Surface Authentication: Using Nature's own fingerprint to detect fraud
- Laser Surface Authentication: Using Nature's Own Fingerprint to Detect Fraud
- Lasp: Dataflow programming for large-scale distributed applications
- Lasso type classifiers with a reject option
- Last bets for new physics at the LHC
- Last bets for new physics at the LHC
- Last chance to join i-Teams Taster – Applications deadline 14th May
- Last steps in a proof of the McKay Conjecture on character degrees
- Last term summary + discussion of topic importance
- Last-Passage Percolation with constraints, and applications to polymers in random environment
- LAT signalling pathology: a T-cell dependent, B cell autoimmune condition without T cell self-reactivity
- Late Holocene hunter-gatherer interaction through oxygen and strontium isotopes: cautionary tales, machine learning and mobility in Patagonia
- Late Middle Palaeolithic Neanderthal Occupations in Southern Britain
- Late Neolithic Herders and Climate Change : The effects of the ‘8.2 ka event’ on animal husbandry at the Late Neolithic site of Tell Sabi Abyad
- Late Opening & Conversation about Drawing
- Late Quaternary loess records from northern China and central Asia: implications for variations in monsoon and westerly circulation
- Late Quaternary tephrostratigraphies from East African lakes
- Late terms of a differential equation and singulants for multi-level asymptotics
- Late-Stage Fluorination for PET Imaging
- Late-type stars in the Andromeda galaxy
- Late-Victorian Economists and Empire: Jevons, Marshall and the Cultural Political Economy of Trade
- Latency and reinfection in Tuberculosis
- Latency in PCI
- Latency-aware routing in mix networks
- Latency-driven Performance in Data Centres
- Latency-optimal fault-tolerant replication
- Latent Action Space for Offline Reinforcement Learning
- Latent Branching Trees
- Latent Dirichlet Allocation and Dirichlet Diffusion Trees
- Latent Force Models with Gaussian Processes
- Latent HCMV infection - can changes in the latently infected cell be targeted to clear latent infection?
- Latent Hough Transform for Object Detection
- Latent Mixture Quantile Regression for Longitudinal Data
- Latent Mixture Quantile Regression for Longitudinal Data
- Latent space models for multiplex networks with shared structure
- Latent Space Stochastic Block Model for Social Networks
- Latent TAG Derivations for Semantic Role Labeling
- Latent Variable Model, Matrix Estimation and Collaborative Filtering
- Latent Variable Models for Bayesian Inference with Stable Distributions and Processes
- Latent Variable Models for Text Generation
- Latent Variable Models of Selectional Preference
- Latent variable models of transcriptional regulation
- Latent variable models of transcriptional regulation
- Latent variable models of transcriptional regulation
- Latent variable models: factor analysis and all that
- Latent variable models: factor analysis and all that
- Latent variable models: factor analysis and all that
- Latent variable models: factor analysis and all that
- Latent variable models: factor analysis and all that
- Latent variable models: factor analysis and all that
- Latent variable models: factor analysis and all that
- Latent variable models: factor analysis and all that
- Latent variable models: factor analysis and all that
- Latent variable models: factor analysis and all that
- Latent variable models: factor analysis and all that
- Latent variable models: factor analysis and all that
- Latent variable models: factor analysis and all that
- Later human evolution in eastern Africa: recent research at Lake Turkana, Kenya
- Later language development: How literacy impacts grammar
- Lateral prefrontal cortex and the representation of task relevant information
- Lateralisation of brain functions: what and why?
- Laterals in Estonian Swedish
- Latest Advances in Glucose Sensing
- Latest advances in U.S. project delivery research and its impact on project performance
- Latest Developments in Computational Algebra and High Performance Computing using Maple
- Latest developments on CSD3
- Latest findings on effective interventions to reduce stigma
- Latest neutrino-argon scattering measurements from MicroBooNE
- Latest Research in Autism Genetics
- Latest results from BICEP/Keck and plans for the future
- Latest RSE developments in RCS
- LaTeX
- LaTeX for Report Writing
- LaTeX for Report Writing
- LaTeX for Report Writing
- LaTeX for Report Writing
- LaTeX for Report Writing
- LaTeX for Report Writing
- LaTeX for Report Writing
- LaTeX for Report Writing
- LaTeX for Report Writing
- LaTeX for Report Writing
- LaTeX for report-writing
- LaTeX for report-writing
- LaTeX for report-writing
- LaTeX for report-writing
- Latin America : Crisis and Conflict
- Latin as a minority language in late Roman Britain
- Latin influence on the Gaulish language
- LATITUDE NORTH BY Charles Moseley
- Latitude-of-birth and season-of-birth effects on human color vision in the Arctic
- Lattice Boltzmann Methods for multi-phase turbulent flows
- Lattice Boltzmann model for visco-elastic fluids in 2D
- Lattice Boltzmann MRI studies of biofilm systems
- Lattice Decoding for Digital Communications: Where Minkowski Meets Shannon
- Lattice dynamics and vibrational excitations in random networks and disordered crystals
- Lattice dynamics of mercury (II) iodide
- Lattice field theory in the era of quantum simulation
- Lattice investigation of charmed and bottom hadrons
- Lattice investigation of charmed and bottom hadrons
- Lattice materials for the design of hip replacement implants
- Lattice modulation of a two-dimensional superfluid: could it be…the Higgs particle?
- Lattice points counting and Diophantine approximable on manifolds
- Lattice-Boltzmann modelling of biofilm growth and development
- Lattice-kinetic approach to microfluidics
- Lattices and Homological Algebra
- Laudenbach’s sequence for mapping class groups of connect sums of S^2 x S^1
- Laughing at the doctors: satire and public practice, 1660–1720
- LaughLab
- Laughter and Literary “Quality”: Friederike Kempner’s Reception as a Jewish writer, the Genius of Involuntary Humour, and Germany’s Worst Poet
- Laughter as a Catalyst for Change
- Laughter as a response to the Holocaust: an affront or a necessity? Reality and Illusion in the Theresienstadt concentration camp
- Launch of 'The Meaning of Success: Insights from Women at Cambridge'
- Launch of a University Developer Hub using GitLab
- Launch of a University Developer Hub using GitLab
- Launch of a University Developer Hub using GitLab
- Launch of The 2022 Chris Abell Postdoc Business Plan Competition
- Launch of the 3rd online Nat Hist Fest
- Launch of the 3rd online Nat Hist Fest
- Launch of the 3rd online Nat Hist Fest
- Launch of the Cambridge Global Health Year 2011-2012: Prioritising Partnerships for Global Health
- Launch of the Global Food Futures Year
- Launching a Statistics Book Series for a General Audience
- Laurent Wiesenfeld: "The coming of age of Astrochemistry"
- Law and International Religious Freedom: The Rise and Decline of the American Model
- Law and the Arts: Staging Law, Performing Trials
- Law and the Governance of (Potential) Ecosystem Collapse with Dr Reuben Makomere
- Law Made Immortal: Inheritance and Personhood in Modern German Legal Thought
- Law, economics and sustainable development of marine resources: the case of the Western Indian Ocean
- Law, morality and the Rechtsstaat in post-war West Germany
- Law, statistics and psychology, do they match?
- Lawful Hacking: Using Existing Vulnerabilities for Wiretapping on the Internet.
- Laws of Programming with Concurrency
- Laws unconstrained: against minimal primitivism about laws of nature
- Lawvere theories and finitary monads
- Lawvere Theories for Nominal Equational Logic
- Lawvere Theories in Lean
- Lawvere's Nullstellensatz and Sufficient Cohesion
- Lax centre of autonomos pseudomonoids
- Lax orthogonal factorisation systems
- Lax-Phillips scattering theory for simple wave scattering.
- Lay Understanding (and Misunderstanding) of Quantitative Statements about the Weight of Forensic Evidence
- Layered Fixed Point Logic
- Layered Kondo lattice model for novel quantum critical compound beta-YbAlB4
- Layered subgraphs of the hypercube
- Layered subgraphs of the hypercube
- Layered Systems of Cold Polar Molecules
- Layered, error enhanced hierarchical dictionary learning algorithm for sparse coding.
- Layering computational techniques for the analysis of non-urban communities in hillfort sites
- Layering in Fingering Convection: an introductory review
- Layering in stratified flows
- Layering in strongly stratified geophysical and astrophysical turbulence (with Chini, Garaud, Caulfield, Cope)
- Layering Processes in Double Diffusive Convection
- Laying (turbanate) eyes on morphological novelties
- Lazy ABC
- Léon Blum and the Socialist Response to Neo-Socialism
- Lévy flights and the search behaviour of top predators
- Lévy flights enhance tracer diffusion in active suspensions
- Lévy Loewner Evolutions
- Lévy master fields on the plane
- Lévy walk dynamics in intracellular transport
- LBM: Approximate Invariant Manifolds and Stability
- LCA in waste and energy systems, biochemical processes and catalysis
- LCA Overview and Open Source Expert
- LCD-Net: Lowest Cost Denominator Networking - Enabling donated lunches in the Internet
- LCF-style Propositional Simplification With BDDs and SAT Solvers
- LCLU Afternoon Tea with Corinna Kufner
- LCLU Annual Talk: On Life's Origins: a View from Astrophysics
- LCLU Christmas Coffee
- LCLU Coffee
- LCLU Coffee
- LCLU Coffee
- LCLU Coffee - How to Build a Planet
- LCLU Coffee - Lloyd Demetrius on "The Origin of Cooperation"
- LCLU Coffee Summeries
- LCLU Coffee: The Puzzle of Planet Formation
- LCLU Discussion with Dieter Braun: Godwin Room, Clare College
- Le Corbusier: Ecology and Sustainable Development
- Le Mathematicien dans le pissoir, and other splashy stories
- Le roi caché : incognito and false identity in Baroque opera
- Lead halide perovskite nanocrystals: the interplay between morphology and optical properties
- Leader and Forster - Debate
- Leader, Follower, and Cheaters in Collective Cancer Invasion
- Leaders in biotech: making the plunge into bio-entrepreneurism and building a bio-business
- Leadership for Engineers - How to become an effective and valued leader
- Leadership for learning in a context of oppression: a case from Palestine
- Leadership for Learning New Book Launch
- Leadership in the Nuclear Industry
- Leadership Lessons: Top Tips for Businesses New and Old
- Leadership, Authority and Legitimation in South Asia
- Leading Edge Contamination and the Saga of the ‘Bleeding Slot’
- Leading Multiphysics Modeling for AM and Emerging Design Approaches for Impacts
- Leading or Following? Cambridge and Equalities Law
- Leading the New Space Age
- Leaf Selection for Maximising Diversity in a Tree
- Leaf-Like Materials Capable Of Solar Energy Conversion
- Leakage-Resilient Zero-Knowledge Proofs and their Applications
- Leaky lid: new dissipative modes in the troposphere
- Lean Learning: Applying Lean and Agile Techniques to Software Engineering Education
- Lean Manufacturing – making sense of something obvious
- Lean Thinking in IT Outsourcing - A Case Study of Fujitsu Service
- LEAP - Lightning, electricity, atmospheres of planetary objects
- Leapfrog in Fracture and Damage Mechanics inspired by Gap Test and Curvature-Resisting Sprain Energy
- Learn how to use MatLab
- Learn multiple languages to increase your cognitive growth and academic excellence
- Learn to Lead: taking engagement to a new level in primary and secondary schools and the wider community
- Learn to use a microscope
- Learnable representations for natural language
- Learned Compression
- Learned forward operators: Variational regularization for black-box models
- Learned image reconstruction for large scale tomographic imaging
- Learned predictiveness and cue processing in human learning
- Learned Societies in the Making of Southeast Asia
- Learning (to learn) from others
- Learning a regularisation functional
- Learning a regularisation functional
- Learning a Sampling Pattern for MRI
- Learning about innate immune signalling from viruses
- Learning about learning - a new approach to studying Huntington's Disease
- Learning About Long COVID from Patients: The Power of Narrative Evidence
- Learning About Long COVID from Patients: The Power of Narrative Evidence
- Learning about the big picture: Flexibility in Infant Memory
- Learning about the early Solar System from cometary dust
- Learning about tropical forests: a hands on approach
- Learning and brain plasticity for perceptual decisions
- Learning and Coordination in Networks
- Learning and Discovery of Clinically Useful Information from Medical Images
- Learning and Extrapolation in Graph Neural Networks
- Learning and generating techno music: a machine learning approach
- Learning and inference in probabilistic submodular models
- Learning and Learning to Solve PDEs
- Learning and memory in developmental amnesia
- Learning and memory in neural networks: statistically optimal computations
- Learning and motivation toggle feed-forward inhibition in the Drosophila mushroom body
- Learning and plasticity for flexible decisions in the human brain
- Learning and plasticity in adolescence
- Learning and processing abstract concepts: The role of emotion and the role of language
- Learning and randomness
- Learning and recall of visuomotor transformations
- Learning and recall of visuomotor transformations
- Learning and Regularizing Score-Based Diffusion Models
- Learning and Representing: a Jointly Optimal Approach
- Learning and retaining tasks in redundant brain circuits
- Learning and Sparse Control of Multiagent Systems
- Learning and Stability in Random Sigma-Pi Networks
- Learning and testing compositionality
- Learning Augmented Algorithms
- Learning based multi-scale modeling
- Learning based multi-scale modeling
- Learning based multi-scale modeling
- Learning based multi-scale modeling
- Learning based multiscale modeling
- Learning based on Data Compression
- Learning Bayesian inference models of cortical visual processing
- Learning better models for inverse problems in imaging with an application to demosaicing
- Learning between digital twins
- Learning between digital twins
- Learning Bigrams from Unigrams
- Learning by doodling: Augustus De Morgan's logical diagrams
- Learning clinically useful information from medical images
- Learning Common Grammar from Multilingual Corpus / Online Multiscale Dynamic Topic Models
- Learning Conditional Random Fields with Hierarchical Features: Application to the Game of Go
- Learning Conical Intersections for Excited States Using Smooth Invariants
- Learning Conical Intersections for Excited States Using Smooth Invariants
- Learning curve prediction for AutoML
- Learning curve prediction for AutoML
- Learning curves: lessons from statistical machine translation
- Learning Deep Architectures
- Learning determinantal point processes
- Learning distributions of shape trajectories: a hierarchical model on a manifold of diffeomorphisms
- Learning Engines for Healthcare: Using Machine Learning to Transform Clinical Practice and Discovery
- Learning Europe at its borders: how deployments to migration hotspots aect Europeans’ understandings of themselves and society
- Learning evolving node and community representations on dynamic graphs
- Learning flights in bumblebees
- Learning French from ages 5, 7 and 11: an investigation into starting ages, rates and routes of learning amongst early foreign language learners
- Learning from bamboo: Plant-mimetic design toward less-material & high-stiffness structure
- Learning from case studies
- Learning from clinical trials of gene therapy for inherited immunodeficiency
- Learning from Good Practice: Raising School Performance in Developing Countries
- Learning from Graph-structured Neuroimaging Data
- Learning from Graph-structured Neuroimaging Data
- Learning from humans: A broad overview of approaches to model preferences, skills and perception
- Learning from Luther: 95 theses about technology
- Learning from Measurements in Exponential Families
- Learning from mistakes - learning optimally sparse image filters by quotient minimisation
- Learning from MOM's principles
- Learning from nature
- Learning from Nature to Form New Organic Materials for Tissue Regeneration
- Learning from New Zealand’s Covid-19 response, with a particular focus on effective communication
- Learning from Past: Bringing Planning Back to Neural Generators
- Learning from positive and unlabeled data
- Learning from rivers about long-term controls on Earth’s climate
- Learning from Social Environments
- Learning from sociological case studies
- Learning from Students to Shape Plant Sciences Teaching for the 21st Century
- Learning from the Lund plane
- Learning from the McKay conjecture
- Learning from the Mistakes of Others…
- Learning from the worm: predicting phenotype from genotype
- Learning from the worm: predicting phenotype from genotype
- Learning generative models of images by factoring appearance and shape
- Learning hard chart constraints for efficient context-free parsing
- Learning hierarchical structure: strong learning of PCFGs
- Learning Hierarchical Translation Structure with Linguistic Annotations
- Learning in an informal, out of school space in Cape Town, South Africa: The story of 'Youth Amplified Radio Show'
- Learning in high dimensions, noise, sparsity and treelets
- Learning in infancy: mother-child interaction and executive function from 1 to 2 years old
- Learning in pain: probabilistic inference and (mal)adaptive control.
- Learning Invariants and Representation Spaces of Shapes and Forms
- Learning is Changing: MOOCs, The Open World, and Beyond
- Learning is remembering: Meno's paradox as a problem for religious education
- Learning item trees for collaborative filtering with implicit feedback
- Learning iterative reconstruction for high resolution photoacoustic tomography
- Learning Language, Evolving Languages
- Learning latent activites in large scale dynamical problems
- Learning linear models in-context with transformers
- Learning low-degree functions from few random queries
- Learning Markov Networks for Mixed Big Data: Applications to Cancer Genomics
- Learning medicine by the book: reading and writing surgical manuals in early modern London
- Learning microRNA regulatory networks from genomic sequence and expression data
- Learning multi-domain dialogues
- Learning Multi-Scene Absolute Pose Regression with Transformers
- Learning Neural Operators for Biological Tissue Modeling
- Learning new biology from genome-wide maps of regulatory elements
- Learning Nonlocal Constitutive PDE Models with Vector-Cloud Neural Networks
- Learning of Milky Way Model Parameters Using Matrix-variate Data in a New Gaussian Process-based Method
- Learning on Graphs with Missing Node Features
- Learning Operators - Recent Advances
- Learning Operators - Recent Advances
- Learning Operators From Data; Applications to Inverse Problems and Constitutive Modeling - Bayesian Inversion and Surrogate Modeling
- Learning Operators From Data; Applications to Inverse Problems and Constitutive Modeling - Learning Constitutive Models -- History Dependence
- Learning Operators From Data; Applications to Inverse Problems and Constitutive Modeling - Learning Constitutive Models -- Homogenization
- Learning Operators From Data; Applications to Inverse Problems and Constitutive Modeling - Supervised Learning Between Spaces Of Functions
- Learning Patterns in the Game of Go
- Learning predictions and actions in the basal ganglia
- Learning predictive models for visual motion extrapolation
- Learning Probabilistic Sequence Models for Uncovering Gene Regulation
- Learning Probabilistic Sequence Models for Uncovering Gene Regulation
- Learning rates in Bayesian nonparametrics
- Learning rates in Bayesian nonparametrics: Gaussian process priors
- Learning rates in Bayesian nonparametrics: Gaussian process priors
- Learning rates in Bayesian nonparametrics: Gaussian process priors
- Learning rates in Bayesian nonparametrics: Gaussian process priors
- Learning region based representations of categories
- Learning regular languages over infinite alphabets
- Learning Regularization for Inverse Problems, Take 2
- Learning representations of specifics and generalities over time
- Learning semantic roles from child-directed data: insights from a probabilistic model of early language learning
- Learning sensory and spatial representations from interacting excitatory and inhibitory synaptic plasticity
- Learning Structural Kernels for Natural Language Processing
- Learning Symmetries in Neural Networks
- Learning Syntax with Deep Neural Networks
- Learning Task Relations in Multi-Task Learning
- Learning Task-specific Object Location Predictors with Boosting and Grammar-guided Feature Extraction
- Learning Tensors and Random Matrix Theory
- Learning the dynamics and interactions of moving cells
- Learning the language of tissue surveillance by T cells
- Learning the molecular grammar of protein condensate formation
- Learning the scope of hedge cues in biomedical texts
- Learning the structure of graphical models with latent variables
- Learning the topology of complex systems from their dynamics
- Learning theory and language change: the evolution of phonological scope
- Learning things: the objects of familiar science in nineteenth-century Britain
- Learning to Adapt in Dialogue Systems: Data-driven Models for Personality Recognition and Generation
- Learning to Approximate Controlled Systems
- Learning to aspire: the cross-spatial learning practices and aspirations of South African township youth
- Learning to Classify Noun-Noun Semantic Relations
- Learning to Classify under Minimal Supervision on Graphs: From Space to Medical Large-Scale Problems
- Learning to Classify under Minimal Supervision on Graphs: From Space to Medical Large-Scale Problems
- Learning to communicate: The development of reference from 9 months to 5 years.
- Learning to Control
- Learning to Detect Stance and Represent Emojis
- Learning to Follow Orders: Reinforcement Learning for Mapping Instructions to Actions
- Learning to Generate Natural Source Code
- Learning to Interact in Real-World Multiagent Systems
- Learning to Interact with Humans
- Learning to interact with humans | Timothy Lillicrap (DeepMind)
- Learning to know: the educations of Richard Hakluyt and Thomas Harriot
- Learning to Learn
- Learning to Learn for Structured Sparsity
- Learning to Learn without Gradient Descent by Gradient Descent
- Learning to learn: lessons from action video games
- Learning to localize sound
- Learning to navigate without a map (but with instructions)
- Learning to Predict and to Act - Exploring Structure in World Models and Latent Spaces
- Learning to read an artificial orthography and adaptations for fMRI
- Learning to Read in a Complex World
- Learning to read words: from novice to expert
- Learning to read x-ray: applications to heart failure monitoring
- Learning to read x-ray: applications to heart failure monitoring
- Learning to Receive Help: Intervention-Aware Concept Embedding Models
- Learning to Remember: How should we teach history?
- Learning to see with deep learning architectures for localisation and scene understanding
- Learning to spell in Linear B: evidence for scribal training in Mycenaean Pylos
- Learning to Spell: Spelling corrections for Facebook Search
- Learning to Tell Tales: A Data-driven Approach to Story Generation
- Learning to work with Learning Machines
- Learning to work with Learning Machines
- Learning to work with Learning Machines
- Learning transformational invariants from natural movies
- Learning under model misspecification
- Learning under uncertainty in autism and anxiety
- Learning via Data Compression: Bayesian Coresets and Sparse Variational Inference
- Learning visual representations
- Learning with Errors: Post-Quantum Candidates from Noisy Linear Systems
- Learning with Explanations
- Learning with Graphs in Natural Language Generation and Relation Extraction
- Learning with latent symmetries
- Learning with limited supervision
- Learning without being aware of what you have learned: examining second language acquisition in the lab
- Learning, Planning and Representing Knowledge from Primitive Experience
- Learning, Representing, and Understanding Language
- Learning, sleep and memory consolidation. Behavioural and magnetoencephalographic investigations
- Learning, Stress and Integrated Brain-functioning
- Learning, Stress and Integrated Brain-functioning
- Learning, Stress and Integrated Brain-functioning: States of Consciousness Explored via Meditation Practice
- Learning-Algorithms from Bayesian Principles
- Learning-based multiscale modeling: computing, data science, and uncertainty quantification
- Learning-dependent plasticity: evidence from fMRI multi-voxel patterns
- Learning-guided Optimization for Mobility
- Learning-to-Rank for Information Retrieval
- Least squares estimation: Beyond Gaussian regression models
- Least squares estimation: Beyond Gaussian regression models
- Least squares regression on sparse grids
- Least-action filtering
- Least-squares with minimal oversampling
- Leave Your Baggage Behind: A Journey to Inner Freedom (in-person talk)
- Leaves, Loops and Leonardo: The Generation of Biological Forms
- Leaving work behind: Space for leisure in the fiction of Émile Zola
- Leavitt path algebras and Thompson groups for graphs of groups
- Lebwohl-Lasher models of liquid crystals: from quadrupolar to spontaneously induced chiral order
- Lecture 3: High-Dimensional Polynomial Approximation
- Lecture - Eureka! How the history of science became a story of discovery
- Lecture - Modern Molecular Science and How is it Changing our Life - Dr Ljiljana Fruk
- Lecture - Professor Graham Burton - title tbc
- LECTURE - title to be confirmed
- Lecture 1 (July 30). Generalized Skorokhod’s reflecting problem.
- Lecture 1 - Quantum walk and learning graph based algorithms (a tutorial)
- Lecture 1 Analysis of Riemann - Hilbert problems, some nuts and bolts, and applications to the detailed description of solitonic interactions for the KdV equation and MKdV equation.
- Lecture 1 | Survey of hypergraph representations for economic and financial systems
- Lecture 1 | The Hypergraph Container Method
- Lecture 10: Company Culture and Building a Team, Part I
- Lecture 11: (U. of Cambridge): statistics and analysis of super-resolution Single Particle trajectories.
- Lecture 12: Building for the Enterprise
- Lecture 13: (U. of Cambridge): Stochastic biology: stochastic telomere model and Rouse polymer model.
- Lecture 13: How To Be A Great Founder
- Lecture 14: (U. of Cambridge): Anomalous diffusion for a monomer, mean time for a polymer to loop.
- Lecture 14: How to Operate
- Lecture 15 (University of Cambrdige). Polymer model, mean looping time and interpretation of Hi-C data (Enounter frequencies data)
- Lecture 16: How to Run a User Interview
- Lecture 18: Mechanics--Legal, Finance, HR, etc.
- Lecture 1: A Primer in Random Matrix Theory
- Lecture 1: Concentration of measure (tutorial)
- Lecture 1: Entanglement in quantum interactive proofs (tutorial)
- Lecture 1: Information-Theoretic Techniques in Many-Body Physics
- Lecture 1: Introduction to Quantum Complexity (tutorial)
- Lecture 1: Introduction. How can geometry help us learn from data? Optimization and Bayesian approaches.
- Lecture 1: Inverse problems, Bayes' theorem, Connection to regularisation and optimisation
- Lecture 1: One-shot Quantum Information Theory I: Entropic Quantities
- Lecture 1: Operator Space theory: a natural framework for Bell inequalities
- Lecture 1: Overview and Theory
- Lecture 1: Some old and new results on Information-Based Complexity
- Lecture 1: Stochastic modeling, asymptotics, simulations and data analysis of super-resolution trajectories: application to cellular biology
- Lecture 1: What the Natufians did for us
- Lecture 2 - Analysis of Riemann - Hilbert problems, some nuts and bolts, and applications to the detailed description of solitonic interactions for the KdV equation and MKdV equation.
- Lecture 2 - Quantum walk and learning graph based algorithms (a tutorial)
- Lecture 2 | The Hypergraph Container Method
- Lecture 2: A Primer in Random Matrix Theory
- Lecture 2: Algebraic Theory of Program Transformation
- Lecture 2: Compressive Imaging
- Lecture 2: Concentration of measure (tutorial)
- Lecture 2: Consistency results. Spectral methods, Calculus of Variations methods, PDE methods. Part 1
- Lecture 2: Entanglement in quantum interactive proofs (tutorial)
- Lecture 2: Information-Theoretic Techniques in Many-Body Physics
- Lecture 2: Introduction to Quantum Complexity (tutorial)
- Lecture 2: Inverse problems in PDEs, Infinite dimensional inverse problems
- Lecture 2: Malthus in the Levant
- Lecture 2: One-shot Quantum Information Theory II: Information Transmission
- Lecture 2: Operator Space theory: a natural framework for Bell inequalities
- Lecture 2: Random matrix theory with a view towards free probability, and connections to quantum information
- Lecture 3 - The interacting dimer model (copy)
- Lecture 3 | The Hypergraph Container Method
- Lecture 3: Computational methods based on Monte Carlo and Importance Sampling
- Lecture 3: Consistency results. Spectral methods, Calculus of Variations methods, PDE methods. Part 2
- Lecture 3: Domar and Habakkuk on the Euphrates
- Lecture 3: Logic for Program Development, Verification and Implementation.
- Lecture 4
- Lecture 4: Adam Smith in Mesopotamia
- Lecture 4: Computational methods based on Metropolis-Hastings (note: different time and room)
- Lecture 4: Consistency results. Spectral methods, Calculus of Variations methods, PDE methods. Part 3
- Lecture 5 - Continuous optimization for Imaging
- Lecture 5: (U. of Cambridge): Activation escape through a potential well.
- Lecture 5: Other constructions on graphs (discrete optimal transport)
- Lecture 7: (U. of Cambridge): Additive property of the MFPT, Fokker-Planck with a killing term, Non-Poissonnian escape
- Lecture 8 : How to Get Started- Doing Things That Don't Scale - PR
- Lecture 8: (U. of Cambridge): Oscillatory escape: a Non-Poissonnian escape process
- Lecture 9: (U. of Cambridge): Oscillatory escape: a Non-Poissonnian escape process
- Lecture and Documentary: "Favela Rising"
- Lecture by Homi Bhabha
- Lecture by Rachel Dedman – Material Power: Palestinian Embroidery
- Lecture by Rotem Mor, Israeli peace activist, military refuser, and writer
- Lecture Cancelled
- Lecture Cancelled
- Lecture has been cancelled - This Antibiotics from Darwin’s chemistry set
- Lecture on estimation and inference: Non-maximum likelihood estimation and statistical inference for linear and nonlinear mixed models
- Lecture on modelling: Mixed effects non-linear and generalized linear models
- Lecture on modelling: Mixed effects non-linear and generalized linear models
- Lecture on Systems Biology 1/6
- Lecture on Systems Biology 2/6
- Lecture on Systems Biology 3/6
- Lecture on Systems Biology 4/6
- Lecture on Systems Biology 5/6
- Lecture on Systems Biology 6/6
- Lecture series - break
- Lecture Series 1
- Lecture series of "The Past Metallurgists Society" - Day 1
- Lecture Series of "The Past Metallurgists Society" - Day 2
- Lecture series: Selected topics in the mathematics of deep learning: Neural networks and partial differential equations
- Lecture series: Selected topics in the mathematics of deep learning: Sobolev regularization of stochastic gradient descent for deep learning
- Lecture series: Selected topics in the mathematics of deep learning: Solving inverse problems with deep learning
- Lecture Supper: James Stuart: Radical liberalism, ‘non-gremial students’ and continuing education
- Lecture Supper: Madingley Hall Gardens: Past, present and future
- Lecture Supper: The history of Madingley Hall
- Lecture with Lord Adair Turner - G.L.S Shackle Memorial Lecture
- Lectureship Seminars
- Lee county school calendar
- Lee county school calendar
- Lee Seng Tee Lecture - The great economic transformation needed to address climate breakdown: Let ideas be international, goods homespun, but, above all, let finance be national.
- Lefschetz fibrations on Stein domains
- Left behind places and what can be done about them
- Left dislocation
- Left Exact Modalities in Type Theory
- Left hand cut and quark mass dependence of Tcc using lattice QCD
- Left-orderability and 3-manifold groups: Rothschild Lecture
- Left-orders on 3-manifolds I
- Left-orders on 3-manifolds II
- Left-orders on 3-manifolds III
- Left-right asymmetric cell intercalation drives directional collective cell movement in epithelial morphogenesis
- Left-right asymmetry determination in amphioxus
- Left-Right Symmetry and Excesses at the LHC
- Legacies of Forced Migration: Attending to History and Discourse
- Legacies of loss: The intergenerational outcomes of slaveholder compensation in the British Cape Colony
- Legacy of Abraham - Seminar
- Legal Aspects of DLT and Cryptoassets
- Legal Concepts in Cybersecurity and Privacy for Digital & Smart Environments
- Legal, Ethical and Governance Questions Raised by COVID-19
- Legalism: A Reconstruction and Critique of Judith Shklar's Concept and its Contemporary Import
- Legendrian Surfaces: Fostering the Art of Front Cooking
- Legends of Facial Hollows - the science of inner space
- Leggett Garg Inequalities: a Quasi-probability Approach to No-Signalling in Time and New Measurement Protocols
- Legitimacy and eectiveness of the European Semester: does the parliamentary involvement make a dierence?
- Legitimate Authority in the Morality of War
- Legume-Rhizobia symbiosis:microbial signalling tacked on to root developmental program
- Leibniz as inventor of conceptual mathematics?
- Leibniz, Mach and the C-Series
- Leidenfrost temperature(s)
- Leishmania: life in the vector, survival in the host.
- Len Fisher - Equations for Everyday Life
- Lenalinomide & Multiple Myeloma
- Lenalinomide & Multiple Myeloma
- Lengths of Monotone Subsequences in a Mallows Permutation
- Lenin - My part in his Downfall
- Lenin on the Train
- Leningrad Samizdat Poetry: Music for a Deaf Age
- Lenition in Liverpool English (to be confirmed)
- Lens space surgeries and L-space homology spheres
- Lensed Dusty Star-Forming Galaxies and Dark Matter Substructure
- Lenstra's elliptic curve factorization method
- Lent Talklets: Costanza and Cătălina
- Lent term initial meeting
- Lent Term Kickoff Meeting
- Lent Term Lecture 1
- Lent Term Lecture 1
- Lent Term Lecture 2
- Lent Term Lecture 2
- Lent Term Lecture 3
- Lent Term Lecture 4
- Lenten fasting and Easter feasting: The food of Easter in early modern Europe
- Leo Kanner 70 years on - A History of Autism
- Leo Steeds - gloknos 'Epistemologies of Land' Webcast
- Leo Strauss, and Public Intellectual Culture
- Leo Tolstoy's heritage in the eyes of different generations. A talk by Fekla Tolstoy
- LEO: Scheduling Sensor Inference Algorithms across Heterogeneous Mobile Processors and Network Resources
- Leonardo, Rapunzel and the Physics of Hair
- Leopoldt's conjecture: a relative extension approach using Baker theory
- LepA, one of the most conserved proteins known and present in all bacteria and mitochondriae, is a ribosomal elongation factor with a new function
- Leprosy and identity in medieval Rouen
- Leptin and AD risk
- Leptogenic Supersymmetry at the LHC
- Lepton Flavour and Number Violation in Left-Right Symmetric Models
- Lepton Flavour Universality - measuring BR(W->τν)/BR(W->μν) at the LHC
- Lepton Number Violation at Low and High Energies
- Leptoquark Pair Production at Future Hadron Colliders
- LES and modelling near-wall multipoint correlations
- Les huguenots: the firts refugees
- Les Parapluies de Cherbourg (The Umbrellas of Cherbourg)
- Lesbian and Gay Parenting and European Human Rights Law: When will France catch up with the UK?
- Less is more
- Less meat, less heat: how can cafeterias increase vegetarian sales and reduce meat consumption?
- Lesson from smart slime: How active flow networks process information for complex behaviour
- Lessons and Hope from the Front Lines
- Lessons and Opportunities from the Recent New Zealand Earthquakes
- Lessons for Foundations of Quantum Mechanics from Quantum Gravity
- Lessons for human TB and its treatment from the tiny transparent zebrafish larva
- Lessons for Mathematical Problem Solving (LeMaPs) Symposium: Comparative perspectives from Japan and England on lesson study for mathematical problem solving
- Lessons from a plant virus
- Lessons from a restless caldera: multi-parameter studies to understand the past, present and future of volcanic activity at Santorini volcano, Greece
- Lessons from Earthquakes
- Lessons from genetic studies of Major Depressive Disorder
- Lessons from history for governing the digital future
- Lessons from holography: the shear viscosity bound and UV/IR decoupling
- Lessons from IceNet: Input variable importance, hyperparameter tuning, and probability calibration
- Lessons from JWST for Star Formation in the Early Universe
- Lessons from livestock - some things animal movements can tell us about social networks in epidemiology
- Lessons from murine norovirus
- Lessons from the discovery of different regimes in elasto-inertial turbulence
- Lessons from the High Arctic: new results from late Quaternary studies in Nordaustlandet, Svalbard
- Lessons from the history and philosophy of science for research assessment systems
- Lessons from the history and philosophy of science for research assessment systems
- Lessons from the MW9 great east Japan earthquake and tsunami of 11 March 2011
- Lessons from the Obama Campaign: Making the Obama Digital Model Work in Politics and Beyond
- Lessons from the Sea Squirt: Why movement difficulties are common in neurodevelopmental disorders.
- Lessons from Yeast: Drug Uptake and Systems Biology
- Lessons I've Learned in How to Bring Maths to the Masses
- Lessons in Biology from Human Disease
- Lessons in innate immunity taught by a virus
- Lessons in viral pathogenesis from the barnyard
- Lessons Learned from COVID-19: How can we be better prepared for the future? - Panel Discussion with JUNIPER Investigators
- Lessons Learned from Four Years of Implementation Attacks against Real-World Targets
- Lessons learned from operating a big metagenomics resource
- Lessons learned from striving to support decision and policy making: the challenges when providing climate information
- Lessons learnt from 100 years of coastal flooding in the UK
- Lessons Learnt from the UK’s Test, Trace and Isolate Programme
- Lessons learnt having made it to the other side
- Lesung by Christopher Kloeble
- Lesung mit Benedict Wells
- Lesung mit Simon Strauß: »Sieben Nächte«
- Let food be thy medicine.
- Let It Rain - Interactive Smart Building Data Visualisations for Real-time Sensor Readings
- Let MeThink About It: How More Choices Boost Charitable Giving
- Let should not be generalised
- Let them eat plants: how can cafeterias encourage more vegetarian sales and reduce meat consumption?
- Let There be Light and Sound: Developing a Toolkit to Interrogate Structures in Dairy
- Let Ultrasound Help You Surf the Waves of Bioelectronics
- Let Your Hands Do the Thinking! A Humble Practitioner's Approach to Lego® Serious Play™ in Business Education
- Let's stop pushing the envelope and start addressing it: a reference task agenda for HCI
- Let's talk about my balls!
- Let's talk about my balls!
- Let’s go to the Sun!
- Let’s speed up the Internet, fast!
- Let’s Talk: Power and Powerlessness in Academia
- Lethal Necessities: Precarity, Citizenship, and the Paradigm of Racial Violence (Subaltern & Decolonial Citizenships series)
- Lethal Safety? Fukushima, Fear and the Nuclear Puzzle
- Lets Talk About Sex (and Reproduction): Counselling for Reproductive Health in Post-war Europe (12-13 December)
- lets talk mobile
- Letters to the Gods: Royal Letters of Petition as a Genre of Sumerian Scholarly Literature
- Letting the machines vote: Committee neural network potentials control generalization errors and enable active learning
- Leukaemia
- Leukemic stem cells - a challenging adversary
- Leukocyte dynamics in lung metastasis
- Leukocyte migration and gradient sensing in vivo: lessons from zebrafish
- Leukocyte migration and gradient sensing in vivo: lessons from zebrafish
- LeuRS Synthetase: An example of water-mediated editing reaction in a hybrid RNA/protein system
- Lev Landau - Life and Physics - 100 years from his birth
- Lev Landau - Life and Physics - 100 years from his birth
- Levantine Iberian script: linguistic and epigraphic contacts in northern Spain and southern Gaul during the second Iron age
- LEVEL FIVE by Chris Marker, introduced by Isabelle McNeill
- Level raising for automorphic representations of GL(2n)
- Level up your search strategy
- Level-set topology optimization for robust design of structures under internal porosity constraints
- Level-set topology optimization for robust design of structures under internal porosity constraints
- Level-statistics of disordered systems: a common mathematical formulation
- Levelling the playing field: dynamics or excuses for not moving beyond the status quo
- Levelling up after Covid: the value of social infrastructure
- Levels of Explanation in Behavioural Sciences
- Leverage, Timing and Real Estate Performance
- Leveraging a Semantically Annotated Corpus to Disambiguate Prepositional Phrase Attachment
- Leveraging AI for Breakthroughs in Genomic Research
- Leveraging Dispersion and Electrophilicity in Catalysts for Challenging Coupling Reactions
- Leveraging early life immunity to end pandemics
- Leveraging multi-study, multi-outcome data to improve external validity and efficiency of clinical trials for managing schizophrenia
- Leveraging multi-study, multi-outcome data to improve external validity and efficiency of clinical trials for managing schizophrenia
- Leveraging RDMA to Build a Real-Time Cloud for the Internet of Things
- Leveraging Strategic Paradoxes: Challenges and Opportunities for Senior Leadership
- Leveraging structure in data assimilation
- Leveraging Text Content for Management of Construction Project Documents
- Leveraging the imaging power of the Beacon platform
- Leveraging the Virtuous Cycle: Clinical Trials - Translational Science - Basic Science
- Leveraging vibrations, nonlinear dynamics, and wave phenomena in emerging fields and across disciplines
- Leverhulme Lecture
- Leverhulme Lecture
- Leverhulme Lecture
- Leverhulme Lecture
- Leverhulme Lecture: The translocation of polymers across nanometer sized pores in membranes
- Leveson and the Lessons from Hacking
- Levitating nanodiamond experiments: towards a test of quantum gravity
- Levy Processes
- Levy–Khintchine decomposition for convolution semigroups of states
- Lewis acid-base pairs and host-guest interactions: towards dynamic functional materials
- Lewis Acids based on Aluminium and Phosphorus
- Lewis Lecture (Part I): Title TBC
- Lewis Lecture (Part II): Title TBC
- Lewis Lecturer: 26th- 29th April
- Lewis Lectures 2025 - Lecture I
- Lewis Lectures 2025 - Lecture II
- Lewy's Example
- Lex colimits
- Lexical Patterns of Austerity in UK Broadsheet Text 2007-15
- Lexicographic choice and the design of routing protocols
- Lexicographic text analysis using non-negative factorisation techniques
- LfL Book Launch - Education and Schooling: Myth, Heresy and Misconception by John MacBeath
- LfL Seminar - A Good Educational Read
- LfL Seminar - How Paulo Freire became an international curriculum author
- LfL Seminar: Values-driven educational leadership
- LfL Supper Seminar - Leading rapid yet deep and sustainable improvement: the Foxfield Story
- LfL Supper Seminar - Three projects with children in different places from Cambridge Curiosity and Imagination
- LfL Supper Seminar: A ‘silent revolution’: the growth of co-operative schools in the UK
- LfL Supper Seminar: A University for Children
- LfL Supper Seminar: Launch of 'Teacher Self-Efficacy, Voice and Leadership'
- LfL Supper Seminar: The Headteachers' Roundtable - Shaping policy and practice from within education
- LGB&T Staff Network Social
- LGB&T Staff Network Social
- LGB&T Welcome! Bonfire Night Social
- LGBT+ History Month Lecture: Being Out and LGBT+ Today
- LGBT+ Network: LGBTQ Inclusivity
- LGBTI in Uganda - in memory of David Kato
- LGBTQ+ History Month Panel: New Research in Queer Studies
- LGBTQ+ in Academia: Challenges and Prospects
- LGBTQ+ STEM day – a conversation with researchers
- Lgr5 liver stem cells and Hepatic organoids
- Lgr5 Stem Cells in self-renewal and cancer
- Lgr5 stem cells in self-renewal and cancer
- Lgr5 Stem Cells in self-renewal and cancer
- LHC and Murphy's Law ... a window for theorists into the experimenters' world
- LHC Event Generation with Herwig 7: Status and Prospects
- LHCb combination of the CKM angle gamma
- LHCb highlights and future prospects
- LHCb: a general purpose detector in the forward region
- Li-Yau inequalities for general non-local diffusion equations via reduction to the heat kernel - Rico Zacher
- Liberalism and Democracy in Myanmar
- Liberalism, Populism, and Nationalism among the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Clergy of Austrian Galicia: The Case of Father Mykhailo Zubryts'kyi (1856-1919)
- Liberalizing Contracts: Nineteenth Century promises through literature, law and history
- Liberating distributed consensus
- Liberating distributed consensus
- Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité: Regain control over your end systems
- Liberty and Economic Independence in the Roman Republic (CANCELLED)
- Liberty, tyranny and idolatry in Calvinist thought
- Library Abstraction for C/C++ Concurrency
- Library Preparation for Next Generation Sequencing
- Libya's post-Qadhafi Fissures: Federalists, Islamists, Berbers and the Militias
- License to kill: The acquisition of cell death competency during plant development
- Licensed to Dream
- Licensing New Reactors in the UK
- Licking & liking in rodents
- LiDAR derived sea-ice observations from the Bellingshausen and Weddell Seas
- LIDT-DD: A new, self-consistent model to study debris discs
- Lie algebras and v_n-periodic spaces
- Lie algebras associated to Vertex algebras and the centre of a Vertex algebra
- Lie algebras I
- Lie algebras II
- Lie Fu
- Lie group and homogeneous variational integrators and their applications to geometric optimal control theory
- Lie powers for general linear groups and Lie modules for symmetric groups
- Lie structure in Logic wiring
- Lie superalgebras and character formulas
- Lie symmetry preserving finite element methods
- Lie symmetry preserving finite element methods
- Lie theory in tensor categories with applications to modular representation theory
- Lie's Third Theorem in Synthetic Differential Geometry
- Lie, associative and commutative quasi-isomorphism
- Lie-point symmetries and their application to model building
- Lie-Poisson methods for isospectral flows and their application to long-time simulation of spherical ideal hydrodynamics
- Lie-Poisson methods for isospectral flows and their application to long-time simulation of spherical ideal hydrodynamics
- Lieb's "Density Functionals for Coulomb Systems"
- Lieb-Robinson bounds for harmonic and anharmonic lattice systems
- Liebig's vampire: agricultural chemistry and the embodied earth in mid-19th century Britain
- Lies, damn lies and metabolomics - statistical approaches for processing metabolomic data.
- Lies, Damn'd lies and statistics: why it is (almost) impossible to communicate risk ethically
- Lies, Damn'd lies and statistics: why it is (almost) impossible to communicate risk ethically
- Liesegang Rings
- Life (and death) after the genome
- Life After (Stellar) Death: Habitability Around White Dwarfs
- Life after Allama Iqbal
- Life after death: evidence of dry minor-merger driven growth of massive quiescent galaxies
- Life after death: social evolution in a grave
- Life after death: Social evolution in a grave
- Life after diglossia: the Standard and other varieties of Modern Greek
- Life after PhD: Inspirational Lessons from Cambridge PhD Alumni
- Life and adventures of supermassive black hole binaries: the mythical final-parsec problem
- Life and death in an old enzyme: the ATP synthase
- Life and Death of a Cell
- Life and death of cells a mystery solved through biomechanics
- Life and mathematics: a personal journey
- Life and the Earth: interlocking histories
- Life and the Earth: Interlocking Histories
- Life and times in the Cambrian and its stratigraphic constraints on Himalayan geology, tectonics, and uplift history
- Life as a Guide to the Origin of Life
- Life as a planetary phenomenon: the evolution of ecological complexity over planetary lifetimes
- Life as an industrial mathematician
- Life as Computation
- Life as we know it
- Life at a Start-up
- Life at high péclet number
- Life at High Péclet Number
- Life at High Peclet Numbers
- Life at High Reynolds Number
- Life at Low Coasting Number
- Life at Low Coasting Number
- Life at the front of expanding populations
- Life at the Limits - Human Physiology at Extreme High Altitude
- Life Before Fertilisation
- Life Beneath the Sea Floor; the Ins and Outs of Marine Mud from a Geochemical Perspective
- Life Beside the State: Refusing citizenship in Rio de Janeiro's Pentecostal Subúrbios
- Life beyond the Physics department
- Life Decisions in Mathematics Panel Discussion
- Life expectancy and origin
- Life in Alaska as an Inupiaq Artist
- Life in Conflict
- Life in Extreme Environments for Astronomers
- Life in Medieval Cambridge: evidence from isotopic analysis
- Life in rotten places: how O2 and CO2 sensing alter foraging in a worm
- Life in Ruins
- Life in Space
- Life in the Alpha Territory: London's "Super-Rich" Neighbourhoods
- Life in the Ancient World
- Life in the Biddenham Loop
- Life in the dark: can deep sea fishes see colours?
- Life in the Oil Industry
- Life in the Oxford Clay sea
- Life in the Slow Lane
- Life in the Universe: Chance or Necessity?
- Life Inside a Bubble: Observational Consequences
- Life is a Mind Game (online)
- Life is not FAIR but your software could be
- Life is So Short
- Life on Mars: Architecture for Extra-planetary habitation
- Life on other planets at the Festival of Ideas
- Life on the edge - microbial evolution in the presence of drug gradients
- Life on the edge of equilibrium: The roles of asymmetric components in ssRNA viruses
- Life on the edge: excavations at Oakington early Anglo-Saxon cemetery
- Life on the edge: language and story telling in a cold place
- Life on the edge: transcription factors that regulate organ boundaries in Arabidopsis
- Life on the Edge: Why Life Needs Quantum Mechanics
- Life on the Margins: Bruno Schulz and the Hasidic Kabbalah
- Life on the Margins: Bruno Schulz and the Hasidic Kabbalah
- Life out on the Savannah... Formal Models meet Mixed-Reality Systems
- Life Sciences & Society Seminars
- Life Study – identifying pathways to health in early life
- Life without HOX
- Life, extended mind, and physical reality
- Life, hierarchy, and the thermodynamic machinery of planet Earth
- Life, Hypervelocity Impacts and the Solar System
- Life, land and sea: socio-ecological change and land-use in Shetland
- Life, the universe and everything . . . with Anne
- Life-course health and disease: an evolutionary perspective
- Life-history trade-offs in the evolution of insect parental care (redux)
- Lifecycle of a constant: e
- Lifesaving Capsule Robots
- Lifestyle and cancer prevention – the elephant in the room
- Lifestyle Dynamics Index: Worldwide Results and household economic implications
- Lifestyle factors and cognitive ageing: From observation to intervention
- Lifestyle Interventions, Obesity & Endometrial Cancer
- Lifestyle intreventions to prevent Alzheimer's disease
- Lifetime of relativistic diffusions
- Lifshitz Solutions in String Theory
- Lifshitz topological transition in interacting Fermi systems
- Lift-up and convective nonnormalities : the dynamics of a recirculation bubble
- Lifted Message Passing: A Step Towards Gaining a 'Big Picture' View on AI
- Lifted Relational Neural Networks
- Lifting endotrivial modules
- Lifting G-stable endotrivial modules
- Lifting Galois representations
- Lifting the mystery of cyclic nucleotide signalling in kinetoplastids
- Lifting the Veil: Gender in Islam
- Lifting the world out of poverty
- Ligand detection and discrimination by spatial relocalisation: the complexities of T cell activation
- Ligand discrimination in myoglobin from linear-scaling DFT+U
- Ligand-mediated interactions between lipid vesicle: tuneable porosity and negative thermal expansion in lipid-DNA phases.
- Ligand-receptor binding in confined environments: from specific protein adsorption to nanoparticle attachment and drug delivery
- Ligand-receptor interactions in proteins and membranes
- Light and Enlightenment: A Brief Comparative History of the Correlations Between Scientific and Rabbinic Conceptions of Light
- Light and hormonal control of plant development: Application of the knowledge gained in Arabidopsis to crops.
- Light and Matter - Cells.
- Light and Matter - Molecules
- Light and Matter - Tissues
- Light and Shade of Interpretation
- Light at the end of the tunnel? Distributed sensing to better understand infrastructure
- Light at the middle of the tunnel: middleboxes for selective disclosure of network monitoring to distrusted parties
- Light Echoes in Art and Science: How far do the Two Constituencies Reflect Each Other in Theory and Practice?
- Light energy harvesting and charge carrier collection in mesoscopic solar energy conversion systems
- Light exotic meson candidates in COMPASS
- Light from the Cosmic Dawn: origin and observational signatures of the first black holes
- Light harvesting complexes in oxygenic photosynthesis
- Light Management Layers Based on Optical Nanostructures: Advancing Ultra-Thin Photovoltaics
- Light Regulation of Plant Development: From Mechanisms to Applications
- Light Scattering Detects Changes In Subcellular Structure And Organization With Connections To Cell Function
- Light Scattering Techniques
- Light scattering techniques
- Light Scattering techniques
- Light Scattering techniques
- Light Scattering techniques
- Light Scattering Techniques
- Light Scattering techniques
- Light scattering techniques (MALS and DLS)
- Light Scattering techniques (MALS, DLS)
- Light Scattering Through the Eyes of the Singularity Expansion Method
- Light sensing in the Ocean: new perspectives from the study of the diatom photoreceptors
- Light Sheet Microscopy in Cancer Research: Imaging the Dynamics of Physiologically Relevant 3D Models
- Light Sleep
- Light Sleep
- Light Sleep
- Light stops, kinematic variables, and gaps from LHC Run I
- Light structuring of functional polymers
- Light weight electronics with simplified architecture in automobile
- Light, camera, action: watching single DNA/RNA polymerases at work in living cells
- Light, gravity and fencing off the swampland
- Light, sight and the wonders of the eye…. with a focus on the lens
- Light, Sleep & Circadian Rhythms-Biology to Therapeutics
- Light, temperature and plant development
- Light-driven dynamics of a deformable microgel spiral and synchronisation of cilia in strong confinement
- Light-Emitting Polymers: From Medicine To Visible Light Communications
- Light-in, Light-out - the yin and yang of sustainable materials chemistry
- Light-matter interaction in atomically thin semiconductors: darkness, brightness, spins and valleys
- Light-matter interaction in complex dielectric media
- Light-Matter Interactions in Semiconductors: An Endless Playground for Fundamental Physics
- Light-rechargeable Batteries: A New tool to Fight Climate Change?
- Light-Responsive Polymers and Composites for Biomedical Applications
- Light-Weighting Innovation Strategy: A Roadmap-Portfolio Toolkit
- Light: Science and Applications - towards a top tier journal in optics and photonics
- Lighting Effects in Real Time Rendering
- Lighting for the 21st Century
- Lighting the Future: Next Generation LED Lighting to save Energy and Improve our Health
- Lighting the Future: Next generation LED lighting to save energy and improve our health
- Lighting the Future: the science behind understanding the efficiency and reducing the cost of GaN LEDs (Prof. Sir Colin J. Humphreys FRS, University of Cambridge)
- Lighting the Quantum Future
- Lighting up Einstein’s Dark Universe
- Lighting up RNA Interactions in Living Cells
- Lighting up superconductivity
- Lightning Session
- Lightning Talk - An Introduction to the Isaac Newton Institute
- Lightning talk - Minimum work protocols for dragging active particles using harmonic traps
- Lightning Talk - Stone Soup Presentation (dstl)
- Lightning talk - Title TBC
- Lightning talk - Title TBC
- Lightning Talk: Cell Tracking and Protein Fluorescence Quantitation in 4D Imaging Datasets
- Lightning Talk: HyperSpy and SamFire for Big Data Analysis
- Lightning Talk: Mathematical Imaging Methods for Mitosis Analysis in Cancer Research
- Lightning Talk: Multi-Dimensional Electron Microscopy
- Lightning Talk: Multi-spectral characterisation of thalamic nuclei using 3T MRI
- Lightning Talk: Structured Features for Bayesian Nonparametric Factor Analysis
- Lightning Talks
- Lights and audio workshop
- Lightweight and Heavyweight Methods for Integrating Mathematical Libraries
- Lightweight Membrane Structures
- Lightweight Monadic Programming in ML
- Lightweight verification of separate compilation
- Lightweight verification of separate compilation
- Lightyears ahead: How the Apollo Guidance Computer pioneered an era of reliable software
- Like the Back of Your Hand
- Likelihood based inference for current status data on a grid: a boundary phenomenon and an adaptive inference procedure
- Likelihood Inference and Bayesian MCMC
- Likelihood Inference in Non-Linear Term Structure Models: The Importance of the Zero Lower Bound
- Likelihood Maximization on Phylogenic Trees
- Likelihood-based inference for complex data structures
- Likely temporal abrupt shifts in the carbon cycle
- Lilacs Out of the Dead Land: Alina Marazzi's home movies
- Limb architecture in arthropods - how to build a uniramous leg
- Limbs gone batty: A second wave of Sonic Hedgehog expression during the development of the bat limb
- Limit capacity of non-stochastic steganographic systems and Hausdorff dimension
- Limit formulas for norms of tensor power operators and entanglement annihilating maps
- Limit multiplicities, trace formulas and von Neumann dimensions
- Limit objects and emergence
- Limit theorems for a stable sausage
- Limit theorems for eigenvectors of the normalized Laplacian for random graphs
- Limit theorems for nearly unstable Hawkes processes
- Limit theorems, financial applications and entropy of fractional Brownian motion: solved and unsolved problems
- Limit theory for statistics of random geometric structures
- Limit-Handling Driver Modelling
- Limitations of Deep Neural Networks
- Limitations of the Miles-Howard criterion
- Limitations on Quantum Key Repeaters
- Limitations on the psi-epistemic view of quantum states
- Limiting Behaviour for Heat Kernels of Random Processes in Random Environments
- Limiting Carleman weights and related inverse problems
- Limiting distributions of translates of curves on homogeneous spaces
- Limiting spectral distributions for a class of high-dimensional time series
- Limiting spectral distributions for a class of high-dimensional time series
- Limiting theorems for large dimensional sample means, sample covariance matrices and Hotelling's T2 statistics
- Limits in stochastic cell biology
- Limits of Enlightenment: Frederick II, the philosophes, and the common people
- Limits of parallelism using Dynamic Dependency Graphs
- Limits of Permutations: Forcing and Testing
- Limits of Polya urns with innovations
- Limits of precision in stochastic cell biology
- Limits of self-similar graphs and criticality of the Abelian Sandpile Model
- Limits of some combinatorial problems
- Limits on Dark Radiation, Early Dark Energy, and Relativistic Degrees of Freedom
- Limits to Goal-Directed Action Control - Implications for Psychopathologies
- Limits to growth - a new generation
- Limits to Growth or Limits and Beyond?
- Limits to nonequilibrium response
- Limits without scarcity, or why Malthus was wrong
- Limits without scarcity, or why Malthus was wrong
- Limitwise monotonicity spectra and uniformity
- Linaro/96 Boards: Innovation in Autonomous Driving powered by Open Source Heterogeneous Computing Platform
- LINCC Frameworks - developing software for large-scale analysis of data
- LincRNAs and RNA binding proteins that regulate apoptosis and self-renewal of hematopoietic progenitors
- Line bundle Standard Models
- Line bundles over noncommutative spaces
- Line Defect dynamics and solid mechanics
- Line defects in a variational model related to liquid crystals
- Line integrals of one-forms on the Sierpinski gasket
- Line Operator Quantum Numbers and Anomalies
- Line Percolation
- LINE-1 retrotransposition in stem cells
- LINE1 biology and its interactome dynamics after drug treatment
- Lineage as a conception of space in compartmental stochastic processes across cellular populations
- Lineage sorting and multi-species coalescent models
- Lineage tracing through somatic mutations in human development
- Lineage-specific genes are prominent DNA damage hotspots during leukemic transformation of B-cell precursors
- Lineages as evolving processes
- Linear advection characteristics of a variable resolution global spectral method on the sphere
- Linear Algebra Methods for Parameter-Dependent Partial Differential Equations
- Linear analysis to understand the formation of coherent structures in wall turbulence
- Linear and Dependent Types
- Linear and nonlinear inverse problems in imaging
- Linear and nonlinear optics of active terahertz metasurfaces
- Linear and Quadratic discrete holomorphic functions as integrable systems
- Linear Boltzmann equation and some Dirichlet series
- Linear Capabilities: an overview
- Linear characters of Sylow subgroups of the symmetric group
- Linear configurations containing 4-term arithmetic progressions are uncommon
- Linear configurations in uniform sets
- Linear correlations of the divisor function
- Linear Dynamical Systems Models of Adult Lifespan Data
- Linear dynamics in turbulent flows over a porous layers
- Linear evolution equations with dynamic boundary conditions
- Linear genomes and histone marks
- Linear groups without infinite order unipotents
- Linear instability of nonmonotone plasmas
- Linear instability of the Relativistic Vlasov-Maxwell system
- Linear Inverse Modeling and Scaling Analysis of Drainage Inventories: Examples from Asia
- Linear Inviscid Damping in the Euler-Boussinesq equations
- Linear isoperimetric functions for surfaces in hyperbolic groups
- Linear Isotropic Chirality: Electromagnetic versus Cosserat
- Linear Logic
- Linear Logic and Quantum Programming
- Linear Logic and the Semantics of Concurrent Computation
- Linear maps
- Linear Methods for Non-linear Inverse Problems in the Schrodinger (and related) Equations
- Linear numeral systems
- Linear optimal perturbations of a stratified shear layer
- Linear optimal perturbations of stratified shear layers
- Linear reconstructions and the analysis of the stable sampling rate
- Linear scaling algorithms: applicability, accuracy and scalable implementation
- Linear scaling DFT for the investigation of defective oxide nanomaterials
- Linear Separability of Gene Expression Dataset
- Linear SPDE's
- Linear stability and stability of dual span bundles
- Linear stability of charged rotating black holes
- Linear stability of charged rotating black holes
- Linear stability of disk galaxies
- Linear stability of isothermal and non-isothermal spiral Poiseuille flow
- Linear Stability of the Schwarzschild solution under gravitational perturbations
- Linear stability predictions vs. real shear flow behavior
- Linear stability vs. real nonlinear flow - Part 2
- Linear subspaces in the intersection of two quadrics
- Linear subspaces of real matrices without rank one matrices
- Linear systems of wave equations on cosmological backgrounds with convergent asymptotics
- Linear waves on extremal black holes
- Linear-and-quadratic reservoir engineering of non-Gaussian states in cavity optomechanics
- Linear-Cost Covariance Functions for Gaussian Random Fields
- Linear-Cost Covariance Functions for Gaussian Random Fields
- Linear-scaling time-dependent density-functional theory in the linear-response formalism: An implementation in the ONETEP code
- Linearisable Abel equations and the Gurevich-Pitaevskii problem
- Linearisable Abel equations and the Gurevich-Pitaevskii problem
- Linearisable mappings and their explicit integration
- Linearised gravity in de Sitter spacetime
- Linearised inverse conductivity problem: reconstruction and Lipschitz stability for infinite-dimensional spaces of perturbations
- Linearize this!
- Linearized Legendrian contact homology and Lagrangian Floer cohomology
- Linearizing Lipschitz Mappings
- Lines endowed with lawful force’: the maps and drawings of the Wide Streets Commissioners, Dublin, 1758–1849.
- Lines in nature and the landscape
- Lines in nature and the landscape
- Linguistic annotation and learner corpora
- Linguistic choices as political statements
- Linguistic complexity as optimal grammar length: An information-theoretic approach
- Linguistic discrimination, processing fluency, and the foreign language effect in science
- Linguistic Justice in Policy and Practice
- Linguistic laws in primate vocal communication
- Linguistic Measures for the Detection of Clinical Conditions
- Linguistic properties of multi-word passphrases
- Linguistic separatism? Standardisation and nationalism in today’s Quebec
- Linguistic Steganography using Automatically Generated Paraphrases
- Linguistic Strategies in Luyaaye; Word-play and Conscious Language Manipulation
- Linguistic Yardsticks: Evaluating Language Technology Using Insights from Linguistic Theory
- Linguistics and education: a case of mutual dependency?
- Linguistics in the Age of Large Language Models.
- Link cobordisms, configuration spaces and a more natural setting for (symplectic) Khovanov homology
- Link-Time Optimization for Instruction Cache Power Efficiency
- Linkage and anonymisation in consumer finance
- Linkage-Based Movable Bridges: Design and Optimization
- Linkages between plants, soil microbes, and the carbon cycle
- Linked Data / Open Data and Semantic Web standards and tools for meaningful integration of information
- Linked Data infrastructures for HE
- Linked data infrastructures for HE or Web Science research and linked open data infrastructures
- Linked Oscillators in Circadian Biology
- Linking assessments to international frameworks of language proficiency
- Linking Business and Philanthropy: The Social Concerns and Philanthropic Behaviours of Bombay's Mercantile Elite, 1845-1870
- Linking cortical architecture, connections and dynamics
- Linking cortical microstructure to in vivo measures of cortical structure in health and disease
- Linking design to construction, pitfalls and opportunities
- Linking dynamic signaling events within the same cell
- Linking Earth’s Deep Interior with its Surface Evolution: Constraints from Galápagos Volcanoes
- Linking Geology and Art in the field - insights from mountains and fold-thrust structures
- Linking Glacial-Interglacial States to Multiple Equilibria of Climate
- Linking ice-cliff and rock-slope failures
- Linking ice-cliff and rock-slope failures
- Linking individual ecological dynamics to the Greening of the Arctic: remote sensing as hero, villain, and redeemer
- Linking Invariant Theory to Maximum Likelihood Estimation
- Linking kinesin motor structure and function: small loops make a big difference
- Linking Mammary Development and Breast Cancer
- Linking mechanochemistry with protein folding at single bond resolution
- Linking microstructure to transport at several lengthscales in conjugated polymers
- Linking models and data for infectious disease dynamics: rubella as a case-study
- Linking national datasets at patient level: Triangulating cancer treatment data sources for the most commonly diagnosed adult brain tumour
- Linking North and South Atlantic deep water circulation using Nd isotopes
- Linking Pathogen Virulence, the Microbiota and Disease
- Linking physical gut remodelling to stem cell divisions in Drosophila
- Linking scales in the sea ice system
- Linking stochastic dynamic biological models to data: Bayesian inference for parameters and structure
- Linking taxa to function through contig clustering of microbial metagenomes
- Linking the continuous and the discrete -- coupling molecular dynamics to continuum fluid mechanics
- Linking the formation history of planets with their spectrum
- Linking the global and the local: the double burden of child malnutrition in Jamaica, c. 1960–2020
- Linking the low surface brightness Universe and galactic growth
- Linking the microbiome to the resistome in complex microbial communities
- Linking Urban Public Space and Migrant Integration in China: The Struggle for and the Magic of Time
- Linking Vision Science to Decision Making in Safety-Critical Scenarios
- Links 2015: Workshop on the linkages between energy, food and water consumption for Brazil in the context of climate change mitigation strategies
- Links Between Eddy Horizontal and Vertical Structure: A Geostrophic Turbulence Interpretation
- Links with splitting number one
- Linnaeus and the Troglodyte: Natural History and Europe's Encounter with Human Diversity in the Eighteenth Century
- Linton in context: a Granta valley landscape
- Linus sequences
- Linux on the Playstation3
- LinuxKit: new ways of using Linux
- Lion and Man -- Can Both Win?
- Lionhead Studios
- Lionhead Studios - Fable III Multiplayer game developer talk
- Lionhead Studios - Research and Development using Kinect
- Liouville Brownian motion and thick points of the Gaussian free field
- Liouville Chain Solutions of the Euler Equation
- Liouville equations with respect to measures (as a way to get Bogoliubov) type equations
- Liouville Quantum gravity on Riemann surfaces
- Liouville Quantum gravity on Riemann surfaces
- Liouville Quantum Gravity on the Riemann sphere
- Liouville quantum gravity via multiplicative cascades
- Liouville type theorems for fluid equations
- Lipid code for phosphatidylinositol bisphosphate synthesis
- Lipid Metabolism in apicomplexan parasites: Routes for drug therapy
- Lipid Nanobilayers to Host Biological Nanopores for Bio-sensing Applications
- Lipidomics - a tool for defining cellular functions of lipids and for determining novel therapeutic targets
- Lipidomics, infancy nutrition and growth
- Lipocalin 2 - a master mediator of intestinal and liver inflammation
- Liposomal delivery of vaccines - formulation engineering to manipulate immune responses
- Lippmann Photography: The Art and Science of Multispectral Imagery
- Lipschitz Global Optimization
- Lipschitz Global Optimization
- Liquefaction of cargo in ships
- Liquid argon from first principles, a suicidal choice of project
- Liquid association for large scale gene expression and network studies
- Liquid association for large scale gene expression and network studies
- Liquid association for large scale gene expression and network studies
- Liquid association for large scale gene expression and network studies
- Liquid association for large scale gene expression and network studies
- Liquid association for large scale gene expression and network studies
- Liquid biopsies: What your bodily fluids can tell us
- Liquid biopsy biomarkers for early detection; general principles and specific examples
- Liquid Crystal and Nonequilibrium states in mixed suspensions of mineral colloidal plates and spheres
- Liquid crystal defects, a critical overview
- Liquid Crystal Director Models with Coupled Electric Fields
- Liquid crystal elastomers
- Liquid Crystal Elastomers and Light (**joint talk with I-CAMP)
- Liquid Crystal Elastomers in Practice, Lessons from a Year in Industry
- Liquid Crystal elastomers: microstructures and active shape control
- Liquid crystal foam
- Liquid Crystal Materials for AR/VR Applications
- Liquid crystal metamaterials from nematic colloidal platelets
- Liquid crystal metamaterials from nematic colloidal platelets
- Liquid Crystal Nanotronics
- Liquid Crystal Nanotronics
- Liquid Crystal over Silicon (LCOS) Devices & Micro-displays at Cambridge
- Liquid Crystal Photonic Devices
- Liquid Crystals / Laplace Transformations
- Liquid crystals and general relativity
- Liquid crystals at patterned substrates
- Liquid crystals described within the phase-field crystal model
- Liquid crystals short course - day 1
- Liquid crystals short course - day 2
- Liquid crystals short course - day 3
- Liquid crystals short course - day 4
- Liquid crystals short course - day 5
- Liquid crystals, liquid crystal droplets and colloids: basic properties
- Liquid crystals, topological defects, and morphogenesis
- Liquid dielectrophoresis and wrinkling on the surface of a fluid layer
- Liquid drops on soft solids
- Liquid fishbone - Atomization patterns produced by the oblique collision of two liquid jets
- Liquid interface and buoyancy stabilization using high-frequency vibrations
- Liquid microjet photoelectron spectroscopy
- Liquid Phase Dispersion of Nanotubes and Graphene: The First Step Towards Functional Nano-Structured Materials
- Liquid Plastics in Waterproofing
- Liquid rope coiling
- Liquid State Theory Meets Deep Learning and Molecular Informatics
- Liquid-crystalline states of ultracold atomic systems
- Liquid-solid collisions with pre- and post-impact gas cushioning
- Liquid-Vapour Interfaces of Patchy Colloids
- Liquid–liquid phase separation in autophagy
- Liquidity Provision, Credit Risk and the Bond Spread: New Evidence from the Subprime Mortgage Market
- Liquidity resilience in the limit order book with survival models
- Liquidity spillovers in the German banking system
- Liquidity Suppliers and High Frequency Trading
- LiquidMetal: a unified programming language and runtime for heterogeneous platforms
- Liquids on solids, and gases in liquids on solids, in vacuum
- Lise Meitner Symposium
- List colourings and preference orders
- List objects with algebraic structure
- Listen to the Volcano
- Listen to your heart: How the brain consults the body when facing risky decisions
- Listening in a cocktail party with acoustic and electric hearing
- Listening in Place
- Listening not maybe to Virgil, but to the peoples of Italy
- Listening Out: Cold War Radio and the Soviet Audience
- Listening Out: Cold War Radio and the Soviet Audience
- Listening Out: Cold War Radio and the Soviet Audience
- Listening Sessions: Musical Encounters with Peni Rokotuiba Masirewa
- Listening to a dialect: Dynamics of phonetic and lexical representations
- Listening to Different Voices: reconceptualizing corporate social responsibility using feminist standpoint theory
- Listening to Ghosts: Re-imagining the sound of a mining landscape
- Listening to God: A categorical analysis of event-based revelation in a comparative context
- Listening to Individual Nanoparticles (Prof. Reuven Gordon, University of Victoria, Canada)
- Listening to Science.
- Listening to scientists' stories: using the British Library's 'An Oral History of British Science' archive
- Listening to the brain: sonification of EEGs
- Listening to the chirps: how do the LIGO results test general relativity?
- Listening to the enemy: Radio surveillance and punishment in the early Cold War
- Listening to the Universe – LISA Pathfinder and LISA
- Lister Prize Lecture - "Molecular mechanisms of immunological tolerance and immunosuppression"
- Lister Prize winning Lecture - Remodelling the lung to host unconventional germinal centres
- Literacies of (post)socialist childhood: Alternative readings of socialist upbringings and neoliberal regimes
- Literacies, Literature and Learning: reading classrooms differently
- Literacy and ICT: Social Constructions in the Lives of Low-literate Youth in Ethiopia & Malawi
- Literacy Instruction and the Bilingual Learner
- Literary activism in Cold War India: the short story, the magazine and the world
- Literary Criticism and the New Left (1956-62)
- Literary Cynicism in Nietzsche
- Literary Lunch: Martin Bell in conversation with Stephen Chittenden
- Literary Self-translation, Re-writing and the Stereo-effect
- Literate Proving: Informal Discussion Group
- Literature and Experience
- Literature and Film in the First Media Age
- Literature and Film in the First Media Age
- Literature of Loss (3-4 October 2019)
- Literature review presentations - Tidal power, and Fuel cells
- Literature, Cinema, Television - Almodóvar and Bresson: Launch Event for the Legenda 'Moving Image' Series
- Lithium Isotopic History of Cenozoic Seawater - Continental silicate weathering and reverse weathering.
- Lithium salt as a redox active p-type dopant for Spiro OMeTad in Dyes Sensitised Solar Cell
- Lithium, rhyolites, and the green revolution
- Lithological variation in the Iceland plume and its implications for geochemical dispersal of the plume head
- Lithops and other mesembs.
- Lithospheric structure, anisotropy and seismicity of the active North Anatolian Fault, Turkey
- Liting properties for C*-algebras : Local versus Global
- Liton Majumdar on the Link Between Planet Formation and Atmospheres
- Little Explorers: Charlie and the Blanket Toss
- Little Higgs Model with T-Parity
- Little Room for Capacitation: Rethinking Bourdieu on Pedagogic Action as Symbolic Violence
- Little Solutions to Big Problems: How we use nanoporous materials to address sustainability challenges
- Little theories for big formal proofs
- LITTLE THINGS and other things: probing star formation near and far
- Little things that make you sick
- Little Trace, Big Story: Determining Human Behaviour Through Lithic Residue and Use-Wear Analysis
- Littlemann Paths: an interface between representations of semi simple Lie algebras and probabilistic study of functions on the set of walks on lattices
- Littlewood-Richardson polynomials
- Liv Boeree: Poker, Effective Altruism and maximizing your impact
- Live and let die – Arabidopsis interactions with fungal pathogens
- Live Better ~ Help Often ~ Wonder More
- Live cell biochemistry by light
- Live Coding Musicians inaugural seminar
- Live Coding Musicians inaugural seminar
- Live Forever - Germ cells provide the enduring link between all generations
- LIVE from NY: In God We Trust, All Others Pay Cash: The Financial System as the joint product of Trust and Technology
- Live imaging and genetic analyses of transformed cell extrusion from the zebrafish embryonic epithelium
- Live imaging inflammation in wound healing and cancer
- Live imaging of inflammation in wound healing and cancer
- Live imaging of nascent mesoderm across gastrulation highlights cell-environment interdependence
- Live Imaging Studies of Plasmodium falciparum Invasion Phenotypes
- Live screening of The Matter of the Soul | Symphony, followed by Q&A with artist Kat Austen
- Live, and let live: medical recipes and technique of the socialized self across the Ming-Qing transition
- Liver and pancreas Stem/progenitor cells and organoid cultures
- Liver fibrosis and epigenetics: potential for a BETter treatment
- Liver formation in zebrafish - Wnt and BMP signalling in organ specification.
- Liver Lipid Metabolism and Healthy Ageing: Themes from the Drug Discovery Frontline
- Liver Regeneration in the Damaged Liver
- Lives and Letters (the Robert Hooke Portfolio)
- Lives on The Ice - Changing Patterns of Antarctic Experience from Scott to Byrd
- Livestock Associated Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (LA MRSA ST398) in Relation to Pig Farming in the UK
- Living archives and dying wards: ethical records preservation at the Uganda Cancer Institute
- Living at their own hand? Policing the youthful poor in rural England, c. 1620-c.1750
- Living Clusters in Suspensions of Active Colloids
- Living Conditions in Ancient Egyptian Settlements and the Place occupied by the Non-Elite Population
- Living Dangerously: My Life as an Explorer
- Living Droplets Get to Work
- Living fast and dying young: Variation in life history across English neighbourhoods
- Living in curved momentum space.
- Living in the Cold
- Living in the World with Wisdom
- Living la vita apostolica. Life expectancy and mortality of nuns in late-medieval Holland
- Living Laboratory for Sustainability
- Living Long and Living Well: Changing Prospects for Prevention of Alzheimer's Disease and Late Life Dementias, 2014
- Living Matter: An Introduction - A biologist's perspective
- Living Matter: An Introduction - A physicist's perspective
- Living on Atlantic Time: Commerce and Daily Life on the Gambia River
- Living on Sacred Ground: The Priests’ Houses in the Temple of Amun in Karnak
- Living optical elements in the vertebrate retina
- Living photonic devices from patchy colloids: Inspiration from cephalopods
- Living Root Bridge Ecosystems of India
- Living standards, human capital and the Industrial Revolution
- Living the Security City: Navigating Karachi’s Enclaves
- Living Well Dying Well
- Living with a million-year long infection
- Living with ART : The first generation in Uganda
- Living with earthquakes in the developing world
- Living with Earthquakes: bridging the physical and social sciences
- Living with explosive remnants of war. A Southeast Asian perspective
- Living With History
- Living with Intention: Creating a Life Filled with Purpose and Meaning (in-person)
- Living with purpose: Finding Meaning in our Lives (in-person talk)
- Living with the Bear
- Living with the Loving God: Oliver Cromwell’s Religion Revisited
- Living with the seasons – an exemplar of Circadian Design
- Living with tsunamis: Sumatra and the Mediterranean
- Living with Volcanoes
- Living without oxygen: Lessons from cold-blooded vertebrates
- Lizards, skulls and reptile communities
- LKFs intersection angles in sea ice: from observations to mechanical properties for the sea ice viscous-plastic model
- LLM Generalization in Social Context
- LLM-powered code generators in K–12 self-paced computing education
- LLMs and Low-Resource Languages
- LLMs: Everything’s Different and Nothing Has Changed
- LMB Kendrew Lecture (part 1): Using AI to accelerate scientific discovery
- LMB Kendrew Lecture (part 2): Highly accurate protein structure prediction with AlphaFold
- LMB Seminar - Alpha-Synuclein and its aggregation: Past, Present and Future
- LMB Seminar - The immune system of bacteria - IN PERSON ONLY
- LMB Seminar - Title TBC
- LMB Seminar - Title TBC
- LMB Seminar - Title TBC
- LMB Seminar - Title TBC
- LMB Seminar - Title TBC
- LMB Seminar - Title TBC
- LMB Seminar - Title TBC
- LMB Seminar - Title TBC
- LMB Seminar - Title TBC
- LMB Seminar - Title TBC
- LMB Seminar - Title TBC
- LMB Seminar - Using connectomes to accelerate studies of the neuronal control of behavior in Drosophila
- LMB Seminar Series - Animating Molecular Biology
- LMB Seminar Series - Antibodies against Ebola and Lassa: A Global Collaboration
- LMB Seminar Series - CryoEM of proton pumping macromolecular machines
- LMB Seminar Series - Factors and Functions of ER Membrane Contact Sites
- LMB Seminar Series - Francis Crick Lecture - Innovation by Evolution: Bringing New Chemistry to Life
- LMB Seminar Series - Kendrew Lecture - How a ubiquitin-like protein brings ubiquitylation to life
- LMB Seminar Series - Kinetochore Structure
- LMB Seminar Series - Modifications of RNA: their function and role in cancer
- LMB Seminar Series - Organelle contact sites: a new layer in the organization of Eukaryotic cells
- LMB Seminar Series - Pathogen restriction and host specificity: insights from the human pathogen Salmonella Typhi
- LMB Seminar Series - Perutz Lecture - The enigmatic TMEM16 family
- LMB Seminar Series - Stem cells, regeneration and organoid cultures
- LMB Seminar Series - Structural and mechanistic studies of key components in DNA damage signalling and repair
- LMB Seminar Series - Synthesis and hydrolysis of the gram-positive cell wall: revisiting old models with new data
- LMB Seminar Series - The 100,000 genomes project and beyond
- LMB Seminar Series - Title TBC
- LMB Seminar Series - Towards a mechanistic understanding of cellular processes by cryo-EM
- LMB Seminar Series - Towards a mechanistic understanding of cellular processes by cryo-EM
- LMB Seminar Series Milstein Lecture - Intracellular Membrane Contact Sites, Lipid Dynamics and Neurodegeneration
- LMB Seminar Series- How T cells control secretion to optimise target cell killing
- LMB Seminar Series- Stories from the first year of the Central Oxford Structural Microscopy and Imaging Centre - closing in on bacterial protein secretion systems.
- LMB Seminar Series- Title to follow
- LMB Seminar Series- Title to follow
- LMB Seminar Series-DNA Methylation: From stem cell differentiation to chromatin organisation
- LMB Seminar Series-Epigenetic inheritance in mammals
- LMB Seminar Series-Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection of host cells in time and space
- LMB Seminar Series-RNA quality control and the nuclear RNA exosome
- LMB Seminar Series-Solving a 3D jigsaw with 1000 pieces - Structure and assembly of the nuclear pore complex
- LMB Seminar Series-Title to follow
- LMB Seminar Series-Title to follow
- LMB Seminar Series-Title to follow
- LMB Seminar Series-Title to follow
- LMB Seminar Series-Title to follow
- LMB Seminar Series: Extracting function from structure: Lessons from the adult fly connectome
- LMB Seminar Series: Folding and assembly of newly synthesized proteins revealed by ribosome profiling
- LMB Seminar Series: Folding and assembly of newly synthesized proteins revealed by ribosome profiling
- LMB Seminar Series: Host factors that shape influenza evolution.
- LMB Seminar Series: Regulation of gene expression and genome organisation
- LMB Seminar Series: Title tbc
- LMB Seminar Series: Title tbc
- LMB Seminar Series: Title tbc
- LMB Seminar Series: Title tbc
- LMB Seminar Series: Title tbc
- LMB Seminar Series: Title tbc
- LMB Seminar Series: Title tbc
- LMB Seminar Series: Title tbc
- LMB Seminar: Engineering Organoid Development
- LMB Seminar: AlphaFold2 as a Tool for Cell Biology
- LMB Seminar: Biomolecular condensates and their implications for physiology and disease
- LMB Seminar: Biosynthesis and degradation of the underappreciated green polymer cyanophycin
- LMB Seminar: Blending Proteins: Democratising Access to Beautiful Molecular Landscapes
- LMB Seminar: Cell volume and dry mass across time scales in cultured mammalian cells: from milliseconds in migrating and circulating cells to homeostasis during cycles of growth and division
- LMB Seminar: Cryo-ET reveals sarcomere structures at molecular resolution
- LMB Seminar: Decoding the role of solute carriers in health and disease
- LMB Seminar: Encoding tissue morphogenesis with genetics, mechanics and geometry
- LMB Seminar: Engineering a bacteria for lung therapy
- LMB Seminar: Evading ageing: Mitochondrial and proteostatic adaptations in oocytes
- LMB Seminar: Feedback control of mitosis in the context of the kinetochore
- LMB Seminar: From regeneration to homeostasis: tissue-scale decision making
- LMB Seminar: Functions of Ribosome-Associated Chaperones in Health and Disease
- LMB Seminar: Identification of alternative pathways for metabolism or cell death using haploid genetics
- LMB Seminar: Laser phase plate in cryo-EM and cryo-ET
- LMB Seminar: Mechanism and regulation P element transposition in Drosophila
- LMB Seminar: Mechanisms of centriole assembly
- LMB Seminar: Mechanosensing in cancer invasion and metastasis
- LMB Seminar: Membrane Mechanics: cryo-EM insights and challenges
- LMB Seminar: Metabolism, Cellular Decisions and the Language That Unites Them
- LMB Seminar: Mitochondrial Behaviour
- LMB Seminar: Molecular mechanisms that regulate the first cell fate decisions in human development - In Person Only
- LMB Seminar: Molecular views into cellular functions by in-cell cryo-electron tomography
- LMB Seminar: Pharmacological Adaptation of Proteostasis to Ameliorate Aging-associated Degenerative Diseases
- LMB Seminar: Power to the protein: analyse, signal and protect with bacterial superglues
- LMB Seminar: Separate yet connected: mitochondrial and nuclear genome stability
- LMB Seminar: Single-molecule studies reveal the dynamics of replication origin licensing
- LMB Seminar: Structural basis of how the BIRC6/SMAC complex regulates apoptosis and autophagy
- LMB Seminar: Super-resolution imaging of transcription in living cells
- LMB Seminar: Systemic regulation of brain aging and function
- LMB Seminar: Talking to cells: biomolecular ultrasound for imaging and control of cellular function in intact organisms
- LMB Seminar: TBC
- LMB Seminar: The allosteric landscape of a protein
- LMB Seminar: The biomass distribution on Earth
- LMB Seminar: The Extraordinary Life and Legacy of Sir John C. Kendrew
- LMB Seminar: Tissue genomics: High throughout tools for measuring and perturbing tissues
- LMB Seminar: Title TBC
- LMB Seminar: Title TBC
- LMB Seminar: Title TBC
- LMB Seminar: What do we know about (your) antibodies? Novel insights from novel techniques in mass spectrometry
- LMICs-specific challenges and opportunities for infectious disease modelling
- LMS Girls in Mathematics Day
- LMS Spitalfields Day "Potential Modularity"
- LNA GapmeRs represent a powerful alternative for knocking down mRNAs and lncRNAs.
- Lncing 3D chromatin structure to trained to immunity
- lntegrating Palaeoclimate into the Study of the Past
- Load balancing by network curvature control
- Load balancing in stochastic networks
- Load Balancing under Data Locality: Extending Mean-Field Framework to Constrained Large-Scale Systems
- Load Balancing via Random Local Search in Closed and Open systems
- Load Induced Blindness
- Load Migration in SDN Controllers
- Load optimization in a planar network
- Load-displacement solutions for piles and shallow foundations based on deformation fields and energy conservation.
- Loan Word Typology
- Local Action Traces and Abstract Concurrent Separation Logic
- Local adaptation in humans: lessons from modern and ancient genomes
- Local algorithms on bounded degree graphs
- Local Analogs for High-redshift Galaxies: Interstellar Medium Conditions and Metallicities in High-redshift Galaxies
- Local analysis of the inverse problem associated with the Helmholtz equation -- Lipschitz stability and iterative reconstruction
- Local and discrete scoring rules
- Local and extended frontal lobe networks.
- Local and global branching of solutions of differential equations
- Local and global branching of solutions of differential equations
- Local and Global Regulation of Meiotic Prophase by Post-Translational Protein Modification
- Local and global synaptic credit assignment
- Local and non-local features in the primordial power spectrum and associated non-Gaussianities
- Local and nonlocal energy transfers in a family of geophysically relevant 2D turbulence models
- Local anomalies in Z’ models
- Local audibility of a hyperbolic metric
- Local Bilinear Multiple-Output Quantile Regression: from $L_1$ Optimization to Regression Depth
- Local causal discovery for downstream effect estimation
- Local convective instability and transient growth in steady and pulsatile stenotic flows
- Local coordination of cell polarity through cell-cell interactions
- Local correlation methods for molecular electronic structure calculations
- Local Covid-19 Simulations – Expansion to National
- Local crafts and universal science: lived experience and the written word in the early modern world
- Local Deep Kernel Learning for Efficient Non-linear SVM Prediction
- Local density of states of electron-crystal phases in graphene in the quantum Hall regime
- Local development of Follicular Helper T cells
- Local dimensions, Bernoulli convolutions and self-affine measures
- Local epsilon-isomorphisms in families
- Local estimates for reaction diffusion equations with applications to $\Phi^4_3$
- Local flow structure and Reynolds number dependence of Lagrangian statistics in direct numerical simulations of homogeneous turbulence
- Local Geometric Morphisms
- Local geometry of the rough-smooth interface in the two-periodic Aztec diamond.
- Local graph coloring
- Local heat of the IOM3 Young Persons Lecture Competition
- Local Independence Graphs
- Local injectivity for generalized Radon transforms
- Local injectivity for generalized Radon transforms
- Local Interstellar Medium / History of Investigation of Mars and Venus in USSR (1960-1996)
- Local Knowledge and Disarmament, Demobilisation and Reintegration in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
- Local Knowledge and the Reintegration of Ex-Combatants in the Democratic Republic of Congo
- Local limit theorem for ballistic random walk in random environments
- Local Maxima of Quadratic Boolean Functions
- Local measurement schemes for quantum field theory in curved spacetimes
- Local medicines in a global empire: collecting medicinal plants in eighteenth-century Spanish Central America
- Local mirror symmetry via the Gross-Siebert program
- Local models for Size-Topology Correlations
- Local moving Fourier based bootstrapping
- Local Names
- Local nearest neighbour classification with applications to semi-supervised learning
- Local non-abelian Kummer maps for curves
- Local non-linearities: what's the worst that can happen?
- Local Optimality in Algebraic Path Problems
- Local perceptions on refugee and migrant integration in the City of Athens
- Local Probe Techniques - Keys to the Nanoworld
- Local Probe Techniques - Keys to the Nanoworld
- Local quivers and Morita theory for matrix factorizations
- Local Ramsey Theory in abstract spaces
- Local reasoning for robust observational equivalence
- Local Reciprocity: a Mysterious Map from Number Theory
- Local Regularity in Mean Curvature Flow
- Local regularity theory for Navier-Stokes equations and Liouville type theorems
- Local restriction theorem and maximal Bochner-Riesz operator for the Dunkl transforms
- Local scoring rules
- Local Search and the General Assignment Problem
- Local seismicity at the Krafla and Eyjafjallajökull volcanoes, Iceland
- Local semicircle law and complete delocalization for Wigner random matrices
- Local semicircle law and level repulsion for Wigner random matrices
- Local Sequential Monte Carlo Methods
- Local stability of Dirac masses for a kinetic model of alignment on the sphere
- Local Systems and Simple Groups I
- Local Systems and Simple Groups II
- Local Temporal Reasoning
- Local testability in group theory I
- Local testability in group theory II
- Local Therapeutic Delivery for Brain Cancer
- Local time at zero metric associated to a GFF on a cable graph.
- Local times of Brownian motion indexed by the Brownian tree
- Local to Global Compatibility on the Eigencurve
- Local to Global Principles: the Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer Conjecture Explained
- Local Transcriptomes and proteomes in neurons
- Local transfer and spectra of a diffusive field advected by large-scale incompressible flows
- Local Translation at the Synapse
- Local Unitarity: a representation of differential cross-sections that is locally free of infrared singularities at any order
- Local units in non-commutative Galois extensions
- Local Well-posedenss of the Bartnik Static Extension Problem near Schwarzschild spheres
- Local well-posedness and singularity formation beyond the Yudovich class
- Local yield stress in model amorphous solids
- Local-first software: Returning data ownership to users
- Local-global compatibility in the p-adic Langlands program for unitary groups
- Local-global conjectures in modular representation theory.
- Local-global principle for zero-cycles of degree one and integral Tate conjecture for 1-cycles
- Local-Global principles for affine curves
- Localisation and ageing in the parabolic Anderson model
- Localisation and delocalisation in the parabolic Anderson model
- Localisation and transport in many-body two-dimensional quasiperiodic systems
- Localisation bounds for multiparticle systems
- Localisation bounds for multiparticle systems
- Localisation for random block operators
- Localisation for Robotics
- Localisation of Iwasawa algebras
- Localisation tensor
- Localisation-based feedback controls during mitosis and the maintenance of chromosomal stability
- Localised (situated) feminism/ethics
- Localised Anti-Branes in Flux Backgrounds
- Localised buckling, writhing and cutting of the DNA molecule
- Localised Planning, Sub-regional Housing Markets and Affordability Outcomes: What is Likely to Happen?
- Localised plasma balls via AdS/CFT
- Localised RNA-based mechanisms underlie neuronal wiring
- Localising Shapes in Neuroimaging Data
- Localising the Energy and Momentum of Linear Gravity
- Localist models are compatible with information measures, sparseness indices and complementary learning systems in the brain
- Locality and Footprints in Separation Logic
- Locality at the boundary implies gap in the bulk for 2D PEPS
- Locality from circuit lower bounds
- Locality of critical points: the connective constant
- Localization and chiral splitting in scattering amplitudes
- Localization and delocalization in quantum hall systems
- Localization and Exact Quantum Entropy of Black Holes
- Localization bounds for multiparticle systems
- Localization for random divergence operators
- Localization in quiver moduli spaces and the Refined GW/Kronecker correspondence
- Localization in ultracold-atom quasi-periodic models
- Localization of affine W-algebras at the critical level
- Localization of electronic excitations in organic semiconductors: theoretical views from different angles
- Localization of topologically protected elastic waves: from diffuse to punctual modifications of the domain
- Localization of weighted vertex reinforced random walks on the integers
- Localization theorem for algebraic stacks
- Localization, conduction, and superfluidity
- Localization, supersymmetry, and integrability
- Localized Energy Estimates of the Wave Equation on Higher Dimensional Schwarzschild Space Times
- Localized Growth Drives Pore Space Patterning in Mesophyll Development
- Localized Intra-arterial Drug Delivery for Treatment of Solid Tumors
- Localized loading of compliant composite laminate
- Localized Optoacoustic Modes at Interface between Two Media
- Localized Optoacoustic Modes at the Interface Between Two Media
- Localized origin at the core-mantle boundary of the 1969 geomagnetic impulse
- Localized Phonon Polaritons: A Novel Platform for Mid-Infrared Quantum Polaritonics
- Localized pulse solutions in FitzHugh-Nagumo equations
- Localized representation theory
- Localized states in passive and active systems
- Localized structures in fluid flows
- Localized structures in fluid flows
- Localizing the Energy and Momentum of Linear Gravity
- Locally adaptive Monte Carlo methods
- Locally analytic functions and distributions on Z_p
- Locally analytic representations and D-modules on rigid analytic spaces
- Locally analytic representations of p-adic groups
- Locally covariant QFT and the problem of formulating the same physics in all spacetimes
- Locally Finite Constraint Satisfaction Problems
- Locally graded categories
- Locally optimal designs for errors-in-variables models
- Locally s-transitive groups
- Locally Sparse Reconstruction Using l^1,\infty^-Norms
- Locally-stationary modelling of oceanographic spatiotemporal data
- Locating cryptocurrencies in the Western legal tradition
- Locating indigenous knowledge in the Historia Naturalis Brasiliae (1648)
- Locating knots and slipknots in open and closed macromolecules
- Locating species identity: towards a biogeography of transgenic life
- Locating the Cloud in Sweden‘s North
- Locating the Reversals: Adapting EMMA for the screen
- Locating true North: a physiognomic analysis of Marianne North and the North Gallery at Kew
- Location matters: the complosome and cell physiology in health and disease
- Location Resolution in Language Processing
- Location, multi-location and endurance
- Lock Inference in the Presence of Large Libraries
- Lock-free programming
- Lock-freeness for Reagents
- Locke's Political Legacy
- Locked in colour: doctors and the bite of the tarantula
- Locked-in syndrome
- Locomotion and adhesion: tarsal attachment control in ants
- Locomotion and Complex Fluids
- Locomotion in Australian Monitor Lizards: Ecomorphological and Ecophysiological Considerations
- Locomotion in extinct giant kangaroos? Hopping for resolution.
- Locomotion in Granular Media
- Locomotion of helical bodies in viscoelastic fluids
- Locomotion on a slime layer: water snails versus land snails
- Locomotion: from basilisk lizards to bacteria. -Maria Tatulea-Codrean (damtp).
- LOCUS: Learning Object Classes with Unsupervised Segmentation
- Loday Constructions of Tambara functors
- Loewner curvature
- Loewner-Kufarev Evolutions
- LOFAR Capabilities and Early Results
- Log birational boundedness of Calabi-Yau pairs
- Log books and the law of storms: maritime meteorology and the British Admiralty in the 19th century
- Log canonical thresholds and K-stability
- Log Gases and Gaudin's Awesome Lemma
- Log gluing log curves and log cohomological field theories
- Log log blowup of mass-critical NLS
- Log schemes, root stacks and parabolic bundle
- Log-concave distributions: definitions, properties, and consequences
- Log-concave random graphs
- Log-concavity, nearest-neighbour classification, variable selection and the Statistics Clinic
- Log-linear models with hidden features for label and link prediction
- Logarithmic double-ramification cycles
- Logarithmic geometry
- Logarithmic Gromov-Witten invariants
- Logarithmic intersection theory and enumerative geometry
- Logarithmic profile of the mean turbulent velocity and recent developments about its universality.
- Logarithmic reconstruction on unstructured grids
- Logging the Pandemic
- Logic and memory functions in molecular tunnelling junctions
- Logic and Probability: The Computational Connection
- Logic and the Physical World: Topos theory as a foundation for physics
- Logic in univalent type theory
- Logic of Hybrid Games
- Logic programming beyond Prolog
- Logic programming beyond Prolog
- Logic Programming, Semantics, and a Bit of Cleverness
- Logic programming: laxness and saturation
- Logic, Artificial Intelligence and Human Thinking
- Logical dependence via functional dependence
- Logical equivalence for subtyping object and recursive types.
- Logical Induction: a computable approach to logical non-omniscience
- Logical Methods in the Complexity Analysis of Graph Algorithms
- Logical paradoxes in quantum computation
- Logical Reasoning for Higher-Order Functions with Local State
- Logical relations
- Logical Testing: Hoare-style Specification Meets Executable Validation
- Logics for Coalgebras
- Logics for Unranked Trees: An Overview
- Logics for Unranked Trees: An Overview
- Logics of polynomial-time computation
- Logics with algebraic operators
- Logics with Rank Operators
- Logie Baird's Mechanical TV and Hitler's V3 Super Gun
- Logistic and Softmax Regression, and their Relation to the Neural Network World
- Logistic regression with a Laplacian prior on the singular values: convex duality and application to EEG classification.
- Loke CTR Annual Meeting 2025 - The Placenta at Term
- London 2012 - Singapore 2014 - Rio 2016: The Role of Major Sports Infrastructure in Long Term City-Making
- London 2012 Olympic Games
- London Bridge in the late fifteenth century: ‘comparable in itself to a little city’?
- London EvoDevo meeting
- London in the Fog: The Artistic Response to Air Pollution
- London livery companies
- London Overground
- London Underground/TfL
- Londongrad: Is it still “From Russia With Cash”? by Mark Hollingsworth
- Lonesome George: The life and loves of a conservation icon
- Long Arithmetic Progressions in Sumsets
- Long bone fracture as a complication following external skeletal fixator application in three dogs and five cats.
- Long cycles in hamiltonian graphs
- Long Form Question Answering
- Long in the tooth: a study of a set of papier-mache horses' teeth
- Long Life Problems
- Long Memory Networks in Climatological Studies
- Long non-coding and extracoding RNAs in normal haematopoiesis and leukemia
- Long non-coding RNAs as regulators of cancer cell shape
- Long non-linear flexural-gravitational waves in the sea, covered with Ice
- Long paths in subgraphs of the cube
- Long programs and optimisation
- Long programs and optimisation
- Long programs and optimisation
- Long programs and optimisation
- Long Range Interactions and Aqueous Assembly
- Long Range Magnetic Interactions in Pure Carbon Materials
- Long Range Predictability of the winter atmosphere in the North Atlantic Sector.
- Long Sequence-to-Sequence Summarization: Efficient Transformer Models & Complementary Techniques
- Long Story Short: Omitted Variable Bias in Causal Machine Learning
- Long Strides for Wildlife: ten years of the Wildlife Trust
- Long term drivers of aboveground-belowground linkages - evidence from invaders, islands and chronosequences
- Long term durability of spent nuclear fuel
- Long Term Electricity Market Design: Pricing Quality?
- Long term health economic modelling of screening strategies for cardiovascular disease prevention (work in progress).
- Long Term Monitoring of the Jet in Centaurus A
- Long term performance and in-situ assessment of cement-bentonite cut-off walls.
- Long term thermochemical evolution of Earth's mantle
- Long time Anderson localization for the nonlinear random Schroedinger equation
- Long time approximations for stochastic algorithms
- Long time behavior for vortex dynamics in the 2 dimensional Euler equations
- Long time behaviour of kinetic Fokker-Planck models for Elo Chess ranking and when applying hypocoercivity methods can be really hard.
- Long time dynamics of some dispersive models arising from the study of water waves
- Long wave transition to instability of flows in horizontally extended domains of porous media
- Long wavelength spin dynamics of ferrromagnetic condensates
- Long-distance agreement for person: Some new data from Icelandic
- Long-distance citizenship and external voting: African case studies
- Long-distance nationalism and the legitimation of political violence: Shyamji Krishnavarma's 'Scientific terrorism'
- Long-distance organelle transport in the neuron: mechanisms of motor engagement and motor coordination
- Long-distance wound signals in Arabidopsis leaves
- Long-life sea surface temperature
- Long-lived N-body disks
- Long-range propagation of ocean swell
- Long-range screening and interatomic forces: from 3D to 2D
- Long-Range Transformers
- Long-read and hybrid metagenomic assembly: tradeoffs and detections limits
- Long-running programs
- Long-running programs
- Long-running programs
- Long-running programs
- Long-running programs
- Long-running programs
- Long-running programs
- Long-tailed Recognition via Key Attribute Learning
- Long-Term Autonomy in Everyday Environments: A New Challenge for AI and Robotics
- Long-term basement heave in over-consolidated clay, or how to design an underground station using a time machine
- Long-term behaviour of cast-iron cross passages in London Underground
- Long-term changes in sickness among young men in Sweden, 1851-1930: Evidence from military sources
- Long-term dynamics of synapses and representations in the mouse auditory cortex
- Long-Term Evolution of Circumbinary Accretion Disks
- Long-term generation capacity expansion models in JuDGE
- Long-Term Human Interactions with the Earth System
- Long-term oceanographic monitoring of the Antarctic nearshore environment
- Long-term performance and immobilisation mechanisms of stabilised/solidified contaminated soils
- Long-term stability of human neurons in an organotypic slice culture system – a new model to study disease mechanisms of neurological disorders
- Long-term survival and adaptive strategies of Burkholderia pseudomallei in distilled water: Insights from a 28-year study
- Long-term tracking of human pose in videos
- Long-time asymptotics for linear initial boundary value problems with time-periodic data
- Long-time behaviour of nonlinear growth-fragmentation equations
- Long-time behaviour of periodically driven many-body quantum systems
- Long-time prediction of nonlinear parametrized dynamical systems by deep learning-based ROMs
- Longevity and anticancer mechanisms in the naked mole rat
- Longing in Egypt: A solution for male infertility in the Joseph story (Genesis 39)
- Longitudinal analysis of intracortical microstructural profiles during adolescent development
- Longitudinal Evaluation of API Usability and Designing Support for Collaborative Search around the Tabletop
- Longitudinal forces in PiP model
- Longstanding and prognosticative aspects of wave-ice interactions in MIZs and coastal ice covers
- Look Beyond the Target: How Lessons from Chronic Myeloid Leukaemia Can Improve Cancer Targeted Therapies
- Look on the bright side: Reducing anxiety via the direct modification of cognitive bias
- Lookahead in Sequential Monte Carlo
- Looking ahead in the world of science
- Looking at data and models in high-dimensional spaces: (2) How, when and why to use interactive and dynamic graphics
- Looking at data and models in high-dimensional spaces: (3) Determining significance of structure
- Looking at data and models in high-dimensional spaces: (3) Determining significance of structure
- Looking at Japanese erotica
- Looking at language acquisition
- Looking at Language Acquisition XII - Aspect markers in Brunei Malay
- Looking at Language Acquisition XII - Structuring temporal information in early and advanced L2 discourse
- Looking at Language Acquisition XII - Why some (but not all) adults compute scalar implicatures
- Looking at models in high-dimensional data spaces
- Looking at proteins in live cells with atomic resolution: From Science Fiction to Science Reality
- Looking at QED through the glasses of Very Special Relativity
- Looking at retinal development as it happens
- Looking at the Canes Venatici I and Carina dSphs through Monte Carlo Techniques
- Looking at the genes behind Darwin’s abominable mystery
- Looking Back at Lyrebird
- Looking Beyond Corporate Boards: Drivers of Female Representation in Executive Roles
- Looking Beyond Crystallinity in Metal-Organic Frameworks
- Looking beyond luminal stenosis: Atherosclerosis Imaging and Biomechanical Analysis
- Looking beyond pharaoh: Legal pluralism and ‘early democracy’ in ancient Egypt
- Looking but not seeing: the challenges of detecting response to cancer therapy
- Looking for a hidden sector in exotic Higgs decays with the ATLAS experiment
- Looking for cool brown dwarfs in wide field surveys
- Looking for cosmic superstrings with microlensing
- Looking for hot physics in ultracold places
- Looking for lepton flavour violation in supersymmetry at the LHC
- Looking for lepton flavour violation in supersymmetry at the LHC
- Looking for morphogenetic mechanisms
- Looking for New (BSM) Physics at the LHC with Single Jets: Jet Substructure and Pruning
- Looking for New Physics with the Higgs boson
- Looking for novel regulators of cell morphogenesis using microscopy-based functional genomics approaches
- Looking for plants in South Africa
- Looking for signatures of quantum entanglement: spin liquids at finite temperature
- Looking for the biases and gaps in spillover data of zoonotic viruses
- Looking for the LARGE volume axiverse
- Looking forward to new physics with FASER: ForwArd Search ExpeRiment at the LHC
- Looking Forward: Exploring Nature with Precision Measurements at LHCb
- Looking inside a star (and other stories) - Developments in Radio Astronomy made here in Cambridge
- Looking Inside the Box, Thinking Outside the Box: Exhibiting Fiji in Cambridge
- Looking into 'Indian' pasts: archaeology, histories and ways of seeing
- Looking into stars' cradle: results and challenges from an RV follow-up of infant and young planets
- Looking into the first billion years with JWST
- Looking into the future: How many homes do we need and what happens if we do not build them?
- Looking is Thinking: The visual analysis of paintings
- Looking out for new physics through the top window
- Looking Through the Sunda Arc: An Overview of Java’s Magmatism
- Looking under the hood; profiling genome function with sequencing
- Looking up and down, and back and forth – Understanding the Third Dynasty of Ur
- Looking with different eyes: exploring visual systems diversity with the crustacean Parhyale hawaiensis
- Loop Correlations in Random Wire Models
- Loop groups and noncommutative geometry
- Loop Quantum Gravity
- Loop quantum gravity, twisted geometries and twistors
- Loop-erased random walk in three dimensions
- Loop-erased random walk on planar graphs
- Loop-erased random walk on planar graphs
- Loop-the-Loop: an Analysis of the Fifth Gear Stunt Special
- Looping and direct transit in Brownian particle escape from force-biased and entropic traps
- Loops are loops
- Loops in exceptional field theory
- Looptrees
- Looptrees
- Loopy Lungs in Alligators
- Looting Matters: Returning Archaeological Material to Greece and Italy
- Lophophora
- Lord Chris Smith: Public Policy and Arts and Culture
- Lord Fitzwilliam and his passion for prints
- Lord Giddens: Understanding Society - A Sociologist's Perspective
- Lord Kelvin, First Baron of Largs: A Father of the Digital Age?
- Lord Rayleigh's Legacy
- Lord Robert Winston (Free Entry)
- Lord, state and community elites in the late medieval and early modern village: the evidence of manorial officeholding
- Lorentz and permutation invariants of particles
- Lorentz violating cosmology with a Hubble force
- Lorenz chaos beyond the attractor
- Lorenzo Pellis - Manchester
- Lorenzo Pellis - University of Manchester
- Los científicos españoles ante la Guerra Civil, el proceso de depuración y el exilio
- Losing sleep over the spread of Alzheimer's disease
- Losing Touch With Your Body: Clinical and Experimentally-Induced States of Body Disownership
- Loss and damage: Insights from the front lines in Bangladesh
- Loss mechanisms in Polymer-Fullerene Solar Cells
- Lossless Data Compression
- Lossy Compression Coding Theorems for Arbitrary Sources
- Lost and found: the evacuee property dispute between India and Pakistan
- Lost Chalk Streams of Newmarket and Cambridge
- Lost connections: a tale of wandering centrosomes.
- Lost faults of the Tien Shan
- Lost forests of Huntingdonshire
- Lost in Europe: the disappearance of migrant children
- Lost in the Big House: Anglo-Irishry and the Uses of the Supernatural
- Lost in translation: challenges in applying society's risks to individuals
- Lost in Translation: Crack Problems in Different Languages
- Lost Meteorites of Antarctica
- Lottery Auctions
- Louis IX, the Crown of Thorns and the Invention of Tradition
- Louisa Catherine Adams: Travel, Narrative, and Gender
- Louisa Prause - gloknos 'Epistemologies of Land' Webcast
- Louise Makin on Leading Teams in Challenging Times
- Louisiana Creole - a creole at the periphery
- Louisiana Creole - a creole at the periphery
- Lovász' Theorem and Comonads in Finite Model Theory
- LOVD: Leiden Open (Source) Variation Database
- Love and Naturalness
- Love and politics: A wedding gift for a medieval duchess
- Love as understanding: marriage, aspiration and the joint family in middle-class Pakistan
- Love at first light
- Love for sale in the 17th-century: Secrets of the oldest profession
- Love Stories for the Earth
- Love symmetry in higher-dimensional rotating black hole spacetimes
- Love-Arranged-Forced": British South-Asian Marriage in the UK
- Lovelock theory and AdS/CFT
- Lovelock theory, black holes and holography
- Lovesickness (ʿishq) in the Arabic medical commentaries (1200–1520)
- Loving and Killing Children: Jeremy Bentham on Adult-Child Sex, Infanticide, and Abortion
- Loving Theory: two talks on film and television
- Low and High Energy Lepton Flavor Violation and Higgs Decays
- Low bias gate tunable THz plasmonics signatures in CVD graphene of varying grain size (SP Workshop)
- Low Carbon Road Freight Transport
- Low cost and simple monitoring for geo-structures
- Low cost roads and critical states (CS)
- Low d singularities
- Low Degree Testing over the Reals
- Low dimensional cohomology of finite groups
- Low Dimensional Materials: Towards The Next Generation of Technologies
- Low Energy Buildings: CFD Modelling for Natural Ventilation and Thermal Comfort Prediction
- Low energy electron microscopy & spectroscopy in magnetic ultrathin films
- Low energy spectral and scattering theory for relativistic Schroedinger operators
- Low Energy? Think Positive!
- Low frequency of the Mx allele for viral resistance predates recent intensive selection in domestic chickens
- Low luminosity AGN across cosmic time - a preliminary census
- Low power and flexible electronics for time varying (circadian) and closed loop medicine.
- Low power MEMS strain sensors
- Low Power Photonic Networks for Shared Memory Computers
- Low Power Remote Structural Wireless Sensor Network Monitoring for Civil, Geotechnical and Environmental Applications
- Low rank as a model for quantum and classical estimation problems
- Low rank methods for PDE-constrained optimization
- Low rank methods for PDE-constrained optimization
- Low Regularity Solutions of the KdV Equation / The Kakeya Problem & Arithmetic Combinatorics
- Low Self-Esteem Predicts Out-group Derogation via Collective Narcissism, but this Relationship Is Obscured by In-group Satisfaction
- Low Stress Barrier/Encapsulation Layer ForTFT Backplanes on Transparent Plastic
- Low surface brightness imaging with camera lenses and CubeSats
- Low Symmetry Colloidal Engineering Across Length Scales
- Low Threshold DBF Lasing at Localized Modes in Chiral Liquid Crystals
- Low Vacuum EM Imaging of Biological Samples
- Low Variance Sketched Finite Elements for Elliptic Equations
- Low vibration design for science facilities
- Low work function diamond surfaces
- Low-complexity codes for Compression and Communication via Sparse Regression
- Low-cost large-scale renewable energy
- Low-density urbanism, risk and climate instability
- Low-dimensional and van der Waals Meta-photonics
- Low-dimensional dynamics and control of turbulent bluff body wakes
- Low-dimensional Galois cohomology
- Low-dimensional quite noisy bound entanglement with cryptographic key
- Low-energy resonant neutrino processes
- Low-latency Atomic Broadcast in the Presence of Contention
- Low-order graphical models for shapes and hierarchies in segmentation
- Low-order modelling of turbulent structure and statistics
- Low-Overhead Parallelisation of Linear Combination of Unitaries
- Low-rank approximations for parametric and random PDEs
- Low-rank cross approximation algorithms for the solution of stochastic PDEs
- Low-rank cross approximation algorithms for the solution of stochastic PDEs
- Low-Rank Inducing Norms with Optimality Interpretations
- Low-rank optimization: from differential geometry to recommender systems
- Low-rank tensor approximation for sampling high dimensional distributions
- Low-rank tensor approximation for sampling high dimensional distributions
- Low-regularity Fourier integrators for the nonlinear Schrödinger equation
- Low-resource expressive text-to-speech using data augmentation
- Low-Temperature Solution-Processed Metal-Oxide Semiconducting Heterostructures for Large-Area Electronics: A Facile Approach Towards Charge-Transport Enhancement
- Low-weight electronics and detecting explosive devices
- Lower bound for arithmetic circuits via Hankel matrix
- Lower bound on the radius of analyticity for solutions of Navier-Stokes
- Lower bounds for entropy of random walks.
- Lower bounds for incidences and Heilbronn's triangle problem
- Lower Bounds for Maximum Weight Bisections of Graphs with Bounded Degrees.
- Lower Bounds for Maximum Weight Bisections of Graphs with Bounded Degrees.
- Lower semicontinuity and relaxation of nonlocal $L^\infty$ functionals.
- Lower semicontinuity for minimization problems in the space BD of functions of bounded deformation
- Lower Wood
- Lower-branch travelling waves and transition to turbulence in pipe flow
- Lowering the barrier to entry for GPU acceleration in complex systems simulation
- Lowermost-mantle density and thermochemical structure from from recent normal-mode measurements
- Lowness for Information
- Loyd Grossman talk: 'Our Endangered Heritage: A National Asset at Risk'
- Lp-restriction of eigenfunctions to random Cantor type sets
- LSHTM - COVID19 modelling and open outbreak science
- Lua: designing a language to be embeddable
- Lubinsky universality and clock spacing for ergodic orthogonal polynomials
- Lubricating with polymer brushes
- Lubrication approaches for binary mixtures
- Lucasian Professorship Inaugural Lecture - Two Theories of Jamming Transitions
- Lucite International's new process for Methyl Methacrylate
- Luck and hard work- four decades of innovation
- Lucy Graduate Seminars
- Luis de Molina (1535–1600) and Atlantic Slavery
- Luis Ohlendorf: Requirements for self-sustained ribozyme evolution
- Luminal sensing and neuromodulation in the gut: different roles for PYY and NPY
- Luminescent materials by controlling and managing self-assembly
- Luminosity function of MW satellites: Observational constraints on the "missing satellite" problem.
- Luminous radio-loud AGN: Triggering and feedback
- Luminous Solutions for Global Inequalities
- Luminous Starbursts & Quasars in the Redshift Desert at z~1-3
- Lunch
- Lunch
- Lunch
- Lunch
- Lunch
- Lunch
- Lunch
- Lunch
- Lunch
- Lunch
- Lunch
- Lunch
- Lunch
- Lunch
- Lunch
- Lunch
- Lunch
- Lunch
- Lunch
- Lunch
- Lunch
- Lunch
- Lunch
- Lunch
- Lunch
- Lunch
- Lunch
- Lunch
- Lunch
- Lunch
- Lunch
- Lunch
- Lunch
- Lunch
- Lunch and Posters
- Lunch and Posters
- Lunch at Churchill College
- Lunch at Churchill College
- Lunch at Churchill College
- Lunch at Churchill College
- Lunch at Churchill College
- Lunch at Churchill College
- Lunch at Churchill College
- Lunch at Moller Institute
- Lunch at Moller Institute
- Lunch at Moller Institute
- Lunch at The Alan Turing Institute
- Lunch at The Alan Turing Institute
- Lunch at The Alan Turing Institute
- Lunch at The Alan Turing Institute
- Lunch at The Alan Turing Institute
- Lunch at The Alan Turing Institute
- Lunch at the Moller Institute
- Lunch in Julian Study Centre foyer
- Lunch in Julian Study Centre foyer
- Lunch in Julian Study Centre foyer
- Lunch in Julian Study Centre foyer (ground floor)
- Lunch in the Williams Lounge
- Lunch outside room 3.02, Julian Study Centre
- Lunch panel discussion: Successful scholarship applications
- Lunch with Abigail Sellen
- Lunch with Abigail West
- Lunch with Alexandra Gherghina from Google
- Lunch with Alma Whitten - “What does computer science need next (other than a few more women)?”
- Lunch with Anna Korhonen
- Lunch with Barbara Majecka from Google
- Lunch with Beth Hutchison
- Lunch with Cecilia Mascolo
- Lunch with Kate Knill
- Lunch with Laura James
- Lunch with Letizia Mortara, Centre for Technology Management, Univ. of Cambridge
- Lunch with Natasa Milic-Frayling, Microsoft Research
- Lunch with Shirley Jamieson, Cambridge Enterprise, Univ. of Cambridge
- Lunch with Sian Lindley - Rethinking the Web as a Personal Archive
- Lunch with Silvia Breu
- Lunch with Teresa Schofield
- Lunchtime art talk - Jim Ede and his circle: a friend to artists
- Lunchtime art talk - Material and the ideal in Constantin Brancusi’s Prometheus
- Lunchtime art talk - Outpost: an introduction
- Lunchtime art talk - Outpost: an introduction
- Lunchtime art talk - Revisiting Elizabeth Vellacott
- Lunchtime art talk - Truth to Materials: Henri Gaudier-Brzeska and George Kennethson
- Lunchtime art talk: Aid & Abet: an introduction
- Lunchtime Bridget Riley exhibition tour
- Lunchtime Bridget Riley exhibition tour
- Lunchtime exhibition tour
- Lunchtime Seminar - Examining the racial discourses of the UK's widening participation policy agenda.
- Lunchtime Seminar - Hearing and Seeing Music in Early Twentieth Century Algeria
- Lunchtime Seminar - Keeping our infrastructure safe: cracks, hydrogen embrittlement and other material degradation challenges.
- Lunchtime Seminar - Learning to Gamble in the Pacific Islands
- Lunchtime Seminar - The contradictions of the authoritarian developmental state: energy boom and bureaucratic autonomy in Rwanda
- Lunchtime Seminar - The Odyssey of eighteenth-century scholarship and the entangled emergence of the Enlightenment
- Lunchtime Seminar - The Wandering Brother: Possession and dispossession in the homeland
- Lunchtime Seminar with CAPREX fellows from Makerere University, Uganda
- Lunchtime Talk
- Lunchtime Talk
- Lunchtime Talk
- Lunchtime Talk
- Lunchtime Talk
- Lunchtime Talk
- Lunchtime Talk
- Lunchtime talk on artist Christopher Wood
- Lunchtime talk on artist Italo Valenti
- Lunchtime talk on artist William Congdon
- Lunchtime talk on artist Winifred Nicholson
- Lunchtime talk on Constantin Brancusi
- Lunchtime Talk: "Technologies for Human Rights Witnessing: Humans, Machines and Ethics"
- Lunchtime Talk: Collection highlight-Richard Pousette-Dart
- Lunchtime Talk: Dr Alice Hutchings
- Lunchtime Talk: Dr Amanda Prorok
- Lunchtime Talk: Helen's Bedroom
- Lunchtime Talk: Prof Diane Coyle
- Lunchtime Talk: Prof Jon Crowcroft
- Lunchtime Talk: Prof Simon Schaffer
- Lunchtime Talk: The potential for AI in the study of Southern Ocean Clouds
- Lunchtime Talks
- Lunchtime talks
- Lunchtime Talks
- Lunchtime Talks
- Lunchtime Talks
- Lunchtime Talks
- Lunchtime Talks
- Lunchtime Talks
- Lunchtime Talks
- Lunchtime Talks
- Lung cancer chemoprevention: the role of eicosanoids
- Lung Cancer. Part 1. Patient pathway and Intervention. Part 2. Lung Cancer: Futurescape
- Lung Cancer. Part 1. Patient pathway and Intervention; Part 2: Futurescape
- Lung Cancer. Part 1. Patient pathway and Intervention; Part 2: Futurescape
- Lung Cancer: Part 1. Patient pathway and intervention. Part 2. Lung Cancer: Futurescape
- Lung Cancer: Part 1. Patient pathway and intervention. Part 2. Lung Cancer: Futurescape
- Lung epithelia under attack: Infections, Interferon, Inflammation
- Lung epithelial progenitor cells in development and repair
- Lung Stem Cell Niche in Health and Disease
- Lusztig's conjecture as a moment graph problem
- Lusztig's conjecture via moment graphs
- Lusztig's unipotent pieces and geometric invariant theory
- Luttinger liquid with a side-attached resonant impurity
- LUX on dark matter
- Luxury and the route to revolution in Rousseau's Discourse on Inequality
- Luxury technologies and collective action: the REVERSEACTION project
- Luzin's N and randomness reflection
- Lyapunov exponents of quasi-periodic cocycles
- Lyell's plots
- Lyman Continuum Leakage in the Local Universe
- Lyman-alpha emitters in QSO proximity zones
- Lyman-Alpha Emitting Galaxies During Cosmic Reionization
- Lyman-𝛼 as a tracer of cosmic reionisation
- Lympho-epithelial cross talk in the gut
- Lymphocyte Development
- Lymphocyte egress: from S1P to Arp2/3
- Lymphocyte migration during the antibody response
- Lymphocyte population dynamics and genetic susceptibility to autoimmune disease
- Lymphoproliferative disorders in horses: a case of chronic lymphocytic leukemia/small cell lymphoma in a horse.
- L^2 geometry of hyperbolic monopoles
- L^2-Betti numbers of universal quantum groups
- L_p-Spherically Symmetric and L_p-nested Distributions for Patches of Natural Images