University of Cambridge > > Compliant and Accountable Systems - Seminars > Emotional cripple: Tech-legal considerations of emotion detection

Emotional cripple: Tech-legal considerations of emotion detection

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Jat Singh.

Damian Clifford, Centre for IT & IP law, KU Leuven
Sandra Servia-Rodriguez, Computer Lab, University of Cambridge

This seminar will explore the tech-legal aspects of emotion detection

Sandra will give a technical overview, outlining research on inferring self-reported moods using data collected from the most commonly used sensors in smartphones. Sandra will also comment on the need and feasibility of running the detection locally on the device, as a means to prevent privacy leakages.

Damian will explore how emotion detection fits within the regulatory framework. For instance, will such technologies/techniques necessarily fall within remit of data protection (privacy) regulations? And given emotion/mood is a driver of human decision making, how does the use of emotion detection technologies, particularly in advertising/marketing contexts, relate to consumer and other legal protections?

This talk is part of the Compliant and Accountable Systems - Seminars series.

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