EMC Metrological Issues Relevant to SKA Demonstrator (MeerKAT)
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Howard Reader is a sabbatical visitor from Stellenbosch University, South Africa. Howard’s research group is primarily concerned with the management and mitigation of RFI for South Africa’s SKA demonstrators, KAT -7 and MeerKAT. In general terms, insight is gained through computational and scale modelling. However, fundamental EMC principles need to be applied at all levels of the system design if a “whisper-quiet” environment is to be achieved. During this seminar, elementary EMC issues will be illustrated through a series of apparently simple
experiments which are primarily concerned with the question: “where are the currents flowing?” Twin-flex coupling, cable and equipment transfer impedance, B-fields around conducting boxes, apertures and EMC tools of the trade will be described.
This talk is part of the Cavendish Astrophysics Seminars series.
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