University of Cambridge > > Churchill Scholars Overly Awesome Research Symposium (ChuSOARS) > Exploring the Transient Universe in the era of LSST

Exploring the Transient Universe in the era of LSST

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Jesse Mu.

The study of transient astrophysical events has greatly aided our understanding of the nearby and distant Universe. In this talk, I will introduce and explain the physical processes that underlie supernovae, one of the most powerful cosmological probes we have found. Then, I will explain how the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope will greatly enhance our understanding of transients, and I will introduce my research into how we can optimize LSST ’s cadence to enable more transient science.

This talk is part of the Churchill Scholars Overly Awesome Research Symposium (ChuSOARS) series.

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