Formalising Turán's Graph Theorem in Isabelle/HOL
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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Angeliki Koutsoukou-Argyraki.
Hybrid talk (please see abstract for link)
In 1941, Paul Turán discovered that any undirected, simple graph with n vertices that does not contain a p-clique, contains at most (1-1/(p-1))n^2/2 edges. Turán’s graph theorem is considered to be a fundamental result in graph theory and the origin of the field of extremal graph theory. In my formalisation of Turán’s graph theorem in Isabelle/HOL, I have first directly adapted Turán’s original proof. Then, I discovered a seemingly small change to the textbook proof on paper which significantly decreases the size of the formalisation and leads to an arguably more beautiful proof.
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This talk is part of the Formalisation of mathematics with interactive theorem provers series.
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