University of Cambridge > > Future Infrastructure and Built Environment (FIBE) Lunchtime Seminars > Exchange House and the Broadgate Development over London's Liverpool Street Station

Exchange House and the Broadgate Development over London's Liverpool Street Station

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact James Walsh.

In the 1980’s, developer Sir Stuart Lipton led the creation of 14 buildings over the air-rights of London’s Liverpool Street Station. It changed London. It converted acres of open-to-the-sky rail lines and rail yards into offices, stores, restaurants, plazas and streets. It healed a wound in the fabric of London that dated back to the Victorian era.

The centerpiece of the development is Exchange House. Located where the converging tracks precluded a convention building, Exchange House is both a building and a bridge that spans the tracks.

The presentation will provide an overview of the Broadgate Development and a more detailed discussion of Exchange House (Bill Baker was the Senior Engineer on Exchange House).

This talk is part of the Future Infrastructure and Built Environment (FIBE) Lunchtime Seminars series.

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