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Cambridge AI Club for Biomedicine - October 2024

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Mary-Jane Roebuck.

Join us for the October meeting of the Cambridge AI Club for Biomedicine. No registration necessary – just show up. The October meeting is held in collaboration with Cambridge Enterprise.

5.15pm – Doors (and bar) 5:30-6:30pm – Talks and panel discussion 6:30pm – Pizza

October theme: Commercialisation of AI

Speaker 1: Andrew McDonald (Biophonics and Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge)

Title: “Biophonics: commercialising an AI-enabled medical device to screen for valvular heart disease”

Bio: Andrew is the co-founder of Biophonics, a new spin-out from the Engineering Department at the University of Cambridge. He was awarded a PhD by the University of Cambridge in 2021 for the development of machine learning algorithms to detect valvular heart disease in heart sound recordings. Over the past seven years, he has collaborated with NHS cardiologists to develop and validate novel screening algorithms, with a US patent granted. The technology won the international 2022 George B. Moody PhysioNet Challenge and has been featured at the UK parliament and on BBC and ITV News.

Speaker 2: Philip Martin (Marks & Clerk LLP )

Title:”Biomedical AI and patents”

Bio: Philip has a physics degree and started his career with teaching and a PhD, then worked as an electronics engineer for a period, before moving into patents, sitting exams, and qualifying as a patent attorney – all rather a long time ago now. His career as a patent attorney has involved working with many Cambridge start-ups, and some high value and contentious matters, including a string of oppositions in the EPO that is, perhaps, unparalleled. For the past few years he has been fortunate enough to work on European patents with the world’s leading AI research company.

For more information, visit:

This talk is part of the Cambridge AI Club for Biomedicine series.

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