University of Cambridge > > Formalisation of mathematics with interactive theorem provers  > Formalizing the divided power envelope in Lean

Formalizing the divided power envelope in Lean

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Jonas Bayer.

Given an ideal I in a commutative ring A, a divided power structure on I is a collection of maps $\gamma_n : I \to I$ indexed by $\mathbb{N}$ which behave like the family $x^n/n!$, but which can be defined even if the characteristic of A is positive. From a divided power structure on I and an ideal J in an A-algebra B, one can construct the “divided power envelope” $D_B(J)$, consisting of a B-algebra D with a given ideal $J_D$ and a divided power structure satisfying a universal property and a compatibility condition. The divided power envelope is needed for the highly technical definition of the Fontaine period ring B_cris, which is used to identify crystalline Galois representations and in the comparison theorem between étale and crystalline cohomology.

In this talk I will describe ongoing joint work with Antoine Chambert-Loir towards formalizing the divided power envelope in the Lean 4 theorem prover. This project has already resulted in numerous contributions to the Mathlib library, including in particular the theory of weighted polynomial rings, and substitution of power series.


This talk is part of the Formalisation of mathematics with interactive theorem provers series.

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