University of Cambridge > > Formalisation of mathematics with interactive theorem provers  > Equational theories project: metatheorems and how to formalise them

Equational theories project: metatheorems and how to formalise them

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Jonas Bayer.

In late September this year, mathematician Terence Tao launched the equational theories project ( with the purpose of mapping out the space of equational theories of magmas; the broader objective of the project is also to experiment with a paradigm of large-scale collaborative mathematical research where results are proved with a combination of human contribution and automated tools, all formally verified using a proof assistant. The project is slightly over four weeks in and 99.9991% complete, with only 20 open conjectures remaining. This talk is about an approach used in the project to prove a broad class of anti-implications between magma laws using meta-theorems and the techniques that were used to formalize these proofs.


=== Hybrid talk ===

This talk is part of the Formalisation of mathematics with interactive theorem provers series.

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