University of Cambridge > > Wednesday Seminars - Department of Computer Science and Technology  > Interaction + Graphics: Four Lectures By Computer Laboratory Visitors

Interaction + Graphics: Four Lectures By Computer Laboratory Visitors

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact David Greaves.

This is a cross posting from the Rainbow Group.

Three lectures are on the afternoon of Monday 20th and the fourth is the morning of Tuesday 21st July.

Rafal Mantiuk, Bangor University From high dynamic range to perceptual realism Time: 09:30-10:30, Venue: Lecture Theatre 2, Computer Laboratory

Stefanos Zafeiriou, Imperial College Advances in Robust Deformable Object Alignment Time: 10:45-11:45, Venue: Lecture Theatre 2, Computer Laboratory

Tae-Kyun Kim, Imperial College Tree-Structured Classifiers for Pose Estimation Time: 11:45-12:45, Venue: Lecture Theatre 2, Computer Laboratory

Tadas Baltrusaitis Automatic human behaviour understanding Tuesday 21 July 2015: Time: 10:45-11:45, Venue: Lecture Theatre 2, Computer Laboratory

This talk is part of the Wednesday Seminars - Department of Computer Science and Technology series.

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