University of Cambridge > > Collaboration Skills Initiative > Engaging with Industry - what to say, how to say it and who to say it to

Engaging with Industry - what to say, how to say it and who to say it to

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Andrea Kells.

Please register (for catering and room-booking purposes) via e-mail to Andrea Kells

Are you interested in building links with industry, but don’t really know where to start? Have you got an idea that you’d like to discuss with companies, but aren’t sure how to approach them?

Aimed primarily at postdocs and early career researchers, this seminar will provide an informal introduction to engaging with industry, including how to find the relevant contacts, what to consider before speaking to them, what to say and what not to say, and what might happen next and how to manage it.

It will be given by Pieter Knook, who has had a long and distinguished career in mobile services and technologies, including serving as Senior Vice President Mobile Communications at Microsoft and Director of Internet Services at Vodafone Group Plc.

Friday 3rd October 11am in the Computer Laboratory, followed by lunch

If you are planning on attending, it is essential that you register (for catering and room-booking purposes) via e-mail to Andrea Kells – Please also indicate if you have any special dietary requirements

Speaker Bio: Pieter Knook is currently Chairman of Pulsant (a UK provider of IT infrastructure services), The Institution (a Swedish mobile device management company), and Better Generation (a renewable energy start up), and serves on several boards, as well as being a Cambridge Angel and a Venture Partner with Octopus. He was formerly Director of Internet Services at Vodafone, and spent 18 years in senior roles at Microsoft (including Senior Vice President Mobile Communications and President of Microsoft Asia). Before joining Microsoft, Pieter launched and built a systems integration company, and spent six years with Scicon as a programmer and project manager. He is also visiting Professor in Innovation at the University’s Engineering Dept.

This talk is part of the Collaboration Skills Initiative series.

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