University of Cambridge > > Pitt-Rivers Archaeological Science Seminar Series > Isotope analyses of biological apatites: inflated expectations or disillusionment

Isotope analyses of biological apatites: inflated expectations or disillusionment

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A wide range of isotope analyses are carried out on biological apatites (i.e. bone apatite and tooth enamel). The most common include carbon, oxygen, sulphur, calcium, zinc, strontium, neodymium, and lead. Each system has its advantages and challenges. This presentation gives a brief overview of the state-of-the-art of isotope analyses of biological apatites, presents new results on both strontium and lead isotopes, and discusses possible future directions.

In person and online.

Christophe Snoeck is head of the Brussels Bioarchaeology Lab (BB-LAB –, which is part of the Archaeology, Environmental Changes and Geo-Chemistry (AMGC) Research Group, at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB), Belgium. He combines his multi-disciplinary expertise in the fields of archaeology and geochemistry to answer key archaeological questions. His research focusses mostly on using isotope analyses on human remains to study questions related to mobility, landscape use, and funerary practices.

This talk is part of the Pitt-Rivers Archaeological Science Seminar Series series.

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