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Faculty of Mathematics Fortran Course

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Elie Bassouls.

Course Page at

The course focuses on what are in my eyes the essential aspects one must grasp to understand and write in the Language, finishing with a full Program walk through. No previous experience is needed. The course mainly deals with the 77 Standard, but considers those aspects of Fortran 90 most likely to be encountered in and of most value to scientific and mathematical programming.

The course comprises 6 one Hour Lectures. The first 2 cover data representation and basic flow control constructs, aimed at entry level Fortran programmers. Then Array handling, Files and I/O and Program Units, are visited, and a full Program is walked through in the last session. An hour seminar on High Performance (HPC) programming follows the course, for all interested (whether or not they came to the earlier lectures).

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