University of Cambridge > > BSS Formal Seminars > Extreme Mechanics of Marginal Matter

Extreme Mechanics of Marginal Matter

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Alessio Zaccone.

All around us, things are falling apart. The foam on our cappuccinos appears solid, but gentle stirring irreversibly changes its shape. Skin, a biological fiber network, is firm when you pinch it, but soft under light touch. Sand mimics a solid when we walk on the beach but a liquid when we pour it out of our shoes. Crucially, a marginal point separates the rigid or jammed state from the mechanical vacuum, freely flowing state – at their marginal points, soft materials are neither solid nor liquid. Here I will illustrate that the marginal point gives birth to a third sector of soft matter physics: intrinsically nonlinear extreme mechanics. I will discuss three examples of this: Shocks in Sand, Flow of Foams, and Elasticity of Marginal Networks.

This talk is part of the BSS Formal Seminars series.

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