Invariant Rings of p-groups
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Katherine Horan, University of Kent
Friday 06 November 2015, 15:00-16:00
CMS, MR15.
If you have a question about this talk, please contact Nicolas Dupré.
Let $k$ be a field, $V$ a $k$ vector space and $G \leq GL(V)$ a finite group. In invariant theory we are interested in the invariant ring $k[V]G:=\{f \in k[V] |\, g(f) = f, \, \forall g \in G\}$, one of the questions we can ask is when is this polynomial? Are there cases when $k[V]^G$ is not even Cohen Macaulay? I will give a brief introduction to what is known in the modular and non-modular cases, with some more specific results and examples for $p$-groups, $k$ characteristic $p$.
This talk is part of the Junior Algebra and Number Theory seminar series.
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