University of Cambridge > > Philosophy Events > Inaugural lecture: When was Medieval Philosophy?

Inaugural lecture: When was Medieval Philosophy?

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  • UserProf John Marenbon, Trinity College, University of Cambridge
  • ClockWednesday 30 November 2011, 17:30-18:30
  • HouseLittle Hall, Sidgwick Site.

If you have a question about this talk, please contact Jenni Lecky-Thompson.

John Marenbon will give his inaugural lecture as Honorary Professor of Medieval Philosophy in Cambridge. He shall argue against the usual chronological division, according to which there was a period of ‘medieval philosophy’ corresponding roughly to the Middle Ages. Using as his basis an argument about why studying antiquated philosophy is valuable, he shall also explain why such a question about chronological divisions is important, even for philosophers.

This talk is part of the Philosophy Events series.

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