University of Cambridge > > gm393's list > From World History to World Literature: China, the South, and the Global 1960s

From World History to World Literature: China, the South, and the Global 1960s

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Ghassan Moazzin.

This lecture explores the concept of world literature from world historical perspectives and asks whether we can think about world literature from the vantage point of the South. While China is often considered as the site of alternative modernity or literature to the West, Southeast Asia, as the South to both the West and to China, is seldom brought into the conversation within this ‘China versus the West’ binarism. Taking select literary representations of the Global 60s across Asia (China, Southeast Asia, and Hong Kong) as examples, this lecture will explore the possibility of a conception of world literature as a network of texts without a predetermined center and a preordained future.

This talk is part of the gm393's list series.

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