Efficient Network-wide Flow Record Generation
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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Stephen Clark.
Experiments on diverse topics such as network measurement, management
and security are routinely conducted using empirical network flow
export traces. However, the availability of such traces from
operational networks is limited and frequently comes with significant
restrictions. Furthermore, empirical traces typically lack critical
meta-data (e.g., labeled anomalies) which reduce their utility in certain applications.
In this talk, I’ll describe a first-of-its-kind tool called fs that is designed to automatically generate representative network flow records
as well as basic SNMP -like router interface counts. fs efficiently
generates measurements for a target network topology with specified
traffic characteristics. The resulting records for each router in the
topology have byte, packet and flow characteristics that are
representative of what would be seen in a live network.
This talk is part of the Wednesday Seminars - Department of Computer Science and Technology series.
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