University of Cambridge > > DAMTP Friday GR Seminar > Free conformally-rescaled hyperboloidal evolution: status and applications

Free conformally-rescaled hyperboloidal evolution: status and applications

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Daniela Cors.

Gravitational wave radiation is only unambiguously defined at future null infinity – the location in spacetime where light rays arrive and where global properties of spacetimes can be measured. Reaching future null infinity is thus very important for extracting correct waveforms. A convenient way to include it in numerical relativity simulations is via hyperboloidal foliations. I will focus on conformal compactification as method to implement free hyperboloidal evolution, in the BSSN / conformal Z4 formulations. After illustrating its advantages, I will report on some ongoing applications in spherical symmetry: an extension to include the Maxwell equations, scattering simulations on a given background, and wave equation(s) evolved on some FLRW -type spacetimes with time-dependent scale factor. I will conclude giving an update on ongoing work in 3D evolutions.

This talk is part of the DAMTP Friday GR Seminar series.

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