University of Cambridge > > Quantum Fields and Strings Seminars > Instantons from Branes and Higgs Vacua in N=1 Theories

Instantons from Branes and Higgs Vacua in N=1 Theories

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Sungjay Lee.

We study vacua of N=1 SUSY gauge theory using conventional field theory tools and a dual supergravity background. The Higgs vacua are dual to mobile D3-branes which dissolve into flavor D7-branes. Hence the moduli space of the world-volume gauge instantons on D7-branes should match the Higgs branch of the field theory. In case of N=2 theories this relation was readily provided by the ADHM construction. In the N=1 case both sides of the duality are more complicated because of quantum corrections. We carefully analyze the case of the cascading N=1 SU(N+M)xSU(N) theory and find agreement between field theory and gravity.

This talk is part of the Quantum Fields and Strings Seminars series.

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