Education in Africa
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Bjoern Hassler, Sara Hennessy, Georgie Horrell, Louis Major, Sue Swaffield, Molly Warrington (University of Cambridge); Rebecca Nambi (Cambridge University / Uganda); Euzobia Baine (Makerere University)
Monday 17 March 2014, 14:00-17:30
Room GS4, Donald McIntyre Building, Faculty of Education, 184 Hills Road, Cambridge CB2 8PQ.
If you have a question about this talk, please contact Bryony Horsley-Heather.
ALL WELCOME - Refreshments available
This event will bring together individuals interested in the topic of education in Africa. Details of diverse African-based research that is taking place in the Faculty of Education will be presented. Attendees will then be encouraged to share their own experiences and ideas during a discussion session.
Details of presentation titles are available at:
This talk is part of the Centre for Commonwealth Education (CCE) series.
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