Families of p-adic L-functions
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Ashwin Iyengar (King's College London)
Tuesday 27 October 2020, 14:30-15:30
If you have a question about this talk, please contact Rong Zhou.
I will discuss a formulation of a two-variable Iwasawa main conjecture over the normalization of the N-new components of the extended eigencurve of tame level N, building on previous work of David Hansen, and will discuss some ideas about how to prove such a statement.
If you like to attend the talk, please register here using your full professional name: maths-cam-ac-uk.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJIod-Chrz4tHNQn2wfLpMF9aZoMjDJDmvF3
This talk is part of the Number Theory Seminar series.
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