University of Cambridge > > Centre of Governance and Human Rights Events > International Women's Day Film Screening - Peace Unveiled

International Women's Day Film Screening - Peace Unveiled

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Annette LaRocco.

Film screening of ‘Peace Unveiled’ with Q&A

The film ‘Peace Unveiled’ follows three women who manoeuvre against formidable odds to have their voices heard in Afghanistan. Part of the ‘Women, War & Peace’ documentary series, this is an inspiring film about women’s rights in Afghanistan.

With introduction by Weeda Mehran, Centre of Governance and Human Rights (POLIS), University of Cambridge.

Weeda’s research focuses on the political economy of state-building in Afghanistan. She has worked at the Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission on research projects concerning human rights issues and abuses. She is currently working as a researcher for Integrity Watch Afghanistan and is writing a report on corruption.

All are welcome. The event is free but booking is required.

This talk is part of the Centre of Governance and Human Rights Events series.

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