University of Cambridge > > Departmental Seminars in History and Philosophy of Science > Futures


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  • UserJenny Andersson (Upsala University) and Sandra Kemp (Lancaster University)
  • ClockThursday 06 May 2021, 15:30-17:00
  • HouseZoom.

If you have a question about this talk, please contact Helen Curry.

Drawing on research for our recently published co-edited OUP Handbook Futures, we will examine historical and contemporary forms of futures knowledge, the methodologies and technologies of futures expertise, and the role played by different institutions in legitimizing, deploying, and controlling anticipatory practices. This presentation will examine the growing interest in futures thinking in opening up multidisciplinary research. Forms of futures-making depend on complex processes of envisioning and embodiment. We place the provocation of power at the heart of the book through an investigation of futures as both objects of science and objects of the human imagination, creativity, and will. Bringing together emerging perspectives on the future from diverse disciplines including critical theory, design, anthropology, sociology, politics, and history, our book positions the future as a question of power, of representations and counter-representations, and forms of struggle over future imaginaries. Our contributors challenge and debate the varied ways in which futures are conjured and constructed, exploring issues as diverse as the utopian imagination, history and philosophy, literary and political manifestos, artefacts and design fictions, and forms of technological and financial forecasting, big data, climate modelling, and scenarios. Each chapter investigates the critical vocabularies, genres, and representational methods – narrative, quantitative, visual, and material – of futures-making as deeply contested fields in cultural and social life.

This talk is part of the Departmental Seminars in History and Philosophy of Science series.

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