University of Cambridge > > Cambridge Analysts' Knowledge Exchange > Fluctuation results for the outer domain of Hastings-Levitov clusters

Fluctuation results for the outer domain of Hastings-Levitov clusters

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Mr Simone Parisotto.

This talk focuses on a stochastic process on the space of holomorphic functions, which describes the growth of a random cluster on the complex plane. As a warm up, I will start by briefly discussing some discrete random growth models, such as the Eden model, DLA and Internal DLA . I will then define a continuum growth model, so called Hastings-Levitov, together with a stochastic process on the space of holomorphic functions which uniquely encodes it. Of this process I will discuss scaling limit and fluctuations, showing that the latter are given by a Gaussian holomorphic function which can be explicitly constructed. I will then conclude the talk by presenting some open questions.

This talk is part of the Cambridge Analysts' Knowledge Exchange series.

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