University of Cambridge > > Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series > Finite Entanglement Entropy in String Theory

Finite Entanglement Entropy in String Theory

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BLHW03 - Bridges between holographic quantum information and quantum gravity

I discuss physical motivations from black hole physics and holographyfor expecting finite quantum entanglement entropy in quantum gravity. I describe recent and earlier results in defining such a notion in perturbative string theory by a stringy analog of the replica method using orbifolds constructed for any odd positive integer N. The entropy so defined naturally includes a classical piece and is manifestly UV finitebut has potential tachyonic IR divergences. I show that for several string compactifications, the specific structure of the tachyonic spectrum allows for a re-summation and analytic continuation to the physical region where the IR divergences are absent and the resulting entropy is finite to one-loop order.

This talk is part of the Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series series.

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