University of Cambridge > > Physics and Chemistry of Solids Group > Extrapolating from 50 years of dislocation imaging: Reaching into the core

Extrapolating from 50 years of dislocation imaging: Reaching into the core

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Stephen Walley.

The earliest TEM observations of dislocations fifty years ago established the diffraction contrast imaging and structure imaging techniques still used today after many improvements. Menter’s structure imaging method now routinely offers Angstrom-scale resolution of dislocations aligned with the viewing axis. Many impressive results have followed but there are grounds to suspect that current structure imaging is insensitive to deviations from this idealised 2-d situation such as the presence of kinks on the dislocation line. Some suggestions will be made to address this problem.

This talk is part of the Physics and Chemistry of Solids Group series.

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