University of Cambridge > > Sustainability in the Built Environment (GreenBRIDGE) > Energy Use in the UK Housing Stock: Are Housing Energy Targets Achievable? At What Cost?

Energy Use in the UK Housing Stock: Are Housing Energy Targets Achievable? At What Cost?

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THURSDAY, JAN 31 , 13h00 – 15h00, CRASSH , 7 WEST ROAD , Criminology Room B4

What does the Government Know about Energy Use in Homes?

Speaker: Jason Palmer (Director, CAR Ltd)

Cambridge Architectural Research has worked closely with the Government’s Department of Energy and Climate Change for nearly three years. Our Housing Energy Fact File draws a line in the sand summarising current progress, and our modelling work supports controversial policies including the Green Deal, and National Statistics. What does this work tell us?

Speaker: Martin Hughes (Research Associate, CAR Ltd)

Our work for DECC is underpinned by the Cambridge Housing Model, a SAP  2009 based building physics model which estimates annual domestic energy consumption for the UK. A single point estimate of energy use must be treated with caution, because any complex modelling process is subject to multiple sources of imprecision. We consider potential sources of uncertainty and assess their impact on estimates of energy use.

Are Great Britain’s Homes Resilient to Summer Overheating?

Speaker: Amy Tillson (EngD Student, Centre for Urban Sustainability and Resilience, UCL ; Research Associate, CAR Ltd)

With temperatures predicted to rise in the future, understanding the ability of domestic buildings to cope will become increasingly important. Using the Overheating Appendix of the Government’s SAP2009 model, I have tried to quantify the housing stock’s vulnerability to high internal summer temperatures in current and future climates. I have tested various adaptation methods in order to establish their relative effectiveness as solutions to the problem. 

This talk is part of the Sustainability in the Built Environment (GreenBRIDGE) series.

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