University of Cambridge > > Engineering - Mechanics and Materials Seminar Series > Internet of Everything – From Molecules to the Universe

Internet of Everything – From Molecules to the Universe

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Hilde Hambro.

Universe is a vast, but nevertheless connected, entity whose evolution is governed by the laws of physics. These rules give rise to recurrent patterns within the universe, e.g., light, electrons, molecules, living creatures, planets, galaxies etc., that are persistent carriers of information. These laws of physics serve at the same time as protocols of communication between these information carrying entities. Thus, our description of the universe can be regarded as a theory for an INTE Rconnected NETwork of EVERYTHING we perceive, i.e., INTERNET of EVERYTHING (IoE). However, the quest for establishing a coherent understanding of this IoE requires probing it by our technology. In this regard, the technological term IoE, i.e., the concept of expanding the INTERNET to EVERYTHING , actually stands for the effort of expanding our knowledge and technology to match as much as possible to the universal IoE, and to gain control over it. This vision of IoE, therefore, is that of connecting our already developed infrastructure to all the various entities we observe within this universe, ranging from molecules and cells within human body to the people and planets. The realisation of IoE, however, demands novel engineering solutions to overcome the unique connectivity, spectrum scarcity, miniaturization, interoperability, and energy-efficiency challenges. In this seminar, first, our vision of IoE will be introduced, and then, an overview of our most recent studies to address the fundamental challenges of IoE will be presented along with a discussion of future research directions. Particular emphasis will be given to the recently emerged ICT framework, Internet of Bio-Nano Things (IoBNT). State-of-the-art enabling technologies and challenges in implementing IoBNT will be discussed with an overview of ongoing work on nanoscale communication networks, bio-cyber interfaces, and human body molecular networks, e.g., nervous nanonetwork. A broader vision towards implementing the Internet of Energy Harvesting Things, Internet of Sensors, Internet of Vehicles, Internet of People and Senses, 5G Internet of Things, and Internet of Space, as the main building blocks of the IoE will be delivered.

This talk is part of the Engineering - Mechanics and Materials Seminar Series series.

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