University of Cambridge > > Bullard Laboratories Wednesday Seminars > Investigating seismic anisotropy in the Central Mediterranean

Investigating seismic anisotropy in the Central Mediterranean

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Seismic anisotropy exists in various depths on Earth. However, computational complexities and limited data coverage often lead many seismic tomographic efforts to neglect it. This isotropic assumption can lead to various misinterpretations, which become more important when the spatial resolution is increased. For this reason, we developped a computational framework for the full-waveform inversion of the 3D anisotropic structure of the subduction zone of the Ionian slab at the Tyrrhenian Sea (Italy), to a depth of approximately 500 km below the Tyrrhenian Sea—a region of great geodynamic interest mainly because of the Calabro-Ionian subduction zone. In order to overcome the lack of regional seismic data that offer a good coverage of the studied region, we developed a hybrid computational framework for using teleseismic sources. This was achieved through the use of two different softwares, AxiSEM for the computation of the global field in a low definition 1D model and SPECFEM3D Cartesian for the investigation of the anisotropy in the region of interest. In this talk it is presented the methodology, from the construction of the computational framework to the final data processing, and the interpretation of these results as the anisotropic signature in the region. In addition, it is presented the implementation of the same framework for the needs of SKS splitting measurements.

This talk is part of the Bullard Laboratories Wednesday Seminars series.

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